Watch: CNN Caught Color-Shifting Biden’s Hell-Red Rant Mid-Speech

Watch: CNN Caught Color-Shifting Biden’s Hell-Red Rant Mid-Speech

President Biden’s Thursday night speech raised more than a few eyebrows – between the White House essentially declaring civil war with half the country, and the ominously authoritarian aesthetic – it became clear that Team Biden is embracing the ‘Dark Brandon’ meme created by Chinese propagandists.

Or maybe they were going for that “V is for Vendetta” look:

The optics were so bad that CNN shifted the color from blood-red to a ‘less Hitlery’ pink in the middle of Biden’s speech, which wasn’t the case on the official feed, or any other network’s coverage.



Watch at 2x speed:

Remember when they made Trump more orange?

Tyler Durden
Fri, 09/02/2022 – 11:40

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

US Signs Deal To Give Israel 4 Refueling Planes Needed To Bomb Iran

US Signs Deal To Give Israel 4 Refueling Planes Needed To Bomb Iran

Authored by Dave DeCamp via,

The Pentagon signed a contract with Boeing on Thursday to supply Israel with four KC-46 refueling planes that are needed for potential Israeli strikes on Iran, although the aircraft won’t be delivered until at least 2025.

The deal is worth $927 million, and Israel is purchasing the planes from Boeing with money from the $3.8 billion in military aid it receives from the US each year. Of that amount, Israel receives $3.3 billion in Foreign Military Financing, a State Department program that gives foreign governments money to purchase US-made military equipment.

KC-46 Pegasus, US Air Force image

Israel has the option to order four more KC-46s in the future. The deal has been in the works for a long time, and Israel has previously asked the US if it could accelerate the delivery of the planes, but the US has denied the request.

The US military would need to give up its spot in line to receive KC-46s in order for Israel to receive the planes earlier.

Israel currently relies on aging tankers for mid-air refueling, which aren’t expected to be capable of supporting attacks on Iran. According to the Times of Israel, Israeli jets would need to travel about 1,200 miles to strike targets in Iran, which would require either the KC-46s or stopping in a Gulf country to refuel.

Over the past year, Israel’s military has been focused on making preparations to bomb Iran. Israeli warplanes recently simulated launching large-scale attacks on Iran over the Mediterranean Sea.

In the meantime, Israel has stepped up its brazen attacks on Syria, ostensibly to ‘counter Iran’…

The signing of the contract comes as the US and Iran are engaged in EU-mediated negotiations to revive the Iran nuclear deal, which Israel is strongly against. Israeli officials have stepped up their efforts to sabotage the agreement and are calling for the US to prepare a military option.

Tyler Durden
Fri, 09/02/2022 – 11:23

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

Full-Time Employment Collapses As Multiple Jobholders Hit New All Time High

Full-Time Employment Collapses As Multiple Jobholders Hit New All Time High

The oddities in the US labor market continue.

Recall one month ago we showed that a stark divergence had opened between the Household and Establishment surveys that make up the monthly jobs report, and since March the former was sliding while the latter was rising every single month. In addition to that, full-time jobs were plunging while multiple jobholders soared near all time highs.

Fast forward to today when the inconsistencies grow and in some cases have becoming downright grotesque.

Consider the following: the closely followed establishment survey came in above expectations at 315K, yet it was well below last month’s 526K print, with June unexpectedly revised sharply lower by 105K from 398K to 293K

… revisions which will go toward reducing the huge gap that has grown between the Household and the Establishment survey, although not nearly enough and as Academy Securities’ strategist Peter Tchir writes, “look for more revisions as last month’s surprisingly good result wasn’t revised much.” Of course, there is a problem with the above: all of these numbers are complete bullshit, and to believe them, one has to disregard and ignore the mass layoffs announced by US corporations and tracked by handy third-party websites such as Layoffs which shows that in recent months and quarter, the US has been swept by near record layoffs, on part with those observed during the peak of the covid crisis!

And speaking of the gap between the Household and Establishment survey which we have been pounding the table on in recent months, it narrowed modestly thanks to a 442K jump in the number of employed workers (tracked by the Household survey) offsetting a more modest increase in employment, which rose 315K (tracked by Establishment survey). And while the rebound in the Household was long overdue, there is a long way to go as the following chart shows, demonstrating that the gap that opened in March has since grown to a whopping 1.6 million “workers” which may or may not exist anywhere besides the spreadsheet model of some BLS political activist.

Of course, there is a reason why the Household survey would want to take its time in catching up to the establishment survey: since the direct variable in the red line above is the number of employed workers, which in turn drive the number of unemployed workers and thus, the unemployment rate (as a function of the civilian labor force), any overly aggressive increases here will lead to a disproportionate increase in the unemployment rate. So Biden’s apparatchiks have to pick their poison.

But wait, there’s more because digging deeper, we find that the latest (overdue) jump in Household Survey employment was entirely the result of rising part-time jobs, which surged by 413K in August, while full-time jobs declined by 242K.

More ominously, if one extends this data, we find that since March, the US has lost 383K higher paying full-time employees, while gaining 335K low-paid part-time employees. Again, this is a time period over which the Establishment survey claims – without a breakdown in job quality – that 1.9 million total jobs have been added.

And even more remarkable: the number of multiple jobholders whose primary and secondary jobs are both full-time just hit another record high! Hardly the sign of a strong job market, one where people can afford to quit jobs at will.

So what’s going on here? The simple answer: Fewer people working, but more people working more than one job, a rotation which picked up in earnest some time in March and which has only been captured by the Household survey.

And since the Establishment survey is far slower to pick up on the nuances in employment composition, while the Household Survey has gone nowhere since March (which has benefited the low unemployment rate), the BLS data engineers have been busy goalseeking the Establishment Survey (perhaps with the occasional nudge from the White House especially now that the economy is in a technical recession) to make it appear as if the economy is growing strongly, when in reality all they are doing is applying the same erroneous seasonal adjustment factor that gave such a wrong perspective of the labor market in the aftermath of the covid pandemic (until it was all adjusted away a year ago). In other words, while the labor market is already cracking, it will take the BLS several months of veering away from reality before the government bureaucrats accept and admit what is truly taking place.

We expect that “realization” to take place a few hours after the midterms, because the last thing the Biden administration can afford is admit the labor market is collapsing at a time when true inflation – the one tracking items most people spend their money on – is not 8.5% but is over 30%…

Tyler Durden
Fri, 09/02/2022 – 11:00

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

SoftBank’s Vision Fund Plans To Reduce Headcount By 20% After Record Losses

SoftBank’s Vision Fund Plans To Reduce Headcount By 20% After Record Losses

The latest quarterly report shows that SoftBank Group Corp. is getting crushed on its tech investments via its Vision Fund investment unit, as profitless tech stocks plunge into the abyss amid global central banks committed to rapid interest rate increases to quell the highest inflation in decades. 

A new report via Bloomberg said sources familiar with the matter indicate the loss-churning Vision Fund operation could soon reduce headcount by at least 20%. 

The people said the Tokyo-based company could slash upwards of 100 positions as early as this month. Headcount reduction would be in the UK, US, and China offices. In total, there are about 500 employees in the investment unit. 

Billionaire founder of the group Masayoshi Son acknowledged widespread cost-cutting measures were in the works in early August after his conglomerate reported a net loss of 3.16 trillion yen ($23.4 billion) in the April to June quarter. Remember, this is the second straight quarter of record losses. 

One person said headcount reduction could be as high as 50%. 

“As Masa said at our most recent earnings, we are reviewing the organization size and structure. However, nothing has been decided yet,” a company representative told Bloomberg via email. 

The people said senior and junior employees in front and back office positions could be cut. Currently, there are about 200 employees in the US, including a Latam team. The UK has 150 people while China has 50. 

“The loss is the biggest in our corporate history and we take it very seriously,” Son said last month, adding, “We have resort to big cost-cutting efforts at Vision Fund. The cost-cutting efforts will have to include a reduction in headcount – something I’ve made up my mind to do.”

Days ago, Bloomberg reported Rajeev Misra, who helped Son set up the $100 billion tech fund in 2017, will be stepping down from his corporate officer and executive vice president roles. 

Back in 2019, around the time Son was creating ridiculous charts — we laughed. 

…. and this…

We even questioned if SoftBank was the Bubble era’s “short of the century.” 

Son can only hope for a Federal Reserve pivot on monetary policy to reinflate valuations of profitless tech investments in the fund. 

Tyler Durden
Fri, 09/02/2022 – 10:35

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

Trump Says Biden “Must Be Insane Or Suffering From Dementia” After Bizarre, Angry Speech

Trump Says Biden “Must Be Insane Or Suffering From Dementia” After Bizarre, Angry Speech

Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via Summit News,

Donald Trump responded to Joe Biden’s bizarre speech, in which he angrily denounced over 74 million Americans as ‘extremists,’ by suggesting Biden “must be insane or suffering from late stage dementia.”

During his address last night, while he was lit up in blood red like a demon giving a speech from the bowels of hell, Biden bitterly asserted that MAGA Republicans were akin to enemies of the state.

“We have to be honest with each other and ourselves: Too much of what is happening in our country today is not normal,” said Biden.

“Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very republic,” he added.

Even some left-wing journalists blasted Biden for having the military stand behind him during what was clearly a political speech.

House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) later demanded that Biden should apologize for “slandering tens of millions of Americans as fascists.”

Tucker Carlson pointed out that Biden’s speech wasn’t a campaign event, it was an expression of the official position of the government.

“This speech has the full sponsorship of the White House. In other words, what Joe Biden is saying right now is the official position of the entire executive branch of the U.S. government,” said Carlson.

“That will include the Justice Department, the various intel agencies and the world’s most powerful standing military…you don’t have to be a Trump voter to see a speech like this as a turning point in American history,” he added.

Tucker noted that Biden was effectively declaring one party to be “criminal and illegitimate,” and therefore calling for a “one party state.”

Trump himself responded by asserting Biden’s dementia must have worsened.

“If you look at the words and meaning of the awkward and angry Biden speech tonight, he threatened America, including with the possible use of military force,” Trump posted to Truth Social. “He must be insane, or suffering from late stage dementia!”

Trump also trashed Biden for trying to twist the meaning of MAGA.

“Someone should explain to Joe Biden, slowly but passionately, that MAGA means, as powerfully as mere words can get, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! If he doesn’t want to Make America Great Again, which through words, action, and thought, he doesn’t, then he certainly should not be representing the United States of America!”

Was this Biden’s “basket of deplorables” moment? Maybe, but it feels incredibly darker than that.

*  *  *

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Tyler Durden
Fri, 09/02/2022 – 10:15

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

US Factory Orders Unexpectedly Tumbled In July As War-Spending Tumbles

US Factory Orders Unexpectedly Tumbled In July As War-Spending Tumbles

With Manufacturing surveys signaling a slowdown in the US economy, analysts expected US factory orders to grow at just 0.2% MoM in July (and overall durable goods orders unchanged), but they were way off as July factory orders tumbled 1.0% MoM and June was revised down from +2.0% to +1.8% MoM…

Source: Bloomberg

That is the first drop in factory orders since September 2021 and biggest drop since the peak of the COVID lockdown crisis in April 2020

The main driver of this disappointment was a lack of war-buying – Defense Aircraft and Parts tumbled 49.7% MoM after spiking 78.3% MoM last month…

Source: Bloomberg

Need moar war!

Of course, this nominally-priced data series is a little misleading given the surge in prices over the past year or more and so perhaps it’s better to see what actual manufacturers are saying about their new orders…

Source: Bloomberg

Is today’s tumble the start of that mean-reversion we saw in 2008?

Tyler Durden
Fri, 09/02/2022 – 10:03

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

Iran’s Navy Says It Seized Two US Sea Drones In “Anti-Terror” Mission

Iran’s Navy Says It Seized Two US Sea Drones In “Anti-Terror” Mission

Two days after the US Navy said that IRGC operatives in the Gulf seized and then later let go of an American sea drone, there are fresh reports Friday of another major incident in regional waters.

Iranian naval forces seized two unmanned US surveillance vessels it encountered during an anti-terror mission in an international waterway in the Red Sea, Iranian state TV says,” according to Bloomberg.

The high seas alleged intercept comes after Tehran was warned that US military activity in the region must cease or risk a potential incident. 

“Iranian forces later released the vessels in a secure area State TV report shows video of a ship crew throwing two large objects overboard,” Bloomberg adds.

This is the second major incident this week, after the US Navy’s 5th Fleet said Tuesday it foiled an attempt by Iran’s elite Islamic Revolutionary Guards (IRGC Navy) to capture an unmanned surface vessel as it traversed an area of the Persian Gulf. A US warship had been nearby, and a Navy helicopter deployed in response – at which point the Iranians let the drone go.

Regional sources are reporting what could be a separate incident that involved exchange of fire of the Red Sea Tuesday…

It’s as yet unclear the type of US sea drones temporarily captured by Iranian forces Friday, but Tuesday’s incident involved a large Saildrone Explorer USV (unmanned surface vehicle). which is a newly developed and deployed US-manufactured high tech data collection system which utilizing AI to autonomously gather oceanic and other intelligence. 

Tyler Durden
Fri, 09/02/2022 – 09:45

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

Small Business Sales And The Running Of The Bull

Small Business Sales And The Running Of The Bull

Authored by Lance Roberts via,

Small business sales are the lifeblood of the economy. We have written previously about the importance of small businesses relating to employment, incomes, economic growth, and even the stock market.

Since the last update in June, the NFIB Small Business sales and sentiment measures have only deteriorated further. Despite a surging stock market in July and August, along with suggestions the economy will avoid recession, the data continues to suggest differently if historical precedents hold.

For example, overall confidence expressed by the members of the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) owners is at levels that have historically correlated with deep recessions and bear markets.

Such should not be a surprise when we remember, as shown previously, that small businesses comprise a significant portion of the overall corporate economy and employment.

“According to the U.S. Small Business Administration, there are 28.8 million small businesses in the United States, and they have 56.8 million employees. Small businesses (defined as businesses with fewer than 500 employees) account for 99.7% of all businesses in the U.S. The chart below shows the breakdown of firms and employment from the 2016 Census Bureau Data.”

Simply, small businesses drive the economy, employment, and wages. Therefore, what the NFIB says is highly relevant to what is happening in the actual economy versus the headline economic data from Government sources.

Small Business Sales Matter

Since small to medium-sized businesses are so critical to the overall economy and small business sales are the underlying activity, that data tells us much about the current environment. Usually, small business owners are “optimistic” and believe the future will be better, except during recessionary periods. As shown, expectations for sales, which drives their incomes, plunged to the lowest level since the economic shutdown in 2020. Historically, actual sales tend to catch up with current expectations.

As noted, since the topline sales drive revenue and profit margins, it should be no surprise that plummeting sales expectations lead to a decline in profit margins. Such is the result of businesses discounting inventory as demand weakens.

We can also see a similar correlation between small business sales expectations and the annual rate change in reported earnings per share.

Again, we should not dismiss the importance of the data. The Federal Reserve is tightening monetary policy by hiking rates and reducing its balance sheet to reduce inflationary pressures. The Fed accomplishes its objectives by reducing economic demand by slowing sales and earnings.

While many suggest the “bull market” is back, the NFIB data suggest market participants “jumped the gun.”

Such is particularly notable since stocks should “revalue” to lower earnings.

Wages & Inflation

When it comes to the economy and, ultimately, earnings, the outlook for sales is highly dependent on wages. It should come as no surprise that employee compensation is where individuals derive the money from with which they consume. There is a close tie to both sales and economic activity.

Given the spike in inflation caused by the shutdown of the economy and the flood of monetary liquidity, which created a massive supply/demand imbalance, companies are dealing with higher input costs. Notably, expectations of higher input costs are declining as economic demand slows. As a consequence, inflation should follow.

Initially, companies could pass higher input costs to consumers through increased prices. However, as the consumer runs out of savings, the costs need to be absorbed by businesses. Companies will first shift their focus to maintaining profitability by reducing compensation. Eventually, they will reduce employment.

With sales now at normally recessionary levels, the risk to the recent, more bullish outlooks for stocks seems overly optimistic.

As we stated in our most recent analysis of the NFIB data:

“No one knows the timing of the recognition of the next recession. However, with economic growth slowing, the Fed hiking rates, and inflation weighing on consumers, I suspect we are closer than many think.

The last time the NFIB Signals were this weak, the Government started sending checks to households, and the Fed introduced $120 billion in monthly ‘QE.’ Furthermore, interest rates fell to 0.5% as the Fed scrambled to buy junk bond ETFs.

While the market is betting on a “Fed pivot,” I can understand the bullish argument given the data.

The real question is whether the markets are too far ahead of what the NFIB data suggests is still coming.

Tyler Durden
Fri, 09/02/2022 – 09:25

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

Remy: 2 Become 1 (Spice Girls Inflation Parody)

Remy: 2 Become 1 (Spice Girls Inflation Parody)

Slam your value down and print another round.

Parody of The Spice Girls’ “2 Become 1,” written and performed by Remy; video produced by Meredith and Austin Bragg


Wars that go on for forever
Checks we send out to whoever
I can’t believe it, I can’t believe it…

Accountant is even more stressed than
A Uyghur at Panda Express, saying
We can’t achieve it! We can’t achieve it!

We can’t spend money we don’t have, that’s crazy
You must be new—don’t feel blue
Cuz tonight is the night when one becomes two

We spent more cash than we ever spent the cash before
(We hadn’t saved so we borrowed baby)
We couldn’t pay the tab, so we just printed more
(Now grapes cost $10, baby)

Set your printer free
It’s the only way to be

You thought the future’d be The Jetsons
Turns out it’s more like The Epsons
We must avoid it! We can just coin it

I’m known as Chris Brown in these places
‘Cause I’m pounding women’s faces
Hey man, don’t sweat it—we’re not indebted!

It doesn’t work like that!
No one really thinks it’s possible to reduce inflation by printing money
Shh—no one knows, no one knows
Cuz tonight is the night when two becomes four

We spent more cash than we ever spent the cash before
(Bought this guy a brand new car, baby)
We couldn’t pay the tab, so we just printed more
(Spaghetti sauce costs $10, baby)

Let that printer go
We’re not serious people

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Review: The Good Boss

Javier Barden as Blanco in The Good Boss

The Spanish actor Javier Bardem has scored some of his biggest commercial successes playing psychos in movies like the Bond film Skyfall and the Coen brothers’ No Country for Old Men (for which he won an Oscar with his portrayal of the dead-eyed hitman Anton Chigurh).

But as the scion of a venerable Spanish theatrical family, Bardem has broader expressive resources to draw from as well, among them a winning touch with comedy, which he demonstrated as the love-struck pickup artist in Woody Allen’s Vicky Cristina Barcelona. Now, in one of his subtlest performances, in one of his best films, he is wonderfully funny puncturing the low-hanging balloons of upper-class moral pretensions. The Good Boss isn’t a belly-laugh comedy, but its humor is sharply on-target, and its story builds beautifully to a classically gratifying conclusion.

Scripted by its celebrated director, Fernando León de Aranoa, the picture is an assemblage of near-perfectly balanced comedic components. This in itself is rather clever, given that the story’s protagonist, an elaborately patronizing industrialist named Blanco (Bardem), is the owner of a company that manufactures scales—machines used to weigh everything from cattle to pretty interns (who smile politely at this sort of old-guy gag).

As we join him on a big day at his bustling factory, we find Blanco pep-talking his employees in preparation for a visit by a group of government bureaucrats charged with bestowing an annual award for “Excellence” on deserving businesses. Blanco already has several such plaques crowding a wall of his living room at home, and as a casually corrupt collector of important official connections, he’s assuming he’ll soon be adding another one. He’s a man who feels himself to be sitting pretty and has no idea how perilously shaky his perch really is.

As Blanco nervously awaits the award-givers’ arrival—the precise timing of which is unknown—everything around him starts falling apart. A longtime employee named Jose (Óscar de la Fuente), whom he laid off in a measure of corporate streamlining, has mounted a noisy protest, accompanied by his two small, photogenic children, across the street from the factory gates, where he loudly berates Blanco through a bullhorn as a heartless boss. Blanco calls the police about this inconveniently timed situation—in the interest of the children, of course—but is told the man is protesting on public property: “It’s as much his as yours,” one cop says. “Ah,” Blanco sighs, “a socialist police officer.” (Despite its antipathy toward the upper crust, the movie isn’t just an exercise in capitalist pot-shotting—among the now-jobless employee’s complaints is the fact that “I have two homes to maintain.”)

One of Blanco’s managers, a friend from childhood named Miralles (Manolo Solo), is also causing trouble. Miralles’ job performance has been seriously degraded by the shameless behavior of his wife (Mara Guil), who has been boffing the company’s hunky Moroccan production chief (Tarik Rmili). Blanco, who loudly trumpets the notion that his employees are like his family, attempts to intercede in this domestic mess, but only makes things much worse. So does his string-pulling on behalf of another worker’s delinquent son, which goes wildly wrong.

Although he doesn’t know it yet, the most ominous threat to Blanco’s existential equilibrium is his own marriage, to the slyly inscrutable Adela (Sonia Almarcha). Blanco has had no compunctions about cheating on Adela, but when his eye is drawn to a gazelle-like new intern named Liliana (Almudena Amor), he doesn’t realize he’ll soon be rafting down a river of no return. The unimprovably droll Bardem plays Blanco, with his self-aggrandizing charm and deeply internalized reserves of self-pity, as a perfect victim, richly deserving of whatever he gets. Especially the willowy Liliana, whose youthful amusement in the face of his weary geezer come-ons would be much more disconcerting if he realized what was actually happening. “This situation turns me on,” she tells him.

(The Good Boss is in Spanish, with English subtitles.)

The post Review: <em>The Good Boss</em> appeared first on

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