Mexico’s “Legendary” Oil Hedging Desk Is Quietly Preparing For The Next Plunge

While oil longs and Saudi Arabia are enjoying this week’s latest, substantial short squeeze, prompted if not so much by the latest set of cheerful, if repetitive, IEA “rebalancing” forecasts, the fundamental reality as confirmed not only by a recent Morgan Stanley report which sees oil dropping to the mid-$30s, but also by the just released Baker Hughes oil rig count which reported a spike of 15 rigs in the past week, the most since 2015, suggests that there is more downside pressure in store for oil.

Some are already actively hedging for just that.

According to Bloomberg, Mexico has started “quietly” buying contracts to lock in 2017 oil prices when futures were near their peak in June, signaling the start of what has in prior years been the “world’s largest sovereign petroleum hedge.” The Latin American country has been buying put options earlier than the usual period of late August to late September, according to Bloomberg sources, suggesting that at least according to one prominent trading desk, the oil peak has come sooner than expected this year. Specifically, Mexico is targeting the price of $49 as its breakeven, suggesting it does not expect oil to rise above this level.

Brent crude, the global benchmark, peaked at nearly $53 a barrel in early June. Since then, prices have declined about $10 a barrel as the outlook for the global economy soured and OPEC countries boosted production. Bloomberg did not report how much Mexico was able to hedge before prices fell back.

The Latin American country is notable in that it has spent an average of almost $1 billion a year over the past decade buying put from banks such as Goldman Sachsm Citigroup and JPMorgan Chase. Mexico’s annual hedge is the largest undertaken by a national government and “often roils the market.”

Late in 2015 Mexico made waves in the oil market when similar bearish hedges were said to record massive payout of at least $6 billion.  In 2015, Mexico had guaranteed sales at almost $30 a barrel higher than average prices over the past year, thanks to its focused oil hedging process. The 2015 payment surpassed the previous record from 2009, when the Mexican government said it received $5.1 billion after prices plunged with the global financial crisis.  As Bloomberg reported at the time, the hedge covered 228 million barrels at $76.40 each for the Mexican oil basket, roughly $30 higher than where oil had averaged over the corresponding period, or roughly $46. Mexico’s uncanny ability to hedge ahead of major price moves had prompted some oil traders to dub its oil trading desk skills “legendary.”

The move to hedge 2017 oil prices comes as Mexico stands to take in about $3 billion from this year’s hedge, which was put on from June to August 2015, if prices remain around current levels. That follows last year’s record payout of $6.4 billion.

What is interesting is how, unlike in prior years, Mexico is covertly trying to hedge future prices. According to Bloomberg, “the rules forced U.S. banks to report some details of the deal through public swap data repositories. But this year not a single deal bearing the marks of the Mexican hedge has emerged, and two of the people familiar with the program said Mexico and its bankers were using non-U.S. branches of the banks to bypass the reporting rules.”

In other words, Mexico does not want to be frontrun by other traders, since oil prices closer to its $49 bogey would make the puts cheaper.

As Bloomberg confirms, “Mexico and its bankers try to keep the hedge under wraps as long as possible, to avoid others front-running the trade and making the insurance more expensive. In the past two years, however, some details of the hedge emerged because of new regulations introduced in the U.S. with the Dodd-Frank Act.”

Curiously, Mexico is alone in its hedging strategy. Despite Mexico’s hedging success few other commodity-rich countries have followed suit. Ecuador hedged oil sales in 1993, but losses triggered a political storm and the nation never tried again. More recently, oil importers Morocco, Jamaica and Uruguay have bought protection against rising energy prices.

One country that certainly does not appear to hedge is Saudi Arabia. Instead, as its oil minister openly admits, the Saudi strategy is merely to trigger short squeeze at time when shorts approach record levels, such as right now. This is what he told Reuters yesterday:

Falih said in the statement the market is on the right track towards rebalancing but “the process of clearing crude and products inventories will take time”. “But the large short positioning in the market has caused the oil price to undershoot. However, this is unsustainable. To reverse the declines in investment and output, oil prices have to go up from the current levels,” he added.

It remains to be seen if Mexico’s magic “hedging touch” will be sufficient to get the market to try and frontrun its hedging efforts, in the process pushing the price of oil even lower.

via Tyler Durden

Californication: Another $1.5BN Spent On A Playground For The Chinook Salmon

Ever wonder what the end goal is in California?  Between the relentless attacks on business (see “3 Simple Charts That Help Explain Why 9,000 Businesses Have Left California In Just 7 Years“) and blatant pandering to environmental interests we often wonder whether politicians would prefer to just turn the entire state into a National Park.  At least there would be a great high speed rail for park visitors.

During the Great Depression a small fortune was spent on public works programs that put people back to work building probably the best water distribution infrastructure in the world.  Now there seems to be a race in California to see how quickly it can all be dismantled in favor of various fish species.

One such project that will leave you shaking your head is the San Joaquin River Restoration Program.  For those not familiar, the project is meant to restore 63 miles of the San Joaquin River, stretching from the Millerton Lake to the Merced River (see map below), so that the Chinook Salmon can have more space to frolic.  The river was dammed in 1942 with the construction of the Friant Dam near Fresno which was intended to provide water to residents and farmers in the Central Valley.  After the water storage project reduced downstream water flows the Chinook Salmon runs in the river faded away.  In 1988 a group of environmentalist sued the federal government saying that diversion of the river broke state laws protecting fish.  After nearly 20 years of legal battles a settlement was reached in 2006 to restore the 60-mile stretch of river.   

According to comments made to Reuters by Shane Hunt of the Bureau of Reclamation the costs of the project have skyrocketed and currently stand at $1.5 billion or roughly 6x the original estimate. 

Costs have ballooned, rising from an estimated $250 million to $800 million in 2006 to $1.5 billion today, said Bureau of Reclamation spokesman Shane Hunt.


The latest projected completion date is 2029.




As usual, farmers stand to lose the most from the project with up to 20% of annual water captured in the Friant Dam being released each year to restore downstream water flows.  In wet years, the restoration project will divert roughly 200,000 acre feet of water which, at an assumed 4 acre feet of consumption per acre, is enough to irrigate 50,000 acres of land.  To put that in perspective, 50,000 acres is enough to produce 1.3 billion lbs of oranges,  1.0 billion lbs of table grapes or 125 million lbs of almonds annually.  A farmer described the project to Reuters as “a giant waste of time and money.”

On the bright side, at least El Nino “saved” California from its drought.  According to the California Department of Water Resources Millerton Lake is at 57% of its total capacity…we guess average ain’t bad.

Millerton Lake

via Tyler Durden

Ron Paul Rages At The “Phony Job Recovery”

Submitted by Ron Paul via The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity,

Last Friday saw the release of a bombshell jobs report, with headlines exclaiming that the US economy added over 250,000 jobs in July, far in excess of any forecasts. The reality was far more grim. Those “jobs” weren't actually created by businesses – they were created by the statisticians who compiled the numbers, through the process of “seasonal adjustment.” That's a bit of statistical magic that the government likes to pull out of its hat when the real data isn't very flattering. It's done with GDP, it's done with job numbers, and similar manipulation is done with government inflation figures to keep them lower than actual price increases. In reality there are a million fewer people with jobs this month than last month, but the magic of seasonal adjustment turns that into a gain of 255,000.

Delving further into the jobs report, we see that many of the jobs that were supposedly created were jobs in government and health care. Government jobs, of course, are paid for by siphoning money away from taxpayers. And health care jobs are increasingly created solely because of the ever-growing mandates of Obamacare. Other major sources of job growth were temp jobs and leisure & hospitality (i.e. waiters and bartenders). These aren't long-lasting jobs that will contribute to economic growth, they are mostly just jobs that cater to the tastes of the well-to-do who continue to benefit from the Federal Reserve's easy monetary policy.

As New York, San Francisco, Washington, DC, and other political and financial hubs continue to benefit from trillions of dollars of debt-financed government spending and the trillions more dollars the Federal Reserve has created from nothing, the politicians, lobbyists, and bankers who receive that money demand ever more exotic food, drink, and entertainment. The jobs that arise to satisfy that demand, we are supposed to believe, are the backbone of the job market “recovery.” Yeah, right.

Eight years after the worst part of the last financial crisis, the US economy still has not fully recovered. The number of people employed may have finally begun to grow past its pre-crisis peak but the quality of jobs has deteriorated, and the number of people who are still looking for jobs or who have even given up looking for jobs and dropped out of the labor force still numbers in the millions and shows no signs of shrinking. Quantitative easing, zero or negative interest rates, and other inflationary central bank policies cannot lead to lasting job creation or economic growth. Try telling that to the central bankers, though. They only care about aggregate numbers, not what is actually behind those aggregates. A castle built of sand is the same to them as a castle built of stone.

Until the notion that wealth and prosperity can come from a printing press is eradicated from the thinking of policymakers, economies around the world will remained mired in this malaise. Jobs are created by meeting consumer demand. If you provide the goods and services that customers want at the price they want, your business will grow, jobs will be created, and everyone in society will be better off.

If, on the other hand, jobs are created through government money creation and heavily protectionist laws and regulations, those jobs will not meet the needs of consumers, will add nothing to productivity, and ultimately will not last. When politicians pursue policies that incentivize jobs like the latter to those of the former, economic stagnation is the unfortunate but predictable result.

via Tyler Durden

Oil Slides After Biggest Rig Count Rise Since Dec 2015

From the May lows at 316, US oil rigs have risen 10 of the last 11 weeks to 396, tracking lagged oil prices almost perfectly still. Oil prices had rallied all morning into the rig count data but the 15 rig rise – the biggest since Dec 2015 – sent prices lower…

This is the biggest 11-week rise (+25%) since January 2010…


Oil is backing off a little…


Charts: Bloomberg

via Tyler Durden

96% Of Clinton Donations Went To The Clinton Foundation

Moments ago, when we disclosed the Clinton's 2015 tax return, we posted a rhetorical question: "how much of the Clinton charity donations went to the Clinton Foundation? Taking a deduction for contributing to the employer of your daughter and expense payer of your husband is awesome."

We now know: as page 29 of the tax return reveals, of the $1,042,000 in charitable cash contributions, exactly $1 million went to, you guessed it, the Clinton Family Foundation, whose expenses pay among others, those Clinton family members and friends employed by the foundation, like Chelsea Clinton who happens to be the foundation's Vice Chair: the ultimate Clinton reacharound?

Here is a list of some of the other key employees at the foundation:

And the Board of Directors:

The other $42,000 went to the Desert Classic Charities, which hosts an annual gold event.

As reported earlier, the Clinton Foundation is allegedly under investigation for corruption by the US Attorney General.

via Tyler Durden

Clintons Release 2015 Tax Returns, Disclose $10.6 Million In Income

Coincidentally, on the same day that The NYTimes claims Donald Trump paid no taxes last year (though not illegally), The Clintons have chosen to release their tax records.


As AP reports, Hillary Clinton's campaign says the Democratic nominee and her husband paid a federal tax rate of 34.2 percent and donated 9.8 percent of their income to charity last year.

The Clintons are releasing their 2015 filings on Friday. Her campaign is also releasing returns from running mate Tim Kaine and his wife.


The campaign says the Kaines have donated 7.5 percent of their income to charity over the last decade. They paid an effective tax rate of 25.6 percent in 2015.


Clinton is trying to undercut the trustworthiness of rival Donald Trump. He has refused to disclose any returns, breaking tradition with all recent presidential candidates.


Trump says he won't release them until Internal Revenue Service completes audits of his returns.


The Clintons have disclosed returns for every year since 1977.

The campaign did not directly disclose – though the filings do:

  • Bill Clinton received $5.2 million last year from speeches.
  • Hillary Clinton made $4.75 million in speaking and book money in 2015

So The Clintons made a shitload of money… paid their taxes patriotically… and gave plenty to charity… But one quick question (via WSJ comments):

How much of the Clinton charity donations (10% per article) went to the Clinton Foundation? Taking a deduction for contributing to the employer of your daughter and expense payer of your husband is awesome.

Perhaps The Clinton Campaign was worried that the polls have started to turn since she laid out her economic vision… mimiccing many of Trump's policies…

Of course – the narrative is now set for the weekend – "what is Donald Trump hiding?" or some such bullshit… we wonder when Hillary's Goldman transcripts… or health records will be released.

*  *  *

Full Returns below…


via Tyler Durden

Michigan Pension Funds Boost Tesla Stake By Over 200%

Several days ago we reported that as a result of ongoing “financial repression” and record low rates, public pensions in the US are currently facing a $2 trillion funding shortfall ($4.5 trillion in assets on $6.5 trillion liabilities), however the shortfall soars to as much $8.4 trillion if one discounts the future at “safe” rates of return around the current 2% level.

Pension Underfudning

While that may be an exaggeration, the pension shortfall even under current actuarial assumptions is a major issue for future pension payments, and one which is forcing public asset managers to take drastic steps to cut the shortfall. Case in point, is the Michigan Department of Treasury which according to Detroit News, bought $48 million shares in Tesla Motors for state retirement funds in the second quarter, increasing its shares 224 percent in the electric-car builder.

The Treasury department’s Bureau of Investments oversees investment of more than $60 billion in the State of Michigan Retirement Systems. That includes four systems: the Michigan Public School Employees’ Retirement System, Michigan State Employees’ Retirement System, Michigan State Police Retirement System and Michigan Judges Retirement System.

The retirement funds owned 104,821 shares of Tesla as of March 30. By the end of June they had 339,623 shares worth $72 million, according to U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission filings. That means that as of June 30, Michigan retirees owned more Tesla stock than even the Swiss National Bank, which according to its latest 13-F owned “only” $59 million in shares of the car maker.

What makes the boost in the ownership stake particularly odd is that Michigan legislators have prohibited Tesla from selling its electric cars in the state. Governor Rick Snyder in 2014 signed a so-called “anti-Tesla bill” into law prohibiting vehicle sales by any company other than franchised dealers.

A Treasury spokesperson said in an email that all investment decisions are made by a team of portfolio managers that are independent of state regulatory agencies. “Our original $25 million position in Tesla was relatively minor, and we added approximately $50 million during the past quarter,” the department said in a statement. “The additional shares did not materially add to the risk of the overall $60 billion investment portfolio.”

Yet somehow they materially added to the potential return of the overall portfolio? In other words, Michigan has found the golden grail of investing: future return without risk.

So what else do Mihcgan retirees own indirectly?

The Tesla stock represents 0.12 percent of the state’s $60 billion portfolio. The state owns holdings in hundreds of companies and funds. Some other notable companies it invests in include Verizon Communications Inc., Apple Inc., Wells Fargo & Co., AFLAC Inc., Microsoft Corp., Home Depot Inc., Facebook Inc. and

Treasury owns 1,355,538 shares of Ford Motor Co. worth about $17 million. It owns 486,800 shares of stock in General Motors Co. worth about $13.7 million. It also holds about 94,000 shares of Delphi Automotive stock worth more than $84 million. It does not own stock in Fiat Chrysler Automobiles.

Andy Dillon, former state Treasurer and now executive director of financial and management consulting firm Conway MacKenzie, said the Treasury has a large portfolio, and any one stock investment likely is just a coincidence.

“They have an obligation to chase returns and be diversified,” Dillon said. “It doesn’t jump out to me as anything out of the ordinary… It’s very difficult to read much into that.”

When Tesla stock is rising, Dillon is of course correct. However, when it – and everything tumbles – the state’s furious retirees, most of whom would see their pensions slashed, will demand answers. And this will be one of the #timestamped articles that leads to an exuberance of anger at what in retrospect will be seen as a reckless decision. For proof look no further than Japan’s pension fund, which in the first quarter alone lost about $100 billion as it shifted away from bonds (which are, ironically, soaring) and into Japanese and foreign equities.  Then again, one can’t say that Japanese pension managers learned their lesson either: as we reproted a month ago, instead of reassessing, they are simply doubling down

As for the culprit behind this sad state of affairs, look no further than the world’s central banks, who have made the job of pension fund managers virtually impossible courtesy of the coordinated global effort to get everyone invested “all in” in the riskiest assets if any return (or yield) is desired. Incidentally, every time this has happened in history, it ended in tears. This time may not be different.

via Tyler Durden

“Expert” Says Rising Rapes In Sweden Due To Global Warming Not Soaring Muslim Immigration

Psychotherapist and “expert on sexual criminals,” Börje Svensson, has finally figured out the mystery behind rising sexual assaults in Sweden.  Want to guess where he places the blame?  Well, if you guessed ManBearPig then you’re absolutely right!  And we thought it might have something to do with the massive spike in refugees flooding into Sweden from countries that don’t really share the same “respect” for women as the Western world. 

Now we just feel awful for misplacing the blame.  Still sometimes we feel like ManBearPig probably carries more than his fair share of the blame for the problems of the world (see “Bernie Sanders ‘Reveals’ The Real Cause Of Terrorism… Climate Change“).

Per an article published by Breitbart London:

Providing the perfect reason that absolves the Swedish establishment of all responsibility, Svensson described how we have been a bit unlucky with the weather this year. Hopefully we will have a colder summer next year and sexual crimes will then be an old memory linked to that one hot Swedish summer. If by any chance, there are still rapes during a colder summer, our experts will simply find another scapegoat rather than looking straight at the imported criminals.

Just in case you’re not the type to blindly accept the wisdom of our educated elites we thought we’d share some silly statistics with you just for fun.  Does seem odd that rising sexual assaults happen to overlap with a massive spike in asylum applications from the predominantly Muslim countries of the Middle East and Northern Africa.

Sweded Asylum Seekers



Obviously, the rape epidemic in Europe is no laughing matter with new reports of violent sexual assaults being reported daily.  The crisis is something we’ve discussed on numerous occasions recently (see “Germany’s Migrant Rape Crisis Spirals Out Of Control” and “Sweden’s Migrant Rape Epidemic Explained“).  Unfortunately, it’s difficult to combat a problem like this when elected officials find it “inconvenient” to admit the true root of the crisis.

Sexual Harrassment in Europe

via Tyler Durden

Crude Spikes To 3-Week Highs After Biggest Surge In Open Interest In 10 Years

WTI is now up 14% from its lows last week, with Sept 2016 trading back above $44.50 at 3-week highs.

Oil’s rapid OPEC-headline-driven recovery continues…

Despite rising inventories (and record production levels in OPEC), the Saudi statement hope remains and prompted the biggest spike in WTI Open Interest since August 2006 yesterday!

As Bloomberg notes this is the highest level of aggregate open interest since 2013 with volumes above 1mm for the 7th session in a row.

This was a signal of the addition of length and more than just short covering, according to Petromatrix analyst Olivier Jakob.


Increases driven by reported comments yday from Saudi Arabian oil minister Al Falih about balancing mkt, says Eugen Weinberg, head of commodities research at Commerzbank


This “is a big increase,” Petromatrix analyst Olivier Jakob says by phone. “Based on that, it’s difficult to say that the rally of yesterday was just short covering, it points to the opposite, fresh longs and shorts coming into the market”

Bloomberg also points out that WTI front month 25-delta skew jumped to iutsmost ‘bullish’ biased since November…

WTI Call vol is highest relative to put vol (demand) since Nov 2015…


Of course, that is “probably nothing” but we suspect the last few days sudden spike in prices and aggregate positioning are a little excessive relative to any fundamentals…

“The contracts have recovered well but be careful,” PVM Oil Associates director Robin Bieber writes in a note.


“The speed and size of the reaction up should make one very cautious at the 34-day MAs. They’ve spoilt plenty of bullish parties before”

via Tyler Durden