Liberty Links 5/12/18 – CNN Poll: Democrats’ 2018 Advantage Is Nearly Gone

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CNN Poll: Democrats’ 2018 Advantage Is Nearly Gone (This party exists to lose, CNN)

Trump’s Act of American Hubris (It’s as if Craig Murray and I are reading each other’s minds, Craig Murray)

Joint Statement from Prime Minister May, Chancellor Merkel and President Macron Following President Trump’s Statement on Iran (

That Time John Bolton Promised Regime Change In Iran Before 2019 (Caitlin Johnstone, Medium)

Israel’s Parliament Approves Bill Allowing PM to Declare War (Fox News)

Young Arabs Now Prefer Russia Over the U.S. as a ‘Partner’ (CNBC)

Mueller Investigation In Jeopardy As ‘Witch Hunt’ Accusations Play Out In Court (Zerohedge)

Service Meant to Monitor Inmates’ Calls Could Track You, Too (Very creepy, The New York Times)

‘Forget the Facebook Leak’: China Is Mining Data Directly from Workers’ Brains on an Industrial Scale (South China Morning Post)

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from Liberty Blitzkrieg

Trump Pulls Out of Iran Deal – U.S. Determined to Become a Rogue State

Let me cut to the chase. Every single world leader knows Trump’s full of shit. Even more importantly, the citizens of their nations also know it. Everyone with a functioning brain understands that pulling out of the Iran deal has nothing to do with terrorism, nuclear bombs or any other fairytale propagated by U.S. neocons. This is simply about the existence of a non-U.S. client state in a key strategic region sitting on massive oil reserves. It’s about empire — global games of power and money fueled by a desperate attempt to hold on to a unipolar world where the U.S. bosses everyone around.

A global empire will keep pushing and pushing until something snaps. The leaders of empire become convinced of their invincibility right before the end, and the U.S. is no different. Given the rise of China economically and militarily, as well as Russia exerting its influence in Syria, the writing’s already on the wall as far as where the world’s headed. Towards a multi-polar planet in which the U.S. will still have influence, but far less than it’s enjoyed since WW2. While shifts are already well underway beneath the radar, American leadership refuses to admit it. A serious decline of U.S. global power as a result of major mistakes related to Iran will begin to play out publicly from here.

It’s important to understand what a massive mistake pulling out of the Iran deal is. Irrespective of your opinion on its merits, it’s a deal agreed to by all major global powers. The U.S., Iran, France, Britain, Germany, China and Russia signed it. There’s only one country in that wants to scrap it (and did so today), the U.S. This is no small event and the long-term repercussions are enormous. What Trump just did, in no uncertain terms, is tell the entire world that no deal signed with the U.S. means anything. Why even bother negotiating with the U.S. if agreements can just be canceled unilaterally with no evidence of wrongdoing?

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from Liberty Blitzkrieg

Liberty Links 5/5/18

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New Interview: Had a great discussion with Tone Vays and Leah Wald on Bitcoin, political decentralization and more: On The Record w/ Michael Krieger

Top Links

Weapons Inspector Refutes U.S. Syria Chemical Claims (If you read one link, make it this, Consortium News)

The Iran Deal Is Still a Good Bargain (Very good article, Reason)

Pat Buchanan Responds to Netanyahu’s Speech on Iran Deal (Sean Hannity is a monumental hack, YouTube)

U.S. Freezes Funding for Syria’s “White Helmets” (Is their cover finally blown? CBS News)

Reality Check: Who’s Funding the White Helmets? (Ben Swan, YouTube)

Atlantic Council Explains Why We Need To Be Propagandized For Our Own Good (Caitlin Johnstone writing at Medium)

Behind Erik Prince’s China venture (This guy is so shady, The Washington Post)

Democrats Lose Ground with Millennials (The biggest joke of an “opposition” party in history, Reuters)

Freedom No More (Craig Murray on the joke UK Media,

When Orwell’s 1984 Stopped Being Fiction (Jonathan Cook Blog)

Six Animal Rights Activists Charged With Felonies for Investigation and Rescue That Led to Punishment of a Utah Turkey Farm (So sad, The Intercept)

One of Bitcoin’s Biggest Investments Might Finally Be Paying Off (Coindesk)

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from Liberty Blitzkrieg

The Emerging ‘Global Brain’

There’s been heightened chatter as of late, particularly in the Twittersphere, around the idea humanity might be undergoing a consciousness expansion. This concept seems to be going mainstream, which could be a great thing provided it doesn’t get turned into a cliché or marketing gimmick.

This notion of a human consciousness shift that could emerge and alter the paradigm on planet earth in unimaginably positive ways was something I became obsessed with last year. My interest was sparked by the infantile and demented political environment which swept across the U.S. in early 2017, and was solidified by an encounter with the concept of Spiral Dynamics generally, and the work of Ken Wilber specifically. I ended up writing a five-part series on the topic, which I’d like to revisit before moving on.

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from Liberty Blitzkrieg

Benjamin Netanyahu is Once Again Trying to Push the U.S. Into a Disastrous War

H/T to @snarwani for the above

Earlier today, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu put on a little song and dance about Iran and WMDs intended to provide cover for Trump’s upcoming decision on whether or not to scrap the Iran deal (JCPOA) on May 12th.

Of course, this isn’t the first time Netanyahu aggressively pitched the U.S. on war in the Middle East. He did the exact same thing, using the exact same playbook, in the run up to the Iraq war.

Fortunately, we have video evidence of his 2002 testimony to Congress, during which he hyperventilated and exaggerated about Iraq’s grave threat to the world as a result of its non-existsent WMDs. The guy was so incredibly wrong on Iraq, to such a disastrous degree, it’s amazing anyone listens to him at all anymore.

What follows are two must watch video clips from Netanyahu’s 2002 testimony. One of the more memorable — and spectacularly wrong — claims he made back then was when he proclaimed:

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from Liberty Blitzkrieg

Liberty Links 4/28/18 – North and South Korea Pledge to End War

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Top Links

North and South Korea Pledge to End War, Seek Denuclearization (Reuters)

James Comey Interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper (Comey admits he’s seen no evidence Trump colluded with the Russians, YouTube)

‘No Attack, No Victims, No Chemical Weapons’: Douma Witnesses Testify to OPCW in The Hague (Yes, they lied to us again, 21st Century Wire)

How Britain Engaged in a Covert Operation to Overthrow Assad (Must read on the history of the Syria conflict, Middle East Eye)

Saudi Arabia Criticized for 48 Beheadings in Four Months of 2018 (Should I be surprised nobody is calling for regime change? The Guardian)

Claims by Joy Reid’s Cybersecurity Expert Fall Apart (Case is closed, Joy Reid is lying, The Daily Beast)

What To Do About Facebook — First Thoughts (Naked Capitalism)

Towards a World Without Facebook (TechCrunch) 

Vanessa Beeley Exposes the White Helmets (Corbett Report interview, YouTube)

Culture Is Not Your Friend (Terence McKenna clip, YouTube)

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from Liberty Blitzkrieg

The Road to 2025 (Part 4) – A Very Bright Future if We Demand It

Whenever all government, domestic and foreign, in little as in great things, shall be drawn to Washington as the center of all power, it will render powerless the checks provided of one government on another, and will become as venal and oppressive as the government from which we separated.

– Thomas Jefferson letter to C.Hammond, 1821

The first three parts of this series focused on the obvious reality that imperial America is not just increasingly being seen as a rogue state around the world, but that it’s also become harmful and parasitic to its own people. It’s become abundantly clear that empire is not compatible with Constitutional government.

As power and resources have become increasingly centralized in Washington D.C., the American people have suffered. We’ve suffered from an increasingly rigged economic and financial system, continued security-state encroachment in the form of mass surveillance and a militarization of police, and a war industry which relentlessly funnels more and more wealth toward protecting imperial dominance overseas.

As anyone who’s read the U.S. Constitution knows, this is not the way the union was supposed to function. Indeed, the founders were obsessed with avoiding the pitfalls of European empires since they knew how that story ends. At the federal level, a separation of powers between the three branches of government: the legislative, the executive and the judicial was a key component of the Constitution. The specific purpose here was to prevent an accumulation of excessive centralized power within a specific area of government.

While this separation of powers still exists on paper, it’s been eroded to a very dangerous degree. When it comes to war, which the legislative branch is supposed to declare, Congress has chosen to abdicate its responsibility and simply allows the executive to do whatever it wants. We saw this with Obama and we see it with Trump. The separation of powers is being ignored completely when it comes to state-sanctioned murder and this is no small thing. Equally concerning, a fourth branch of government has also emerged. Completely lawless and unaccountable, the extraordinarily dangerous power wielded by U.S. intelligence agencies provide another example of how far we’ve strayed as a people.

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from Liberty Blitzkrieg

The Road to 2025 (Part 3) – USD Dominated Financial System Will Fall Apart

It’s our currency, but it’s your problem.

– U.S. Treasury Secretary John Connelly to European Finance Ministers, 1971

Today’s post will cover a topic that consumed my thoughts for many years, but one I haven’t discussed much lately. The terminal nature of a global financial system being propped up artificially by central bank shenanigans.

First, it’s crucial to understand that at the very core of our global economy is a financial system dominated by the U.S. dollar. The USD is a fiat currency directly backed by nothing, the supply of which can be arbitrarily altered and manipulated by a group of unelected bureaucrats in charge of the Federal Reserve. This money system represents the most powerful tool of centralized power on planet earth.

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from Liberty Blitzkrieg

The Road to 2025 (Part 2) – Russia and China Have Had Enough

Part 1 of this series focused on how the U.S. empire no longer provides any real benefit to your average American citizen. Rather, the spoils of overseas wars, the domestic surveillance state and an overall corrupt economy are being systematically funneled to a smaller and smaller group of generally unsavory characters. The public’s starting to recognize this reality, which is why we saw major populist movements emerge on both the traditional right and left of the political spectrum in 2016.

As millions of Americans emerge from their long slumber, much of the world’s been aware of this reality for a long time. They don’t see the U.S. as a magnanimous humanitarian empire, that’s a fairytale more suited for children’s books and the mass media. In fact, it seems clear that the billions of humans who live in various sovereign nations around the world would certainly prefer to be in control of their own destinies as opposed to mere vassal states of the U.S., they simply haven’t possessed the military or economic power to stand up and chart their own course. But things are changing.

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from Liberty Blitzkrieg

The Road to 2025 (Part 1) – Prepare for a Multi-Polar World

If pressed to describe what I think the next several years will look like as concisely as possible, I’d simply provide the following quote, often misattributed to Lenin:

“There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen.”

There will be many such weeks from now until 2025, with the end result an emergence of a multi-polar world that will permanently unseat the unipolar U.S. imperial paradigm.

Since World War 2, the U.S. has successfully sustained a position of global dominance unlike anything the world’s ever seen. Virtually each and every corner of the planet has been subject to inescapable and overwhelming American influence, both culturally and economically. This root of this power didn’t just emerge from GDP strength and the USD, but from Hollywood, popular music and tv shows. The impact of the U.S. empire on the planet over the past 70 years has been extraordinary but, like all things, it too shall pass. I believe this end will be realized by around 2025.

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from Liberty Blitzkrieg