House GOP Files Suit Against Obamacare Implementation

Republicans in Congress, led by Speaker John
Boehner, have been promising to sue President Obama over
implementation of the Affordable Care Act for months, and now
they’ve officially done it. 

As expected, the suit takes aim at the administration’s multiple
delays of the health care law’s employer mandate, which, as I’ve
written before, is almost certainly illegal.

It also challenges the $175 billion in expected spending on
cost-sharing under the law—federal funds paid to insurers to offset
some out of pocket health care costs for lower income individuals.
The suit argues that no funds were appropriated for cost-sharing
expenses, and that the payments being made by the administration
are therefore illegal. 

This part of the challenge wasn’t revealed until today,
and there’s been very little discussion of it up to

Republicans had some trouble finding an attorney to take
the case; the first two lawyers hired by Boehner quit the case
before the challenge was filed. Earlier this week, however, Boehner
announced that he had hired George Washington University Law
Professor Jonathan Turley, a longtime critic of expansive executive
power, to handle the case. 

You can view the complete complaint below.

v Burwell (D D C ) – Complaint (FILED) (1)

from Hit & Run

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