Adding Calorie Counts to Menus No Simple Feat: New at Reason

BurgerFood policy expert Baylen Linnekin weighs in on the latest complications with mandated calorie counts on restaurant menus and USA Today‘s breezy misassumption that it’s all so easy to implement:

This week, New York City—the first place in America to require chain restaurants to post calorie information on their menus—expanded the reach of its menu-labeling law.

The city is now “the first municipality to require grocery and convenience stores with more than 15 outlets nationwide to clearly display calorie counts for prepared foods and beverages and have additional nutritional information available upon request,” reports New York’s Fox 5. “The rules will apply to about 1,500 food retailers.”

This expansion is a microcosm of a larger, ongoing debate in Washington over the fate of federal menu-labeling rules.

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