Contraception, Immigration, and Hypocrisy: New at Reason

When it comes to religious liberty, as with so many other things, many on the left and right are hypocrites, picking and choosing when it applies based on their own personal preference. That’s what issues like contraception mandates and illegal immigration reveal, A. Barton Hinkle writes:

The contraception mandate was imposed through Obamacare and was favored by abortion-rights groups, so opinions fell along predictable lines. Conservatives defended the right of devout employers to exemption…

Liberals argued that companies had no business forcing their religious views down employees’ throats, and that letting them do so would set a dangerous precedent…

And then everybody switched.

Well, maybe not everybody— generalizations are dangerous. But plenty of people on the right started sounding like leftists, and plenty of those on the left started sounding like rightists. Why?

Illegal immigration.

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