Will the Government Ruin Self-Driving Cars?

Via The Daily Bell

Over the past several decades, cars have become increasingly high tech allowing for computers to take larger roles in the routine functions of the car.  Computerized functions have been a boon to consumers, who advantage from greater reliability and efficiency, but also to criminal hackers who advantage from greater vulnerability.

Starting around the turn of the last decade tech enthusiasts started toying around with the concept of hacking into cars.  So-called “white hat” hackers, who seek out exploits in technology so companies can fix them, successfully attempted to remotely disable a sedan’s breaks and allowed for companies to take hacking into consideration when developing future models.   

Notably, a study done by two researchers discovered a vulnerability in Fiat Chrysler’s vehicles which caused a massive recall of 1.4 million vehicles.  After the incident, the company created a tool for car owners to constantly check for updates available to make their car safer whenever the Chryslers become aware of a threat.

The trend has become so troubling to automakers that most auto companies now employ entire firms dedicated to attempting to find exploits in their cars’ software.  Tesla recently profited from employing such efforts when Keen Security Lab was able to remotely take over a Tesla Model S car.  Due to the alert afforded by the security team’s efforts Tesla was able to create and distribute a patch immediately before any nefarious parties could take action with the flaw.

The common theme between all these examples is the company seeking out flaws in its own technology so as to better serve consumers and ensure greater safety for the public. To the public’s knowledge no criminal entity has yet determined how to remotely hack into a car on the market, but due to the lawless actions taken by entities within the federal government, that could soon change.

Threat From The CIA

Researchers within the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) have been creating tools to hack into consumer vehicles. While the spy agency is within its alleged charter to create tools for espionage designed to keep Americans safe, their actions surrounding this technology have done the exact opposite.

The CIA has a horrific track record of keeping its hacking arsenal a secret.  By seeking out exploits in automobiles without notifying automakers of their efforts and findings the CIA has explicitly endangered the lives of drivers across the globe.  Already criminal entities are weaponizing the tools lost by the CIA and other government agencies.  In short, the CIA created major dangers to car owners within America and abroad through both its own intentional actions and unintentional negligence.

Even if the CIA could be trusted to hold onto the secret tools and ensure that it would be the only entity with the power to remotely take over cars there is no guarantee Americans would be safe. During the tenure of the CIA forces within the organization have long sought to increase the scope of their operations and actively engage in operations on US soil. There is no telling the grief that the agency could cause with this technology.  Already there is speculation that the agency has used this technology on American citizens, such as Michael Hastings.    

The dangers presented by the CIA’s actions have been amplified with the advent of the self-driving car. Consumers have been brought into a new age of transportation unleashed by the forces of creative destruction so important to the free market system. Soon individuals will be able to experience an entirely automated commute and enjoy the benefits of an automated distribution of goods. The public can only hope the government doesn’t get in the way of this amazing innovation as they have done with so many other great technological leaps


With the great volume of benefits made possible through this technology comes significant threats, however, which are magnified by the federal government’s general incompetency.  In order to better serve the vehicle owner, automated vehicles will undoubtedly collect data on consumer habits, driving patterns, and other personal information to better suit the experience to drivers’ needs.

To better “protect” the public, federal regulators have proposed a myriad of rules aimed at making the vehicles safer, which of course will not only stifle innovation, but will likely be outdated by the time they are codified due to the rapid advancements of this technology.

In a laughable demonstration of their lack of self-awareness the same government which is deploying resources to hack into electric cars is simultaneously proposing regulations on how companies can use data collected by autonomous vehicles in the name of privacy.  The leviathan is restricting companies from better serving their customers while concurrently building cyber weapons to endanger those same consumers!  

To battle this monstrous trajectory some advocacy groups are lobbying Congress for greater restrictions on intelligence agencies.  In an effort to ensure government agencies no longer create de-facto backdoor entries into private property political organizations are urging Congress to enact a Digital Bill Of Rights, but that may not be enough.  

Regardless of what laws are on the books intelligence agencies will always attempt to gain more power over information.  Not even the sacred Fourth Amendment has stopped the Intelligence Industrial Complex from spying on Americans.  Even if Congress were able to rein in known programs which endangered consumers, who knows what kind of secret programs these agencies could cook up.  If consumers want real protections from covert government spy craft they will need to take action into their own hands.

Market Approach

Per usual, when the government creates a major problem, the market creates a major solution. Already major firms are taking action to fight back against the increased hackability of automobiles.  Notably insurance companies are now starting to offer packages which include protections from hacker related damages.  Offering a more active role from customers, Geico, a major American auto insurer, has initiated a campaign focused on spreading tips regarding how to avoid car hacking.  

Acting on the trend of taking digital safety out of the government’s hands and into the driver’s, numerous automotive groups and publications have started publishing on how to make cars hack proof.  Of course, the most needed solution is the rewarding of firms who put consumer safety first and governmental demands of back doors last.  Already this trend can be seen as companies such as General Motors and Tesla, who both invest significantly in cyber security, have seen their market shares rise.  

While consumers will play a large role in deciding how safe cars are from government snooping, technology might outpace consumer preferences and provide a solution much faster.  Technology advocates are now calling on automakers to release the code used to run various aspects of motor vehicles and utilize an open-source model. By releasing the codes to the public the entire process would become much more transparent and allow for greater scrutiny of a car’s software which in turn would help spot hacks, government created or otherwise, before real harm could be done.

By turning to advancements in technology and trusting consumers to invest in their own protections the marketplace can effectively beat the government to protecting drivers.  Moreover, market-based advancements will be the only thing to protect drivers from government-sponsored snooping.

via http://ift.tt/2sFhcxc TDB

Charlie Gard’s Case Shows Why Government Should Stay Out of End-of-Life Choices

Charlie Gard's parentsIn California, the government is documenting what happens when citizens can turn to medicine to end their own lives. In the United Kingdom, the government is forcing parents’ hands in the case of an infant with a life-ending medical condition. Two news stories about the government’s role in end-of-life issues highlight the potential slippery slope where a recognition of individual liberty transforms into a manifestation of official authority and control.

California lawmakers passed right-to-die legislation in 2015. It permits doctors to prescribe life-ending medication to adults with terminal illnesses and likely less than six months to live.

Now that the law is in place, the state is keeping track of who actually decides to end their own lives this way. Its first report, covering June to December of 2016, determined that 111 people committed assisted suicide in this fashion. The vast majority were over the age of 60 and receiving hospice care.

In the United Kingdom, the government is deciding for itself when to pull the plug in a case sparking international news coverage and horrified responses. Charlie Gard, an infant with a serious and rare genetic condition and significant brain damage, is terminally ill. His parents would like to pursue an experimental treatment in the United States. Doctors, granted authority by the British government and their socialized medical system, have told them no. They are ordering that Gard’s life support be shut down. The parents turned to the European Court of Human Rights for support and were rebuffed.

Note that this is not a matter where the British government is being asked to bankroll Gard’s experimental treatment. The parents themselves have raised the money to bring him to the United States. Rather, doctors and the British government are overruling the parents and deciding that they have the authority to an end the child’s life and what they believe to be the child’s suffering.

While it seems unlikely that the treatment in the United States would change Gard’s tragic fate, this case should nevertheless be seen as a dangerous assertion of authority disguised as mercy.

For libertarians or anybody who supports an individual’s right to end his or her own suffering, what’s happening in the United Kingdom is an important and useful reminder of why some conservatives are wary about allowing this right. There is a slippery slope here: An individual’s right to decide can transform into a government’s insistence on making that call for those who aren’t in a position to assert themselves. Western governments use their authority to override parents’ decision-making in many areas, from schooling to vaccinations. But what’s supposed to be a mechanism to shield children (who have little agency) from parental abuse becomes a method for paternalistic intervention.

After all, what Gard’s parents are doing is essentially the opposite of what should trigger government intervention. They are not abusing the child. They are doing what parents are supposed to do: everything they can to save him. And they should have the liberty to do so.

It should not be difficult to avoid the slippery slope that transforms voluntary euthanasia into government-sanctioned termination. It’s a matter of respecting the choice of the individual or those who are responsible for making those choices. Government intervention should be limited to situations where it can be shown that the private responsible parties are abusing or neglecting the patient, or where there are no private responsible parties.

One other issue worth examining in the Gard case: The authorities have been quick to dismiss this experimental treatment because it probably won’t work. They are probably right. But that’s not where medicine and science ends. The development of treatment for an illness is an iterative process that includes many, many failures along the way to success.

The fight between Gard’s family and the British government resembles the “right to try” movement, which aims to loosen regulations that keep terminally ill people from trying experimental and not fully government-approved treatments. Consider the discovery of how cannabis oils can be used to suppress serious seizures in children with rare forms of epilepsy. The government’s war on drugs and politicians’ insistence that marijuana cannot possibly serve a health purpose has created real, life-threatening barriers to the development of this treatment.

Unless the government can show Gard’s parents to be abusive, dangerous people, it should not have the authority to overrule them. And unless the government can show a person lacks the capacity to make adult choices, it should not get in the way of the choices they make to end their suffering, even if it means ending their own lives. The easiest way to keep authoritarian demands out of end-of-life choices is to limit the government’s role in those choices—and in the choices that lead up to those circumstances, like health care options.

from Hit & Run http://ift.tt/2tiWOUy

David Stockman On The Coming Carmageddon

Authored by David Stockman via The Daily Reckoning,

Ben Bernanke’s successors at the Fed and other global central banks still don’t get it.

Falsified debt prices do not promote macroeconomic stability. They lead to reckless credit expansion cycles that eventually collapse due to borrower defaults. We’re now seeing that play out in the auto sector, especially since anyone who can fog a rearview mirror has been eligible for a car loan or lease.

If that reminds you of the sub-prime housing disaster, you’d be right.

That, in turn, will make the looming collapse even worse, due to the sudden drastic shrinkage of credit in response to escalating lender losses.

How did we get here?

Let’s start by looking at the Fed. Its reckless monetary reflation cycle in response to the Great Recession caused auto credit, sales and production to spring back violently after early 2010.

Accordingly, that reflation has powerfully impacted the growth rate of total U.S. domestic output. And it’s had a massively distorting effect.

Auto production has seen a 15% gain over its prior peak, and a 130% gain from the early 2010 bottom. But overall industrial production is actually no higher today than it was in the fall of 2007. Real production in most sectors of the U.S. economy has actually shrunk considerably.

That means if you subtract the auto sector, there has been zero growth in the aggregate industrial economy for a full decade.

So the auto industry has actually distorted the effects of monetary central planning.

But the real point here is that the financial asset boom-and-bust cycle caused by monetary central planning is making the main street business cycle more unstable, not less. And it means the next auto cycle bust is certain to be a doozy.

It also means the weak expansion of real sales and GDP over the past seven years has been artificially supported by a rapid but unsustainable snapback in the auto sector. But that is now over.

And what I call Carmegeddon will soon be now metastasizing rapidly.

Consider that credit analysis in the auto sector is now being overwhelming driven by the collateral value of the vehicle — not the creditworthiness of the borrower.

Accordingly, when car prices fall sharply, losses from loan defaults will soar. During the last cycle, used car prices peaked in early 2006 and then fell nearly 25% through the 2009 bottom. Total auto credit cratered during the same period.

And today, after plateauing for more than two years, used car prices have now begun a steep descent. During April, for example, prices of most classes of used vehicles plunged sharply. The J.D. Power index was down 13%. Needless to say, the drop in used car prices is now accelerating.

But it still has a long way to go due to the rising tide of used cars from maturing leases and loans that are hitting the markets.

Looking back to the last credit cycle, the crash of new cars sales after 2007 resulted in a drastic shrinkage of leased vehicles. Accordingly, volumes of pre-owned vehicles hitting the used car auctions hit a modern low of 13 million vehicles during 2011-2013. That supply shortage obviously fueled a sharp rebound of used car prices.

By contrast, the post-2010 auto sales boom is now generating an all-time record tsunami of pre-owned vehicles. During the period 2016-2018, an estimated total of 21 million used vehicles will have hit the market.

That 62% surge in used vehicle supply has clear, negative implications for used car prices.

The most immediate negative effect of plunging used vehicle prices, of course, is sharply reduced values among leased vehicle portfolios. That, in turn, not only results in losses for equity holders, but also causes monthly payment rates to rise sharply on new leases.

Lease volumes dropped by 45% during the last down cycle. But at current all-time highs of 4.3 million newly leased vehicles last year, volumes could drop by upwards of 70% during the years just ahead.

Indeed, more than 30% of new vehicle sales were leased in 2016. And the all-time record of 4.3 million new leased vehicles in 2016 was nearly double the 2007 peak, and 4X the 2009 bottom.

The impending plunge in used car prices will also have an even more damaging impact on the loan market.

This means an increased share of old used car loans will be even deeper underwater because cars depreciate faster than loan balances can be paid down. That growing gap, in turn, will cause loan loss severities to rise during the down-cycle ahead.

Driven by the Fed’s ultra-low rates, the eruption of subprime auto finance led to a stampede toward yield. And a large share of the $100 billion gain in subprime volume was due to financing almost entirely in the junk bond market.

The precarious nature of the debt pyramid that underlies the auto market is undeniable. The auto sector is a prime example of a false debt-fueled prosperity. It underscores how the Fed’s fake prosperity actually intensifies — if not creates — the boom/bust cycle.

Consider that nearly one-third of vehicle trade-ins are now carrying negative equity, as the below chart shows.

That means that prospective new-car buyers are having to raise increasing amounts of cash to pay off old loans.

Image result for images of percentage of underwater auto loans

Furthermore, outstanding subprime auto debt is nearly 3X higher than it was on the eve of the 2008 financial crisis. So the coming correction in auto loan extensions is certain to be far deeper than the 15% decline last time.

And payback time is just around the corner. The cycle of declining used-car volumes and rising used-car prices has exhausted itself. In fact, car loan delinquency rates have been rising sharply during the last several quarters.

Image result for images of the debt used in the auto leasing sector

In fact, the remaining leg of the so-called recovery is now faltering rapidly as the last subprime auto borrower who could fog a rearview mirror has been loaned a car.

Even Morgan Stanley now expects a veritable crash of used car prices. This means the auto credit auto boom is over, since the whole thing ultimately depended upon rising used car prices and collateral value for car loans and leases.

The simple reality is that the auto boom was one giant credit-driven accident waiting to happen. They called it “putting money on the hood” in the trade.

The explosion of auto credit described above — from $800 billion at the 2010 bottom to more than $1.5 trillion today — was fundamentally driven by asset inflation.

But with used car prices now plummeting, the last gasp of “borrow and spend” on the dealer lots has been exhausted. That’s why Morgan Stanley is now projecting a huge decline in car sales during the balance of this decade.

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If you add faltering auto sales to the on-going Armageddon in retail and the topping out of the shale oil patch at $50 per barrel, you don’t have much of a recovery left.

In fact, you are back to the stunning reality with which I started. Namely, that a real recovery of the U.S. industrial economy never actually happened. Industrial production last month is still below its September 2007 level. And now the auto credit, sales and production bust will take it significantly lower.

So much for the Great Moderation. Monetary central planning is wrong in principle and doesn’t work in practice.

The unfolding “Carmageddon” is dramatic proof.

via http://ift.tt/2uib3ZJ Tyler Durden

Getting to the Truth of the Link Between Porn and Rape

Does viewing pornography increase a person’s propensity for sexual violence? There are a slew of studies saying no, while another body of research says yes. So how do we know which data to believe? Over at Psychology Today, longtime science journalist Michael Castleman explains why the studies showing an ostensible link between porn and rape are full of flaws.

Castleman’s latest effort comes in response to an earlier post on evidence that sexual assault rates have declined while widespread access to pornography is growing. The post “appalled one reader,” writes Castleman, “whose critique included citations of studies she claimed demonstrated a strong connection between exposure to porn and sexual assault.”

The studies supplied showed, respectively, that 1) a small group of imprisoned Canadian rapists tended to have been avid adult-film consumers, 2) a small group of domestic violence victims in Philadelphia tended to report that their abusers regularly watched porn, and 3) of 62 convicted rapists in Singapore, most had consumed porn within six months before committing their assaults.

It doesn’t take an advanced degree to see how extrapolating these findings to the general population is in folly. These studies might show that violent men tend to watch porn, but other studies show that most men have watched porn at some point and many watch it regularly. Since most men don’t go on to become violent sexual predators, it’s hard to argue that the “link” between porn and predation is one of cause and effect.

Alas, this is just the kind of junk science that culture warriors regularly cite to confuse general audiences. In the realm of sex-work research, it’s common for studies to include only data on incarcerated sex workers, on those with criminal records, on those in court-ordered diversion programs, or on those using certain emergency services, and then extrapolating from them to the entire population of people who sell sex. As with the studies that purport to show the effects of porn on all consumers by studying convicted criminals, this conflation leads to reports showing drastically more dire consequences of sex work than exist in more general populations.

While retrospective studies of these sorts are cheaper and lead to faster results, they also “have major—and unavoidable—flaws,” notes Castleman. Besides involving only small numbers of participants who are not representative of the whole population in question, “they’re prone to recall errors. And in this case, they’re plagued by a key researcher error, the assumption that viewing porn is unusual, that most men don’t do it, only bad guys.”

The studies favored by Castelman’s critic, who was trying to show a positive link between porn and rape, were all retrospective. Meanwhile, the studies Castelman cited that showed no such link were all prospective studies, in which respondents were tracked and surveyed over time. These studies “used huge natural experiments—rape rates before and after porn became easily available—in several countries with male populations in the hundreds of millions,” notes Castleman. “Those enormous numbers add to the studies’ credibility. So does their consistency. In every prospective trial, as the availability of porn increased, rates of sexual assault declined.”


from Hit & Run http://ift.tt/2sFKQ5c

French Police Foil Plot To Assassinate Macron

Emmanuel Macron has been in office for barely two months, and already some are out for his blood. As CNN reports, a man has been charged with plotting to assassinate French President Emmanuel Macron on Bastille Day during a visit by US President Donald Trump. Investigators said the man planned to attack Macron on July 14, during a parade on the Champs-Élysées in Paris, where Trump is set to be a guest of honor.

News of the alleged plot surfaced a week after Macron invited Trump for the Bastille Day visit. That invitation was extended during a phone conversation between the two leaders about combating ISIS. The two leaders are also both expected to attend this weekend’s G-20 summit in Hamburg.

According to CNN, the plotter, who is now in police custody, is a 23-year-old "far-right nationalist who told police that he wanted to make a political statement by killing Macron." The plotter also told police that he wanted to kill blacks, Arabs, Jews and homosexuals. In other words, a perfect scapegoat to extend the French emergency law just a little longer.

Security forces were alerted to the plot by users of a video game site, after the suspect posted about allegedly wanting to buy a Kalashnikov-type weapon to commit an attack.

The suspect, who was left unnamed by both CNN and Reuters, was charged with terror-related activity last year, according to CNN, though it didn’t elaborate on the exact nature of these charges.

However, Reuters said the suspect was unemployed, had mental health problems and was sentenced in 2016 for making comments in favor of terrorism. Though the threat is being treated by authorities as credible, the feasibility of such an attack remains very much in doubt. Security at this year's Bastille Day parade on the Champs Elysees is likely to be even tighter than usual given the expected presence of U.S. President Donald Trump.

via http://ift.tt/2uioOYq Tyler Durden

Gartman Remains Bearish On Oil

On June 22, Citi called the bottom in oil to the day, when in a not too subtly titled note it said “Here Comes The V-Shaped Rebound In Oil.” Since then, both WTI and Brent had risen for 8 trading days in a row, the longest stretch since February 2012. Meanwhile, surprisingly not too many, Gartman went short and, in his latest note, he explained the he remains bearish. End result: the oil rally just closed higher for 9 consecutive days.

Below is the relevant excerpt from Gartman’s latest note, according to which oil bears may want to keep a low profile at least until Gartman does what he does best, and once again succumbs to price momentum.

CRUDE OIL PRICES ARE RATHER BRISKLY HIGHER and we shall continue to view this as nothing more than a much needed, long  over-due technical correction in what is and shall continue to be a long term bear market. Supplies are rising; OPEC’s power is diminishing; the US has become the “swing producer” and fracking has only been utilized to any true great extent here in the US but will be exported to Russia, to China, to Africa, to the OPEC nations, to Canada, to Australia et al.


The crude oil bulls are making much of the fact that the rig count, for oil rigs, here in the US fell by 2 last week… the first such decline in nearly 6 months. There are now 756 rigs drilling for oil in the US, but  there was one more rig at work in the nat-gas arena than there had been the week previous, so that the total rig count for crude + nat-gas was 940, down from 941. We make much less of this decline than others might, for the simple fact of the matter is that horizontal drilling rigs are far, far more efficient than are regular, single directional rigs. But we shall grant that for the moment, this decline in the rig-count gives those who are long something of a respite. It shall be short lived.



WTI is making its way back toward “The Box” marking the 50-62% retracement of the break that began in late- May and ended… amidst near panic on the part of the crude oil market bulls… ten trading sessions ago. It has been our intention all along to await the opportunity to sell crude oil short on protracted rally and we are getting that rally as we write. We can be patient a while longer.

Gartman may be patient, but the same can hardly be said of bears, who are eagerly waiting for the day bearish Gartman once again throws in the towel.

via http://ift.tt/2tELiFg Tyler Durden

Chris Christie Enjoying a Public Beach During a Government Shutdown Is What Politicians Do

Gov. Chris Christie (R-N.J.) took his family to his government beach home over the weekend while state beaches were closed for a budget-impasse-induced government “shutdown.” A journalist snapped photos of Christie and family on the otherwise empty beach, producing a PR disaster. Chris Cillizza, a political analyst at CNN, tweeted that Chris Christie’s “tone-deafness” was “truly remarkable.”

But was it really?

Christie’s electoral career is over. His approval rating in New Jersey is scraping the bottom of the barrel. He can’t run for governor again, and New Jersey hasn’t elected a Republican to the Senate since 1972. Unconstrained by the need to face the voters again, he isn’t tone-deaf so much as he’s revealing his true self.

That true self is pretty typical of politicians. As Lawrence Reed wrote last year, the bigger a government is, the less likely it is to attract office-seekers who are “honest, humble, fair, wise, independent, responsible, incorruptible, mindful of the future and respectful of others.” Lord Acton noted that power corrupts more than a century ago, and his premise has been tested scientifically.

The fact that Christie’s actions caught so many political reporters by surprise illustrates the myths the political class like to tell each other—prime among them, that politicians have some innate sense of decency. The rise and success of Donald Trump should have dispelled that idea, but evidently it hasn’t. They see Trump as something totally different from most previous politicians, not as a distilled version of what came before.

Christie’s senioritis illustrates another problem. The New Jersey governor already has a government home: Drumthwacket, a mansion outside the state capitol. Why the hell does he need some beachfront property too? In a sane world, Christie’s historic unpopularity would create the momentum for scaling back the governor’s perks. But that would require a shift in attitude toward the people attracted to high office. It would require people like Cillizza to recognize that Christie isn’t an aberration; he’s the norm.

from Hit & Run http://ift.tt/2tJmqNv

How to build an impenetrable defense

Over the past few days, I’ve been telling you about the importance of building a personal Plan B that ensures you are in a position of strength… no matter what happens next.

The first step is building a strong defense that safeguards what you already have.

This includes risk prevention and increasing your freedom.

It ensures that everything you’ve worked for – and will achieve – over your lifetime is safe, no matter what.

Here are the four most important steps everyone should consider taking.

Step #1: Get some physical cash
This is one of the most critical strategies for your Plan B– and also one of the easiest to implement.

If something happens in the banking system, and all of your money is trapped in the bank, your savings effectively become worthless.

With current interest rates nearing zero, you are not going to be worse off for having some physical cash.

To ensure you are protected, take out and store at least two months’ of expenses in physical cash as a crucial hedge against emergency situations.

There is almost no cost to doing this, and it is a complete no-brainer, given the state of most western banking systems.

Click here to read more about why you should consider getting some physical cash.

Step #2: Protect a portion of your savings in a strong, well-capitalized foreign bank.
As you probably already know, most major banks in the US and across Europe are poorly capitalized. In most cases, they hold less than 3% of customer deposits in cash.

That means if just 3% — just 3%! — of customers went to the bank and withdrew their funds, these banks would have to start fire-selling assets in order to stay solvent.

It’s clear that holding 100% of your assets in such a fragile a banking system isn’t the safest strategy.

Consider moving a portion of your savings to a highly liquid, highly solvent, conservative bank in a country that is backed by a government with no debt.

You can learn more about why, how and where to open an Offshore Bank Account in our in-depth Offshore Banking article.

And to take action now, you can download our “Open an Ultra-Safe Offshore Bank Account in Hong Kong” premium intelligence report.

Step #3: Purchase precious metals and make sure you store them offshore
While physical cash and an offshore bank account is a great hedge against short-term problems in the banking system, keeping precious metals is a long-term hedge against more serious, systemic challenges in the monetary system.

If governments continue printing money to the point of serious inflation (as witnessed in Venezuela, Zimbabwe and the Weimar Republic), you will own real assets that will protect your purchasing power.

I also strongly encourage you to consider storing your precious metals offshore to protect yourself from confiscation, frivolous litigation and social unrest.

Step #4: Obtain a Second Passport (potentially for free)
A second passport will provide you the lifelong benefit of more options when it comes to living, working, investing, traveling, and doing business around the world.

That way, when things go south, you can go north. You can immediately, legally and effectively take yourself and your family out of harm’s way.

There are four ways to obtain a second passport: Flexibility, Money, Time or Ancestry.

Your first step should be to look into the ancestry option. If you have grandparents (or even grand-grandparents) from certain countries (such as Italy, Poland, Hungary, Greece and many more), you might be eligible for a second passport by descent.

This is by far the easiest, cheapest and quickest option for most people and should be your very first starting point.

And if you find that you are not eligible for such a passport, you should consider obtaining a legal residency in another country.

As a resident of a foreign country, you still gain a lot of the benefits of a second passport, and oftentimes can even obtain one after a few years of naturalization.

Some countries don’t even require you to spend any time in the country.

It is really a no-brainer solution.

You can learn more in our in-depth article on The Four Ways You Can Obtain a Second Passport.

And to take action, you can download our premium intelligence report “Four Second Passports ANYONE Can Obtain”.

Step #5: Protect your assets from frivolous creditors
A good asset protection strategy is like putting ‘the club’ on your steering wheel.

There’s nothing that’s going to discourage a truly determined thief… but most of the time when they see how protected you are, they’ll just move on to an easier target.

For example, it’s possible to establish trusts and LLCs in certain jurisdictions (both foreign and domestic) whose laws make it very difficult for frivolous creditors to steal what you’ve worked so hard to build.

Ambulance-chasing attorneys know that it’s too costly and difficult to go after assets held in those types of structures, so, like a common thief, they’ll typically just move on to an easier target.

In addition to being a deterrent, a good asset protection strategy also reduces the impact in case that a common thief actually does try to steal from you.

Holding some assets in a protected structure or location ensures that, even if a court seizes everything within its jurisdiction to satisfy a judgment against you, you’ll still have a rainy day fund set aside.

The bottom line…
These are no-brainer strategies that can be implemented at very low cost, and they will provide you with a strong foundation that ensures you are in a position of strength– no matter what happens next.

Tomorrow, we’ll explore how to build an offense that will help save thousands of dollars by legally reducing your taxes and generate more wealth through unconventional investments.


from Sovereign Man http://ift.tt/2uCVNGn

El-Erian: 3 Things Stock Market Investors Should Watch (And 6 Observations)

Authored by Mohamed El-Erian via Bloomberg.com,

With attractive returns such as haven't been seen for quite a few years, investors in global stock markets have had a very good first half of 2017. Record levels for several widely-followed country indexes occurred in the context of notably muted volatility, adding to the sense of investor comfort and accomplishment. All of this was accompanied by tensions and transitions — some completed and others frustrated, at least for now — that will likely influence how investors feel at the end of the year.

Here are six key things you should know about recent developments, along with some important determinants of prospects for the remainder of the year:

  1. A generalized global stock market rally: According to a Wall Street Journal analysis of the world’s 30 biggest stock markets by value, 26 registered gains in the first half of 2017 (the exceptions were Canada, China, Israel and Russia). At the global level, this delivered the best first-half performance since the immediate bounce back from the depth of the 2008-09 global financial crisis. Almost half of these 30 markets ended June at or near record highs.
  2. Market leadership rotated with relatively diversified sector performance: Within the S&P, the largest market in the world, nine of 11 sectors delivered gains to investors. Yet dispersion was notable, both overall and within certain segments — notwithstanding a further shift to passive investing and the proliferation of index-based exchange-traded funds.Tech and health care led, with returns of 17 percent each; telecom lost 13 percent and energy 14 percent. Amazon surged while many traditional brick-and-mortar retailers languished. Despite a late gain that helped markets overall offset a June slump in tech, financials ended the six-month period only slightly above water. Meanwhile, size also mattered. The Dow and S&P gained 8 percent, along with 14 percent for the Nasdaq, while the Russell small cap benchmark lost about 5 percent.
  3. Market drivers changed but the critical sustainability handoff remained elusive: Starting the year, markets were heavily influenced by hopes of a policy surge in the U.S. that would boost economic growth and corporate earnings in a sustainable and consequential fashion. But the political decision to try to push health care reform through Congress first put both tax reform and infrastructure in the back seat for now. As such, the surge in “soft data,” including in measures of corporate and household confidence, did not pull up more of the “hard data,” which remained sluggish. The potentially adverse impact on markets of delays in pro-growth policy implementation was offset by two other factors: Data pointing to a correlated global reflation (which, with time, seems to be proving more transitory); and continued injection of liquidity.
  4. Forget economic and policy fundamentals, liquidity ruled: Liquidity injection was — once again — what mattered most for traders and investors in the first half of the year, offsetting not just economic and policy headwinds, but also geopolitical, institutional and political ones, too. And this ample liquidity came from three sources.First, record corporate profit levels, which translated into continued stock buybacks and higher dividend payments by companies, including dramatic announcements by banks last week after a green light from their regulator. Second, elevated inequality levels that continued to result in a significant portion of the incremental income generated in the economy accruing to wealthy households with a higher propensity to invest in financial markets. Third, the continuation of ultra stimulative central bank policies, including sizeable monthly asset purchases by the Bank of Japan and the European Central Bank.
  5. Other markets signals suggest less confidence about economic fundamentals: Having traded in a range of almost 60 basis points during the first half of the year, yields on 10-year Treasuries ended at 2.30 percent, somewhat below their starting level of 2.44 percent. In the process, the yield differential versus German Bunds narrowed noticeably. Even more significant was the considerable flattening of the yield curve, usually an indicator of an upcoming economic slowdown. Meanwhile, the dollar gave up all, and more, of its post-election surge; and oil prices ended down around 14 percent as concerns over supply were hardly dented by any demand optimism.
  6. And throughout all of this, the contrast between two key features of a liquidity rally intensified: Given the importance of liquidity — in determining not just returns but also in repressing volatility and in changing fundamentals-driven asset class correlations — markets ended the period in the midst of an intensified tug of war between crowded trades and “buy on dips” investor conditioning.

All of which sets up markets for an interesting remainder of the year, in which traders and investors will need to keep a close eye on:

  • The continued impact of liquidity, especially given that several systemically-important central banks (including the Bank of England, the ECB and the Federal Reserve) are likely to be navigating a careful reduction in their stimulus policies.
  • Progress in the handoff from liquidity to more sustainable validators of asset prices, particularly pro-growth policies in the U.S. and Europe.
  • The extent to which the spread to liquidity-inconsistent market segments of pooling vehicles, including high-yield and emerging-market ETFs, has overpromised readily available liquidity to traders and investors, thereby risking bouts of unsettling contagion.

via http://ift.tt/2sFksZm Tyler Durden

Goldman Sees Bitcoin Soaring As High As $3,915

Last week former Fortress principal Michael Novogratz made headlines in the cryptocurrency world when he told attendees at the CB Insights Future of Fintech conference that he has cut holdings (in Bitcoin and Ethereum) after the cryptocurrencies’ latest “spectacular run,” warning that “Euthereum had likely hit its highs for the year,” and “cryptocurrencies were likely the biggest bubble of his lifetime.”

However, while this all sounds rather downbeat, Novogratz said he remained very “positively constructive” on the space overall, as he should: he still has 10% of his net worth invested in the sector. And, as Bloomberg reported, Novogratz says cryptocurrencies “could be worth north of $5 trillion in five years – if the industry can come out of the shadows.”

So fast forward to Sunday evening Goldman’s chief technician, Sheba Jafari, issued only his second forecast of where bitcoin is headed next which may accelerate Novogratz’ crypto price target.

Recall, that as we first reported three weeks ago, Jafari said that “due to popular demand, it’s worth taking a quick look at Bitcoin here” and warned that “the market has come close (enough?) to reaching its extended (2.618) target for a 3rd of V-waves from the inception low at 3,134.” He concluded that he was “wary of a near-term top ahead of 3,134” and urged clients to “consider re-establishing bullish exposure between 2,330 and no lower than 1,915.”

He was right: on the very day his note came out, both bitcoin and ethereum hit their all time highs and shortly after suffered their biggest drop in over two years.

So what does Jafari thinks will happen next? According to the Goldman technician, Bitcoin is now “in wave IV of a sequence that started at the late-’10/early-’11 lows. Wave III came close enough to reaching its 2.618 extended target at 3,135. Wave IV has already retraced between 23.6% and 38.2% of the move since Jan. ‘15 to 2,330/ 1,915.”

What does this mean for the uninitiated? In short, while bitcoin remains in Wave IV, it could go up… or down. He explains:

It’s worth keeping in mind that fourth waves tend to be messy/complex. This means that it could remain sideways/overlapping for a little while longer. At this point, it’s important to look for either an ABC pattern or a more triangular ABCDE. The former would target somewhere close to 1,856; providing a much cleaner setup from which to consider getting back into the uptrend. The latter would hold within a 2,076/3,000 range for an extended period of time.

However, at that point the next major breakout higher would take place, one which would take bitcoin as high as $3,915.

Either way, eventually expecting one more leg higher; a 5th wave. From current levels, [Bitcoin] has a minimum target that goes out to 3,212 (if equal to the length of wave I). There’s potential to extend as far as 3,915 (if 1.618 times the length of wave I). It just might take time to get there.

He concludes with his summary view: “[Bitcoin] could consolidate sideways for a while longer. Shouldn’t go much further than 1,857. Eventually targeting at least 3,212.

Here we can only adds that fans of bitcoin should probably hope that his is not one of those Goldman trade recos where the firm’s prop trading desk is on the other side of the clients’ trade…

via http://ift.tt/2tElrNx Tyler Durden