‘Pinocchio’ comes to Southside

Southside Theatre Guild is proud to present “Pinocchio,” a play the whole family can enjoy. The show opens Oct. 31 and runs weekends through November 17.  Opening night will feature free treats for all the children and free snacks for everyone. Also, if you bring a nonperishable food item to donate to the Fairburn Community Food Bank for any of the performances, Southside Theatre Guild will give you one free concession item. It is the theatre’s way to give back to the community that has been so supportive of community theatre the past 41 years. 

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via The Citizen http://www.thecitizen.com/articles/10-29-2013/%E2%80%98pinocchio%E2%80%99-comes-southside

Arguing views

This column originally appeared August 23, 1996.

World travelers, when their trekking days are ending, often sit and debate their favorite vistas. We too get out the picture albums once in awhile and argue the preferences they offer.
Taken together, they represent the best reason to travel: seeing something different when you open your eyes each morning.

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via The Citizen http://www.thecitizen.com/blogs/sallie-satterthwaite/10-29-2013/arguing-views

“Evil, Populist” Nigel Farage Blasts Barroso: “We Don’t Want Political Union”

There is a fear stalking the corridors of European politics. It is not the surging unemployment in France, or record delinquencies in Spain, or all-time low credit creation across the region; it is the growing concern that the powers that be have from the rise of Euroskepticism. As UKIP’s Nigel Farage exclaims to Barroso and his brood, “years ago, you were less worried… but now we are “evil”, “populists”, we are “dangerous” and are going to bring down Western Civilization.” As the outspoken Brit implores in this brief clip, there is nothing extreme in his views. “The real European debate is about identity,” he notes, “what we are saying, large numbers of us from every single EU member state is: we don’t want that flag, we don’t want the anthem that you all stood so ram-rod straight for yesterday, we don’t want EU passports, we don’t want political union.” As Greece faces down its 3rd bailout and deflationary threats loom across the region, we suspect top-down and bottom-up angst will bubble back to the surface soon enough.




And here, from El Pais, is a very enlightening graphic showing the considerable growth in “Extreme Right” parties across the entire European region:


Whether, as Farage has warned in the past, we remain on the verge of social unrest is unclear but for sure this is not the poltical union that Barroso pitches it to have become…


via Zero Hedge http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/zerohedge/feed/~3/dW5UBgYLZsI/story01.htm Tyler Durden

"Evil, Populist" Nigel Farage Blasts Barroso: "We Don't Want Political Union"

There is a fear stalking the corridors of European politics. It is not the surging unemployment in France, or record delinquencies in Spain, or all-time low credit creation across the region; it is the growing concern that the powers that be have from the rise of Euroskepticism. As UKIP’s Nigel Farage exclaims to Barroso and his brood, “years ago, you were less worried… but now we are “evil”, “populists”, we are “dangerous” and are going to bring down Western Civilization.” As the outspoken Brit implores in this brief clip, there is nothing extreme in his views. “The real European debate is about identity,” he notes, “what we are saying, large numbers of us from every single EU member state is: we don’t want that flag, we don’t want the anthem that you all stood so ram-rod straight for yesterday, we don’t want EU passports, we don’t want political union.” As Greece faces down its 3rd bailout and deflationary threats loom across the region, we suspect top-down and bottom-up angst will bubble back to the surface soon enough.




And here, from El Pais, is a very enlightening graphic showing the considerable growth in “Extreme Right” parties across the entire European region:


Whether, as Farage has warned in the past, we remain on the verge of social unrest is unclear but for sure this is not the poltical union that Barroso pitches it to have become…


via Zero Hedge http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/zerohedge/feed/~3/dW5UBgYLZsI/story01.htm Tyler Durden

Congress To Eliminate The Debt By Not Counting It Anymore…

Submitted by Simon Black of Sovereign Man blog,

You know the old rule of thumb about laws–

The more high-sounding the legislation, the more destructive its consequences.

Case in point, HR 3293– the recently introduced Debt Limit Reform Act. Sounds great, right? After all, reforming the debt seems like a terrific idea.

Except that’s not what the bill really does. They’re not reforming anything. HR 3293′s real purpose is to authorize the government to simply stop counting a massive portion of the US national debt.

You see, one of the biggest chunks of the debt is money owed to ‘intragovernmental agencies’.

For example, Medicare and Social Security hold their massive trust funds in US Treasuries. This is the money that’s owed to retirees.

In fact, nearly $5 trillion of the $17 trillion debt (almost 30%) is owed to intragovernmental agencies like Social Security and Medicare.

So now they basically want to stop counting this debt. Poof. Overnight, they’ll make $5 trillion disappear from the debt.

On paper, this looks great. But in reality, they’re setting the stage to default on Social Security beneficiaries without causing a single ripple in the financial system.

Remember, when governments get this deep in debt, someone is going to get screwed.

They may default on their obligations to their creditors, causing a crisis across the entire financial system. Or perhaps to the central bank, causing a currency crisis.

But most likely, and first, they will default on their obligations to their citizens. Whatever promises they made, including Social Security, will be abandoned.

And if you read between the lines, this new bill says it all.

Not to be outdone by the United States Congress, though, the International Monetary Fund recently proposed a continental-wide ‘one off’ wealth tax in Europe.

Buried in an extensive report about Europe’s troubled economies, the IMF stated:

“The appeal is that such a tax, if it is implemented before avoidance is possible and there is a belief that it will never be repeated, does not distort behavior (and may be seen by some as fair).”

In other words, first they want to implement capital controls to ensure that everyone’s money is trapped. Then they want to make a grab for people’s bank accounts, just like they did in Cyprus.

The warning signs couldn’t be more clear. I’ve been writing about this for years. It’s now happening. This is no longer theory.

Over the last few weeks I’ve been having my staff revise a free report we put together two years ago about globalizing your gold holdings.

In the report I mentioned that capital controls are coming. And that some governments may even ban cash transactions over a certain level.

These things have happened. Cyprus has capital controls, France and Italy have limits on cash transactions. And given this new evidence, it’s clear there’s more on the way.

Every rational, thinking person out there has a decision to make.

You can choose to trust these politicians and central bankers to do the right thing.

Or you can choose to acknowledge the overwhelming evidence and reduce your exposure to these bankrupt western countries that will make every effort to lie, cheat, and steal whatever they can from you… just to keep the party going a little while longer.

It’s time for people to wake up to this reality. You only have yourself to rely on. Not the system. Not the government. And certainly not the bankers.


via Zero Hedge http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/zerohedge/feed/~3/0WJr-vFUED8/story01.htm Tyler Durden

The Four Horsemen Of Europe's Deflationary Threat

We recently noted that, despite all the hot money flows and self-congratulatory extrapolation, European macro data is collapsing (as opposed to supporting ideas of recovery). In fact, it is falling at the fastest pace in over a year as the prospect of the euro area falling into deflation may be increasing; as Bloomberg’s Niraj Shah notes the single currency rises, growth loses momentum, money-supply expansion slows and bank lending stagnates. As Shah fears, that may push the region into a debt spiral as the real value of debt increases, marking a new phase in the crisis.

Inflation May Turn to Deflation

The pace of inflation has almost halved since the start of the year to a three-and-a-half year low of 1.1 percent in September. Core prices are near a record low of 0.8 percent at 1 percent. Greece is already experiencing deflation as prices fell at an annual rate of 1 percent in September. Spain’s 0.5 percent CPI rate may already be negative once the increase in the 3 percentage point rise in VAT is excluded.

Weak Credit Extension

The three-month average M3 money-supply growth stands well below the ECB’s reference rate of 4.5 percent. It slowed to 2.1 percent in September from 2.3 percent in the prior month. Credit extension is likely to remain weak as banks deleverage their balance sheets in preparation for next year’s Asset Quality Review and stress tests.

Deflation Risks Increase as Euro Strengthens

The strength of the euro will place downward pressure on prices. The Bank of International Settlements measure of the real effective exchange rate, which is deflated by the consumer price index, rose to 98.8 last month, the highest this year. The euro has risen 4.4 percent against the dollar this year.

Real Cost of Debt Servicing to Swell

Countries’ real debt will increase as they fall into deflation. The euro-area debt ratio already stood at 93.4 percent of GDP in the second quarter of 2003 versus 89.9 percent in the same quarter in 2012. Greece had a debt ratio of 169.1 percent in the second quarter. That is only surpassed by Japan and Zimbabwe. Belgium, Ireland, Italy, Portugal have debt ratios exceeding 100 percent.

Source: Niraj Shah (@economistniraj)


via Zero Hedge http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/zerohedge/feed/~3/AtfnjVKp2LU/story01.htm Tyler Durden

The Four Horsemen Of Europe’s Deflationary Threat

We recently noted that, despite all the hot money flows and self-congratulatory extrapolation, European macro data is collapsing (as opposed to supporting ideas of recovery). In fact, it is falling at the fastest pace in over a year as the prospect of the euro area falling into deflation may be increasing; as Bloomberg’s Niraj Shah notes the single currency rises, growth loses momentum, money-supply expansion slows and bank lending stagnates. As Shah fears, that may push the region into a debt spiral as the real value of debt increases, marking a new phase in the crisis.

Inflation May Turn to Deflation

The pace of inflation has almost halved since the start of the year to a three-and-a-half year low of 1.1 percent in September. Core prices are near a record low of 0.8 percent at 1 percent. Greece is already experiencing deflation as prices fell at an annual rate of 1 percent in September. Spain’s 0.5 percent CPI rate may already be negative once the increase in the 3 percentage point rise in VAT is excluded.

Weak Credit Extension

The three-month average M3 money-supply growth stands well below the ECB’s reference rate of 4.5 percent. It slowed to 2.1 percent in September from 2.3 percent in the prior month. Credit extension is likely to remain weak as banks deleverage their balance sheets in preparation for next year’s Asset Quality Review and stress tests.

Deflation Risks Increase as Euro Strengthens

The strength of the euro will place downward pressure on prices. The Bank of International Settlements measure of the real effective exchange rate, which is deflated by the consumer price index, rose to 98.8 last month, the highest this year. The euro has risen 4.4 percent against the dollar this year.

Real Cost of Debt Servicing to Swell

Countries’ real debt will increase as they fall into deflation. The euro-area debt ratio already stood at 93.4 percent of GDP in the second quarter of 2003 versus 89.9 percent in the same quarter in 2012. Greece had a debt ratio of 169.1 percent in the second quarter. That is only surpassed by Japan and Zimbabwe. Belgium, Ireland, Italy, Portugal have debt ratios exceeding 100 percent.

Source: Niraj Shah (@economistniraj)


via Zero Hedge http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/zerohedge/feed/~3/AtfnjVKp2LU/story01.htm Tyler Durden






“I didn’t know the NSA tapped your Handyüberwachung Fraulein…”





This doctor claims he didn’t know

That payments from patients would grow

The truth is he did

And just kept it hid

Protecting the old status quo

The Limerick King







Didn’t know about the security clusterfuck in Libya.

Didn’t know about the IRS scandal.

Didn’t know his government spies on journalists.

Didn’t know the NSA engages in a domestic spy program aimed at Americans.

Didn’t know the NSA tapped Merkel’s Handyüberwachung.

Didn’t know the NSA spies on every other leader in the so called free world.

Didn’t know about the Obamacare snafu.

Didn’t know Americans would lose their existing medical coverage or see their premiums skyrocket under Obozocare.

Let’s play a game: Didn’t know _______________.


Three things he most definitely knows:

This week’s  televised sports schedule.

Saturday morning’s tee off time.

Days to go…





via Zero Hedge http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/zerohedge/feed/~3/c2kg_TUBmy4/story01.htm williambanzai7

The Ten US Cities With Less Than Ten Days Of Cash On Hand

As the Detroit bankruptcy hearing heats up following news that the city’s unsecured creditors, among them pensioners, are set to recover pennies on the dollar, 16 to be precise, the question of which are the next cities to follow in the footsteps of bankrupt Motown, becomes relevant once again. Courtesy of the WSJ, and the second part of its series on “U.S. Cities Grapple With Finances“, here is a list of the US cities that when push comes to shove metaphorically, and when the money runs out literally, will have no choice but to knock on the door of the local regional bankruptcy court and submit that long-prepared bankruptcy petition. Specifically, here are the cities that have 10 days or less in cash on hand available. Because, unless one is the Fed, cash and lack thereof is all that matters.

The list below ranks the top 10 cities in terms of days cash on hand. Needless to say, a city with a low number in this category (such as 0.0) may have trouble paying bills, bribes, lap dances and other core municipal outlays.


Shifting away from the stock, and looking at the flow, as Detroit showed the world the very hard way, cities mired in pension costs will ultimately default and lead to massive haircuts to the retirees. The following 10 cities have the greatest percentage of pension costs as a percentage of the city’s general fund.


Of course, cash on hand while perhaps the most important factor, especially if a city becomes a net cash burner, is hardly the only indicator to keep an eye on. Additional consideration must be given to amount of reserves, or the ratio of a city’s total fund balance to expenditures, because if this is negative it means the city spends more than is available.


Another relevant factor: taxable real estate per capita – the lower the number here, the weaker the real-estate market, which also means the lower the city’s overall wealth and its ability to raise property-tax revenue.


Debt interest costs may not be a factor under the Fed’s centrally-planned ZIRP world, but when rates once again go up, there will be blood. The following 10 cities have the highest amount of debt per capita: it may not be a problem now, but it will be sooner or later.


Last but not least is the most subjective indicator, yet perhaps the most forward looking one: population growth. Because if anyone knows the reality behind a city’s numbers, it is the people who live there. If people see no long-term opportunities they move somewhere else – simple as that. And the less population a city has, as anyone who has played the SimCity series knows, the less property, income and sales tax can be collected, and the more costs have to be squeezed, resulting in the dreaded evil “austerity” and, ultimately, default.


via Zero Hedge http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/zerohedge/feed/~3/k-C_KYtNdCI/story01.htm Tyler Durden

JPMorgan Slides On “Deal” Breakdown Chatter

JPMorgan shares have dropped modestly (though any drop is notable in the new normal) as the WSJ reports that the $13bn deal with the Department of Justuice may be at risk:


It appears the ‘breakdown’ is over JPMorgan’s demands that they offset payments to the DoJ from the FDIC fund (i.e. they wanted to use FDIC to fund this penalty on the basis of som epossible indemnification from the WaMu deal). DoJ lawyers are not amused (for now)…



via Zero Hedge http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/zerohedge/feed/~3/ZAkcG6rZja4/story01.htm Tyler Durden