Rand Paul Laser-Focused on Hillary Clinton for Some Reason

the wake of Republican Sen. Mitch McConnell’s victory over
challenger Alison Lundergan Grimes, Rand Paul—who attended
McConnell’s victory rally—had just one name on his mind: Hillary

Fox News asked Paul about the win; Paul framed the election as a
referendum, not just on Obama, but also on Clinton, who
actively campaigned
on behalf of Grimes and Democratic
candidates in other states. According to

“Mrs. Grimes ran as a Clinton Democrat,” said Paul. “She tried
to disassociate herself with President Obama, so she tried to
attach herself to Hillary Clinton, but it turns out Hillary Clinton
doesn’t have many coattails in Kentucky.

Later in the interview, Paul repeated this line of thinking,
saying the GOP wins are a “repudiation basically of the president’s
policies but also Hillary Clinton.” While he said people were
trying to say that Hillary and Bill Clinton are “somehow
better for Democrats” than Obama is, in Kentucky, “they were
soundly rejected.”

Eventually, Bret Baier couldn’t help but point out that Paul was
taking every possible opportunity to trash Clinton, his most likely
opponent in the 2016 presidential race were he to win the
Republican nomination.

In other words, if anyone is still on the fence about whether
Paul is going to run for president: He is going to run for

As I have noted previously, a Paul vs. Clinton showdown would
invert some the traditional Republican and Democratic Party
positions on
civil liberties, foreign policy
, and
drug policy
. That is undeniably exciting for libertarians.

from Hit & Run http://ift.tt/1x2g1b9

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