Ukrainians in War-Torn East Topple Massive Lenin Statue

In the early hours of Sunday reportedly thousands of Ukrainian
protesters in the nation’s war-torn east toppled a 28-foot tall
statue of Soviet Russian leader and icon Vladimir Lenin.

When the statue came down, Ukraine’s interior minister wrote on
Facebook, “Lenin? Let him fall. As long as this bloody communist
idol does not take more victims with it when it goes.” Lenin was
responsible for mass killings of countless thousands
in Ukraine and other countries in the Soviet sphere of

As this Lenin monument fell, the regional governor signed a last
minute order OKing its demolition. The BBC suggests this
was “to save face” while The Independent
it was done as “a way to decriminalize the actions of
the protesters.”

“Some 168 Lenin monuments have been destroyed in Ukraine since
the first
was felled
 in the capital of Kiev last December” when a
pro-democracy, pro-western began, notes Mashable, which
also points out that some of Ukraine’s aggressive nationalists
participated in this weekend’s toppling.

Elsewhere in Eastern Europe, people have
defacing old Soviet monuments
to tick off Russia. One Polish
town actually erected a
new statue of the dictator
; He’s a garish neon green and is
taking an undignified piss.

The latest statue was located in the central square of Kharkiv,
Ukraine’s second largest city. It borders Russia, and Russian
President Vladimir Putin hopes will become part of a breakaway “New
Russia.” A poll conducted by a major Russian political opposition
leader suggests that the vast majority of Kharkiv residents
do not want to be more
closely aligned with Russia, though. 

Despite a ceasefire signed earlier this month between the
Ukrainian government and the forces Putin supports (Russians,

other mercenaries
, and
locals), the war looks to be ramping up again with

high death tolls
reported this weekend south of Kharkiv in the
Donetsk region. 

Watch the sucker fall:

from Hit & Run

No, America isn’t Communist. It’s only 70% Communist.

tumblr static communism soviet cccp flags navy wallpaper No, America isn’t Communist. It’s only 70% Communist.

September 29, 2014
Santiago, Chile

“The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win. Workers of the world, unite!”

Most people remember Karl Marx’s most potent points and phrases, and the mountain of corpses his disciples left behind, especially in the 20th century.

However, most forget or don’t even know the specific policies that Marx advocated.

Within his 1848 Communist Manifesto, Marx outlined a list of ten short-term demands. These, he thought, would be the precursor to the ideal stateless, classless communist society.

Ironically in today’s world, Marx’s demands look pretty much mainstream.

That is because nearly every single item on the list has been implemented to varying degrees in the United States.

Think that couldn’t be possible in the Land of the Free? Just take a look.

Topping Marx’s list is the abolition of private property.

True, private property exists, but only until the state wants to take it. With its powers of eminent domain, the government can and does confiscate people’s property when it wants for public use.

Your property isn’t unconditionally yours. Just think of property taxes, for example.

If it’s actually YOUR private property, then why would you need to pay tax on it? And why do they have the authority to take it from you if you don’t pay?

Likewise, while we haven’t seen the complete abolition of inheritance (another Marx demand), the government can take up to 40% of your estate when you die.

So ultimately your estate is not your own. You don’t get to control what happens to your wealth and possessions when you die. It’s just a matter of proportion.

Marx also demanded the centralization of transportation and communication. Check, and check.

Try broadcasting over the airwaves in the Land of the Free without a license and special permission.

Practically the entire electromagnetic spectrum is tightly controlled by the state, centralized by a handful of government agencies.

Same with the network of roads and highways. Because, after all, without government, who would build the roads…

Another point of Marx is state-guided agricultural production and combination of agriculture and manufacturing.

And the Land of the Free does not disappoint. Though its activities may not be as prominent in the news, the US Department of Agriculture is easily one of the busiest government departments.

With a budget of $146 billion a year, and much more for subsidies, USDA tirelessly works to dictate every major and miniscule activity in the sector.

Next on the list, is equal liability of all to labor. If you have at any point wondered, as I have, why politicians are always pushing jobs for the sake of jobs, rather than value and wealth creation—now you know why.

Between minimum wage laws and the constant stream of legislation that promises jobs for all, it is clear that politicians have wholly internalized this Marxian ideal.

Now, you might think that this is just a fluke, just a coincidence that some US policies resemble what’s on Marx’s list of demands.

But then you see these demands, which have not only been fully implemented in the US already, but are thoroughly entrenched in the national psyche:

First, there’s free education for all children, to enable the uniformity of thought. Check.

Then there’s a heavy progressive income tax. Yep, I’m pretty sure you’re familiar with this one, which has actually become so mainstream, that to have any system other than this would be considered revolutionary. Check.

Third, is the confiscation of the property of emigrants (expatriates) and rebels.

Between the IRS bullying of political opposition groups and the imposition of exit taxes for those that renounce their citizenship, the United States is firmly set up to discourage dissent and escape. Check.

And last but not least, the centralization of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank. Check.

Remember, Karl Marx thought central banking was a great idea—the same guy who thought that individual success and private property were evil.

Think about that the next time the Federal Reserve comes up with a plan to help businesses and fix the economy.

So now you know, America isn’t communist. It’s only about 70% communist. No reason to worry.

PS- I also want to encourage you to check out these articles about the obscene peaks in stock and bond markets:

1) This has got to be the top

2) Retail investors are pouring into stocks at their all-time high


This has got to be the top…

2014 09 26T205438Z 2 LYNXNPEA8P0Z6 RTROPTP 3 BONDS GROSS PIMCO This has got to be the top…

September 29, 2014
Bali, Indonesia

[Editor’s note: This note was penned by Sovereign Man’s Chief Investment Strategist Tim Staermose.]

A few days ago, Bill Gross, the world’s most famous bond fund manager, sensationally resigned from PIMCO, the firm he co-founded in 1970.

Trouble had been brewing behind the scenes at PIMCO for months, and speculation was rife that all was not well at the bond behemoth.

Gross’s resignation, and decision to join the much smaller competing firm Janus Capital seems conform this.

Following the news, the market reaction was extraordinary.

Stock in PIMCO’s parent company Allianz, the giant German insurance company, fell 6.7%. And there was a ridiculous 43% surge in Janus shares.

It’s a perfect illustration of how there is MUCH more to market moves than fundamentals.

In a nutshell, investors are guessing about where money might flow as a result of Bill Gross leaving PIMCO.

People seem to think that tens of billions of dollars will follow him out the door to Janus Capital, and that’s what primarily drove these moves.

But even more wild than that is the rather significant move in the US Treasury market, worth nearly $17 trillion.

This is a testament to how absurd the system has become– that one man’s decision about where to work can cause wild gyrations in the biggest, most liquid securities market on the planet.

I think it’s a very clear sign that the bond market has reached its peak.

Historically, this is exactly the sort of thing that happens at top of any market: shake-outs, surprises, news coming to light about less than savory business practices (PIMCO is under investigation from the SEC), and so on.

Gross himself has been calling the top of the bond market for a couple of years now, most recently when 10-year US Treasury yields hit a nadir of 1.67% in April 2013.

Regardless, it’s hard to see that there is any investment benefit in lending money to the most indebted government in the history of the world at interest rates that are below the rate of inflation.

In a world rife with overvalued assets, bonds are one of the most overvalued asset classes of all.


Retail investors are pouring into stocks at their all-time high

shutterstock 143940817 Retail investors are pouring into stocks at their all time high

September 29, 2014
London, England

[Editor’s note: This letter was written by Tim Price, frequent Sovereign Man contributor and Director of Investment at PFP Wealth Management in the UK.]

“Politicians and diapers have one thing in common. They should both be changed regularly, and for the same reason.” – Anonymous.

The French statesman George Clemenceau once commented that war is too important to be left to generals.

At this stage in the game one might be tempted to add that monetary policy is far too important to be left to politicians and central bankers.

We get by with free markets in all other walks of economic and financial life – why let the price of money itself be dictated by a handful of bureaucrats?

It should be striking that government bonds, in nominal terms, have never been this expensive in history, even as there have never been so many of them. The laws of supply and demand would seem to have been repealed.

As evidence for the prosecution we cite the US Treasury bond market, the world’s largest.

The US national debt currently stands at $17.7 trillion. With a ‘T’.

Benchmark 10 year Treasuries currently offer a yield to maturity of 2.5%. US consumer price inflation currently stands at 1.7%. (We offer no opinion as to whether US CPI is a fair reflection of US inflation.)

On the basis that US “inflation” doesn’t change meaningfully over the next 10 years, US bond investors are going to earn an annualized return just a smidgen above zero percent.

Now it may well be that US Treasury yields have further to fall. As SocGen’s Albert Edwards puts it,

“Our ‘Ice Age’ thesis has long called for sub-1% bond yields and I see this extending to the US and UK in due course.”

We nurse no particular view in relation to how the government bond bubble (for it surely is) plays out.

It could be that yields grind relentlessly lower for some time yet. Or perhaps they burst spectacularly on the back of the overdue return of economic common sense.

But as Warren Buffett himself once said, “If you’ve been playing poker for half an hour and you still don’t know who the patsy is, you’re the patsy.”

The central bank bond market poker game has been in train for a good deal longer than half an hour, and the stakes have never been higher.

Sometimes, if you simply can’t fathom the new rules of the game, it’s surely better not to play.

That’s why we’re not in the business of chasing US Treasury yields, or Gilt yields, or Bund yields, ever lower – we’ll keep our bond exposure limited to only the highest quality credits yielding the highest possible return.

Even then, if Fed tapering does finally dissipate in favor of Fed hiking (stranger things have happened, though we can’t think of any off the top of our head), it will make sense to eliminate conventional debt instruments from client portfolios.

But such madness is not limited to the world of bonds. Malign, unthinking mental slavery has fixed itself upon the equity markets, too.

It’s extraordinary that as stock markets have powered ahead, index trackers have enjoyed their highest ever inflows.

The latest IMA data show that more UK retail money was put into tracker funds in July than in any other month since records began.

In other words, retail investors are pouring into the market at its all-time high.

We accept the ‘low cost’ aspect of tracker funds and ETFs; we take serious issue with the idea of buying stock markets close to or at their all-time.

But there is a middle way between the Scylla of bonds at all-time low yields and the Charybdis of stocks at all-time high prices. Value.


Despite 2nd Slowest Income Growth In 2014, Spending Rises Most Since March Driven By Subprime, Car Sales

Mission releverage accomplished. Personal Income rose 0.3% in August (very slightly below Bloomberg’s median estimate), the 2nd slowest growth of the year. Personal spending however jumped 0.5%, beating the 0.4% expectations, and its equal best growth since March. What was spending focused on? Why autosales, which accounted for about half of the spending. And what funded this spending? Why subprime car loans of course; it sure wasn’t the real disposable income per capita which was a paltry $37,684 in August.

This is how the income and spending looked like:


2nd miss in a row and 2nd lowest growth in income this year.


But spending jumped (thank you Subprime bubble 2.0)


Finally, following several revisions and even more months of constant increases in the US savings rate, August finally saw a drop, from 5.6% to 5.4%, just as Goldman hinted to the Department of Commerce should happen late last week. 

via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

Europe, US Stocks Slide: 10 Year Bid Back Under 2.50%

10Y yields are back below 2.50% and the entire Treasury complex is flattening (erasing post-GDP losses) as fears over Catalan independence and Hong Kong protests spark safe-haven buying around the world. Gold is up, back over $1220 (pre-GDP levels) and Bunds are well bid yet the USD is fading modestly this morning driven by EUR and JPY strength. European periperhals bond risk is on the rise and stocks are mostly lower with Germany's DAX back below its crucial 50DMA. US equity futures are all red – retracing the entire Friday mini-melt-up in the afternoon (and catching back down to credit reality).


US equity futures have erased the late Freiday meltup gains and are back at pre-GDP levels…


They tried their best to rally stocks with some USDJPY momo…


Treasuries have erased post-GDP losses and 10Y is back under 2.50%


USD is losing steam this morning…


Gold has broken back above pre-GDP levels…


European stocks are weak, as the DAX drops below its 50DMA and into the red year-to-date…


Charts: Bloomberg

*  *  *

As FTN noted, Financial markets are becoming more sensitive to their own price reactions and leaving fundamentals to the side

Trading isn’t thin, but it remains confused across the key markets.


Only currency moves have clear explanations on most days, while stocks and bonds produce the answer ‘because’ to the daily question of why did they go up or down”

via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

The Best Campaign Rap Video You’ll See All Day, feat. Wyclef Jean

Mike Dunafon is running
for governor of Colorado as an independent candidate.
He’s the mayor of Glendale and married to the owner of a strip club
called Shotgun Willie’s

He’s polling at less than 1 percent according to the
latest USA TODAY/Suffolk poll, but this video, featuring Wyclef
Jean, is pretty great, especially as campaign vids go.

“Hemp is just a plant” run the lyrics over a great groove.
“Individual rights is where it’s at/Collective thinking is a
cancer/And with liberty our guide/We can find the answer…” Sounds
better than it reads!. Dunafon’s main site is pretty
fun too.

The Colorado race is looking like a tight one, with
incumbent Democratic Gov. John Hickenlooper neck and neck with
Republican challenger Bob Beauprez. In
the most recent poll
 listed at RealClearPolitics (over a
week old), Hickenlooper is at 43 percent and Beauprez at 40
percent, with Libertarian Matthew Hess and Green Party candidate
Harry Hempy each just under 2 percent and fully 10 percent

This race is something of a bellwether, given Colorado’s
swing-state status and the match-up between Hickenlooper and
Beauprez, who are fairly archetypal representations of each major

And, according to a poll not listed at RealClearPolitics, the
Libertarian Hess (issue page here) is on
track to
pull 5 percent of the vote
. That survey, done by Gravis
Marketing, has Beauprez over Hickenlooper by 48 percent to 43

from Hit & Run

The Best Campaign Rap Video You'll See All Day, feat. Wyclef Jean

Mike Dunafon is running
for governor of Colorado as an independent candidate.
He’s the mayor of Glendale and married to the owner of a strip club
called Shotgun Willie’s

He’s polling at less than 1 percent according to the
latest USA TODAY/Suffolk poll, but this video, featuring Wyclef
Jean, is pretty great, especially as campaign vids go.

“Hemp is just a plant” run the lyrics over a great groove.
“Individual rights is where it’s at/Collective thinking is a
cancer/And with liberty our guide/We can find the answer…” Sounds
better than it reads!. Dunafon’s main site is pretty
fun too.

The Colorado race is looking like a tight one, with
incumbent Democratic Gov. John Hickenlooper neck and neck with
Republican challenger Bob Beauprez. In
the most recent poll
 listed at RealClearPolitics (over a
week old), Hickenlooper is at 43 percent and Beauprez at 40
percent, with Libertarian Matthew Hess and Green Party candidate
Harry Hempy each just under 2 percent and fully 10 percent

This race is something of a bellwether, given Colorado’s
swing-state status and the match-up between Hickenlooper and
Beauprez, who are fairly archetypal representations of each major

And, according to a poll not listed at RealClearPolitics, the
Libertarian Hess (issue page here) is on
track to
pull 5 percent of the vote
. That survey, done by Gravis
Marketing, has Beauprez over Hickenlooper by 48 percent to 43

from Hit & Run

To Avoid Cop Rape Just Don’t Just Break Any Laws, Says Oklahoma Police Captain

In less than two months,

three Oklahoma police officers have been arrested
for allegedly
sexually assaulting women while on duty. One of the officers, state
trooper Eric Roberts, was accused of raping women he pulled over
for traffic violations. In the wake of this, Tulsa news station
KJRH interviewed Oklahoma Highway Patrol Captain George Brown about
how women can ensure they won’t meet a similar fate.  

His response?

First and foremost: Do your part, and do what it takes to obey
the traffic laws and not get stopped.

See how simple it is folks?  Just don’t give cops the
opportunity to rape you! If you simply never come into contact with
any cops, then they can’t sexually assault (or beat, or kill) you,

Captain Brown told The Huffington Post that he
didn’t mean to imply that all Oklahoma state
troopers are rapists waiting to strike and was
merely offering general safety tips
for women
during traffic stops. Full
interview here
; KJRH distillation of it below. 

from Hit & Run