Perception vs. Reality at the Fed

by Keith Weiner


Last week, a story broke about Fed whistleblower Carmen Segarra. I wrote an article on Forbes about it, Disgruntled Fed Lawyer Blows Whistle on Regulatory Capture. Segarra is a former Fed regulator assigned to supervise Goldman Sachs. She secretly recorded 46 hours of audio from her meetings, during her short stint on site at Goldman as a Fed employee.

This story does not come in a vacuum. There is an ongoing narrative, which is simple, even facile. We had a crisis in 2008, and therefore banks caused it. Because, greed. This is the backdrop for her story, and the story presented by This American Life and ProPublica. It is how
every article I have read about that story, except this one by David Stockman, spins it.

Banks suffocate under a full-time, on-site team of government minders. In Sagerra’s words, “The Fed has both the power to get the information [i.e. whatever it demands] and the ability to punish the bank if it chooses to withhold it. And some of these powers involve criminal action.” The banks are monitored, controlled, regulated, and supervised. So how is it possible that they got away with crime on such a scale as to nearly collapse the monetary system?

On its face—as lawyers say prima facie—this claim is absurd.

I don’t want to reiterate my thoughts about Segarra’s tapes and interview here. I cover that in my Forbes article. I want to look at the issue of perception vs. reality. It’s a point that Segarra herself emphasizes in her interview with Jake Bernstein.

She related a conversation she had with Mike Silva, the chief Fed regulator in charge of Goldman, “…He said, you know, credibility at the Fed is about subtleties and about perceptions, as opposed to reality.” Segarra was outraged. She told Bernstein, “For somebody to tell me that credibility is about perception as opposed to reality? I mean, I come from the world of legal and compliance, we deal with hard evidence. It’s like, we don’t deal with, you know, perceptions.”

How ironic.

Segarra worked at the Fed, making banks compliant. The very context is loaded with perceptions. Let’s look at false beliefs about the Fed—perceptions. This is a genie that perhaps Segarra did not mean to let out of the bottle. I count no less than eight perceptions that are raised or implied by Segarra’s comments.

Below, I address each of them. I have broken them out into their own sections to aid in clarity. I have given each a headline describing the perception. Since each is false, the headlines that describe them are the opposite of the truth.

Regulators Are Smart and They Care

Segarra herself disabuses us of the belief that the regulators are smart, in relating a story Mike Silva shared with his Goldman supervisory team. In 2008, Silva was chief of staff for Timothy Geithner, who was president of the New York Fed. The crisis entered a new, more dangerous phase when the then-oldest money market fund, the Reserve Primary Fund, fell below $1 a share. A run on the bank was imminent, if it hadn’t already begun. Silva realized that no one at the Fed knew how to respond. He went to the bathroom to puke.

It fits with other anecdotes that would be amusing if Silva, and people like him, weren’t mismanaging our monetary system.

Fed consultant David Beim was hired by Geithner’s successor, Bill Dudley, to help figure out how the Fed failed to see or prevent the crisis of 2008. Beim describes how regulators need to learn about the banking business from the bankers.

The whole point of Segarra’s interview with Bernstein, and presumably her recordings, is to show us a picture of uncaring—if not corrupt—regulators. The term used is captured, as in the regulators are captured by the banks. Beim described capture as like “… a watchdog who licks the face of an intruder… instead of barking at him.”

Compliance Makes Things Safe

All regulation has something in common. Its stated intent is to make something safer, whether drugs for human consumption, jobsite work conditions, or financial markets.

When it comes to jobsites, Mike Rowe knows a thing or two about safety. He has done some excellent work showing that compliance has little to do with safety. In some cases, too much compliance can actually decrease safety.

It’s all too easy for compliance to substitute for safety on the jobsite, or integrity in financial institutions. When this occurs, everyone—even the regulators, especially the regulators—lose sight of what the whole point was. An anecdote from Segarra is illustrative. Recall that she was hired as part of a broad initiative to make sure that the Fed doesn’t miss the next 2008 type crisis.

And what do we see Segarra getting involved in? She was very concerned about Goldman Sachs advising a company called El Paso Pipeline Partners, which was being acquired by Kinder Morgan. She was upset because Goldman owns a big stake of Kinder, and this appears to be a conflict of interest.

Whether advising El Paso was appropriate or not, it has nothing to do with preventing financial crises. A thousand regulators could generate a thousand inquiries about conflicts, and force a thousand compliance officers to generate a million pages of documentation. What would this do to improve the safety of the monetary system?

It is about compliance for the sake of compliance. Banks may not be safer, but they’re much more compliant.

Unregulated Businesses Will Harm Us

It’s a common belief is that greedy businesses will destroy us. This thinking is based on the belief that the way to make a profit is to hurt your customer. And that idea is based on the assumption that in every deal, there is a winner and a loser. To make money means to cheat or rob someone.

To this mindset, a destructive event like the 2008 crisis must be due to insufficient regulation. It’s an article of faith, and self-supporting for true believers. If business is win-lose, then the government should force business to lose for the sake of the rest of us.

The win-lose proposition is not only untrue, but self-evidently so. Look around at the world. Everything that makes life good, here in our modern civilization, came via the profit motive. The car, the computer, the plentiful supply of fresh food, and even medicine, are all products of inventors, entrepreneurs, and capitalists who took a risk to earn money. You are reading this article only because several companies were founded to build the components necessary for people to read and write articles on the Internet. One of these companies is Intel, founded by Gordon Moore and Robert Noyce.

In a free market, unshackled and unregulated, what do banks do? They take in deposits from savers, by offering to pay interest. They lend to entrepreneurs who are happy to pay interest to get precious capital. The banks’ profit is the spread between the higher rate paid by entrepreneurs and the lower rate paid to savers.

This is good. We should try it.

Regulation Turns Crooks Into Producers

If businesses are intrinsically harmful, then the flipside of the same coin is that regulation can turn bad guys into good guys. We only need a big enough army of Carmen Segarra’s. Caring, smart, fearless, and aggressive, they’ll be armed with a million pages of rules. They can issue demands for information, backed by threat of fines and imprisonment. They can participate in conference calls, engage in enforcement actions.

They can turn robber barons into financiers, murderers into pharmaceutical manufacturers. The trick is simply to make them compliant.

This is like thinking that inside every bartender, shampoo girl at the salon, businessman, and pharmaceutical company there is a murderer screaming to get out. Only the regulators can restrain these beasts, and make them serve us.

The Financial Crisis Occurred Due to Private Crimes

Forget about dollar instability. Pay no attention to the fact that the Fed manages the banking system. Don’t even think about the perverse incentives of feeding dirt-cheap credit to Wall Street. These aren’t the causes of the 2008 crisis you’re looking for.

The cause of the crisis is clearly private criminal acts, like fraud. That’s what brought the world’s monetary system to the brink of collapse. The crime wave was so great, that corporations from Bear Sterns to General Motors were insolvent.

Many now use a bigoted and biased term. They call bankers “banksters” for the connotation of machine-gun wielding mobsters working for Al Capone during Prohibition. It’s a smear word.

Of course, some people in the finance industry committed crimes. They should be caught, indicted, tried, convicted, and punished.

They did not bring down the banking system.

The Fed Can Create Stability

To believe this depends on a peculiar kind of groupthink. One has to close one’s eyes, and avoid looking at the meaning, nature, and consequences of using irredeemable paper as if it were money. The necessary—inevitable—result of that is exponentially rising debt.

The Fed can push down the rate of interest, to keep the monthly debt service payment affordable. But please, let’s have a little more sophistication than a typical used car buyer. Car dealerships try to keep customers focused only on the monthly payment, while manipulating purchase price, term, and other variables. Payment buyers get ripped off every time.

The monthly interest expense on the debt is only one problem, and not the most critical.

Interest rate suppression, by contrast, creates perverse incentives. Pension fund managers are desperate for yield. And banks like Goldman were happy to bundle up subprime mortgages to sell to them. Fully compliant mortgage backed securities.

Companies are selling bonds with minimal covenants to protect investors, to buy their own shares. Blame the Fed’s interest rate policy.

The Fed’s monetary system is unstable and will inevitably collapse. Regulation cannot address this.

The Fed’s Paper Scrip is Money

One day, scholars will look back and wonder at the madness of our era. How could people come to believe that the Fed’s green pieces of paper, and electronic bank records referring to same, are money? It is because the government says so. Carl Menger, founder of the Austrian School, begs to differ.

“Money has not been generated by law. In its origin it is a social, and not a state institution.”[1]

In fact, the dollar is not money. It is merely the Fed’s credit. On what basis does the Fed issue this credit? More precisely, what asset does the Fed finance by the issuance of this liability? The Fed buys Treasury bonds (and mortgages and other junk nowadays). The dollar is, for the most part, a bite-sized piece of the Treasury bond.

By happy coincidence (for the government, ever hungry to spend more), the Treasury bond is payable using dollars. There is a self-referential component. It’s the biggest Ponzi scheme ever perpetrated.

Money is the most marketable commodity. J.P. Morgan explained it succinctly to Congress, when he testified in 1912. “Money is gold, and nothing else.” To quibble slightly, I add silver to the shortlist.

Central Planning Works

Many people lament the decline of the “free market” post 2008. Even Fed critics have the perception that, before quantitative easing, we had a free bond market. Setting aside the regulations, nothing could be farther from the truth.

From the very earliest days of the Fed, it has engaged in so called open market operations. The Fed goes to the US Treasury market to buy and, in theory, sell bonds. However, it is on net a buyer. This has the effect of putting upward pressure on bond prices. Since the interest rate is a strict mathematical inverse of the bond price, the Fed’s actions have applied downwards pressure on interest rates.

Interest rates have moved up as well as down in the 100 years since the creation of the Fed. This is due to the unstable dynamics, and rampant speculation, lit off by the Fed’s bond buying adventures.[2]

The bond market is fundamentally unfree when there is a central banker. This is a fact even when the bonds are gold. Since 1933, this has not been the case. The bond is payable only in dollars. The dollar is the liability of the Fed, backed by the Fed’s assets—which are primarily government bonds. Let that sink in.

The dollar is backed by the bond, which is payable in dollars.

It’s circular, self-referential. It’s also a Ponzi scheme and there are other, less kindly, words to describe it. This has nothing to do with a free market. It is precisely the opposite.

The Fed is the central planner of money and credit.

The prices of all other assets are dependent on the price of the government bond. Since prices are the signals used by investors and entrepreneurs to determine what to build and what to liquidate, mispricing in the bond market causes both overinvestment in some areas at some times, and erosion in other areas at other times.

The collapse of the Soviet Union should have been a lesson. The world should have learned that central planning cannot work, even in something simple like food or iron production. The USSR was plagued with shortages of everything.

America today does not have central planning of simple things like food. Farmers make the allocation decisions for corn, and ranchers determine the size of their herd for the most part.

We have central planning of the most complex thing of all, credit. Credit affects everything else including corn and beef.

It’s not only unstable, but it is moving inexorably towards collapse. This disaster is way beyond Carmen Segarra’s pay grade, or even the pay grades of the economists who would be our economic dictators, like Ben Bernanke and Janet Yellen.

Perception Is Not Reality

At best, Carmen Segarra and her regulatory agenda is a distraction. At worst, it is more rhetoric supporting further attacks on Goldman Sachs.

Segarra was frustrated at Mike Silva’s remarks about perception. She should take a step back and look objectively at the Fed. She should look at the whole edifice of it.

The Fed is naught but a whole pile of perceptions.

One way or the other, we are going to rediscover the use of gold as money. When that happens, the perceptions that prop up the Fed will be dispelled. Strip those away, and there is no case for the Fed to exist at all.


The Gold Standard Institute Presents The Gold Standard: Both Good and Necessary, in Manhattan on Nov 1. You are cordially invited to join us for a discussion of ideas you won’t get anywhere else. The gold standard is the monetary system of the free market—of capitalism. Dr. Andy Bernstein, a rock star of the liberty movement, shows why capitalism is good. In my talk, I explain why capitalism is impossible with fiat money, and why we have not recovered from 2008, and we won’t without gold. 

[1] Chapter IX, The Origins of Money, by Carl Menger,

[2] The Theory of Interest and Prices, by Keith Weiner

via Zero Hedge Gold Standard Institute

Hilsenrath Warns, Following Jobs Data “Early Rate Increases Remain On The Table”

The Wall Street Journal’s Fed-whisperer Jon Hilsenrath has explained (briefly) how traders should think after the better-than-expected (but fewer in the workforce) jobs data…


Via WSJ Real-Time…

The US jobless rate, which falls to 5.9% in September, was already where Fed officials projected last month it would be by year-end. Moreover payroll employment growth is robust, averaging more than 200k per month.


That means early interest rate increases next year — though not the Fed’s expected path before today — remain on the table.


In addition, officials will need to make a tough decision at their policy meeting later this month about whether to alter their guidance about the interest-rate outlook, or wait until they update their economic forecasts in December before changing the guidance.

*  *  *

As Albert Edwards warned –  it seems bad news is bad news again

via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

The Wageless Recovery: Average Hourly Earnings Suffer First Monthly Decline Since July 2013

The good news in today’s jobs report is that at 248K, more jobs than expected were added in September.

And now, the bad news.

Recall that with the unemployment rate having become such a joke even the Fed is openly ignoring it as it has made a laughing joke of its 6.5% threshold “forward guidance”, and with the monthly “increase” in jobs irrelevant when one ignores the quality component of the actual jobs gained, the major aspect of the jobs report that the Fed, and pundits, are focusing on is the monthly increase or decrease in average hourly earnings.

What happened in September when the BLS just reported that average hourly earnings for all private industries were $24.53, is that this was only one of 6 months since the failure of Lehman, when there a sequential decline in average hourly earnings, down from $24.54 in August.

And just as bad, while the Sellside consensus was looking for a 2.2% annual increase in wages, the actual number was a mere 2.0%, which means that the trend of declining real wages, profiled most recently here, continues.

via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

Gold Falls In USD After Good Jobs Number But YTD +3.4% IN GBP, +9% In EUR

Today’s AM fix was USD 1,207.50, EUR 956.06 and GBP 751.03 per ounce. 
Yesterday’s AM fix was USD 1,214.50, EUR 960.99 and GBP 750.94 per ounce.

Gold fell 1% in dollar terms after the better than expected U.S. jobs number. However, the dollar also gained by 1% against the euro, by 0.8% against the pound and was higher against all fiat currencies (see table). 

Thus, gold’s fell primarily in dollar terms and remained strong in other currencies. The same trend seen in recent months.

Gold in Singapore had ticked lower from  $1,214 per ounce to over $1,207 per ounce and gold remains weak and at these levels in late morning trade in London.

Gold fell $0.80 or 0.07% to $1,213.80 per ounce and silver slipped $0.08 or 0.47% to $17.10 per ounce yesterday.

Gold in Euros – 2 Years (Thomson Reuters)

It is important to note that gold’s falls continue to be primarily in dollar terms and that gold in euros and pounds has seen only minor falls. 

Indeed, gold in euros remains nearly 10% higher for the year and has risen from €876 per ounce at the start of the year to over €956 per ounce today.

Gold in British pounds has risen from £727 to £750 per ounce for a gain of 3.3%.

Gold in British Pounds – 2 Years (Thomson Reuters)

Physical demand remains robust in Asia and we are seeing a pick up in western markets now too. Data from the U.S. Mint and Perth Mint show that safe haven bullion coin buying returned in September as western demand increased.

The U.S. Mint sold over 50,000 ounces of American Eagle gold coins so far in September, its highest monthly sales since January. The Perth Mint’s sales of gold coins and bars hit their highest in nearly a year in September. Sales of gold bullion coins and minted bars rose to 68,781 ounces in September, their highest since October 2013.

The world’s largest bullion buyer, China imported more gold in September than in the previous month due to demand from retailers stocking up for the current National holiday. 

In the last month, withdrawals from the SGE have totalled over 170 tonnes – this suggests an annual rate of over 2,200 tonnes. “The physical volumes have been high this month compared to August. I would say imports could be at least 30% higher than last month,” a trader with one of the 15 importing banks in China told Reuters.

Gold in US Dollars – 2 Years (Thomson Reuters)

Meanwhile,  demand in India – the second biggest buyer of gold – has also picked up significantly in recent days as the festival and wedding season began in earnest.

Prithviraj Kothari, vice president of the India Bullion & Jewellers’ Association told the Reuters Global Gold Forum in an interview that there is currently “huge physical demand in India in every sector.”

Indian demand may be double that of last year, he believes.

Gold ETF inflows are likely to resume as silver inflows have already done.

Speculators continue to sell paper and electronic gold while prudent buyers in China, India and elsewhere  continue to accumulate physical bullion.

This dichotomy can only last for so long before the powerful forces of actual physical demand in the small physical gold market lead to higher prices.

via Zero Hedge GoldCore

The Market Reacts To “Great” Unemployment Data

Good news… the unemployment rate is the lowest since mid 2008… but it seems the “good” news has now been understood as ‘meh’ news since it does nothing to stall the tightening path the Fed is on. Equity markets initial kneejerk higher has been roundtripped… Treasury yields blew 4-5bps higher but have now roundtripped… The USDollar remains bid but is also rolling over and the initial drops in gold and silver are reversing higher.


Good news is ‘meh’ news… for stocks…


Treasury yields have roundtripped…


USD remains higher and gold lower…


Charts: Bloomberg

via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

Labor Participation Rate Drops To 36 Year Low; Record 92.6 Million Americans Not In Labor Force

While by now everyone should know the answer, for those curious why the US unemployment rate just slid once more to a meager 5.9%, the lowest print since the summer of 2008, the answer is the same one we have shown every month since 2010: the collapse in the labor force participation rate, which in September slide from an already three decade low 62.8% to 62.7% – the lowest in over 36 years, matching the February 1978 lows. And while according to the Household Survey, 232K people found jobs, what is more disturbing is that the people not in the labor force, rose to a new record high, increasing by 315,000 to 92.6 million!

And that’s how you get a fresh cycle low in the unemployment rate.


So the next time Obama asks you if you are better off now than 6 years ago show him this chart of the employment to population ratio: it speaks volumes.

via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

September Job Addition Of 248K Beats Expectations, Unemployment Drops To 5.9%

If the August payroll print was only +142, since revised to +180, it was largely offset by the September jump, which saw some 248K jobs added int he month, beating expectations of a 215K print, with a net prior revision of +69K jobs. And while with the revision of the August data the near-record streak of 200K+ jobs numbers was broken, we now have the longest running stretch of positive monthly job gains in history. On the other hand, the unemployment rate slid to jujst 5.9% from 6.1%, the lowest since July 2008.

However, in any event, this jobs report will do nothing to change the Fed’s opinion on QE, which is ending in four weeks, or its current rate hiking outlook. Th


The data breakdown from the Household Survey:

In September, the unemployment rate declined by 0.2 percentage point to 5.9 percent. The number of unemployed persons decreased by 329,000 to 9.3 million. Over the year, the unemployment rate and the number of unemployed persons were down by 1.3 percentage points and 1.9 million, respectively. (See table A-1.)

Among the major worker groups, unemployment rates declined in September for adult men (5.3 percent), whites (5.1 percent), and Hispanics (6.9 percent). The rates for adult women (5.5 percent), teenagers (20.0 percent), and blacks (11.0 percent) showed little change over the month. The jobless rate for Asians was 4.3 percent (not seasonally adjusted), little changed from a year earlier. (See tables A-1, A-2, and A-3.)

Among the unemployed, the number of job losers and persons who completed temporary jobs decreased by 306,000 in September to 4.5 million. The number of long-term unemployed (those jobless for 27 weeks or more) was essentially unchanged at 3.0 million in September. These individuals accounted for 31.9 percent of the unemployed. Over the past 12 months, the number of long-term unemployed is down by  1.2 million. (See tables A-11 and A-12.)

The civilian labor force participation rate, at 62.7 percent, changed little in September. The employment-population ratio was 59.0 percent for the fourth consecutive month. (See table A-1.)

The number of persons employed part time for economic reasons (sometimes referred to as involuntary part-time workers) was little changed in September at 7.1 million. These individuals, who would have preferred full-time employment, were working part time because their hours had been cut back or because they were unable to find a full-time job. (See table A-8.)

In September, 2.2 million persons were marginally attached to the labor force, essentially unchanged from a year earlier. (The data are not seasonally adjusted.) These individuals were not in the labor force, wanted and were available for work, and had looked for a job sometime in the prior 12 months. They were not counted as unemployed because they had not searched for work in the 4 weeks preceding the survey. (See table A-16.)

Among the marginally attached, there were 698,000 discouraged workers in September, down by 154,000 from a year earlier. (The data are not seasonally adjusted.) Discouraged workers are persons not currently looking for work because they believe no jobs are available for them. The remaining 1.5 million persons marginally attached to the labor force in September had not searched for work for reasons such as school attendance or family responsibilities. (See table A-16.)

via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

A.M. Links: Ebola Quarantine in Texas, Hong Kong Protestors Attacked, Australia Will Send Troops and Jets to Iraq

  • Four relatives of Texas Ebola patient Thomas
    Duncan are
    under quarantine
    . Public health officials, meanwhile, say
    Duncan may have
    had contact
    with as many as 100 people.
  • Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott will send ground troops
    to Iraq and assist in airstrikes
    against ISIS forces
  • The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit has allowed Texas
    to begin enforcing harsh new restrictions
    on abortion clinics
    . As a result, all but seven of the state’s
    abortion clinics are expected to close.
  • “Protesters occupying one of Hong Kong’s most crowded areas

    came under assault
    on Friday from men seeking to break apart
    their pro-democracy sit-in, tearing down their tents and
    surrounding demonstrators who said their attackers were
    pro-government gangs.”
  • A Connecticut man scheduled to appear in court on drug
    possession charges
    was arrested
    by courthouse officials because he tried to enter
    the court with marijuana in his possession.

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from Hit & Run

Kurt Loder Reviews Gone Girl

Gone Girl, David Fincher’s adaptation of
Gillian Flynn’s knockout best-seller, has several things to
recommend it. Chief among them is a world-class performance by
Rosamund Pike, who plays the devious schemer Amy Dunne with an icy
calculation that recalls old-school noir icons like Barbara
Stanwyck and Lana Turner. Pike has been featuring in movies
(The Worlds EndJack Reacher) for
more than a decade now, but this juicy role is, at last, her
breakthrough onto the Hollywood A-list. d Fincher savors its dark
maneuverings, while also taking aim at the hypocrisy of tabloid
media and occasionally deploying his gift for creepy set-piece
scenes. As problematic as some of its elements may be, writes Kurt
Loder, the movie is never dull.

View this article.

from Hit & Run

Where The Rising Wages Are?

With the September jobs report, perhaps one of the most irrelevant monthly updates from the BLS in a long time, due out in less than half an hour, BofA’s Chart of the Day looks at what has become the most sticky issue in the monthly jobs report of late: where the inflation-adjusted income growth, or lack thereof, can be found. 

What it finds is that the average American can still hope for rising real wages: they just have to be massively underwater on unrepayable student debt. To wit: 

As of 2013, the median income for college graduates was about $80,000 compared to about $40,000 for high school graduates. We can see that the median inflation-adjusted income for those who did not graduate college has decreased dramatically since 1991 when the data first became available. Those with bachelor’s degrees have fared better, and those with graduate degrees have fared even better. 

Because in the new normal “fared better” somehow means suffering a decline in real wages over the past two decades!

To paraphrase: only those with specialized post-grad education have seen any increase in real income. Everyone else: sorry. Of course, the question then is – has that tiny sliver of post-grad educated workers used their modestly rising wages (up to a max of 5%) to first pay off their mountain of student debt… or last. We are confident BofA, which obviously is pimping a college education for those who want to see rising wages yet completely ignores the cost-benefit analysis of rising wages offset by hundreds of thousands of additional student loans, will get right on it. 


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden