“Hiring Grandparents Only”: 230K September Were Added In 55-69 Age Group; 10K Lost In Prime, 25-54 Group

The further one digs into today’s “blockbuster” jobs report, the uglier it gets. Because it is not only the participation rate collapse, the slide in average earnings, but, topping it all off, we just learned that the future of the US workforce is bleak. In fact, with the age of the median employed male now in their mid-40’s, the US workforce has never been older. Case in point: the September data confimed that the whopping surge in jobs… was thanks to your “grandparentsthose in the 55-69 age group, which comprised the vast majority of the job additions in the month, at a whopping 230K.This was the biggest monthly jobs increase in the 55 and over age group since February!

What about the prime worker demographic, those aged 25-54 and whose work output is supposed to propel the US economy forward? They lost 10,000 jobs.

Of course, don’t expect any of this to be mentioned on any financial entertainment outlets: it would spoil the party of today’s “surging” jobs day.


Then again in retospect, it has never been a stronger labor market. Well, if you are 55 and over that is, the age group that just hit a record 32.6 million in jobs.


Some addition detail:

Here is the breakdown of job gains by all age groups since the start of the depression in December 2007: 5.5 million jobs “gained” in the 55-69 age group. What about the core, 25-54 demographic? Negative 2.04 million.


In fact, looked at differently, it continues to be a story of two labor forces – those aged 55 and older, and everyone else.


And finally, putting it all in context, here is the reason for the drop in the labor force participation rate. Apparently someone forgot to tell those 55 and older they are retiring in droves.

via Zero Hedge http://ift.tt/1x6HftS Tyler Durden

“Fear” Is The Ever-Present Backdrop In ‘Real’ America

Submitted by Charles Hugh-Smith of OfTwoMinds blog,

We've put all our hopes, dreams and chips on Plan A, as if security flows from institutional promises rather than from being adaptable, resilient and able to create value in a variety of circumstances.

Setting aside monsters under the bed, the Ebola virus and fanatical terrorists bent on our destruction–what are we so afraid of? It must be something, because fear is the ever-present backdrop in America.
If you don't get a college degree, it's widely assumed that you're doomed to a life of involuntary poverty of part-time toil in a coffee bar or big-box retailer–if you're lucky enough to find a job at all.
Fear drives students and their families to borrow immense sums for mostly marginal college educations: here are Federal student loans–is anybody on this debt-rocket-ride to the moon asking if there is a Plan B or C that doesn't require a life of debt-serfdom/indentured servitude?
But the fear of being inadequate to the Darwinian scramble for security starts much earlier than college. The anxiety starts in kindergarten, as ambitious parents sweat the application process to prep schools, knowing that getting their little darling in at age 5 is easier than trying to get them through the even more brutal competition at age 8, 10 or 12.

The undergraduate anxiety is soon replaced by an even more costly fear: that the graduate won't ascend the academic ladder and gain acceptance to a prestigious law, medical or graduate school.
Alas, the fear of insecurity doesn't end with a graduate degree. In many cases, the deeply indebted graduate finds thousands of other job seekers have equivalent degrees and equally carefully groomed resumes.
Those who secure corporate-government jobs that qualify them for home ownership discover new sources of fear: for example, that home valuations might not keep rising. That the value of their house might decline or even collapse strikes terror in the hearts and minds of mortgage holders.
Then there's the fear surrounding that proxy of prosperity, the stock market. If stocks crater enough to return to reasonable valuations, countless retirement plans will be turned to ash. The other supposed bulwark of financial security, corporate and government bonds, generate their own high levels of anxiety: should interest rates return to historic levels from the current near-zero rates, the value of long-term bonds will tank.
I've been told that some college students exit with degrees in hand and are lost when a secure, high-paying job doesn't manifest. It seems these graduates had no Plan B or Plan C: they gambled tens of thousands of dollars in student loan debt and 4+ years on Plan A with no thought to their future should Plan A fail.
This seems to be apt analogy of America as a whole: we've put all our hopes, dreams and chips on Plan A, as if security flows from institutional promises rather than from being adaptable, resilient and able to create value in a variety of circumstances.
Fear is the backdrop of experience in America because we're terrified of the prospect that Plan A–the status quo promises of secure lifetime employment and early retirement funded by endlessly rising wealth–will fail. Beneath the surface of this everpresent fear lies the real source of our insecurity and terror: in our heart of hearts, we already know that Plan A has failed, but we're too afraid to face the consequences of this systemic failure.

It seems to me that durable security arises from embracing insecurity and contingency and building a wide spectrum of skills and human, social and real-world assets rather than seeking the illusory security offered by an institution whose promises rest on phantom wealth and claims on future taxpayers.


via Zero Hedge http://ift.tt/1x6HdlS Tyler Durden

Lawsuit: TSA Agents Opened Urn and Spilled Ashes Throughout Suitcase

Shannon Thomas of Cleveland,
Ohio is suing the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and
twenty unnamed TSA agents for opening an urn containing his
mother’s ashes and spilling them throughout his suitcase.

Cleveland Scene magazine
broke the news

The incident occurred nearly two years ago when Thomas packed
his bag with a “very heavy and sturdy” urn with a tightly screwed
on top that held held his mother’s ashes, and padded it in his bag
“with his clothing to attempt to protect it.” He checked it at
Cleveland Hopkins, got a connecting flight in Washington D.C., and
arrived in San Juan, Puerto Rico. The plan was to “spread his
mother’s remains in the Caribbean Sea, as she had requested prior
to passing away.”

In San Juan, he noticed the TSA had inspected his bag along the
way and that the ashes were spilled all throughout his suitcase.
The TSA “negligently, carelessly, and recklessly replaced the lid
of the urn, placed a bag inspection notice in Plaintiff’s suitcase
and sent the bag on its way. This action caused the urn to open and
spilled the remains of Plaintiff’s mother on the inside of
Plaintiff’s suitcase and on Plaintiff’s personal effects.”

Thomas charges that the agency’s action “constitutes intentional
and/or negligent infliction of emotional distress” and “outrageous
disturbance of human remains.” Also:

In the two years since it happened, Thomas says “No person
speaking on behalf of the United States or TSA has ever issued an
apology, explanation, or notification to [Thomas] aside from the
bag search notice.”

The TSA assures that it “understand[s] the emotional stress
passengers” and
this guideline:

If carrying on the crematory remains, they are subject to
screening and must pass through the X-ray machine. If the X-ray
Operator cannot clear the remains, TSA may apply other,
non-intrusive means of resolving the alarm. Under no circumstances
will an officer open the container, even if the passenger requests
this be done. If the officer cannot determine that the container
does not contain a prohibited item, the remains will not be

The agency has spilled people’s ashes before. At least they
laugh about it
 this time.

from Hit & Run http://reason.com/blog/2014/10/03/lawsuit-tsa-agents-opened-urn-and-spille

California’s Sexual Consent Law Will Ruin Good Sex for Women

Some feminists are gleefully asserting that California’s newly
minted “yes means yes” law will not only make sex
campus sexsafer
American campuses, but also
. But that’s as credible as telling little boys that
masturbation will lead to blindness. To the extent that the law
works, it will actually ruin both good men and good sex for women.
I note in my column at The Week:

Supporters have also launched an aggressive
“consent is sexy”
campaign to pre-empt the kind of comedic
lampooning that was unleashed by Saturday
Night Live
and Dave Chappelle the
last time this standard was proposed. It’s sexy, they claim, to ask
your partner if they’d like it “if
I bit your neck
” or “spanked your bottom.” Think
‘ Tara Culp-Ressler, a
consent evangelist,
insists that far from killing the mood,
making sure your partner is as excited as you are about certain
moves and positions will enhance the sexual experience.

Sometimes. Still, such claims are based on a rather simplistic
understanding of human sexuality that is out of touch with the
lived experience of most people.

to read the whole thing.

from Hit & Run http://ift.tt/1vEvYRu

Federal Court Allows Civil Rights Case Against Baltimore Cop Who Inspired a Character on The Wire

At the Maryland Appellate Blog, Jonathan Biran reports on a
recent federal court ruling that centers on two subjects near and
dear to the hearts of libertarians: alleged police misconduct and
David Simon’s acclaimed HBO series The Wire. Biran

On September 24, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth
Circuit issued an opinion in Owens v.
Baltimore City State’s Attorney’s Office et
, largely vacating a lower court’s dismissal of a
[federal civil rights] action brought by James Owens seeking
damages for wrongful conduct by Baltimore City police officers and
an assistant state’s attorney that, Owens alleges, resulted in his
spending more than two decades in prison for a rape and murder he
didn’t commit. If Owens can prove his allegations of intentional
suppression of exculpatory evidence by police, it will be a
tremendous black eye for the Baltimore City Police Department and
perhaps in particular for Jay Landsman, a former BCPD
detective sergeant who lent his name to a character in
HBO’s The Wire and who also acted in that series.

Read the rest here

(Thanks to How
for the link.)

Click below to see why Reason TV recently named The
one of the “5 best libertarian TV shows ever.”

from Hit & Run http://ift.tt/1E9adOx

Markit Services PMI Slides To 4-Month Lows As ISM Services Drops From 2005 Highs

ISM Services printed modestly better than expected but dropped down from last month's 2005 highs. Printing at 58.6 vs 58.5 expectations, the seasonally-adjusted ISM data shows business activity dropping and new orders at 4-mointh lows. Markit Services PMI fell for the 3rd month in a row to its lowest since May but Markit's chief economist sees "good reason to believe growth will pick up once again," from somewhere, despite maunfacturing PMI also fading. The divergence between Markit's and the Government's surveys of the Services industry in America remain large.

ISM Services fell back from its exuberant 2005 highs of last month…


which fits with the weakness in manufacturing PMI this month…



*  *  *

Markit Services PMI dropped 3 months in a row to lowest since May…


Commenting on the PMI data, Chris Williamson, Chief Economist at Markit said:

"The PMI surveys signalled an easing in the pace of economic growth in September, but there's good reason to believe that growth will be sustained at a robust pace in coming months and could even pick up again."


"A slowing in the pace of service sector growth in September matched a similar easing in the pace of manufacturing output growth seen during the month, suggesting the overall pace of economic expansion dipped to the weakest since May. But the surveys nevertheless still point to the economy growing at an annualized rate of at least 3% in the 3rd quarter."

*  *  *

The two-faces of the Non-Manufacturing industry in America…

*  *  *

It's down but we hope it goes up… brilliant

via Zero Hedge http://ift.tt/1pLQrOH Tyler Durden

Doctor Boards Atlanta Flight In HazMat Suit To Protest “Lying CDC”

“If they’re not lying, they are grossly incompetent,” said Dr. Gil Mobley, a microbiologist and emergency trauma physician from Springfield, Mo. as he checked in and cleared Atlanta airport security wearing a mask, goggles, gloves, boots and a hooded white jumpsuit emblazoned on the back with the words, “CDC is lying!” As The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports, Mobley says the CDC is “sugar-coating” the risk of the virus spreading in the United States.


As The Atlanta Journal Constitution reports,

A Missouri doctor Thursday morning boarded a plane at Atlanta’s Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport dressed in full protection gear to protest what he called mismanagement of the crisis by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


Dr. Gil Mobley checked in and cleared airport security wearing a mask, goggles, gloves, boots and a hooded white jumpsuit emblazoned on the back with the words, “CDC is lying!”


“If they’re not lying, they are grossly incompetent,” said Mobley, a microbiologist and emergency trauma physician from Springfield, Mo.


Mobley said the CDC is “sugar-coating” the risk of the virus spreading in the United States.


“For them to say last week that the likelihood of importing an Ebola case was extremely small was a real bad call,” he said.


“Once this disease consumes every third world country, as surely it will, because they lack the same basic infrastructure as Sierra Leone and Liberia, at that point, we will be importing clusters of Ebola on a daily basis,” Mobley predicted. “That will overwhelm any advanced country’s ability to contain the clusters in isolation and quarantine. That spells bad news.”



Mobley, a Medical College of Georgia graduate who had an overnight layover after flying to Atlanta from Guatemala on Wednesday…


“Yesterday, I came through international customs at the Atlanta airport,” the doctor told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. “The only question they asked arriving passengers is if they had tobacco or alcohol.”

*  *  *
It seems CDC Director Frieden agrees…

via Zero Hedge http://ift.tt/1vxNgin Tyler Durden

Forget Secession. Americans Want to Boot California From the Union.

Escape From L.A.Almost a quarter of Americans think

taking their state out of the union
is a swell idea, a
poll told us not long ago. But why go yourself if
you can kick the other guy out? So Fox News hired
Anderson Robbins Research and Shaw & Company Research to ask
1,049 registered voters
if they thought booting a state or two
to the curb was just good sense.

Of the 17 percent who thought that was a fine idea, there was an
overwhelming favorite for who gets tossed from the moving vehicle:

Yes, the Golden State was the choice of a whopping 53 percent of
respondents who thought yanking a star off the flag would make the
world a better place.

New York came in second with 25 percent of votes, and Texas was
third at 20 percent.

I stand second to none in my astonishment at the degree to which
Californians have managed to render entirely uninhabitable one of
the nicest stretches of real estate on the planet. The state’s

dead-last business environment
has driven
one-sixth of construction workers
to the shadow economy, and
the official response has been to tighten the screws (with
cheerleading from the contracting industry) rather than loosen the

California ranks at 49 in overall
, according to The Mercatus Center’s Freedom in the 50
States. Despite loosening of marijuana and marriage laws, it adds a
high incarceration rate, tough restrictions on guns, gambling, and
pretty much anything else you might wat to do to brutal economic

So, yes. Booting California from the union, and from a say in
the laws under which we live, just might give the rest of us some
breathing space. But I can’t help but think, with a glance up and
down the East Coast, that we shouldn’t stop there.

from Hit & Run http://ift.tt/1rRnFld

4 Of 5 Top Job Additions In September Were Low Or Minimum Wage

Interested why despite the euphoric headline NFP print, a cursory glance deeper inside the payrolls report reveals weakness after weakness, with both participation plunging again and wages the worst since last summer? Here is the answer: 4 of the top 5 largest job additions in September, retail trade, leisure and hospitality, education and health and temp help, were of the lowest quality, and paying, jobs possible. So yes, America added a whole lot of minimum wage waiters, store clerks, groundskeepers and temps: truly the stuff New Normal “recoveries” are made of.

via Zero Hedge http://ift.tt/1vEijtE Tyler Durden

The Economy is Busted and Stocks Are In a Bubble. End of Story.

This is getting old.


We continue to be told that the US economy is in recovery and stronger than ever. The press trumpets heavily massaged data (GDP growth and the unemployment number) while ignoring data that clearly indicates the US economy is in the toilet (labor participation rate, median income, etc).


Do the following sound like a strong economy?


1)   The labor participation rate is at a 36 year low meaning there are less Americans of working age actually working than at any point in over three decades.

2)   Median income is down over $4K since 2008. You cannot use mean income to measure income because the wealth disparity in the US skews the results courtesy of the 0.01% who earn millions per year.

3)   An incredible 47% of US households receive some form of social spending from the US Government.

4)   One in five US households are on food stamps.


Keep these in mind whenever you hear that the economy is in recovery or stronger than ever. The reality is that the Federal Government and Federal Reserve handed trillions of dollars to the big banks (most of them FOREIGN banks). Everyone else got hosed.


The end result?


Stocks have become more and more disconnected from reality to the point that we are in a massive bubble even larger than that of the housing bubble.



You cannot have a market go absolutely vertical forever. At some point this whole mess will come crashing down.


If you’ve yet to take action to prepare for the second round of the financial crisis, we offer a FREE investment report Financial Crisis "Round Two" Survival Guide that outlines easy, simple to follow strategies you can use to not only protect your portfolio from a market downturn, but actually produce profits.


You can pick up a FREE copy at:





Best Regards


Graham Summers


Phoenix Capital Research


via Zero Hedge http://ift.tt/1vEikOo Phoenix Capital Research