Congress Prepares to Give Jeff Sessions More Power to Ban Whatever Substance He Doesn’t Like

Allowing government to arbitrarily determine which substances human beings can put into their own bodies is one of the most idiotic things a society can do. As such, its no surprise Congress is salivating at the prospect of furthering this travesty by giving additional discretion on the matter to drug war-crazed loon, Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

Reason published an excellent article on the topic in yesterday’s piece: Congress Wants To Give Jeff Sessions Unprecedented New Drug War Powers.

Here are some key excerpts:

If you think the Department of Justice has more than enough tools to wage the war on drugs, a bill passed by the House would create a fast-track scheduling system that could lead to the criminalization of kratom, nootropics, and pretty much anything that gives you a buzz and isn’t already illegal.

The House of Representatives voted on Friday to create a new schedule of banned drugs under the Controlled Substances Act, called “Schedule A,” and to give Attorney General Jeff Sessions broad new powers to criminalize the manufacturing, importation, and sale of substances that are currently unregulated, but not illegal. The bill is now headed to the Senate, where co-sponsors Dianne Feinstein (D–Calif.) and Chuck Grassley (R–Iowa) will likely have little problem whipping votes.

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from Liberty Blitzkrieg

Here’s What Happened When Open the Books Tried to Get Details on Wyoming State Spending

Adam Andrzejewski, CEO of OpenTheBooks, has written a interesting article at Forbes detailing what happened when the non-profit government transparency organization tried to get details about Wyoming state spending.

Here’s what we learned from the piece, Wyoming State Auditor Charged Us $8,000 And We’ll Finally Receive The State Checkbook By 2048:

On February 18, 2018, State Auditor Cynthia Cloud made us refile our open records request for the Wyoming state checkbook and then charged us $8,000 in fees. But production has been slow – and at this pace, we’ll receive all the records by 2048.

Why would it take 30 years to produce just five years of state spending?

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The Myths We Tell Ourselves

We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office.”

Your average mass media pundit regularly decries the fact Americans no longer have trust in the country’s institutions, yet simultaneously refuse to take any sort of responsibility for the situation. Government bureaucrats and other assorted supporters of our decrepit status quo tend to do the same thing. As is typically the case, I’ll take the other side.

Not only do I think it’s completely sane for Americans to have zero faith in their institutions, including but certainly not limited to the three-letter agencies, Congress and the Federal Reserve, I’ll take it a step further and argue we as citizens remain far too naive and trusting for our own good. If nothing else, the recent Justice Department Inspector General’s (IG) report on the FBI’s investigation of Hillary Clinton’s email server should underscore the point.

First, there’s the now infamous text exchange between between Peter Strzok and his mistress Lisa Page. The following excerpt is from the Executive Summary of the IG report:

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Liberty Links 6/16/18 – Your Phone Is Listening and It’s Not Paranoia

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Top Links

Your Phone Is Listening and It’s Not Paranoia (How many people are aware of this reality? Vice)

Top Agent Said F.B.I. Would Stop Trump From Becoming President (The New York Times)

South Koreans Are Still Hopeful After the Trump-Kim Summit (Who cares what South Koreans think, what does Rachel Maddow think? The New Yorker)

The Mueller Indictments Still Don’t Add Up to Collusion (Must read, The Nation)

Some Bankruptcy Judges Finding Ways to Give Desperate Student Borrowers Relief (Naked Capitalism)

SEC Announces Cryptocurrency Ether Is Not a Security (Yahoo Finance)

The Legendary, Fraud-Sniffing Short Seller – Marc Cohodes (Phenomenal interview, The JollySwagmen)

Cody Wilson Philosophy – Part I (Interesting discussion from 2012, YouTube)

U.S. Politics/News

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American Mass Media and Punditry Remain a Dishonest, Militaristic Embarrassment


When it comes to U.S. presidents, experience has taught me to always assume the worst. Irrespective of what the winning candidate said on the campaign trail, a few things things tend to happen once they’re sworn into office. To name a few, we almost always end up with a further expansion of the imperial presidency, more pointless wars, growth in the surveillance state and continued unaccountable pillaging by Wall Street. The worst trends and elements of society tend to grow no matter who sits in the oval office.

As such, I’m genuinely heartened by those rare occasions when a U.S. president tries to reduce geopolitical tensions and prioritize peace. This isn’t to say such attempts will work out perfectly, or work at all, but in a world in which a hammer-focused American foreign policy tends to see every situation as a nail, attempts at peace should at the very least be supported by those who claim to care about such things.

Bizarrely enough, in America we have a peculiar class of people who tend to aggregate within specialized niches of the imperial economy, namely the mass media and think tanks which are often funded by military contractors and foreign dictatorships. While these types always cheer U.S. overseas belligerence, nothing gets them clutching their pearls more fiercely than Donald Trump doing something reasonable.

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Liberty Links 6/9/18 – What If Babchenko Had Decided to Stay “Dead”?

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Top Links

What if Babchenko Had Decided to Stay “Dead”? (One of the most important articles I’ve read in a while, Off Guardian)

Hallmark Of An Economic Ponzi Scheme (Excellent read by John Hussman, Seeking Alpha)

A Brief History of the CIA’s Unpunished Spying on the Senate (2014 article but worth revisiting, The Atlantic)

China’s ZTE Was Built to Spy and Bribe, Court Documents Allege (Sydney Morning Herald)

Facebook Reveals Data-Sharing Deals with Huawei, Other Chinese Tech Makers (Politico)

Facebook Gave Device Makers Deep Access to Data on Users and Friends (This company is an unethical disgrace, The New York Times)

Edward Snowden: ‘The People Are Still Powerless, but Now They’re Aware’ (The Guardian)

Apple Is Testing a Feature That Could Kill Police iPhone Unlockers (Very interesting, Motherboard)

Hacked: 92 Million Account Details for DNA Testing Service MyHeritage (MotherBoard)

The Real Revolution Has Nothing To Do With Donald Trump (Caitlin Johnstone, Medium)

U.S. News/Politics

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from Liberty Blitzkrieg

Beware Former Central Bankers Telling You to Work More

I’m not the only one of course. The financial crisis of 2008/09 similarly shattered the worldview of tens, if not hundreds of millions of people across the globe. I believe that the old manner of doing things as far as organizing an economy and society died for good during that crisis and its aftermath. Sure it’s been shadily and undemocratically propped up ever since, and we haven’t yet transitioned to what’s next, but for all intents and purposes it’s dead. It’s dead because it has no credibility.

– From last year’s post: The Generational Wheels Are Turning

Hard work is fundamental to our continued existence and advancement as a species. I would never devalue the importance of hard work, particularly when combined with intense passion and drive, which leads to extraordinary technological progress and soaring artistic creations. Nevertheless, my ears perk up whenever I hear an older person lecture millennials about how they need to work more just to have a reasonable chance at a retirement compared to generations that came became before.

Yet that’s exactly what happened when I read an article published at Politico by 75-year old Alicia Munnell, and academic who also worked for the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston and the U.S. Treasury Department under Bill Clinton.

She seems to understand the problem. She notes:

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Preach Less, Live Your Values More

The employees who are resigning in protest, several of whom discussed their decision to leave with Gizmodo, say that executives have become less transparent with their workforce about controversial business decisions and seem less interested in listening to workers’ objections than they once did. In the case of Maven, Google is helping the Defense Department implement machine learning to classify images gathered by drones. But some employees believe humans, not algorithms, should be responsible for this sensitive and potentially lethal work—and that Google shouldn’t be involved in military work at all.

Historically, Google has promoted an open culture that encourages employees to challenge and debate product decisions. But some employees feel that their leadership no longer as attentive to their concerns, leaving them to face the fallout. “Over the last couple of months, I’ve been less and less impressed with the response and the way people’s concerns are being treated and listened to,” one employee who resigned said.

GizmodoGoogle Employees Resign in Protest Against Pentagon Contract

Today’s post will revisit a theme I spent considerable time and energy on last year. Namely, the tendency of human beings to focus on words versus deeds.

In case you haven’t noticed, very few people on social media are out there talking about how much they love exploitation, or admit that they’d unflinchingly put aside all ethical considerations in the pursuit of money and power. In contrast, everyone’s ranting and raving about how great they are, how right about everything their political tribe is, and how morally superior they are to the evil and corrupt “other side.” The problem is someone has to be wrong in a world where everyone’s convinced they’re right.

Much of the political conversation out there, if we can call it that, revolves around demonizing the other side. Diehard Trump supporters show very little inclination for introspection, nor does the rabid anti-Trump crowd. In such an environment, people spend very little time actually discussing the big, existential issues of the day in a rational manner. Instead, we’re reduced to incessant tribal bickering which more closely resembles sports team fanaticism than productive debate.

While I can accept some degree of this behavior as unavoidable during an actual campaign, it never really ends. We basically exist in a twisted political world that functions like a never-ending campaign. Democrats will harshly admonish anyone who dares criticize and challenge awful Democratic incumbents because it might “help Trump.” Meanwhile, many Trump supporters claiming to be against pointless imperial wars explain away his hiring of interventionist creeps like Pompeo or Bolton as intricate moves in some imaginary game of “5D-chess.” It’s all just counterproductive noise that incessantly emanates from all corners of our infantile political environment.

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May You Live in Stupid, Corrupt and yet Fascinating Times

In the old days, America’s top spies would complete their tenures at the CIA or one of the other Washington puzzle palaces and segue to more ordinary pursuits. Some wrote their memoirs. One ran for president. Another died a few months after surrendering his post. But today’s national-security establishment retiree has a different game plan. After so many years of brawling in the shadows, he yearns for a second, lucrative career in the public eye. He takes a crash course in speaking in soundbites, refreshes his wardrobe and signs a TV news contract. Then, several times a week, waits for a network limousine to shuttle him to the broadcast news studios where, after a light dusting of foundation and a spritz of hairspray, he takes a supporting role in the anchors’ nighttime shows.

PoliticoThe Spies Who Came in to the TV Studio

May you live in stupid, corrupt and yet fascinating times.

– Me, paraphrasing a Chinese curse

I’ve been away the past couple of weeks taking a break with my family. I paid attention to the news, but from a distance. As usual, there’s plenty to talk about. In the last 24 hours alone, we’ve seen political chaos erupt in Italy and hordes of pundits simultaneously lose their minds over the murder of a prominent Russian journalist that never happened. Such is the world we live in. Stupid, corrupt, yet fascinating.

Of all the things I could’ve chosen to write about, you may be surprised by today’s selection. It’s a clip many of you probably saw in which Richard Stengel (who was Time Magazine’s managing editor from 2006-2013) admitted he approved of government propagandizing its own citizens during a Council on Foreign Relations forum. Here’s the clip.

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Europe May Fold, but China and Russia See Opportunity

And we recently discovered, if it was not known before, that no amount of power can withstand the hatred of the many. 

–  Marcus Tullius Cicero

Although European leaders are talking a big game about keeping the Iran deal (JCPOA) alive following Trump’s unilateral withdrawal, there’s a good chance nations across the pond, especially the UK and France, will ultimately fold to U.S. demands. This is despite the fact these countries stand to lose far more economically than America. Acquiescing to U.S. imperial demands as submissive client states is simply what Europe does. On the other hand, China and Russia sense opportunity for major geopolitical gains and will not back down.

Political leaders in China and Russia must be licking their chops at the short-sighted stupidity of Donald Trump’s decision to ditch the Iran deal. As mentioned in previous pieces, the Trump administration isn’t just saying the U.S. will sanction Iran from its end, but that it could leverage the global financial system and its dependency on the USD, to punish those who dare defy U.S. policy.

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