How the Media Covers Hate Crimes Against Immigrants: New at Reason

Three Indian Americans have been shot in the U.S. in the last few weeks, two fatally. But if most Americans aren’t aware of that, they can be forgiven given that press coverage has Love and Hatebeen relatively muted. In the press in India, on the other hand, there has been wall-to-wall coverage along with purple condemnations of President Trump’s vitriolic anti-immigration rhetoric, Reason Foundation Senior Analyst Shikha Dalmia points out.

Is the Indian press overreacting or the American press underreacting? India’s blanket coverage is irrational, but understandable. America’s apparent blissful ignorance is rational but less understandable, she notes. The fact of the matter is that Indian Americans, like other folks who look like Muslims, face a triple threat in America. And communities that feel threatened don’t calibrate their response in a perfectly rational way based on data and stats.

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