Senate to Release Torture Report Today, Obama on Colbert Report, Are Vanity Plates Speech?: A.M. Links

  • Parts of the hush-hush Senate
    Intelligence Committee report
    on Bush-era “enhanced
    interrogation tactics” are expected to be released this morning,
    and officials are promising nasty new details about CIA obfuscation
    and torture. 
  • Stephen Colbert hosted some real talk with President
    Obama on the Colbert Report Monday night, asking “Does
    that happen to every president, where you get into the office and
    you think ‘oh, you know what, I might be the only one I trust with
    this much power so I’ll hold onto it?'”
  • More than 150 demonstrators
    were arrested in Berkely
    , California, last night after storming
    Interstate 80 freeway in order to protest police brutality. Several

    journalists were injured
    by officers while covering the
    protests. Major protests were also seen Monday in cities from
    Brooklyn to Phoenix. 
  • The Supreme Court will hear a case on
    whether vanity licence plates
    are protected by the First
  • Four Christian colleges and a group of
    Colorado nuns argued
    in the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals
    Monday that being excepted from Obamacare’s birth control mandate
    is not enough because of the “morally problematic” forms they have
    to sign in order to opt out.
  • South Carolina Republicans yesterday
    introduced seven bills to restrict abortion
    access. While
    several of the bills contradict each other in terms of when exactly
    they would ban abortion, state Sen. Lee Bright, who filed five of
    them, told The Huffington Post he was waiting to “see
    which [bill] gets the most traction.”
  • Michael Brown’s
    federal autopsy report
    , conducted at the request of the
    Department of Justice and released yesterday, reached similar
    conclusions to autopsies performed by Ferguson officials and a
    private examiner. Transcripts of interviews with possible witnesses
    to Brown’s shooting were also released.

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