Let the Kids Stay: The Drive to Deport Unaccompanied Minors, Refugees of America’s Drug War, is Immoral

So let’s get this straight: Like a marauding elephant, America
sticks its trunk in Latin America, snorts out Border Kidsone-trillion in
military and other aid to stop the flow of drugs that Americans
want, gives a huge push to drug cartels in these countries who
unleash all kinds of unspeakable atrocities on innocent civilians,
and now, when these civilians desperately try and get their
children out of harm’s way by grasping at a Bush-era law that is
required to give them a hearing, nativists march on the street
blathering about America’s national sovereignty?

Where were they when their guvmint (which is about to authorize
$4 billion
in emergency funding to deport these kids
immediately) was violating the sovereignty of Honduras, El Salvador
and Guatemala — the three countries from where most of
the  unaccompanied minors are coming from?  These
countries enjoy the highest murder rate in the world, thanks, in
part, to our drug war.

 Yet nativists shamelessly march on the streets demanding
that these kids be “Returned to Sender.”

America is arguably experiencing its worst spasm of nativism
since the early 20th Century, I note in my Washington
Examiner column:

 Then, magazines such as Judge ran cartoons depicting a
Statue of Liberty with a Chinese face welcoming crime-prone and
diseased immigrants. Now, protesters in towns like Murrieta,
Calif., are turning away buses carrying these kids to shelters,
accusing them of being scabies-infected lawbreakers.

But just as the argument that blacks be kept in chains because
slavery was the law of the land lost, so will nativism. That’s
because it’ll run into the Huckleberry Finn Problem.

What is that? Go
to find out.

from Hit & Run http://ift.tt/1mGlcHc

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