Barney Frank Explains How America’s Libertarian Nature Is Helping Legalize Gay Marriage, Marijuana

Former Congressman Barney Frank sat down with the folks at the
absurdly named Big Think (these are the same folks who gave Bill
Nye a platform to assume opponents of
Common Core
are creationists) about the future of marijuana
legalization. Though probably better known to the public for his
advocacy on gay rights and financial regulation, he’s been a
constant fighter to end the war on
, long before the current push.

This short segment combines (marries, if you will) analysis of
how people’s attitudes are changing on marijuana legalization with
changes in opinion on recognizing marriages of gay couples. I’m
bringing up the video because he makes some interesting
libertarian-friendly statements (including actually referencing

Some bullet points of interest:

  • He describes the dilemma of those in favor of the bans as
    struggling to come up with reasons why it should be a legal or
    government issue. He notes that America’s “basic libertarianism”
    makes it difficult to convince people to ban something just because
    you think it’s morally wrong. They have to show it has real
    negative consequences that affect other people. Because
    prohibitions had been hammered through earlier, though, it was
    impossible to disprove claims that gay marriage and marijuana use
    caused actual harms.
  • Thus, the awesomeness of federalism! He doesn’t actually use
    the word, but he talks about how a few places broke through years
    ago: Massachusetts and Vermont on marriage, and the many states
    that began legalizing marijuana for medical use. Thus we are able
    to get the evidence that gay marriage and marijuana don’t cause the
    sorts of social harms that banners insisted on: “None of the
    negative effects people predicted have occurred. Reality beat the
  • Frank explains that when he first began pushing to legalize
    marijuana, he faced opposition from black political leaders who
    worried about the impact of drug use on their communities. But
    their attitudes changed when they saw the “absolutely undeniable
    discriminatory nature of the law enforcement” of drug laws against

from Hit & Run

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