What Clinton Said in Her Speeches – “She Sounded More Like a Goldman Sachs Managing Director”

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What’s even more interesting is to compare what Hillary said last night to what she stated as a New York Senator in 2008 in the midst of the banker bailout debate. Specifically, as the battle for TARP was raging, she admitted on radio:

“I think that the banks of New York and our other financial institutions are probably the biggest winners in this, which is one of the reasons why, at the end, despite my serious questions about it, I supported it.”

Of course she supported it for the banks. She did it to shore up the people who have bankrolled her entire career and continue to do so. It has nothing to do with terrorism, it has to do with the fact that Wall Street owns her lock, stock and barrel.

– From the post: A New Low – Hillary Clinton Claims 9/11 is the Reason She’s Owned by Wall Street

The following revelation is the last thing Hillary Clinton’s team wanted to emerge at a time when her campaign is in the midst of a complete and total meltdown.

From Politico:

NEW YORK — When Hillary Clinton spoke to Goldman Sachs executives and technology titans at a summit in Arizona in October of 2013, she spoke glowingly of the work the bank was doing raising capital and helping create jobs, according to people who saw her remarks. 

Clinton, who received $225,000 for her appearance, praised the diversity of Goldman’s workforce and the prominent roles played by women at the blue-chip investment bank and the tech firms present at the event. She spent no time criticizing Goldman or Wall Street more broadly for its role in the 2008 financial crisis.
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from Liberty Blitzkrieg http://ift.tt/1Q7GZbR

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