Abenomics Fail – Safe Sales Soar in Japan as People Move to Store Cash Amid Negative Interest Rate Turmoil

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Their imminent departure from evening news programmes is not just a loss to their profession; critics say they were forced out as part of a crackdown on media dissent by an increasingly intolerant prime minister, Shinzo Abe, and his supporters.

Only last week, the internal affairs minister, Sanae Takaichi, sent a clear message to media organizations. Broadcasters that repeatedly failed to show “fairness” in their political coverage, despite official warnings, could be taken off the air, she told MPs.

Momii caused consternation after his appointment when he suggested that NHK would toe the government line on key diplomatic issues, including Japan’s territorial dispute with China. “International broadcasting is different from domestic,” he said. “It would not do for us to say ‘left’ when the government is saying ‘right’.”

– From the post: Japanese Government Cracks Down Hard on the Media Amid Pitiful Economic Performance

Just in case you still remain confused as to why global economists, technocrats and elitist thieves the world over are suddenly rushing to ban cash, today’s article from the Wall Street Journal should make their intentions perfectly clear. *Hint, it has nothing to do with stopping crime.

Here are a few excerpts from the piece, Japanese Seeking a Place to Stash Cash Start Snapping Up Safes:

TOKYO—Look no further than Japan’s hardware stores for a worrying new sign that consumers are hoarding cash—the opposite of what the Bank of Japan had hoped when it recently introduced negative interest rates.

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from Liberty Blitzkrieg http://ift.tt/1WDOVjq

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