Michael Moore: “Trump’s Election Will Be The Biggest Fuck You Ever Recorded In Human History”

Some fascinating comments from the overtly liberal, Hillary-supporting Michael Moore, who in a recently leaked speech comes perilously close in a speech explaining why on November 8, what is left of middle America will look to cast its vote for Donald Trump for one reason:

Americans might be penniless, they might be homeless, they might be fucked over and fucked up it doesn’t matter, because it’s equalized on that day – a millionaire has the same number of votes as the person without a job: one. And there’s more of the former middle class than there are in the millionaire class. So on November 8 the dispossessed will walk into the voting booth, be handed a ballot, close the curtain, and take that lever or felt pen or touchscreen and put a big fucking X in the box by the name of the man who has threatened to upend and overturn the very system that has ruined their lives: Donald J Trump.

He concludes:

Yes, on November 8, you Joe Blow, Steve Blow, Bob Blow, Billy Blow, all the Blows get to go and blow up the whole goddamn system because it’s your right. Trump’s election is going to be the biggest fuck ever recorded in human history and it will feel good.

* * *

His full remarks below:

I know a lot of people in Michigan that are planning to vote for Trump and they don’t necessarily agree with him. They’re not racist or redneck, they’re actually pretty decent people and so after talking to a number of them I wanted to write this.


Donald Trump came to the Detroit Economic Club and stood there in front of Ford Motor executives and said “if you close these factories as you’re planning to do in Detroit and build them in Mexico, I’m going to put a 35% tariff on those cars when you send them back and nobody’s going to buy them.” It was an amazing thing to see. No politician, Republican or Democrat, had ever said anything like that to these executives, and it was music to the ears of people in Michigan and Ohio and Pennsylvania and Wisconsin – the “Brexit” states.


You live here in Ohio, you know what I’m talking about. Whether Trump means it or not, is kind of irrelevant because he’s saying the things to people who are hurting, and that’s why every beaten-down, nameless, forgotten working stiff who used to be part of what was called the middle class loves Trump. He is the human Molotov Cocktail that they’ve been waiting for; the human hand grande that they can legally throw into the system that stole their lives from them. And on November 8, although they lost their jobs, although they’ve been foreclose on by the bank, next came the divorce and now the wife and kids are gone, the car’s been repoed, they haven’t had a real vacation in years, they’re stuck with the shitty Obamacare bronze plan where you can’t even get a fucking percocet, they’ve essentially lost everything they had except one thing – the one thing that doesn’t cost them a cent and is guaranteed to them by the American constitution: the right to vote.


They might be penniless, they might be homeless, they might be fucked over and fucked up it doesn’t matter, because it’s equalized on that day – a millionaire has the same number of votes as the person without a job: one. And there’s more of the former middle class than there are in the millionaire class. So on November 8 the dispossessed will walk into the voting booth, be handed a ballot, close the curtain, and take that lever or felt pen or touchscreen and put a big fucking X in the box by the name of the man who has threatened to upend and overturn the very system that has ruined their lives: Donald J Trump.


They see that the elite who ruined their lives hate Trump. Corporate America hates Trump. Wall Street hates Trump. The career politicians hate Trump. The media hates Trump, after they loved him and created him, and now hate. Thank you media: the enemy of my enemy is who I’m voting for on November 8.


Yes, on November 8, you Joe Blow, Steve Blow, Bob Blow, Billy Blow, all the Blows get to go and blow up the whole goddamn system because it’s your right. Trump’s election is going to be the biggest fuck ever recorded in human history and it will feel good.

* * *

via http://ift.tt/2eqVkED Tyler Durden

ABA Rejects Report on Trump’s Frivolous Lawsuits, Fearing a Frivolous Lawsuit

Troubled by Donald Trump’s use of litigation to suppress criticism, the American Bar Association’s Forum on Communications Law commissioned a report on the Republican presidential nominee’s speech-related lawsuits. The author of the article, First Amendment lawyer Susan Seager, concluded that Trump’s abuse of the legal system “provides a powerful illustration of why more states need to enact anti-SLAPP laws to discourage libel bullies like Trump from filing frivolous lawsuits to chill speech about matters of public concern and run up legal tabs for journalists and critics.” Underlining Seager’s point, the ABA declined to publish her report because officials there worried that Trump might respond with a frivolous lawsuit.

In a story published yesterday, New York Times legal reporter Adam Liptak quotes an October 19 email message in which James Dimos, the ABA’s deputy executive director, worried about “the risk of the ABA being sued by Mr. Trump” if the organization published Seager’s report as written. Dimos made it clear that his fear was not based on anything Seager had written that was actually defamatory or otherwise actionable. “While we do not believe that such a lawsuit has merit,” he said, “it is certainly reasonable to attempt to reduce such a likelihood by removing inflammatory language that is unnecessary to further the article’s thesis.” This perceived need to pull punches shows how the possibility of a SLAPP (“strategic lawsuit against public participation”) chills constitutionally protected speech, even when no suit is filed or even threatened.

The language that Dimos deemed “inflammatory” was critical of Trump but appropriately so. The ABA did not like Seager’s title: “Donald J. Trump Is a Libel Bully but Also a Libel Loser.” The alternative it proposed was less specific, less topical, and less interesting: “Presidential Election Demonstrates Need for Anti-SLAPP Laws.” The bar association also objected to Seager’s lead: “Donald J. Trump is a libel bully. Like most bullies, he’s also a loser, to borrow from Trump’s vocabulary.” It seems the ABA likewise was not keen on Seager’s other references to Trump’s bullying, to the First Amendment as “his old foe,” or her suggestion that “frivolous, speech-targeting lawsuits” should be called “Trump Suits” instead of SLAPPs. “The ABA took out every word that was slightly critical of Donald Trump,” she told Liptak. “It proved my point.”

Seager’s “inflammatory language,” although apt to get under Trump’s skin, was not only clearly protected opinion but well-grounded in the evidence she collected. Highlights of her report, which the Media Law Resource Center posted on Friday, include the lawsuit that Trump filed against comedian Bill Maher over a joke mocking the billionaire real estate developer’s promotion of anti-Obama birtherism. In 2012 Trump made a video in which he promised to pay $5 million to the charity of Obama’s choice if the president agreed to release his “college and passport records.” In response, Maher said during an appearance on The Tonight Show in early 2013 that he would pay $5 million to the charity of Trump’s choice if the orange-hued reality TV star provided proof that he was not “the spawn of his mother having sex with an orangutan.” Trump thereupon sent Maher a copy of his birth certificate and demanded that he pay up. Receiving no response, Trump filed a $5 million breach-of-contract suit, which he withdrew (Seager notes) after it was “roundly ridiculed by the Hollywood Reporter.”

Trump’s very first defamation suit, against Chicago Tribune architecture critic Paul Gapp, was equally frivolous. In 1979 Gapp wrote a column that slammed Trump’s plans to build the world’s tallest building at the southeastern tip of Manhattan, calling it “one of the silliest things anyone could inflict on New York or any other city” and an example of “Guinness Book of World Records architecture.” Gapp also described Trump Tower as a “skyscraper offering condos, office space and a kitschy shopping atrium of blinding flamboyance.” In an interview with The Wall Street Journal, Gapp called Trump’s plan “aesthetically lousy.” Trump sued Gapp for $500 million, claiming the critic’s criticism had doomed the project. A federal judge had no trouble concluding that Gapp’s opinions were constitutionally protected, noting that “expressions of one’s opinion of another, however unreasonable, or vituperative, since they cannot be subjected to the test of truth or falsity, cannot be held libelous and are entitled to absolute immunity from liability under the First Amendment.”

Seager identified seven speech-related lawsuits filed by Trump or his businesses, including “four dismissals on the merits, two voluntary withdrawals, and one lone victory in an arbitration won by default.” Trump seems to have prevailed in that last case, which involved allegations by former Miss Pennsylvania Sheena Monnin about the Miss USA competition’s fairness, mainly because Monnin received what a federal judge later described as “unconsionably” bad legal advice. Her father claims she never paid “a penny” of the $5 million in damages that Trump won after she failed to show up for a hearing, allowing his lawyers to present their case without rebuttal.

Seager notes that Trump lawyer Michael Cohen nevertheless used the Monnin case to threaten a Daily Beast reporter who last year inquired about Ivana Trump’s 1993 claim that Donald had “raped” her when they were married. “Do you want to destroy your life?” Cohen asked. “It’s going to be my privilege to serve it to you on a silver platter like I did that idiot from Pennsylvania in Miss USA, because I think you are dumber than she is….I’m warning you, tread very fucking lightly, because what I’m going to do to you is going to be fucking disgusting. You understand me?”

As that episode suggests, the actual lawsuits are just the tip of this speech-chilling iceberg. Over the years, Seager notes, Trump’s minions have “sent countless threatening cease-and-desist letters to journalists and critics.” Those threats are intimidating because even a defendant who prevails suffers the anxiety, inconvenience, and expense of being sued. The process is the punishment, as advocates of SLAPP protections, which include expedited dismissal of frivolous suits and compensation for legal costs, like to point out. After financial journalist Timothy O’Brien argued in a 2005 book that Trump was worth less than he claimed, Trump filed a $5 billion defamation lawsuit against O’Brien and his publisher that dragged on for five years. Trump lost in court, but that is not the way he saw it. “I spent a couple of bucks on legal fees, but they spent a whole lot more,” Trump told The Washington Post this year. “I did it to make [O’Brien’s] life miserable, which I’m happy about.”

Because thin-skinned rich people like Trump will happily pay to inflict such punishment, the risk of being sued by them, no matter how groundless the claim, can deter valuable speech, as illustrated once again by the ABA’s skittishness about Seager’s report. Charles Tobin, a former chairman of the ABA’s Forum on Communications Law, told the Times “everyone who looked at it on the forum side felt her conclusions were well founded, were backed up by her scholarship, and that the ABA should not be censoring a First Amendment lawyer’s point of view about a current presidential candidate’s litigation tactics.” George Freeman, another former chairman of the forum, argued that the ABA’s rejection of the article betrayed its mission. “As the guardian of the values of our legal system,” he said, “the ABA should not stop the publication of an article that criticizes people for bringing lawsuits not to win them but to economically squeeze their opponents.”

from Hit & Run http://ift.tt/2eFIMWV

Eugene, Oregon, Touts Bike Share Program as ‘Innovative Transportation Solution’; Uber Still Banned

Bike Share On Friday, the city of Eugene, Oregon, signed a contract with New York–based Social Bicycles to construct a bike-share system.

Bike sharing has been a goal of the city government since 2013, when it commissioned a study on the feasibility of operating such a system in the city. That report, released in June 2014, emphasized that such systems help to relieve pressure on overburdened mass transit systems and provide users with a cheap and effective means of making short intra-city trips.

Those facts have remained part of the city’s talking points over the last two years. The news release it put out after the contract was inked describes Eugene Bike Share as “an innovative transportation solution for short urban trips,” while the municipal website notes that it will lower personal transportation costs and help with “first and last mile connections to transit.”

What’s odd about that (besides the hilarious description of a two-century-old technology as an “innovative transportation solution”) is that the city just last year decided to shut down another, arguably more innovative transportation solution: Uber.

The ridesharing company started up its Eugene operations in July 2014, offering the city pretty much all the benefits Bike Share is promising it now: cheap and convenient urban trips, more travel options, and lower personal transit costs, all at zero cost to the taxpayer.

Unfortunately, Uber’s model for providing these benefits—what with its gas-powered machines and refusal to comply with taxi regulations—was not nearly as popular with the Eugene city council. In November 2014 it started issuing fines for noncompliance, and when that proved ineffective sued the company to get it to close up shop. On Easter Sunday 2015, Uber ceased operating in the city.

In the year and a half since, Eugene residents and visitors have had no choice but to shell out more for traditional taxis or pack themselves onto the city’s supposedly overcrowded public transit options. It is possible that, once established, Bike Share will offer these travelers some relief. But they’ll have to wait until roughly next October—Bike Share’s estimated completion time—to find out.

from Hit & Run http://ift.tt/2eFFHpQ

How One Billionaire Became A Gold Bug

Submitted by Michael Shedlock via MishTalk.com,

Hugo Salinas-Price, a hard currency advocate, and the founder of Mexico’s Elektra retail chain explains in the following guest post how he became a gold bug.



How I Became a Gold-Bug by Hugo Salinas Price

My father was Hugo Salinas Rocha -“Salinas” was his father’s surname, and “Rocha” was his mother’s surname; the custom of using both parents’ surnames is universal in Latin America. Father was a successful merchant in Mexico City, and in the 1930’s he ran a store in downtown Mexico City. The store belonged to a company founded by his father, Benjamin Salinas Westrup and to the partner he took into the business, his brother-in-law, Joel Rocha Barocio; the company name used their initials: “SyR” (the “y” means “and” in Spanish).


I was born in 1932. As a little boy, I loved to play in my father’s store after school hours, and one afternoon when I was perhaps eight years’ old, one of the salesmen took two gold coins out of his vest pockets (men wore vests in those days). They were the large, 1.2 ounce gold “Centenarios” that had been minted to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of Mexican Independence from Spain in 1810. The salesman balanced the two coins on his forefingers, and placing them near my ear, he gently touched one against the other. The sound was the delightfully pure ringing of gold!


A couple of years later, when my father was driving home after the store closed, he pulled out a lottery ticket from his coat and said: “This lottery ticket did not win a prize, but it did win a refund of 100 pesos. I’ll give you the refund. What would you like to buy with the refund?” I unhesitatingly replied: “Buy me some gold coins!” So the next day, a salesman from my father’s store took me on a short walk downtown, from the store to a side-street. Three or four men in suits and wearing hats – men wore hats in public, in the 1940’s – were posted along the sidewalk, and were clicking gold coins in their hands. They were gold-traders, and clicking gold coins was their way of attracting the attention of customers.


At that time, the silver pesos we used as money could be exchanged for gold pesos at a rate of five silver pesos for one gold peso. The smallest gold coin was the 2 peso coin, with 1.5 grams of pure gold content, so each one cost ten silver pesos. Thus, on a sidewalk in downtown Mexico City, my gift of 100 silver pesos was exchanged for ten 2 gold peso coins.


I went home with my gold coins, and promptly put them in my father’s safe, to which he gave me the combination. They were really the only thing of value in the safe, and from time to time, I used to open the safe to examine the beautiful gold coins. So that’s how I became a gold-bug at age 10.


When I was 14, in 1946, I was taken to school to my mother’s home-town in the US. The only person I knew there, was my maternal grandmother, but everyone knew who I was – the son of Norah, the Price girl who married a Mexican in 1931 and went off to Mexico to live. I was at school for three years of high school, and very much enjoyed my time there.


During my years at school it never crossed my mind to think that of all the people in that small town, I was very probably the only person – and only a youngster, at that – who had ever seen a gold coin, let alone owned one. Americans are still generally unaware of gold money, since they were deprived of it in 1933 by FDR, and only allowed to own gold again in 1971, thanks to the efforts of the great American Jim Blanchard.


What happened to my little stash of ten 2 peso gold coins? I still have them, after all these long years – I am now 84. Slowly but surely, they are growing in value, and they are still obtainable today, in exchange for 1,523 pesos each as of this date. These are really 1,523,000 pesos if we take away the artificial revaluation of our Mexican money in 1993, when every 1000 pesos was converted into 1 “new” peso. So my gold coins went from 10 silver pesos in 1942, to 1,523,000 paper pesos in the course of about 74 years.

The original post is at Hugo’s Plata website, How I Became a Gold-Bug.

I am pleased to have Hugo as a personal friend. His knowledge of history is nothing short of amazing.

Hugo is a tireless promoter of sound currencies, and President of the Mexican Civic Association Pro Silver, A.C. He is on a mission to get Mexico to adopt a silver coin as legal currency.

We wish him success.

via http://ift.tt/2eB3oRu Tyler Durden

Texas Rigged? Reports Of Voting Machines Switching Votes To Hillary In Texas

Over the weekend we wrote about a Podesta email that clearly spelled out, in detail, exactly how to "manufacture" polling data by "oversampling" certain demographic groups that are overwhelmingly democrat leaning.  Here are a couple of recommendations from the email:

I also want to get your Atlas folks to recommend oversamples for our polling before we start in February. By market, regions, etc. I want to get this all compiled into one set of recommendations so we can maximize what we get out of our media polling.

–  General election benchmark, 800 sample, with potential over samples in key districts/regions
–  Benchmark polling in targeted races, with ethnic over samples as needed
–  Targeting tracking polls in key races, with ethnic over samples as needed

Obviously, the desired effect of such actions isn't to create a warm and fuzzy feeling for the Hillary campaign over polling data that they know is false.  Rather, the intent is to use artificial polls, like the ABC / WaPo poll released over the weekend showing a ridiculous 12-point national lead for Hillary, to suppress the republican vote by convincing opposition voters that the race is already over.

Of course, another way that democrats have attempted to "maximize what they get out of their media" this election cycle is by combining rigged polling data with reports from liberal newspapers, like this one from the Washington Post, suggesting that the election is such a blowout that typical republican strongholds, like Texas, are actually in play.



But, if recent reports of electronic voting machine issues are true, then perhaps the democrats have another trick up their sleeves to win Texas in 2016.  As noted by Paul Joseph Watson, residents in multiple Texas cities have already complained that voting machines are switching their votes from Trump to Hillary.



The following report also surfaced in Arlington, Texas from a person who voted a straight republican tickets only to find just before submitting her ballot that her presidential choice had been switched to Clinton/Kaine.  After reporting the error to polling officials, the voter was told that these errors "had been happening."



This Reddit user also noted multiple reports of voting errors across the state of Texas.



Meanwhile, per the following Facebook thread, these voting "irregularities" are hardly isolated.



But we're sure it's nothing…all of these people are probably just trying disenfranchise low-income and minority voters…we bet they even object to dead people voting. 

via http://ift.tt/2e6WSOz Tyler Durden

US Dollar Spikes To Fresh 8-Month Highs As Dec Rate Hike Odds Top 70%

The US Dollar Index is up 5 weeks in a row and has just crossed above 99 for the first time since January 2016. As December rate-hike odds have surged since the Brexit vote, so the USD Index has tracked almost perfectly, rising almost 7% in that time (the fastest rise in 18 months)



As Bloomberg’s Richard Breslow noted, The Fed has a Plan A. Go for a December rate hike and work the low and slow mantra to keep everyone calm — and the bubbles from bursting too quickly. There’s no Plan B because that will be decided by results and events as yet unknown.

As long as equities remain in demand, the drag on financial conditions indices from a higher dollar or long-term rates will be muted. And the excuse to ignore numbers which debunk crisis pricing becomes more problematic

via http://ift.tt/2eFxAcO Tyler Durden

Case-Shiller Home Prices Rise To 2006 Record Highs

“Everything is awesome,” right? According to the non-seasonally adjusted S&P CoreLogic (Case-Shiller) Home Price index, prices have recovered all of their losses and are back at the highest since June 2006 record highs in August. All 20 cities saw home prices rises year-over-year (and 14 up MoM) but we note that this data does lag the disappointing home sales data from September.




“Supported by continued moderate economic growth, home prices extended recent gains,” says David M. Blitzer, Managing Director and Chairman of the Index Committee at S&P Dow Jones Indices.

All 20 cities saw prices higher than a year earlier with 10 enjoying larger annual gains than last month. The seasonally adjusted month-over-month data showed that home prices in 14 cities were higher in August than in July.


Other housing data including sales of existing single family homes, measures of housing affordability, and permits for new construction also point to a reasonably healthy housing market.


“With the national home price index almost surpassing the peak set 10 years ago, one question is how the housing recovery compares with the stock market recovery. Since the last recession ended in June 2009, the stock market as measured by the S&P 500 rose 136% to the end of August while home prices are up 23%. However, home prices did not reach bottom until February 2012, almost three years later. Using the 2012 date as the starting point, home prices are up 38% compared to 59% for stocks. 


While the stock market recovery has been greater than the rebound in home prices, the value of Americans’ homes at about $22.3 trillion is slightly larger than the value of stocks and mutual funds at $21.2 trillion.

via http://ift.tt/2eHkKKf Tyler Durden

Polls 1 – 0 Crowds: Despite Apparent ‘Lead’, Democrats Face Empty Rallies In Florida

If the polls are to be believed, Hillary Clinton has a strong "election-deciding" lead in Florida…


However, based on the 'support' on the ground, we suspect those polls have a little over-optimistic Democrat voter turnout bias built into them.

Here is Hillary Clinton's Vice Presidential pick Tim Kaine's "Rally" in West Palm Beach, Florida yesterday…

Caught on tape…Around 30 people turned up

And here is Trump in Tampa… Around 20,000 turned up


And today, as News 6 reports, Thousands are expected to attend a campaign rally Tuesday afternoon for Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump at Orlando-Sanford International Airport.

Trump supporters arrived in Sanford very early Tuesday, more than 12 hours before the rally, which is scheduled to begin at 3 p.m. at Million Air Orlando. Several slept in their cars in the parking lot of the airport, hoping to get a good spot to see Trump later in the day.

And finally, in case you thoght it unfair to compare a Dem VP candidate to a Rep President candidate, here is Mike Pence's crowd in North Carolina yesterday…

Perhaps those 'polls' are biased eh? Just as Larry Lindsey explained.

via http://ift.tt/2eAYkfF Tyler Durden

A.M. Links: Two Weeks Until Presidential Election, ISIS Attacks Police Academy in Pakistan, Obamacare Premiums Going Up

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