Labor Dept. Says Furloughed Federal Workers Can’t Double-Dip On Unemployment Benefits

How anyone thought this made any sense in the first place was a little beyond us, but the Labor Department has ruled that the Federal employees who were furloughed while the government was shutdown were not eligible for unemployment benefits (as well as back-pay)…


So no double-dipwe await the union-based class action suit…


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

Fact Or Fiction: NSA Unveils "Internal Patriot Discovery" Protocol

Rather than go to exhaustive lengths identifying the “terrorists,” we identify (based on every piece of data you have ever touched in your life) the ‘patriots’ and thus, by process of elimination find the real terrorists…



via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

Fact Or Fiction: NSA Unveils “Internal Patriot Discovery” Protocol

Rather than go to exhaustive lengths identifying the “terrorists,” we identify (based on every piece of data you have ever touched in your life) the ‘patriots’ and thus, by process of elimination find the real terrorists…



via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

Guest Post: Is A Major Correction Coming?

Submitted by Lance Roberts of STA Wealth Management,



via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

The Inevitable Market Deleveraging Will Occur, Whether the Fed Wants It or Not


By engaging in QE, the Fed alters the very structure of risk in the financial system. Traders on Wall Street, knowing full well that the Fed would be soaking up Treasuries, rushed into new debt issuance with the intention of flipping over these assets to the Fed in the near future.


This became a self-fulfilling prophecy as the “front-running the Fed” trade became a dominant theme for Wall Street. By piling into bonds, traders forced prices higher and yields lower: precisely what the Fed wanted.


It is critical to note that a significant percentage of these investors had no interest in actually owning US debt as an asset class in the long run. They were simply looking for an easy trade that made money. As a result, interest rates were driven even lower by the “investment herd”.


All risk in the financial world ultimately traces its pricing back the yield on US Treasuries. US Treasuries are considered to be “risk free” because they are backed by the full faith and credit of the US Government.


All other, riskier assets (corporate bonds, municipal bonds, emerging markets bonds, then stocks and emerging market stocks) trade based on their perceived riskiness relative to Treasuries yields. By manipulating interest rates lower, both directly (cutting rates) and indirectly (by broadcasting its intention in buying Treasuries, thereby incentivizing traders to front run it) the Fed altered the capital market landscape in ways that few investors understand.


By maintaining artificially low interest rates, the Fed was hoping to drive investors away from bonds and into stocks and other, more risky assets. The Crash of 2008, combined with a retiring or soon to retire Baby Boomer population that is more interested in income than capital gains, resulted in a mass exodus away from stocks in the 2009-2013 period.


By keeping interest rates near zero, the Fed has been hoping to push investors into the stock market. The hope here was that as stock prices rose, investors would feel wealthier (the “wealth effect”) and would be more inclined to start spending more, thereby jump-starting the economy.


This has not been the case. Instead the entire capital market structure has become mispriced.


Individual investors have been fleeing stocks for the perceived safety (and more consistent returns) of bonds. Since 2007, investors have pulled over $405 billion out of stock based mutual funds. The pace did not slow throughout this period either with investors pulling $90 billion out of stock based mutual funds in 2012: the largest withdrawal since 2008.


In contrast, over the same time period, investors have put over $1.14 trillion into bond funds. They brought in $317 billion in 2012, the most since 20008.


This had the effect of pushing yields even lower (precisely what the Fed wanted).



As you can see, today rates are the lowest they’ve been in over fifty years. This is not a sustainable trajectory. Real estate and all other assets that have been financed via cheap debt have been pushed higher due to excess leverage. This includes GDP.


In the 1960s every new $1 in debt bought nearly $1 in GDP growth. In the 70s it began to fall as the debt climbed. By the time we hit the ‘80s and ‘90s, each new $1 in debt bought only $0.30-$0.50 in GDP growth. And today, each new $1 in debt buys only $0.10 in GDP growth at best.


Put another way, the growth of the last three decades, but especially of the last 5-10 years, has been driven by a greater and greater amount of debt. This is why the Fed has been so concerned about interest rates. It’s also why ultimately the Fed’s efforts to reflate the system will fail on some level with the inevitable market deleveraging occurring one way or another.


Be prepared.


For a FREE Special Report outlining how to protect your portfolio a market collapse, swing by:



Phoenix Capital Research







via Zero Hedge Phoenix Capital Research

China's Gold Reserves At Least 2.5 Times Higher Than Reported, ‘De-Americanisation’ Continues

Today’s AM fix was USD 1,341.75, EUR 971.79 and GBP 827.58 per ounce.
Yesterday’s AM fix was USD 1,336.25, EUR 968.79 and GBP 825.76 per ounce.

Gold climbed $12.10 or 0.91% yesterday, closing at $1,345.40/oz. Silver inched up $0.11 or 0.49% closing at $22.67. Platinum rose $15.45 or 1.1% to $1,445.75/oz, while palladium fell $0.53 or 0.1% to $743.47/oz.

Gold Krugerrands (1 oz) are trading at $1,406.48 or premiums between 4.75% and 5.5%  and Gold Kilo  Bars (1 kilo) are trading at $44,451.89 or premiums between 3% and 3.5%. Premiums are steady.

Bloomberg Industries – Precious Metal Mining

Gold dipped below its three-week high in London on profit taking after a 2% gain this week, which put gold on course for a second week of higher prices. Gold closed above the 50-day moving average and this in conjunction with two weekly higher closes is bullish technically.

Gold’s gains yesterday came due to increasing concerns that the Federal Reserve will maintain the pace of unprecedented monetary stimulus and debasement.

Gold is on track for its first yearly drop in over 13 years, as speculators sold gold on the COMEX and some investors became nervous of the recent price falls.
Gold is probably at a cyclical bottom and CPM sees gold prices rising sharply in 2016-2023, CPM Group’s Jeffrey Christian said in a speech in Toronto on Wednesday.

The call is interesting as CPM have been notoriously bearish on gold in recent years – throughout much of the 11 year bull market.
CPM Group sees the gold price at $1,240-$1,380/oz for “most of the next few months,” CPM managing partner Jeffrey Christian said. Gold may trade in a $1,240- to $1,500/oz range for “the next couple of years”.

Gold in USD – Year To Day and 50 Day Moving Average – Bloomberg

Gold may jump 7.5% or $100 to $1,450/oz by year end if prices break out of a pennant formation, according to technical analysis by Paul Kavanaugh of Future Path Trading as seen on Bloomberg.

The chart above shows gold trading in a “pennant flag,” when the upper and lower trend lines for prices meet to form a triangle. The lower level is $1,251, and the upper is $1,434, Kavanaugh said.

“Prices are clearly trying to move higher, and a close above the 50-day moving average means we could see some strength,” Kavanaugh said.

Comments from state backed Xinhua that call for a “de-Americanised world” and a proposal to consider a new international reserve currency to replace the dollar mark a key event for gold prices.

The official Xinhua News Agency and the voice of the Chinese government, offered a not so subtle, highly critical commentary on October 14 regarding the U.S.’ appalling fiscal, monetary and political situation as it stands today.

While the Chinese echoed the notion of a “super-sovereign reserve currency” before, their statement is more important as the U.S. continues to struggle to reach agreements on debt ceiling talks and future monetary policy actions.

“It is perhaps a good time for the befuddled world to start considering building a de-Americanised world” said the important op-ed.

Bloomberg Industries – Precious Metal Mining

Key among its proposals: the creation of a new international reserve currency to replace the present reliance on the U.S. dollar as reserve currency. The article suggested that this is a necessary step to prevent American bumbling and profligacy from further afflicting the world.

“The world is still crawling its way out of an economic disaster thanks to the voracious Wall Street elites.”

“The cyclical stagnation in Washington for a viable bipartisan solution over a federal budget and an approval for raising the debt ceiling has again left many nations’ tremendous dollar assets in jeopardy and the international community highly agonized,” says Xinhua.

The Chinese have for a long number of years expressed concerns about the direction Washington, led by Wall Street, is leading the world financial system and the global economy.

In March 2009, the governor of the People’s Bank of China, Zhou Xiaochuan, called for the creation of a new reserve currency, albeit in less forthright language. The world needs a new “super-sovereign reserve currency” to replace the current reliance on the dollar, Zhou wrote in a paper published on the People’s Bank of China’s website.

Zhou Xiaochuan is still China’s central bank governor.

The goal is to “create an international reserve currency that is disconnected from individual nations and is able to remain stable in the long run.”

This sounds like he may be referring to gold, as gold is an “international reserve currency that is disconnected from individual nations” and has remained “stable in the long run.”
Toppling the dollar isn’t enough today, however: “Several cornerstones should be laid to underpin a de-Americanised world,” explains the Xinhua piece.

Bloomberg Industries – Precious Metal Mining

Along with a greater role for developing-market economies in both the World Bank and International Monetary Fund, “the authority of the United Nations in handling global hot-spot issues has to be recognized. That means no one has the right to wage any form of military action against others without a UN mandate.”

“A self-serving Washington has abused its superpower status and introduced even more chaos into the world by shifting financial risks overseas, instigating regional tensions amid territorial disputes, and fighting unwarranted wars under the cover of outright lies,” the commentary continues.

“Such alarming days when the destinies of others are in the hands of a hypocritical nation have to be terminated, and a new world order should be put in place, according to which all nations, big or small, poor or rich, can have their key interests respected and protected on an equal footing.”

Since the early 2000s, those positive on gold have rightly suggested that excessive money printing by the Federal Reserve would lead to a devaluation of the world’s reserve currency as inflation picks up and hampers the currency.

Those more concerned about the dollar’s fate has warned of a currency collapse and serious inflation.

While the notion of the dollar losing its status as the world’s reserve currency had appeared muted for some time given the lack of alternatives, it is now gaining credence.

A deeper look into China’s gold holdings warrants attention (see charts).

Its last reported gold holdings in April 2009 were 1,054 metric tons. After adjusting for net imports from Hong Kong and domestic output, the figure is closer to 5,086 metric tons. If one were to take away gold uses for jewelry, industrial, and other categories and only add implied bar demand to central bank holdings, the figure is likely closer to 2,710 metric tons according to Bloomberg Industries’ Andrew Cosgrove and Kenneth H

In just 10 years, China’s gold holdings could catch up to the U.S., based on adjusted Chinese consumption for jewelry, industrial and other uses and using implied bar demand as the primary driver of incremental central bank additions (see chart).

Bloomberg Industries – Precious Metal Mining

At current run rates, China is on pace to add 622 metric tons of bars to its central bank holdings this year (380 mt in 2012). Given the low gold price, growing reserves in 2014 above this year’s levels appears achievable.

Gold will benefit from the continuing move away from the dollar as the world’s reserve currency as some form of a gold-backed currency emerges.

China’s call for “de-Americanization” is likely just a posturing maneuver. A large-scale sale of China’s U.S. Treasury holdings would likely cause a dramatic decline in the dollar, while increasing rates. This would cripple the U.S. economy and dent export demand for Chinese products.

This therefore, is the “nuclear option” for the Chinese government and one that they will be keen to avoid. They will only adopt this position if forced to in extreme circumstances, such as a U.S. default or extreme debasement of the dollar.

Already, the Chinese have stopped accumulating dollars – preferring safer currencies, infrastructure, hard assets and commodities and of course gold. Even a small amount of Chinese selling  could lead to substantial dollar weakness and much higher bond yields plummeting the U.S. into another recession.

The smart money, including the Chinese people and the People’s Bank of China, is concerned about currency debasement and continue to accumulate physical gold for the long term.

The dumb money continues to not understand the ramifications of dollar currency debasement and the De-Americanising world and continues to see gold as a trade or a mere speculation rather than the essential safe haven asset that it is.

Gold is heading for the first annual decline since 2000.

The Chinese have lustily greeted gold’s 19% drop this year by continuing to buy record amounts of gold. They know the price drop has created a gift for physical buyers globally.


via Zero Hedge GoldCore

China’s Gold Reserves At Least 2.5 Times Higher Than Reported, ‘De-Americanisation’ Continues

Today’s AM fix was USD 1,341.75, EUR 971.79 and GBP 827.58 per ounce.
Yesterday’s AM fix was USD 1,336.25, EUR 968.79 and GBP 825.76 per ounce.

Gold climbed $12.10 or 0.91% yesterday, closing at $1,345.40/oz. Silver inched up $0.11 or 0.49% closing at $22.67. Platinum rose $15.45 or 1.1% to $1,445.75/oz, while palladium fell $0.53 or 0.1% to $743.47/oz.

Gold Krugerrands (1 oz) are trading at $1,406.48 or premiums between 4.75% and 5.5%  and Gold Kilo  Bars (1 kilo) are trading at $44,451.89 or premiums between 3% and 3.5%. Premiums are steady.

Bloomberg Industries – Precious Metal Mining

Gold dipped below its three-week high in London on profit taking after a 2% gain this week, which put gold on course for a second week of higher prices. Gold closed above the 50-day moving average and this in conjunction with two weekly higher closes is bullish technically.

Gold’s gains yesterday came due to increasing concerns that the Federal Reserve will maintain the pace of unprecedented monetary stimulus and debasement.

Gold is on track for its first yearly drop in over 13 years, as speculators sold gold on the COMEX and some investors became nervous of the recent price falls.
Gold is probably at a cyclical bottom and CPM sees gold prices rising sharply in 2016-2023, CPM Group’s Jeffrey Christian said in a speech in Toronto on Wednesday.

The call is interesting as CPM have been notoriously bearish on gold in recent years – throughout much of the 11 year bull market.
CPM Group sees the gold price at $1,240-$1,380/oz for “most of the next few months,” CPM managing partner Jeffrey Christian said. Gold may trade in a $1,240- to $1,500/oz range for “the next couple of years”.

Gold in USD – Year To Day and 50 Day Moving Average – Bloomberg

Gold may jump 7.5% or $100 to $1,450/oz by year end if prices break out of a pennant formation, according to technical analysis by Paul Kavanaugh of Future Path Trading as seen on Bloomberg.

The chart above shows gold trading in a “pennant flag,” when the upper and lower trend lines for prices meet to form a triangle. The lower level is $1,251, and the upper is $1,434, Kavanaugh said.

“Prices are clearly trying to move higher, and a close above the 50-day moving average means we could see some strength,” Kavanaugh said.

Comments from state backed Xinhua that call for a “de-Americanised world” and a proposal to consider a new international reserve currency to replace the dollar mark a key event for gold prices.

The official Xinhua News Agency and the voice of the Chinese government, offered a not so subtle, highly critical commentary on October 14 regarding the U.S.’ appalling fiscal, monetary and political situation as it stands today.

While the Chinese echoed the notion of a “super-sovereign reserve currency” before, their statement is more important as the U.S. continues to struggle to reach agreements on debt ceiling talks and future monetary policy actions.

“It is perhaps a good time for the befuddled world to start considering building a de-Americanised world” said the important op-ed.

Bloomberg Industries – Precious Metal Mining

Key among its proposals: the creation of a new international reserve currency to replace the present reliance on the U.S. dollar as reserve currency. The article suggested that this is a necessary step to prevent American bumbling and profligacy from further afflicting the world.

“The world is still crawling its way out of an economic disaster thanks to the voracious Wall Street elites.”

“The cyclical stagnation in Washington for a viable bipartisan solution over a federal budget and an approval for raising the debt ceiling has again left many nations’ tremendous dollar assets in jeopardy and the international community highly agonized,” says Xinhua.

The Chinese have for a long number of years expressed concerns about the direction Washington, led by Wall Street, is leading the world financial system and the global economy.

In March 2009, the governor of the People’s Bank of China, Zhou Xiaochuan, called for the creation of a new reserve currency, albeit in less forthright language. The world needs a new “super-sovereign reserve currency” to replace the current reliance on the dollar, Zhou wrote in a paper published on the People’s Bank of China’s website.

Zhou Xiaochuan is still China’s central bank governor.

The goal is to “create an international reserve currency that is disconnected from individual nations and is able to remain stable in the long run.”

This sounds like he may be referring to gold, as gold is an “international reserve currency that is disconnected from individual nations” and has remained “stable in the long run.”
Toppling the dollar isn’t enough today, however: “Several cornerstones should be laid to underpin a de-Americanised world,” explains the Xinhua piece.

Bloomberg Industries – Precious Metal Mining

Along with a greater role for developing-market economies in both the World Bank and International Monetary Fund, “the authority of the United Nations in handling global hot-spot issues has to be recognized. That means no one has the right to wage any form of military action against others without a UN mandate.”

“A self-serving Washington has abused its superpower status and introduced even more chaos into the world by shifting financial risks overseas, instigating regional tensions amid territorial disputes, and fighting unwarranted wars under the cover of outright lies,” the commentary continues.

“Such alarming days when the destinies of others are in the hands of a hypocritical nation have to be terminated, and a new world order should be put in place, according to which all nations, big or small, poor or rich, can have their key interests respected and protected on an equal footing.”

Since the early 2000s, those positive on gold have rightly suggested that excessive money printing by the Federal Reserve would lead to a devaluation of the world’s reserve currency as inflation picks up and hampers the currency.

Those more concerned about the dollar’s fate has warned of a currency collapse and serious inflation.

While the notion of the dollar losing its status as the world’s reserve currency had appeared muted for some time given the lack of alternatives, it is now gaining credence.

A deeper look into China’s gold holdings warrants attention (see charts).

Its last reported gold holdings in April 2009 were 1,054 metric tons. After adjusting for net imports from Hong Kong and domestic output, the figure is closer to 5,086 metric tons. If one were to take away gold uses for jewelry, industrial, and other categories and only add implied bar demand to central bank holdings, the figure is likely closer to 2,710 metric tons according to Bloomberg Industries’ Andrew Cosgrove and Kenneth Hoffman.

In just 10 years, China’s gold holdings could catch up to the U.S., based on adjusted Chinese consumption for jewelry, industrial and other uses and using implied bar demand as the primary driver of incremental central bank additions (see chart).

Bloomberg Industries – Precious Metal Mining

At current run rates, China is on pace to add 622 metric tons of bars to its central bank holdings this year (380 mt in 2012). Given the low gold price, growing reserves in 2014 above this year’s levels appears achievable.

Gold will benefit from the continuing move away from the dollar as the world’s reserve currency as some form of a gold-backed currency emerges.

China’s call for “de-Americanization” is likely just a posturing maneuver. A large-scale sale of China’s U.S. Treasury holdings would likely cause a dramatic decline in the dollar, while increasing rates. This would cripple the U.S. economy and dent export demand for Chinese products.

This therefore, is the “nuclear option” for the Chinese government and one that they will be keen to avoid. They will only adopt this position if forced to in extreme circumstances, such as a U.S. default or extreme debasement of the dollar.

Already, the Chinese have stopped accumulating dollars – preferring safer currencies, infrastructure, hard assets and commodities and of course gold. Even a small amount of Chinese selling  could lead to substantial dollar weakness and much higher bond yields plummeting the U.S. into another recession.

The smart money, including the Chinese people and the People’s Bank of China, is concerned about currency debasement and continue to accumulate physical gold for the long term.

The dumb money continues to not understand the ramifications of dollar currency debasement and the De-Americanising world and continues to see gold as a trade or a mere speculation rather than the essential safe haven asset that it is.

Gold is heading for the first annual decline since 2000.

The Chinese have lustily greeted gold’s 19% drop this year by continuing to buy record amounts of gold. They know the price drop has created a gift for physical buyers globally.


via Zero Hedge GoldCore

7.3 Magnitude Earthquake Hits Japan – Tsunami Warning Issued For Fukushima

A 7.3 (according to USGS) magnitude earthquake just struck 311 miles ENE of Tokyo at a depth of 10km. The Pacific Tsunami Center has issued a warning and VOA reports a 1-meter high tsunami could hit Fukushima coast at 02:40 local – 1340ET)…











it seems the eathquake is shrinking (are Japanese officials quantitatively easing down expectations)…

  • 1327ET – URGENT:  Magnitude-6.8 quake hits Japan’s Fukushima region
  • 1331ET – AP NewsAlert: Magnitude 7.3 Earthquake Strikes Off Fukushima


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

When pumpkins fly

It had to be impossible! There was no logical explanation. And yet, the impossible scene was unfolding right in front of us.
Strange things were always happening in our neighborhood. It was something my three brothers and sister had gotten all too familiar with. After all, we did live on Flamingo Street, where anything could occur. But flying pumpkins?

read more

via The Citizen