If at First You Don’t Succeed, Get Back on the ‘Repeal and Replace’ Horse: New at Reason

RyanAfter last week’s Obamacare repeal-and-replace bill debacle, President Donald Trump and the House Republican leadership seemed ready to throw in the towel and give up on health care reform. Thankfully, a few days later, House Speaker Paul Ryan announced that Republicans are “not going to just all of a sudden abandon health care.” The feeling is shared by Trump, who, shortly thereafter, told a group of senators, “I know that we’re all going to make a deal on health care.”

That’s the least they could do for the American people. Who gives up after one try? Under the best of circumstances, fundamental reforms are hard. Fundamental reform of the health care system is among the most difficult legislative and political tasks, and this effort wasn’t the best of circumstances. Indeed, the bill didn’t fail because of the Freedom Caucus as many claim. It didn’t fail because the president didn’t offer to compromise on a few aspects of the bill to increase the “yes” vote count. It didn’t fail because the National Economic Council chief didn’t defend the bill properly on Sunday talk shows. And it certainly didn’t fail for lack of bullying from the administration.

It failed because it was a bad bill, writes Veronique de Rugy.

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Watch Live: Senate Holds First Open Hearing On Russian Election Interference

Today the Senate Intelligence Committee is holding its first open hearing in its investigation into Russian interference in the election.  The two-part panel, held at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., will first question academics on Russian influence operations, then turn to a cybersecurity company that confirmed the original hack of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) last summer.

As The Hill notes, committee leaders have sought to distance themselves from the partisan furor in the House Intelligence Committee’s concurrent investigation, publicly vowing cooperation and bipartisanship.  Chair and ranking member Richard Burr (R-N.C.) and Mark Warner (D-Va.) gave a joint press conference to that effect Thursday, and rank-and-file members made the rounds on the morning shows Thursday to tout the same message: “We’ve got this. “

On the witness docket for today’s first hearing are:

Eugene Rumer
Director of Russia and Eurasia Program
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

Roy Godson
Professor of Government Emeritus
Georgetown University

Clint Watts
Senior Fellow
Foreign Policy Research Institute Program on National Security

Watch the hearing live below:

via http://ift.tt/2oCoArj Tyler Durden

Nunes ‘Source’ Was A “Whistleblower-Type”, Ryan Says

As the imbroglio within the House Intel Committee continues with Democrats refusing the listen to the 'message' without knowing who the 'messenger' was, Speaker Ryan provided a little more color on the source of Devin Nunes' information about incidental surveillance of President Trump’s team.

As The Hill reports, Ryan said Thursday on “CBS This Morning" that:

"[Nunes] had told me that a whistleblower type person had given him some information that was new, that spoke to the last administration and part of this investigation,”


“What Chairman Nunes said was he came into possession of new information he thought was valuable to this investigation and he was going to go and inform people about it.”

We wonder what Ryan's definition of a "whistleblower-type" is?

Ryan also said he did not urge Nunes to inform Trump of his findings, saying he told him to include it in his committee's probe of Russia’s election interference.

“He didn’t have the documents, so I didn’t,” Ryan said when asked if he saw Nunes's physical evidence. "He was going to brief everybody.”

Of course, 'whistleblower' or not, Democrats will refuse to accept the facts in the new information because it just does not fit their narrative. Is anyone surprised that multiple Democrats (and one Republican) have demanded that Nunes recuse himself (or resign) and are even beginning a probe into Nunes' connections? Govern the bloody country already!!

via http://ift.tt/2oceW2e Tyler Durden

Trump Declares War on the Freedom Caucus

What’s the old saw? They told me if I voted for Hillary Clinton, the president would declare war against the House Freedom Caucus. And he did! (Though I didn’t vote for Hillary Clinton….) Anyway, here’s your moment of Trump:

Eagle-eyed observers might note that the president has a problem with math here. Namely, if you subtract the 32 or so members of the House Freedom Caucus, that wipes out nearly all of the Republican Party’s current 34-seat majority (which will likely swell back up to 37 once vacated seats are filled) in the House of Representatives. A handful of GOP senators—most notably Rand Paul and Mike Lee, occasionally Ted Cruz and Jeff Flake—could be seen as HFC co-conspirators, and WHOOPS there goes your 52-48 whip-count. A party looking to pass legislation can “fight” against the Freedom Caucus or fight against the Democrats; but until there is any sign of a centrist-Dem flight toward a historically unpopular Republican president, you really do have to pick just one.

Some of Trumpworld’s pressure on the group is working; as mentioned here before, Rep. Ted Poe (R-Texas) resigned from the Freedom Caucus in the wake of the Ryancare debacle, and now his fellow Texan Brian Babin might follow suit. Other members are expressing their anxiety about the conflict, as expressed in this Politico article from today:

“Here will be the test: My hope is the president will be inclined to allow the negotiations to go forward and we will be allowed to get a better bill than we did before,” said group member Trent Franks (R-Ariz.) in a brief interview Tuesday. “If we do, the Freedom Caucus will have a great equity in that conclusion. If we don’t, if we see the thing fail completely — nothing but shards around us — then we probably saw the Freedom Caucus overplay their hand… and I say that as a grateful member of the Freedom Caucus.”

As I noted in a presciently headlined Friday post “Having Co-Opted the Tea Party Nationwide, Trump Tries to Stamp out its Remnants in Congress,” there’s a tremendous paradox here: “The very establishment he once railed against for being power-hungry sellouts have now sold themselves out to Donald Trump in order to retain power. And now both sides have joined up in trying to stamp out the last remaining principled deviants.” On Tuesday, House Freedom Caucus friend (though not quite member) Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) confessed to me his “great fear” about Trump going native in D.C.:

You know, Donald Trump campaigned on draining the swamp. If he gets up here and hops in and thinks it’s a hot tub, like the rest of these guys, we’re going to be in trouble….I think when people looked at 16 candidates on the [presidential primary] stage, they said “That’s the guy that doesn’t owe anybody in Washington, D.C., anything, and that’s the guy least likely to fall in league with the rest of them when he gets there, and the guy most likely to get us some change.” And that’s why they voted for him.

The biggest risk of this is going to be if he comes here and he doesn’t do what he said, and if he becomes establishment, then the next revolution is not going to be at the ballot box. I mean they are literally going to be here with pitchforks and torches if electing Donald Trump didn’t change anything. What the hell is going to change anything? That’s what I think may be the next step.

So will Democrats now strategically reach out to the libertarian-leaners across the aisle? Ha ha, fat chance. But we did tell you that they’ll eventually come to selectively appreciate their efforts:

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Dollar Tumbles On Report Trump Studying Ways To “Penalize Currency Manipulators”

Moments ago, all three main US FX pairs, the yen, euro and yuan snapped higher, following a CNBC report according to which the Trump administration is studying ways to penalize countries whose currencies it believes are undervalued. CNBC cited two unidentified people with direct knowledge of the review who work within the administration.

Trump’s econ team is studying alternative strategies to labeling China a currency manipulator, the people say and add that the “effort” includes Treasury, Commerce Dept, National Economic Council, National Trade Council and the office of the U.S. Trade Representative One law that has generated particular attention is the Trade Enforcement and Trade Facilitation Act.

The result: an immediate plunge in the USD as follows:



In the report, CNBC notes that the Trump administration is assessing the scope of its power to penalize countries whose currencies it believes are undervalued, according to two people with direct knowledge of the review, “an effort to fulfill the president’s campaign pledge to crack down on what he frequently called unfair trade.”

President Donald Trump promised to label China as a currency manipulator on day one of his presidency, but has not done so. That process is actually directed by the Treasury Department, which is not slated to release its official analysis of international currency until later this spring. Even then, many analysts are skeptical that the administration would take the aggressive step of slapping China with such a label.


In the meantime, the administration’s economic team is looking at alternative strategies, said the two people, both of whom work within the administration. The effort includes not only Treasury, but also the Commerce Department, National Economic Council, National Trade Council and the office of the U.S. Trade Representative, one of the officials said.

According to CNBC one approach that has garnered particular attention is the Trade Enforcement and Trade Facilitation Act, which was enacted during the final months of President Barack Obama’s administration. “It was intended to act as a check on separate legislation that gave Obama broad latitude to negotiate the Asian trade deal known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership, or TPP. Critics of that agreement argued that it did not sufficiently protect against currency manipulation.”

The Trade Enforcement and Trade Facilitation Act details several consequences for nations that have devalued their currency and also have large current account surpluses. It allows the president to block future federal contracts with those countries and to choke off government financing for U.S. businesses seeking to invest there. The law also calls for pressuring the International Monetary Fund for heightened surveillance and for currency valuation to be considered in trade negotiations.

“China is likely to take overt as well as covert retaliatory actions, that could include restricting American companies’ access to markets and investment opportunities in China, as well as disrupting the supply chains of U.S. businesses that rely on Chinese intermediaries,” said Eswar Prasad, a trade professor at Cornell University. “The U.S. economy, especially U.S. multinational corporations that operate in China in one form or another, could suffer significant collateral damage if an open trade war were to break out.”

That said, it is unlikely that China, or any other nation will be branded a currency manipulator outright: as CNBC notes, “to be labeled a currency manipulator, China would need to meet three rigorous requirements: a U.S. trade surplus of more than $20 billion, a current-account surplus of more than 3 percent of its economy and purchases of foreign assets totaling more than 2 percent of GDP. The last analysis by the Obama administration found that China met only the standard on bilateral trade.”

via http://ift.tt/2olaQC8 Tyler Durden

Formula for a Fiscal Binge Takes Shape: New at Reason

TrumpWilliam Safire said that as a speechwriter for Richard Nixon, he would sometimes urge the president, “Take the easy way!” Nixon could then give a speech saying he had rejected advice from his aides to take the easy way, preferring to do what was right.

Politicians may pretend to make hard choices, but they rarely do. Those in office now won’t be inspired to heroic deeds by the failure to repeal Obamacare. Just the opposite.

The lesson of this episode is that it’s hard to reach agreement on taking things away from the voters. The corollary is that it’s easy to reach agreement on giving things to the voters. The obvious next step is a fiscal binge that serves the selfish interests of everyone except posterity. Steve Chapman considers what is likely to come.

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Trump Slams Freedom Caucus: “We Must Fight Them”

It appears negotiations between the Trump/Ryan camps and the conservative Freedom Caucus over Obamacare repeal have not only gone nowhere but are back to square one, or perhaps zero, because moments ago Donald Trump, who had taken a modest sabbatical from his favorite social network, lashed out on Twitter against the conservative group that scuttled last Friday’s repeal vote, saying “The Freedom Caucus will hurt the entire Republican agenda if they don’t get on the team, & fast. We must fight them, & Dems, in 2018!

After this antagonistic tweet we doubt that relations between, already on edge between the two camps, will improve.

And with Paul Ryan speaking out against Trump negotiating with the Democrats, it appears that any renewed attempt to repeal Obamacare remains on indefinite hiatus.

via http://ift.tt/2njENk7 Tyler Durden

“Did Russia Ever Interfere In The US Elections?” Putin Answers: “Watch My Lips, No”

Speaking at a CNBC-moderated panel, Russian President Vladimir Putin once again said that accusations of Russian interference in the US presidential elections are “lies” used for “domestic American politics.”

“We said on numerous occasions and I reiterate that we are confident … And know for sure that opinion polls in the Unites States show that very many people are … friendly towards the Russian Federation and I’d like to tell these people that we perceive and regard the United States as a great power with which we want to establish good partnership relations,” Putin said and added “All those things are fictional, illusory and provocations, lies. All these are used for domestic American political agendas. The anti-Russian card is played by different political forces inside the United States to trade on that and consolidate their positions inside.”

Putin refuted the findings of a January ODN report which in January found that “Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered an influence campaign in 2016 aimed at the US presidential election. Russia’s goals were to undermine public faith in the U.S. democratic process, denigrate Secretary (Hillary) Clinton, and harm her electability and potential presidency. We further assess Putin and the Russian government developed a clear preference for President-elect Trump,” the report said, adding that intelligence agencies have “high confidence” in that assessment, although have yet to release any of the facts backing the assessment.

FInally, Putin explicitly denied that Russia meddled in the U.S. elections. Putin quoted George Bush when asked if the “Russian government had ever tried to influence the outcome of the US presidential election, and there will be no evidence found?” to which he responded “Watch my lips, no.”

via http://ift.tt/2mSviNq Tyler Durden

A.M. Links: Federal Judge in Hawaii Issues Nationwide Injunction Against Trump’s Immigration Order, North Carolina Lawmakers Expected to Repeal Transgender Bathroom Law, Trump’s Approval Ratings Hit New Low

  • A federal judge in Hawaii has issued a nationwide preliminary injunction blocking the federal government from enforcing President Donald Trump’s revised executive order banning travelers from six Muslim-majority countries.
  • North Carolina lawmakers are expected to announce legislation repealing the state’s transgender bathroom law.
  • President Trump will host Chinese President Xi Jinping in Palm Beach, Florida, next week.
  • “Senate Democratic leaders are giving centrist colleagues space on Neil Gorsuch despite strong pressure from the liberal base to sink President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee.”
  • According to Gallup, President Trump’s approval ratings have hit a new low of 35 percent.

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Q4 GDP Revised Higher To 2.1% As Consumers Splurge On “Foreign Travel And Recreation Services”

In the third and final estimate of Q4 GDP, the BEA revised the previous estimate of 1.8% notably higher to 2.1%, driven by a sharp upward revision to consumer spending, which rose 3.5% in Q4, after rising 3.0% in Q2, and contributed 2.4% to the bottom GDP line – in other words consumption alone was more than the entire GDP increase- up from 2.05% in the second revision.

The increase in real GDP reflected an increase in consumer spending, private inventory investment, residential investment, business investment, and state and local government spending. These contributions were partly offset by declines in exports and federal government spending. Imports, which are a subtraction in the calculation of GDP, increased. Trade subtracted 1.82 percentage points from growth, the most since 2004, compared with the prior estimate of a 1.7-point drag, on weaker exports and higher imports

The biggest contributor to the upward revision to consumption reflected spending on net foreign travel and recreation services, as well as gasoline and other energy goods

Prices of goods and services purchased by U.S. residents increased 2.0 percent in the fourth quarter after increasing 1.5 percent in the third quarter. Excluding energy and food, prices rose 1.6 percent after increasing 1.7 percent.

The final revision also presented the latest update to corporate profits, which according to the BEA increased 0.5% at a quarterly rate in the fourth quarter after increasing 5.8 percent in the third quarter.
Profits of nonfinancial corporations decreased 4.9 percent in the fourth quarter, profits of financial corporations increased 5.4 percent, and profits from the rest of the world increased 11.0 percent.

In total, corporate profits in the U.S. jumped 9.3 percent from a year earlier, the most since 2012, and rose 0.5 percent from the previous three months, in the first estimate for the fourth quarter.

Other details, courtesy of Bloomberg:

  • Nonresidential fixed investment revised lower on intellectual-property products, reflecting Census data and company financial reports
  • Data represent the last of three GDP estimates for the quarter before annual revisions in July
  • Pre-tax corporate profits were down 0.1 percent for all of 2016, after a 3 percent drop in 2015
  • Inventories added 1.01 percentage point to growth, revised from 0.94 point
  • Stripping out inventories and trade, so-called final sales to domestic purchasers increased at a 2.8 percent rate, revised from a 2.6 percent pace

via http://ift.tt/2mSqUyk Tyler Durden