Why Did the Feds Make a Wyoming Man Dump His Chili? (New at Reason)

ChiliEarlier this week, in one of several related announcements, the USDA proudly declared that its MyPlate, MyState program, which the agency bills as “an effort to celebrate homegrown pride, foods and recipes and bring communities together around healthy eating,” was entering a new phase.

“Through MyPlate, MyState, USDA is working to make the connection between healthy eating and more than 160,000 farmers and ranchers nationwide that are selling into local markets through… farmers markets, farm stands and community supported agriculture (CSA) programs,” reads an agency release the USDA emailed to me and others this week.

You’d have to forgive some folks who sell their food at a small farmers market in Wyoming if this USDA self-promotion rings a bit hollow. That’s because late last month, agents from the USDA’s Food Safety Inspection Service (FSIS) showed up at a farmers market in Gillette, Wyoming, and ordered a food vendor at the market to destroy his food. Baylen Linnekin explains more.

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