US Flies Stratofortress Nuclear-Capable Bomber, F-35 Jets Near Russian Border

US Flies Stratofortress Nuclear-Capable Bomber, F-35 Jets Near Russian Border

On Monday the Pentagon sent a US Air Force B-52H Stratofortress strategic bomber and a formation of supporting fighter jets over Estonian airspace, very close to Russia’s doorstep.

Crucially the large bomber is capable of carrying nuclear weapons, and reports say the accompanying F-35A Lightning II fighter jets approached the Russian border during the flight. Watch the provocative flyover of Baltic territory below:

The air traffic monitoring site FlightRadar24 confirmed and tracked the bomber flight group’s path, also at a moment NATO has been sending increased air patrol missions over the Baltic region, which Moscow has complained about.

These flights have been supported by NATO’s Joint Expeditionary Force, and come amid months of controversy over allegations that Russian ‘shadow fleet’ tankers are damaging telecom cables under the Baltic Sea.

This also appears a response to Russian aircraft buzzing the Alaskan air defense identification zone (ADIZ) just days ago.

North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) tracked Russian aircraft off Alaska on February 19. It was an unspecified amount and type of Russian aircraft, according to a NORAD statement, but typically Russia sends its own long-range bombers on such flights.

As part of the aforementioned NATO integrated mission, the US recently deployed a pair of B-52H Stratofortress strategic bombers to Mihail Kogălniceanu Air Base in Romania, which is not far from the Ukrainian border.

Via FlightRadar

This means that even as the Trump administration rapidly pursues a peace deal with Moscow related to the Ukraine war, tensions between Russia and the Western alliance continue to soar and be on edge.

While Russia semi-regularly flies bombers off Alaska in international airspace, it has not actually stationed bombers on the ground at bases in the vicinity of North America. Certainly the US parking bombers in NATO ‘eastern flank’ member Romania has set off alarm bells at the Kremlin.

Tyler Durden
Mon, 02/24/2025 – 21:20

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

Tuberculosis Outbreaks Emerge As Illegals Pose Biosecurity Threat For Nation

Tuberculosis Outbreaks Emerge As Illegals Pose Biosecurity Threat For Nation

Alarm bells are sounding over the biosecurity threat posed by the illegal alien invasion as concerns mount over the spread of infectious diseases across the Homeland. Millions of migrants were dumped into the country by the Biden-Harris globalist regime without proper vetting—leaving citizens to bear the burden of what a retired CIA officer describes as the “public health consequences of Biden-era open border policies.”

Legal migrants and refugees must have a medical examination for US entry. Yet the Biden administration recklessly dumped millions of illegals into the US through open borders and a complex web of NGOs. These illegals have had no proper medical evaluation of skin test/chest x-ray examination for tuberculosis (TB). They may expose citizens in the first world to third-world diseases eradicated a generation ago. 

Put simply, the Biden administration’s actions allowed millions of individuals to enter the country illegally and bring with them all of the diseases to which they had been exposed. We invited every microbe on the planet onto our soil,” former CIA operations officer Sam Faddis wrote on his Substack

Now we are facing the consequences,” Faddis warned, pointing out: “Epidemics don’t start as roaring fires. They start slowly and then expand, gathering speed as they go. Multiple such epidemics are already underway, and we are far behind in our efforts to control them.” 

What the heck is happening in Kansas? 

And Texas! 

Faddis continued:

Tuberculosis, however, is not the only disease with which we need to be concerned. There are current outbreaks of measles and varicella (chickenpox) on both sides of the Texas-Mexico border. In Piedras Negras, Coahuila, the border city across the Rio Grande from Eagle Pass, Texas at least 60 young children have tested positive for varicella. In South Plains, Texas there have been at least 90 cases of the measles. That outbreak has apparently now spread to New Mexico.

According to a Concho Valley News report, sixteen patients in Texas have been hospitalized. Five of the cases are reported to have been vaccinated against the disease. The remainder of the cases were unvaccinated or had a vaccination status listed as unknown.

Keep in mind that this is what has been reported to date. We detect outbreaks of a disease when people seek medical care. That means they are already sick and they have likely already passed on the disease to others, who themselves have already infected yet more individuals. We are always running behind even as the rate at which the disease is spreading is increasing.

Biden and his cronies opened the nation to attack by every disease on the planet. We are only now beginning to see how much damage they did. Deporting illegals is a good first step, but unfortunately, the microbes they brought with them will stay.

A consequence of open borders is now being realized not just as a national security threat but also as a biosecurity threat, as once-eradicated diseases in the first world remerge at an alarming rate. This is unacceptable and was only made possible by globalist Democrats

Tyler Durden
Mon, 02/24/2025 – 20:30

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

It’s Time To Stop Giving The NFL Our Tax Dollars

It’s Time To Stop Giving The NFL Our Tax Dollars

Submitted by Samantha M of Sports and Nonsense

END RACISM.” The NFL has had these ridiculous two words displayed in giant font across every end zone in every stadium and at every game throughout the season since 2020. It has since decided to stop doing it after the 2024 season concluded. Remind me, what happened in 2020-2024 that stopped happening in 2025?

In case you forgot, Donald Trump won the election in landslide fashion and the NFL made a business decision to once again go with the tide. “Biden bad. Trump good.” This is presumably how the NFL front office decide things based on how quickly they seem to change their entire ethos. They didn’t really change though. If a player openly supports President Trump, it is kind of quietly frowned upon instead of being outright cancelled as it would have been in 2020-2024.

My question is if the NFL blanket agrees with and is seemingly subservient to a political party instead of what would be best for their fans and investors, then why are we the U.S. taxpayer having our money given to them? Why are we allowing them to maintain antitrust protections? Why is there no increase in oversight or contractual revenue sharing? Why are we not more selective in allowing them to choose who their sponsors are? Why are we not getting more for our money aside from unreliable economic models? Why are they not mandated to stay politically neutral? All of these are fair questions that you, the NFL investor, should have answered.

Let’s look first at how ridiculously easy it was for the left to infiltrate the NFL, which is a multibillion-dollar organization by the way. “END RACISM.” Does anyone else find it absurd that the NFL is painting “end racism” in ten-foot-tall letters at stadiums filled with tens of thousands of white fans who paid an average ticket price of $216 each to watch teams that are 70% black play on one of the two days they have off from work? Does the NFL think these people are mostly racist and paid $216 dollars to show up and celebrate their racist ways with one another?

They of course do not think that. They don’t really seem to think anything. They seem to allow influence from the left to decide what they think and what they tell their fans to think. This is where we start to get into a problem area. Like it or not the NFL has major influence over people, especially youth, in this country. I for one would like the NFL to stop telling all the kids in this country that white people are evil, and that racism is this very real monster that people of color face 24 hours a day 7 days a week in America. Stop telling everyone that because of white people and institutional racism, every black and brown person in America can’t get an education or be successful. A league that allowed “race norming” up until 2021 (that is the practice of assuming that blacks have a lower cognitive function than whites from birth,) to be used as a defense by the NFL to have to NOT PAY retired black players with head injuries (really, they did that) now wants to tell us that we are all racist? Doth protest too much, Mr. Goodell. Maybe the NFL does need to “END RACISM” …. in its own offices.

Let us for a second put aside the 4 years of annoying marketing campaigns that the NFL spent tens of millions of dollars on (that could have helped a lot of inner-city kids go to college by the way,) and let us look at some quick stats. While the Democrat party and former President and leader of said party does not think that black and brown people know how to use the internet or (checks notes) know how to get to a Walgreens…

I actually do think all black and brown people know how to use the internet and go to Walgreens. If they would like they can go to and look at the stats I just found there. One stat in particular stood out to me. In 1940 the percent of black people with a high school diploma was around 7%. In the year 2000 that number had increased to 72%. Every decade it went up. The NFL has assured me that America does not care about black people, and they are left behind in institutions like the public school system because of institutional racism. This is objectively false, and we have metrics that prove it. Saying things are mostly fine doesn’t get hate clicks though. It doesn’t sell shirts that show your support for a problem that does not exist. If you are not wearing your BLM shirt to your kid’s game how will all the other upper middle-class parents know you are not a racist?!

Why are you having your tax dollars handed over to these assholes? You are having BILLIONS of your tax dollars given to the NFL, even if you are not a fan. The NFL gets tax funding from the states they put teams in. They are given billions to build stadiums, but they also receive hidden subsidies in the form of heavily discounted utility services or police security services. They sell club boxes for millions of dollars to major companies who can write these purchases off at tax time. The rich get richer and continue to align themselves with the guy who said black people can’t get to Walgreens because they don’t know how to use google maps. What do you get? Oh, well you get called a racist bigot for wearing a red hat and told to go fuck yourself.

Now let’s look at the antitrust protection.  Per a Bing search I did while in line at Walgreens: “The NFL has an antitrust exemption that allows it to operate under certain legal protections. This exemption was granted by President John F. Kennedy in the early 1960s, permitting the league to collectively negotiate television broadcast rights as a single entity, which is a significant advantage in the sports industry. However, the NFL has faced challenges regarding this exemption; for instance, the Supreme Court has ruled that the NFL must be considered as 32 separate teams when selling branded merchandise, indicating that the exemption is not absolute. Additionally, while the NFL has secured some limited antitrust exemptions, it does not have a blanket exemption, which has influenced its operational history. Overall, the antitrust exemption allows the NFL to classify itself as a “sports entertainment” business, which has implications for how it conducts its business.”

The supporters of the NFL antitrust protection and tax money payouts will say “But the NFL will provide jobs and revenue to these cities.”

The NFL adds five billion dollars annually to the U.S. economy. That is what the study conducted by the (checks notes) NFL players association has discovered.

Now let’s look at a little thing I like to call reality. There are almost never actual profit-sharing agreements between an NFL team and the local economies they profess to care so much about. They instead rely on unreliable economic models of what the NFL team will in theory bring to the local economy by way of jobs and local business revenue increases during event day. They rely on local and state politicians to spread this message to their constituents in order to get the votes needed to secure the funding.

“But Samantha surely the owners have good reasons for why the fans should pay them tax dollars for new stadiums?” you may be saying to yourself at this point in the story. Well, let’s ask billionaire and Panthers owner David Tepper. Hey Dave, why do you even need a new stadium? Your current stadium is not even that old. “You know, at some point that building will fall down,” Tepper said. “I said it before, and I’ll say it again. I’m not building a stadium alone. The community’s going to have to want it.”  That is a real quote by the way. Go and look it up. Tepper said that his stadium may just fall down. His reasoning for why it will fall down is “trust me bro.”

I am sure that we can all trust the economic models used by the NFL as well as trust the local and state politicians the NFL has gotten to agree with them on said studies in order to get your vote and ultimately your tax money. I for one can never think of a time a politician lied to me. I am sure it is the same for you, dear reader. Now go quickly and vote for a new stadium before your house falls down!

You work hard for your money, and you should not allow your political leaders to just give it away to whoever can make them wealthier and better off. Demand more of them and of the companies you choose to give you money to. If you don’t, who will? Why are we giving our tax money to an organization that has deep ties to a single party and who continue to spread that party’s message? It has to stop. I would suggest the next time the NFL wants to hit you up for some tax money to build a new stadium you tell them to agree up front for a full revenue sharing program and 3rd party oversight of all funding as well as 3rd party reviews of profit and loss. If they refuse kindly tell them to find the nearest Walgreens, go there, and then fuck all the way off.

While the NFL and scam networks like MSNBC lie about racism day in and day out to profit off of hate and self-loathing, I think that it is important to recognize that racism and awful things like slavery did exist in this country and those things were awful. Racism in all forms is awful. There was a very real fight by very evil people to prevent civil rights for all in this country. Pretending that these atrocities are still the mainstay practice of everyday Americans so you can get hate clicks and sell t-shirts to retarded upper middle class wine moms is grotesque. Most all Americans are like me and think that racism, bigotry, and sexism are bad. We think that everyone no matter what color or gender they are should be afforded the same rights and constitutional protections. 99% of the time this is the case. So, can the two historically racist organizations, the NFL and the Democrat Party please stop telling all of us that we are racist? Oh, and stop taking our tax money for bullshit reasons to make yourselves richer.

Thanks, signed every normal person in America

Tyler Durden
Mon, 02/24/2025 – 20:05

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

“Waste Of Taxpayer Money”: Trump Admin Looks To Sell Nancy Pelosi Federal Building In San Francisco

“Waste Of Taxpayer Money”: Trump Admin Looks To Sell Nancy Pelosi Federal Building In San Francisco

The Trump administration plans to sell two major federal buildings in San Francisco, including the recently renamed Nancy Pelosi Federal Building, according to Fox News.

Formerly the San Francisco Federal Building, the 18-story tower sits in a crime-ridden area plagued by drug dealing and illegal markets.

How apropos for a building named after a woman who helped oversee the decline of San Francisco. 

Also up for potential sale is the 1930s-era federal building at 50 United Nations Plaza, home to the GSA’s regional headquarters.

Local reports, citing a GSA document, list both properties as “non-core” assets.

Federal employees at the Nancy Pelosi Federal Building were ordered to work from home in 2023 due to worsening safety concerns, the San Francisco Chronicle reported. Sen. Joni Ernst, R-Iowa, had called for its closure over rampant drug dealing at its doorstep.

Former Rep. Jackie Speier accused Trump of political retaliation, telling KGO, “It’s another example of how he is coming after Democrats. He’s coming after California, and it’s all about payback.” She warned that leasing the building could become more costly, as taxpayers would cover property taxes instead of benefiting from federal ownership.

Originally opened in 2007 as a $144 million energy-efficient “green” project, the 7th Street federal building was labeled by Trump in a 2020 executive order as “one of the ugliest structures in their city.” Developer Andy Ball, who worked on the project, called it a “waste of taxpayer money from day one,” estimating costs were “50% greater” than if privately funded. “No investor would have built this building,” he added.

The Fox News report wrote that the potential sale aligns with the Trump administration’s broader effort to shrink government bureaucracy through Elon Musk’s Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE). Meanwhile, San Francisco faces a commercial real estate crisis, with downtown vacancy rates hitting 37% last year, including 55% in the Mid-Market area.

Security at the Pelosi building was increased after its December renaming, yet locals told KGO-TV that crime simply shifted a block away, leaving federal employees protected while ordinary citizens remained vulnerable. The 2,000-worker-capacity building houses offices for Pelosi, HHS, Social Security, Transportation, Labor, Agriculture, and HUD.

Tyler Durden
Mon, 02/24/2025 – 19:40

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

TSA Under Biden Focused On Speeding-Up Checkpoints For Illegal Aliens Without IDs, Not National Security

TSA Under Biden Focused On Speeding-Up Checkpoints For Illegal Aliens Without IDs, Not National Security

Submitted by Breanna Morello, author of Breanna’s Newsletter

During the Biden Administration, expediting TSA security checkpoints took precedence over national security concerns. Through a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit I filed after TSA stonewalled my initial request—I’ve exclusively obtained the protocols that allowed illegal aliens to board commercial flights with IDs under Biden’s watch. TSA officials claimed these documents didn’t exist during his tenure, but the Trump Administration has since granted me access to this information.

On March 26, 2021, TSA issued “a revised Operations Directive to address a significant increase in the number of non-U.S. citizens at certain airports who do not have acceptable ID documents.”

The OD added a series of DHS-provided documents that were suddenly acceptable for illegal aliens traveling without IDs. Here’s the list of those documents that were suddenly deemed acceptable:

  • Warrant for Arrest of Alien
  • Warrant of Removal/Deportation
  • Order of Removal on Recognizance
  • Order of Supervision
  • Notice to Appear
  • Arrival and Departure Form
  • Alien Booking Record

These documents could be displayed electronically at TSA security checkpoints, meaning an illegal alien could present a photo or screenshot on their device, and TSA agents were permitted to grant them passage.

On April 2021, TSA rolled out a CBP One Pilot program. That program was led by Director of Aviation Coordination Julian E Williams and Director of Capability Management and Innovation Requirements and Capability Analysis Melissa Conley.


The primary goal of the pilot program wasn’t tied to national security but rather to reduce wait times at TSA security checkpoints. This focus is emphasized repeatedly throughout the Concept of Operations.

In the document, TSA says the influx of illegals without IDs “places a severe burden on TSA checkpoints when attempting to vet multiple individuals.”

The document goes on to brag about reducing the wait times since rolling this pilot program out, “use of CBP OneTM also resulted in an efficiency improvement in process cycle time over the IVCC procedures. The average cycle time for ID verification with CBP OneTMwas 1.48 minutes as compared to an average IVCC cycle time of 12.87 minutes, an 88.50% reduction of average cycle time per individual.““CBP OneTM, TSA partnered with CBP to investigate adapting the app for use by TSA as a viable, effective, and efficient operational alternative solution to validate travel documentation for adult non-U.S. citizens with valid boarding passes who are not in possession of acceptable travel documents and are subject to ID validation.”

The pilot program allowed “TSA personnel use a TSA-issued smartphone equipped with the CBP OneTM app to take a photograph of that individual and transmit the biometric through the app for comparison with CBP records.”

The CBP One Pilot also advised illegal aliens that the capturing of their facial biometrics was optional. According to the Patriot Act, all non-U.S. citizens must submit their biometrics to DHS.

Here are a list of the airports that participated in the Pilot Program for CBP One:

  • Alexandria International Airport, Louisiana (AEX)
  • Austin – Bergstrom International Airport, Texas (AUS)
  • Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport, Texas (DFW)
  • Denver International Airport, Colorado (DEN)
  • Fort Lauderdale – Hollywood International Airport, Florida (FLL)
  • George Bush Intercontinental Airport, Texas (IAH)
  • Miami International Airport, Florida (MIA)
  • Monroe Regional Airport, Louisiana (MLU)
  • Palm Springs International Airport, California (PSP)
  • Shreveport Regional Airport, Louisiana (SHV)
  • Yuma International Airport,Arizona(NYL)

The Biden administration jeopardized national security by dispersing unvetted illegal aliens across the country. How many terrorists might now reside among us? We could learn the answer through harsh consequences if the Trump administration fails to swiftly locate those spread nationwide during Biden’s tenure.

The CBP One Pilot program report can be found here.

Without your support, I cannot file lawsuits and uncover stories like these. Please consider subscribing to my Substack page and supporting my work as an independent journalist.

Tyler Durden
Mon, 02/24/2025 – 19:15

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

“If I Ever Meet Him I’ll F**kin’ Kill Him”: Dan Crenshaw Threatens To Murder Tucker Carlson

“If I Ever Meet Him I’ll F**kin’ Kill Him”: Dan Crenshaw Threatens To Murder Tucker Carlson

Noted neocon Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) threatened to kill journalist Tucker Carlson if the two ever cross paths.

When asked by GB News correspondent Steven Edginton towards the end of an interview if he had ever met Carlson, Crenshaw – aka “Eye Patch McCain” replied: “If I ever meet him I’ll fuckin’ kill him,” adding “No seriously, I would kill him.


When asked by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) if he made the threat, Crenshaw lied – replying “lol, no.”

Here’s Crenshaw discussing Carlson earlier in the interview:

Edginton confirmed it as well, posting on X: “After our interview I asked Dan Crenshaw if he had ever met @TuckerCarlson. He said: “I would kill him if I saw him” I laughed it off. He said: “No seriously, I would kill him”

There’s longstanding animosity between Crenshaw and Carlson, with Crenshaw calling the former Fox News host a “click chaser” and “cowardly know-nothing elitist who is full of shit” last April over Carlson’s interviews with various polarizing figure. Carlson, meanwhile, has called out Crenshaw for giving Joe Biden the power to shut down news websites that challenge mainstream narratives – which Crenshaw said was nothing more than Carlson “lying for attention, as usual.”

*  *  *

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Tyler Durden
Mon, 02/24/2025 – 18:50

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

“Give Us Back Our F**king Money” – How Washington Stole Everything…

“Give Us Back Our F**king Money” – How Washington Stole Everything…

Authored by Elizabeth Nickson via ‘Welcome to Absurdistan’ substack,

Every person in your family or community living on nuts and bolts and berries has had his life stolen by the bureaucratic blob.

And, we are going to get it all back.

So essentially the entire town of Washington, D.C. has been stealing. The anomalies are those who are not stealing. $4.7 trillion, almost impossible to trace, represents two-thirds of the annual U.S. budget. And if it’s happening in the U.S., it is happening everywhere: France, Canada, the U.K., Germany, where budgetary processes are probably even more opaque than those of the U.S.

How does the Department of Defence have a $35 trillion black hole?

I used to think of people who worked for the government with a kind of veiled contempt or, in a more benign mood, compassion. I thought of them as pity jobs for those without initiative, as jobs paying off lefty campaigners, as a warehouse for the barely competent. In my own dealings with them, I found them punitive and extractive, papering me with demands to spend more and more money to hire more and more of their pet contractors, to get approval. In my working life, looking at the results of their involvement in America’s rural areas, I hated them for the hell they visited on people unable to fight back. They forced bad science on good people, and refused to see reason. They ruined forests, water courses, fisheries, and township after township turned to dustbowl status. The misery in rural sitting rooms in every state in the U.S. was palpable, long lasting; the green Blob ruined families for generations.

But I did not think of them as being embroiled in a theft so large as to be unparalleled in world history.

The level of the theft has now to be dawning on everyone not living off the public purse which is, what, 60%, 70% of us? The anger setting in is soul-deep, and very very powerful. People who live straightened lives, the poorly pensioned, those living off the laughable social security stipend, those waiting for health care, those whose children can’t even dream of an education, of college, of a six-figure salary which is now subsistence in the ruined cities. Those facing cancer treatment because of the vaccine, and don’t have excess funds. Their families, despairing, hurting, broke.

This isn’t going to go away. It affects everyone. Not addressed down to its deepest level, you are looking at a tax revolt, a national strike. A revolution. A real one, not a papered paid-for color revolution, which is what they have been doing to us.

Those living on social security should have five times the pension they do.

Can you count how many of those there are? Can you?

And meanwhile this:

Is this true? To this date, unknown; the digging continues. Look at this ghastly creature. She apparently has an account in the Cayman Islands. Look at her all compassionate and condescending. She started a war that killed 1.5 million people so far. And apparently got rich from it. A mass murderer celebrated at Upper East Side dinner parties.

Memes like this rocket around, and every one is now suspect. At this point who cares if it’s true, it’s truthy, it makes sense that she made out like a bandit, that Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar have millions hidden somewhere. Ocasio can say “I only have $500,000!” all she wants, but we don’t believe her. If the Wall St Journal says it is false, we don’ t believe them. Do you actually think they’d have the money sitting in their savings account? No, it would be buried off-shore. The media is not only complicit, it is the principal actor in this scam. It built the fantasy world we live in, where people read The Guardian, the Times and the Globe and Mail and think they’re informed.

No, they are being propagandized. And as a result, no one sane believes anything any legacy newspaper or television or media says anymore. They hid the theft. They did not report on it. No one trusts a thing they say.

And this fellow, below, growling what every taxpayer is thinking: firing, disgrace, vitiation of not only the government pension, but your house, your savings, everything. You know what this guy is? Young. Strong. Determined. Imagine an army of them. It’s building. It is very satisfying to listen to him. No wonder they were creating beta-males, dumping hormones in the water supply, the food supply.

DOGE will fire up the citizens of every country, and they all will demand their “fucking money back.” In every country. Every single country, this will grow and grow and grow. Within five years, ten at the outside, the entire world will be a different place.

And as DOGE moves into Defence, State, the IRS, Health, the revealed thieving of the upper middle classes will change the world. No wonder they were trying to disarm us.

Late last year, I thought I’d take a look at one of the papers I used to write for, the Globe and Mail, Canada’s long-time “national newspaper”. Fifteen years ago, I looked at its circulation because I wanted to sell my house, and the richest likely people lived in Calgary. The Globe had 5,000 subscribers in Calgary. It wasn’t worth the advertising dollar. Only three hundred thousand across the country, I noted, which made sense. The Globe at that point, was serious, worthy and dull. Since then it has become corrupt and bought and paid for by the state.

Its number of pages have shrunk by 70%, the physical paper smaller in size by a third. It can’t afford writers like me. It has 35% fewer reporters – mostly desperate kids – and bureaus — but lo and behold, it now has 1,000,000 subscribers!

How is that possible, I asked myself over and over, and it wasn’t until the Politico scandal broke that I realized what had happened.

They had replaced actual people with government subscriptions.

If you page through government accounts at, you can read $16,000 annual Politico Pro subscription line items many times in every agency, agriculture, defence, social security, you name it. The government is gaming the subscription numbers. Advertisers, knowing this, have fled, since there is no Return On Investment. If you look here, you will see the number of times various agencies paid subscriptions to Politico, the Washington Post, the Times, the Wall Street Journal, AP, the BBC.

I am not saying that agencies don’t need subscriptions, but I’ll bet the reality of it is more like the discrepancy between the Globe and Mail when it was still thriving at 300K, and the Globe and Mail, now irrelevant, at one million. Did governments not subscribe until 2016?

Thomson Reuters was granted $3,000,000 to effect a large-scale social engineering experiment by USAID/Defence, namely the Covid scam. I would imagine those millions are a fraction of what was actually paid.

Ninety percent of media in Ukraine is funded by the American taxpayer, according to Mike Benz. Ninety percent.

All of them have fake readers, subsidized by the tax payer. This is a moral hazard, obviously. As a reporter, you play for the one who hired you. So, no longer a viable private sector company, but a government granting office, selling government-approved ideas.

Government grants probably push media out of the red; those grants represent profit. Which means the government calls the shots on everything printed. And when I say government I mean permanent bureaucracy. .

Why would you believe anything you read from them?

Equally, you will note in the DOGE records, the number of climate related grants, to places like the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. Why? What do they do? Well, I’ll tell you what they do, they go round with power points scaring the pants off commodity investors and forcing them into wasteful green ‘programs’, which do absolutely nothing for the “climate”. I’d bet billions are wasted that way.

Climate is a black hole of funding/theft. On Thursday, Lee Zeldin at the EPA reported a $2,000,000,000 grant from the EPA to a group associated with Stacey Abrams, a group whose 2023 donations totalled all of $100. What would they do? Stand up climate protestors, paid climate protestors. Go to schools and scare the kids. Rile up neighborhoods, glue themselves to paintings and sidewalks. The number of actual protestors, not counting the weak hysterics, is near zero. Heading every climate related group is a grim psychological operative, using every trick in the book to turn people into slavering maniacs.

These grants are meant to stand up an army, turn out protestors, spur riots, destroy the Trump presidency. Destroy MAGA. Steal.

DOGE in an initial look found that the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid wasted $100 billion in 2023. They found that figure within a day. Where did that money go? To whom? Unknowable since 2/rds of the budget – $4.7 trillion – has no tracing.

Thousands upon thousands of cases of vanishing money.

This is my point: the whole culture, the entirety of the psychological space we walk around in, was manufactured and forced upon us using our money. The reason the ‘media’ failed is not because of digital, it’s because everything it produces is untrue garbage. Every time it took a government grant it lost more readership, because it played to the government. And as time went on, its content bore no relation to any lived reality beyond the subsidized. It became fake, falsified, demonic. So when people started to wake up, they stopped buying it, reading it, watching it. MSNBC and CNN’s audience dropped 50% again after November 5th, for the tenth year in a row.

What replaced it was censorship.

Michael Shellenberger has done the most detailed work on how the censorship apparatus was built. His series on the Censorship Industrial Complex is a must-read.

Given the dank dark hole at the center of legacy media, the military stepped up. This, below, was one of the core meetings – please note that it has 625 views, but nonetheless, received billions of dollars to kill populism across the world. Please note too that the representatives from Google and Facebook oversee policy for Eurasia. You can hear the whole thing analyzed here:

This is the head of the snake

This was a meeting to brainstorm on how to stop “unfiltered alternative media”, and present official views in their place.

Every former CIA head was involved, including retired Generals, Brookings, Homeland Security, CSIS, the universities, the Atlantic Council, the Aspen Institute, the Wilson Center, the National Endowment for Democracy (CIA), with Michael Chertoff as the Blob Monster in chief. USAID gave these jokers $800 million over the last eight years. And that was a fraction of their financing with our money.

Mike Benz has done the best work deconstructing the money flow, its original purpose, its founding and its source. He has tracked it across the world, and only some of it is from the revealed USAID. It was built to attack us, and to fight populism across the world. Specifically. So, therefore, the Globe and Mail, or any paper, can’t afford to hire actual journalists, because what they are doing instead of reporting is manufacturing news aimed against us, as hostiles, on behalf of the regime. They are oriented entirely as follows. World-wide, no matter what.

  • Stop Trump

  • Stop 5 Star – Italy

  • Stop Brexit – UK

  • Stop Vox – Spain

  • Stop AFD – Germany

  • Kill all unfiltered news – treat it as a virus

  • Kill all accounts and narratives that support the above on Google and Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. The war on TikTok? It doesn’t consent to their filters. Or at least not 100%.

And we are beating them. Independent media beat all that mustered intelligence and all that money to tell the truth and elect Trump. Populist movements are roaring across Europe, rejecting all the usual ideas. Populists are in power in the Netherlands, Italy, Austria, Hungary. This weekend Germany will turn out. I suspect, given what I know about election fraud, that fraud will be rampant, but German life is now so dire, AFD may overwhelm the polls.

Here’s my question – What if it was all to hide the grand scale theft?

What if this theft, the trillions a year flowing out to who the hell knows, was the entire purpose of the National Security State? Yes, these grants, the billions spent by USAID were designed to assemble army of dissidents, across the globe, to protect U.S. interests. Thousands of activists paid to agitate against any government going against the aims of the National Security State. USAID stood up LBGTQ groups, dancers, rap stars, theatre people, feminists, abortion activists, every conceivable activist group grubbing for pennies. Feminist groups were financially supported in every country in order to fracture the family.

The purpose wasn’t “aid”, it was to make life in every country contentious, angry, divided against itself, and to guarantee that whenever the CIA wanted, tens of thousands would pour onto the streets to protest. It was rent-a-riot money. It was to put CIA/globalist puppets in charge.

The money was also spent to quash any legitimate protest by populists angry about globalist policies of migration, eternal war, censorship, over-regulation and energy draw-down because of “climate”.

The money was spent to obscure the DC Blobs advance on the wealth of Eurasia.

For instance, the largest army base in the world is now being built in Romania, facing the Russian bear. Your money is building it. Romania refused to certify its election results because a populist anti-war-with-Russia candidate won the election. Which meant no honking military base, no hand over fist theft through the accounting.

As Denz points out, Russia has $75 trillion in natural resources, meaning it is the richest country in the world and the Blob/WEF has their eyes on that prize.

The above cited conference of the Global Censorship Project.took place in 2017. And while its stated purpose was foreign adventure ie censorship and overturning populism, it morphed quickly into a color revolution against Americans. It was easy to shift the algorithms from killing all populist accounts and narratives in western and eastern Europe to killing them in the USA.

Art and Activism

I, and others, have written extensively about the co-opting of popular culture by the CIA, by its seeding and deliberate corruption of the anti-war movement in the 60’s and 70’s, the creation of rap music to fracture the black community, the standing up of movie stars and pop stars to spout regime nonsense. Equally, in eastern Europe, Dua Lipa was sent out to squelch populism in the Balkans. Pussy Riot was stood up against Putin, and twenty-two African rappers were brought over to the States to learn how to fight populism in their own countries. Every election cycle, tired old celebrities do videos about their oh so compassionate vote. Turns out they are all paid by USAID. Can you imagine the tens of thousands of feminist organizations, here and abroad, set up by Hillary Clinton when she was Secretary of State?

We beat the pants off all of them. Little people in their pjamas in front of laptops, reading, typing, and analyzing patterns and talking to each other, without any money, or power or organization, killed the most powerful army of power-mad supposed brainiacs in the world, wielding billions of dollars against us.

We beat them.

Not one more red cent goes out.

And, we are going to get our money back.

All of it.

Tyler Durden
Mon, 02/24/2025 – 18:25

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

Crime-Battered NYC McDonald’s Starts Carding People At The Door

Crime-Battered NYC McDonald’s Starts Carding People At The Door

A notorious, crime-battered McDonald’s in Brooklyn is going to extreme lengths to defend itself and its patrons — prohibiting anyone who’s under age 20 from entering without a parent and proper identification. 

The outlet at Nostrand and Flatbush avenues has long been the site of violence and bloodshed, but an incident last week seems to have been the last straw that prompted the age-and-ID requirement. Nineteen-year-old manager Amber Hussain tells the New York Post that a group of juveniles that swarmed into the restaurant after school assaulted a security guard and shattered a glass door. 

Excluded teenagers raise their fists at the McDonald’s that’s been the focus of juvenile mayhem for years (Halayne Seidman/ New York Post)

The location has prompted a staggering 324 calls to 911 in the last three years alone, but the location has been a crime hot-spot for more than a dozen years. In a notable 2011 incident captured on video, two thugs ambushed an 18-year-old as he entered, shooting him multiple times. The victim himself had five robbery arrests to his credit before narrowly dodging death at Ronald’s crib: 

According to Hussain’s observations over her year of working at this mayhem-hammered location, here’s what you’d be in for if you visited during after-school afternoon hours: Upwards of 20 teens who come in and “trash the store,” hurl ice at patrons, rob Uber drivers of their bags of food, and fill the restaurant with marijuana smoke

The 24-hour restaurant is using security guards to enforce the new policy (Halayne Seidman/ New York Post)

“If you’re from that area, you know that McDonald’s is horrible,” New Yorker Sania Bolasingh told the Post. “People fight in there – it’s not just kids being kids. People get stabbed, a delivery worker got jumped, he passed out.” 

To restore some semblance of order and dignity, the McDonald’s outlet is now barring entry to children and teenagers through age 19 who aren’t accompanied by a parent with proper ID. The Post observed a group of excluded teens standing outside the restaurant and shaking their fists in anger. “What do you expect a business owner to do?” Clyde Smith, a 48-year-old law clerk asked the Post. “This was always a place where kids would cause trouble.”

A peaceful scene, via the no-teen regime (Halayne Seidman/ New York Post)

The downward spiral of America’s cities first brought us merchandise locked behind plexiglass, and now McDonald’s outlets staffed with two security guards at a time barring unsupervised teenagers. TikTokker Sania Kaila toured the Brooklyn restaurant, asking her followers via video, “You see how peaceful this McDonald’s is? You see how there’s no kids, you see how there’s no turmoil, how there’s nobody fighting?” After showing the security guard posted at the door and the sign explaining the new policy, she said, “This is crazy [that it’s come to this]. Stop messing up other people’s place!” 

Tyler Durden
Mon, 02/24/2025 – 18:00

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

Is Trump Right About Negotiating The War In Ukraine?

Is Trump Right About Negotiating The War In Ukraine?

Authored by Daniel Lacalle,

When we talk about the war in Ukraine, I agree with supporting the invaded country. 

Let my position be clear. 

However, to understand President Trump’s position, we must remember several factors.

FirstThe war has stalled, and Russia is advancing, even if I don’t like it

By early 2025, the Russian army controlled about 18% of Ukraine’s territory. It added 1,500 square miles over the course of 2024, almost twice the size of London.

SecondSanctions against Russia have failed

I was the first to defend them, but I warned that if Asia didn’t join, they would fail. Between 2022 and 2024, Russia’s trade surplus has reached over $600 billion. Russian products are exported all over the world and in many cases, they are sold in the European Union via China or India.

Third: The European Union’s position with the United States cannot be one of indignation when it maintains growing strategic ties with China, Russia’s partner and ally “without limits” or when EU leaders speak of Putin as a murderous dictator but treat him as an uncomfortable partner.

The European Union’s position cannot be in confrontation with Trump. The EU excluded the import of Russian liquefied natural gas from sanctions. In 2024, EU imports of Russian liquefied natural gas reached a record $7 billion. France, Spain, and Belgium accounted for 85% of those. Spain has imported more than $8.9 billion of Russian liquefied natural gas since the beginning of the war, and the European Union nearly $21 billion.

Fourth: Almost 18% of Ukraine’s population is Russian, about 8.4 million people.

Fifth: President Trump’s position on Ukraine is not a shock or a surprise from a week ago. 

He clarified his stance on Ukraine more than a year ago, specifically in February 2024, and reiterated it throughout the campaign. European Union leaders assumed he would not win the elections by a wide margin and that, if he did, he would not fulfil his promises. The war in Ukraine has cost the American taxpayer more than $350 billion, and in the United States, this war is not perceived as we see it in European media.

Let’s not forget that the EU geopolitical “experts” told us that the war would be quick, that Ukraine would undoubtedly win it, and that sanctions would lead to Russia conceding defeat, and that the Russian people, with the help of the oligarchs, would oust Putin from power. Well, three years later, they must explain several things to us.

What is the “position of the European Union”? On paper, the European Union supports Ukraine unconditionally, yet it continues to purchase billions of dollars’ worth of Russian liquefied natural gas and maintains privileged relations with China, Putin’s key strategic partner.

The position of the European Union leaders seems to be to do nothing, let the United States pay for it, and complain because they are not considered in the decision process.

Moreover, if the European Union’s position is that the only solution is a resounding victory for Ukraine, the actions of its member states betray them. Waiting for the media to forget and conceal the victory is insufficient if the EU desires an unappealable outcome.

A total victory for Ukraine would only come with a continent-wide military and economic confrontation against Russia and China, and only if it ended in a victory for NATO.

According to Byron York, “European leaders are upset about their exclusion from the Ukraine talks. They feel their no-ideas-no-agreement-on-how-to-proceed-but-plenty-of-platitudes perspective would be a valuable part of the negotiation.”

The European Union policy is to entrench this war, stop talking about it, and have the US pay for it. Fascinating.

President Trump is following the mandate of the American voters. 77 million votes, all swing states, Congress, and the Senate. Trump’s voters and many of Harris’s do not see this war as something the taxpayer should fund. Why? The EU’s own actions contradict the apocalyptic image they portray to us.

European leaders talk about Putin as if he were Hitler but behave with him as if he were Brezhnev. And Americans don’t buy that narrative. In fact, politicians who accuse Trump of giving wings to Putin, which hasn’t happened, keep quiet in the face of evidence that they did give him wings and armour with their ductile sanctions.

Former British diplomat John Foreman explains in The Spectator that “Europe is now in panic because it has become accustomed to the comfort provided by the United States in terms of security, has not paid attention to what Trump has been saying, and has not adequately prepared for his second presidency. The consequences of this strategic miscalculation are beginning to become clear.”

While President Trump does not view Putin as a threat, he recognises China as one. Therefore, he understands the importance of halting the waste of taxpayer funds in a war that the EU ignores. He intends to use these funds to fortify the U.S. in other areas against China and to reach an agreement in Ukraine before the evidence threatens the country’s existence. Furthermore, he remains unflinching and understands that the failure to negotiate could lead to Europe’s downfall in the medium run. Chinese support shields Russia’s position. The indignant European leaders, who simultaneously embrace China, rarely mention that “small” detail.

President Trump’s remarks about Zelensky sound very aggressive in Europe. However, we must remember that Zelensky stopped the efforts to investigate Hunter Biden’s businesses in Ukraine and rejecting new elections may be accepted by the constitution, but, as Thomas Di Lorenzo, president of the Mises Institute, points out, it can be seen as a “constitutional dictatorship.”

“If Europe is obsessed with retreating to irrelevance through its local totalitarianism, economic stagnation, or getting into a continental war, American taxpayers are not obliged to help them,” Connor O’Keefe says in Mises, quite rightly.

President Trump has not conceded or given away anything. What he has done is wake up the oligarchic bureaucracy and offer a door to a realistic peace solution. The alternative was nothing.

The negotiation will be complex, tough, and, of course, it will be good for Ukraine, or it won’t happen. The alternative is the current condescension, incompetence, and inaction.

If the European Union wants to think it’s winning the war and that it is relevant by sticking its head in a hole, making another summit of bureaucrats, and thinking that China is a friendly partner just passing by, that’s their problem. But Americans are not going to pay for it.

Tyler Durden
Mon, 02/24/2025 – 17:40

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

The American Rōnin: How Displaced “Disinformation Experts” Are Seeking New Opportunities In Europe And Academia

The American Rōnin: How Displaced “Disinformation Experts” Are Seeking New Opportunities In Europe And Academia

Authored by Jonathan Turley,

President Trump’s election has brought about mass layoffs among federal employees and contractors, including some who have sued and others who have protested.

But one group — that of America’s would-be censors — is taking its cause worldwide.

During the Biden administration, a massive industry took root, sweeping up billions in taxpayer funds to research, target and combat those accused of misinformation, disinformation and “malinformation.”

Although the exact number is uncertain, many trained censors are now facing unemployment. 

These self-described “disinformation experts” have become the modern equivalent of rōnin, the Japanese samurai who found themselves without a master and wandered the land looking for a new use of their skill set. They are finding precisely that calling in academia, not-for-profit groups and, most importantly, Europe.

A speech-regulation industry that was booming under Biden has gone bust under Trump. Over the last four years, massive amounts of money were poured into universities, non-governmental organizations and other groups in an unprecedented alliance of government, academia and corporations.

The media lionized many in the industry as “saving democracy” by controlling, targeting and suppressing others’ political speech. Not only did federal agencies fund these efforts, but they also coordinated censorship of groups and individuals with opposing views, even objecting to jokes on the internet.

Universities cashed in on this largesse as well. It was popular with most liberal administrators and lucrative for academics.

The sudden shutoff of the federal spigot comes as a blow, but it does not mean the speech warriors will simply convert their censor-shields into plowshares. Many will follow in the footsteps of Nina Jankowicz, briefly the head of a now-defunct disinformation governance board. After the outcry over the board, Jankowicz quickly found her skills were in demand in Europe.

Free speech has been in free-fall in Europe for decades. Germany has long enforced a robust system of speech criminalization that began with Nazi symbolism but steadily expanded to include inciteful speech, insults and merely “disinformative” statements. The United Kingdom and France showed the same insatiable appetite for the inexorable expansion of censorship and prosecutions.

The European Union has also been ground zero for the anti-free speech movement’s aggressive use of the Digital Services Act, which bars speech that is viewed as “disinformation” or “incitement.”

When it passed over the objections of free speech advocates, European Commission Executive Vice President Margrethe Vestager was perfectly ecstatic, declaring it is “not a slogan anymore, that what is illegal offline should also be seen and dealt with as illegal online. Now, it is a real thing. Democracy’s back.”

That is why Vice President J.D. Vance’s recent speech in Munich was so historic. For the free speech community, Vance went into the belly of the beast and denounced the anti-free-speech movement in the heart of Europe.

The response to the Vance speech has been nothing short of panic in the anti-free-speech community. Many are assembling in conferences in Europe, including the upcoming World Forum in Berlin. Bill and Hillary Clinton will be in attendance. (I will also be speaking at the conference.)

It was Hillary Clinton who, after Elon Musk purchased Twitter with the pledge to dismantle the censorship system, called upon the EU to force him and others to censor her fellow U.S. citizens. She embraced the infamous Digital Services Act, which seeks to impose a global system of speech control. She has also suggested the arrest of those spreading disinformation.

Immediately after the speech, familiar European and American voices denounced Vance and doubled down on the need for Europe to hold the line against dangerous free speech.

For the free speech community, there could not be a better place for this debate to unfold. Germany has demonstrated the false claims of the anti-free-speech community over the years. Indeed, you might call their arguments “disinformation.”

Vance and others who have challenged the European censorship systems have been attacked as Nazi enablers or sympathizers. Many of those who have fostered this attack are part of the regulator ronin. Others simply repeated the narrative without thought or support.

Take CBS anchor Margaret Brennan, who confronted Secretary of State Marco Rubio over the outrageous fact that Vance was supporting free speech while “standing in a country where free speech was weaponized to conduct a genocide.” The claim is stupefyingly uninformed. The first thing that the Nazis did in coming to power was to crack down and criminalize free speech — just as many on the left have done in European countries.

A few have insisted that the Nazis were brought to power by the lack of government controls over what views could be expressed. But this is not true either. The crushing irony is that Article 118 of the Weimar Constitution guaranteed free speech only “within the limits of the general laws.” It did not protect statements deemed by the government as factually untrue, and speech was actively regulated.

Adolf Hitler, for example, was barred from speaking publicly. The Nazis did not use free speech because they did not have it. They did, however, use the denial of free speech to claim that the government was afraid to have certain views aired in public.

Germany has replicated the old system that failed to stop (and perhaps even helped) the Nazis, doubling down on speech controls and criminalization. As I discuss in my book, there has never been a successful censorship system in the history of the world — not one. Germany is again a chilling example of the true record of such systems.

Past polling of German citizens found that only 18 percent felt free to express their opinions in public. Only 17 percent felt free to express themselves on the internet. So the neo-Nazi movement is flourishing, even as average German citizens feel chilled in their own speech.

Despite this history, the regulatory ronin are hard at work to scare the public back into empowering and especially into funding their efforts.

The outgoing chairman of the Munich Security Conference spoke through tears as he expressed his “fear” that Vance’s call for free speech could take hold in Europe. He tellingly added, “It is clear that our rules-based international order is under pressure. It is my strong belief … that this multipolar world needs to be based on a single set of norms and principles.”

This “international order” has striven to impose a single set of norms on speech, particularly through vehicles like the Digital Services Act. The effort stands at odds with the very essence of the American constitutional system and values.

The only thing both sides agree on is that this is an existential fight. For those in the free speech community, it will determine the future of what Justice Louis Brandeis called “the indispensable right.” For the other side, it is the future of a European model of free speech, limiting the right to deter those with extreme or inciteful views.

The recent successes in the U.S. at X and more recently at Meta are real. However, the displaced speech regulators are not just going to retool and learn to code or train to work in the hospitality industry.

As Vance’s speech showed, we are more isolated than ever. Even Americans like Clinton have joined with the Europeans to fight for censorship. It is time to take a side and fight for freedom of speech.

*  *  *

Jonathan Turley is the Shapiro professor of public interest law at George Washington University and the author of “The Indispensable Right: Free Speech in an Age of Rage.”

Tyler Durden
Mon, 02/24/2025 – 17:00

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden