How Government Hype Helps Terrorists: New at Reason

John Kelly, the secretary of homeland security, seems to be moonlighting as a publicist for ISIS. How else to explain his fearmongering warnings about terrorism on Fox News last Friday?

“I was telling Steve on the way in here,” Kelly said, referring to Fox & Friends co-host Steve Doocy, “if he knew what I know about terrorism, he’d never leave the house in the morning. … It’s everywhere. It’s constant….It can happen almost here anytime.”

Kelly’s remark complemented the efforts of terrorists, suggests Jacob Sullum. After all, terrorists aim to provoke an emotional response that grossly exaggerates the threat they pose. But contrary to Kelly’s claims, terrorism is not everywhere, and it is not constant. It is a rare event that is much less likely to kill you than myriad hazards that somehow do not deter us from leaving our homes in the morning.

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