The U.S. Department of Justice Handles Banker Criminals Like Juvenile Offenders…Literally

Screen Shot 2014-11-14 at 1.52.39 PMThese agreements were created 100 years ago to give juvenile defendants and first-time offenders a chance to for rehabilitate themselves. Only in the last 20 years have DPAs migrated to the field of corporate criminals, treating them like kids who’ve just gone down a bad path in life.

The Justice Department is leaning on these toothless agreements more and more. Of the DoJ’s 283 deferred prosecution agreements since 2000, half have come since 2010, Reilly found in a working paper for BYU Law Review.

Why has the DoJ been so keen on deferred prosecution since 2010? It coincides exactly with investigations into the 2008 financial crisis.

– From the Guardian article: In market-rigging case, US Justice Department treats corporate criminals like juvenile offenders

We all know by now that if you’re a woman with an overgrown lawn, a child walking by himself to the park, a homeless person, or someone feeding a homeless person, you’re a contemptible criminal in the eyes of the U.S. injustice system. As such, police and prosecutors will come down on you as hard as they possibly can. Subjecting you to the full and brutal force of the law, including jail sentences for non-crimes.

continue reading

from Liberty Blitzkrieg

Rand Paul Gives Thumbs Down to Weaker NSA Reform Bill

Standing hard against ironic legislation titlesSen. Rand Paul (R-Ky) gave a
strong signal today that he intends to try to keep surveillance and
National Security Agency (NSA) reform in the news. His office has
told beltway media that Paul will not support the Senate version of
the USA Freedom Act, a legislative effort to scale back the massive
expansion of surveillance against American citizens exposed by
Edward Snowden. The problem is that the proposals have been watered
down too much. From
The Hill

“Sen. Paul does not feel that the current NSA reforms go far
enough,” the aide said in an email.

“There are significant problems with the bill, the most
notable being an extension of the Patriot Act through December

The USA Freedom Act, which the Senate will take up next week,
would end the NSA’s bulk collection of metadata about Americans’
phone calls, among other changes. Metadata includes the numbers
people dial as well as the length and frequency of their calls, but
not the actual content of their conversations.

Crucially for Paul, however, the bill also
reauthorizes until the end of 2017 key portions of the
Patriot Act set to expire next June.

The Hill says Paul may also push for a measure to allow
Americans to sue the NSA and other federal agencies.

Though the Senate bill has been watered down from its initial
intent, it’s not as terrible as what has become of the House
version of the bill. J.D. Tuccille wrote about the differences
between the two versions of the bill
. There’s some American Civil Liberties Union analysis of
the legislation and some reluctant support

from Hit & Run

Baby Becomes Briefly Underweight, Mom Loses Custody for Five Months

took five months
for Florida mother Sarah Markham to regain custody
of her new
son after the state removed the baby for being briefly

The ordeal
started last June
, when Markham took her 12-day-old son to a
doctor and found he was dehydrated and had lost 10 percent of his
weight. This is not uncommon for newborns. The pediatrician told
Markham she would need to start supplementing the boy’s breastfed
diet with a milk-based baby formula.

Markham had no problem with adding formula, but as a Seventh Day
Adventist, for whom a vegetarian or vegan diet is a part of
religious beliefs, she didn’t want to feed her son a milk-based
product. Upon telling this to the doctor, he ordered her to take
the baby to the hospital, where staff could give the infant the
dairy formula.

Markham instead went to Whole Foods, bought a soy-based baby
formula to supplement her son’s diet, and contacted another doctor
for a second opinion—not exactly the actions of someone willfully
neglecting their child’s health. In fact, Markham was feeding her
son the new formula when local police showed up to place her under

It seems that when Markham didn’t show up at the hospital, her
doctor had called the Seminole County Sheriff’s Office. Police
officers arrived at Markham’s apartment, arrested her for “child
neglect without bodily harm”, and handed her son over to the
Seminole Child Protective Services. Markham “was accused of
refusing to give her infant non-vegan formula even though he was
dehydrated,” ABC News reports, as if dairy-based formula has some
sort of magical hydrating properties that soy-based formula does

So for the “good” of this newborn baby, he was separated from
his mother for the first five months of his life. (The kid may wind
up with an attachment disorder, but hey, at least he was spared the
indignities of hydrating on breast milk and soy-based baby
formula!). Markham finally regained custody of her son Wednesday,
after a judge threw out the Seminole County Child Protective
Services’ claims. As a condition of the child’s return, Markham
must now meet regularly with a state-approved

from Hit & Run

Mark Cuban is Wrong: The “People” Don’t Want Net Neutrality, Elites Do

When we
last checked in with Dallas Mavericks owner and Internet
entrepreneur Mark Cuban, he was tweeting about Net Neutrality and
worried that “the
government will fuck the Internet up

Yesterdy, Cuban sent out these five tweets on the subject:

1. the speed/quality of our home/phone broadband has improved
dramatically. We have new tech/apps/clouds/IOT every day. Its

— Mark Cuban (@mcuban) November 13,

2. In my adult life i have never seen a situation that
paralleled what I read in Ayn Rands books until now with Net

— Mark Cuban (@mcuban) November 13,

3. The “People” want more gov to protect them so
they cant be stopped from getting movies/tv shows OTT.That is
straight out of Ayn Rand

— Mark Cuban (@mcuban) November 13,

4. If Ayn Rand were an up and coming author
today, she wouldnt write about steel or railroads, it would be net

— Mark Cuban (@mcuban) November 13,

5. Who is John Galt

— Mark Cuban (@mcuban) November 13,

While I agree with Cuban’s general take on Net
Neutrality—increasing government oversight and regulation of the
Internet will make it less innovative and responsive to user
desires—he’s flat-out wrong about the “People” in this case. They
are on his side in the Net Neutrality debate.

Rasmussen Reports recently
polled Americans about regulating the Internet in the context of
Net Neutrality. 

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds
that just 26% of American Adults agree the Federal Communications
Commission should regulate the Internet like it does radio and
television. Sixty-one percent (61%) disagree and think the Internet
should remain open without regulation and censorship. Thirteen
percent (13%) are not sure….

Seventy-six percent (76%) of Americans who regularly go online
rate the quality of their Internet service as good or excellent.
Only five percent (5%) consider their service poor.

The “People,” it turns out, maintain a healthy skepticism toward
increasing the role of the government here, and they also show a
sort of native understanding of public-choice economics as

Americans remain suspicious of the motives of those who want
government regulation of the Internet. Sixty-eight percent (68%)
are concerned that if the FCC does gain regulatory control over the
Internet, it will lead to government efforts to control online
content or promote a political agenda, with 44% who are Very
Concerned. Twenty-seven percent (27%) don’t share this concern
about possible government abuse, but that includes only eight
percent (8%) who are Not At All Concerned.

Fifty-six percent (56%) of voters said in December 2010 that if
the FCC was given the authority to regulate the Internet, it would
use that power to promote a political agenda.

Read more here

(Just to make it clear that there are real limits to the
wisdom of crowds, in 2012,
64 percent
told Rasmussen that they favor continued FCC
regulation of TV and radio.)

Net Neutrality has definitely captured the imagination of
the elites, who take for granted that the Internet can only survive
and flourish with increased governmental oversight and enforcement
of acceptable business practices. Yet even as customers dislike
ISPs in general (and industry giants Comcast
and Time Warner in particular
), they fear the government’s
involvement even more. There’s a lesson there that should be
obvious in an age when just
2 percent
of us trust the government “just about always do the
right thing.”

However rotten Comcast and Time Warner can be as service
providers, they remain more responsive than the government, if only
because they don’t wield the same sort of monopoly power.

from Hit & Run

“No, Taxes Are Not What We Pay For Civilized Society”

Submitted by Simon Black via Sovereign Man blog,

“Taxes are what we pay for civilized society.”

The famous quote by US Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. is inscribed above the entrance to the headquarters of the Internal Revenue Service.

Most people don’t have a clue what he meant, or in what context the statement was made. They simply parrot it around to justify the state’s racketeering behavior.

The logic is as twisted as saying “war is the price we pay for peace” or “debt is the price we pay for recovery.”

They’re all logical fallacies, and assertions backed by zero objective evidence.

There’s not much that’s civilized about confiscating people’s assets at gunpoint and spending it on bombs, drones, and wars.

In fact, taxes in the United States are not even a civil matter– they’re an entirely criminal matter. As nearly every tax communication duly informs us, you can be thrown in jail for failing to file a form.

This is not how a ‘civilized society’ conducts itself.

At the time when Justice Holmes wrote that statement, the average tax rate in the Land of the Free was 3.5%.

Today they keep raising taxes, and they keep printing money, because they’ve built an unsustainable system that depends on debt, overconsumption, and war in order to maintain itself.

Everyone knows it can’t last. And to change the system, they put their confidence in the electoral system. As President Obama himself has said on numerous occasions, “Don’t boo. Vote.”

The truth is that voting is a complete waste of time. The “change” is always hollow; the new guy almost invariably comes an incarnation of the last guy.

US government debt now stands at nearly $18 trillion, and they’re borrowing money just to pay interest on the money they’ve already borrowed.

They blow through almost 100% of their tax revenue just by paying interest and mandatory entitlements like Medicare.

They could literally eliminate almost the entirety of government and still not be able to balance the budget.

Of course, no politician is ever going to admit that or act accordingly. So does it really matter who is piloting the Hindenburg?

The far more powerful way to vote is with your actions.

This, and the whole context behind justice Oliver Wendell Holmes’ statement (it’s rather revealing, really), is what we cover in today’s podcast.



via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

House Votes for Keystone Pipeline – Goes to Senate Next Week – Obama More or Less Threatens to Veto It

KeystoneNo less than three environmental reviews have
found that the Keystone Pipeline that would transport nearly 1
million barrels per day of Canadian oil sands crude to Gulf Coast
refineries is reasonably safe. This afternoon, the House of
Representatives voted 252-161 in favor of legislation
approving its construction for the 9th time
. With Sen. Harry
Reid (D-Nev.) about to be knocked off his perch as the majority
leader, when the bill comes up for a vote in the Senate on Tuesday
some frustrated Senate Democrats may feel free to vote for it next

Because Reid as able to keep the legislation bottled up,
President Obama was never directly confronted with the problem of
choosing to veto the project or not. Thus he had the luxury of
vacillating between his union backers who want the project and his
environmentalist supporters who do not. Faced now with the prospect
of being forced to make a decision, the president has strongly
signaled that his instinctual anti-market ideology will guide his
actions. From
The New Republic

“Understand what this project is: It is providing the ability of
Canada to pump their oil, send it through our land, down to the
Gulf, where it will be sold everywhere else. It doesn’t have an
impact on US gas prices,” he said, according to
ABC News
. “If my Republican friends really want to focus on
what’s good for the American people in terms of job
creation and lower energy costs, we should be engaging in a
conversation about what are we doing to produce even more homegrown
energy? I’m happy to have that conversation.”

Whenever the president invites anyone to have a conversation
with him, what he really means is “shut up while I lecture you, you
moron.” Expect a veto next week.

from Hit & Run

Nine of the biggest myths that people believe about the system

Myths about the United States Nine of the biggest myths that people believe about the system

November 14, 2014
Santiago, Chile

Years ago, an elderly, frail Japanese martial arts master once boasted a 200-0 record against his opponents.

He claimed to have a unique power that allowed him to inflict serious injury on people without actually laying a finger on them.

Was it Chi? Magic? None of the above. It was a total scam. But that didn’t matter.

You see, the legend of the master’s powers turned out to be far more powerful than reality.

His core following of students believed in the master so much that they would fling themselves across the dojo whenever he raised his pinky finger.

And anyone who saw the display would become transfixed by the perception of the mater’s extraordinary abilities. It was an incredible case of mass delusion.

Everyone believed it, including the master himself. He was so confident in his skills that he put up a $5,000 challenge that he could beat any fighter in the world.

A mixed martial arts champion accepted the wager, and the result wasn’t pretty.

As you can see in the video, the master is quickly knocked to the ground with a broken nose and a pool of blood. Observers scramble to find a doctor to come to his aid.

You can almost hear the sound of reality quickly taking hold from the gasps of his students. No one could bring themselves to believe that the master had been so quickly beaten.

To an outsider, it seems so obvious that this guy is a phony (just watch the video). But mass delusion is an incredibly powerful force.

We see the same effects in the West today—mass delusions everywhere.

People seem to believe their governments are almighty beings capable of performing magic—water into wine, debt into wealth.

Here are some of the biggest myths we see in the system today:

1. The dollar will continue to be the dominant currency.

This is a total farce. Grumblings grow louder around the world to establish a new non-dollar financial system, and China has taken the lead to make this a reality.

2. The US is still the dominant military power in the world.

If you measure by the quality of trained personnel, this is true. But what good is all of that military power if you can’t afford to do anything with it?

3. The police exist to protect the people.

Wrong again. With so much civil asset forfeiture taking place at the point of a gun (federally funded assault rifles), it’s clear they’re far more concerned about protecting those that maintain the status quo than protecting you.

4. Elections make a difference

Completely false. Most Western governments borrow money to pay interest on the money they’ve already borrowed.

In the US, they spend so much on mandatory entitlements and interest they could eliminate almost the entire government and still not run a balanced budget.

At that level of desperation, it matters not who’s in power.

5. Your bank is safe

Your bank might HAVE a safe. But if you look at objective data, many banks in the West have incredibly thin levels of capital and liquidity—the exact opposite of what a safe bank is supposed to have.

Oh yeah, they’re backed by poorly capitalized deposit insurance funds, which are guaranteed by insolvent governments.

And bear in mind that even if your bank is reasonably capitalized, you are still guaranteed to lose money on a tax adjusted, inflation adjusted basis if you you’re holding your savings there.

6. You have to go to college in order to get ahead

Quite the opposite—going to college in many cases can get you behind; just ask any 36-year old still paying down that $100,000 student loan debt.

The world is a big place full of opportunity. Skills and experience matter more than pieces of paper.

Here’s a better option, especially for young people: head overseas, and become an apprentice to a successful, knowledgeable individual that you respect.

Any young person who thinks that going to college is a good idea should just ask any of their unemployed friends saddled with $100,000 of debt if it was worth it.

7. I saw it on TV so it must be true.

Ufff. The mainstream media exist to paint a distorted version of reality so that people are kept placated, docile and largely clueless about what really goes on in the world.

8. Debt doesn’t matter because we owe it to ourselves

Whoever first said this must have a lot of whips and chains in his closet because he seems to enjoy pain.

If we owe the debt to ‘ourselves,’ that means that we will need to default on ourselves.

This means no more Social Security, Medicare, etc. It means causing the US Federal Reserve to become insolvent and spark a currency crisis. It means causing the collapse of every bank in the country.

Sure, no biggie.

9. The United States is the Land of the Free

Draconian surveillance efforts on its citizens. Punitive taxes, fines and regulation. Rising police state. Telling people what they can or can’t put in their bodies, how to grow their food, who to adore, who to hate. Preventing them to collect their own rainwater and live off the grid.

The list goes on and on. And so do the myths. Are there any more that you see? Let us know here, or on our Facebook page.


Apple Now Worth More Than Entire Russian Stock Market

With Apple at record highs, its market capitalization is now bigger than Russia’s entire stock market (the 20th largest market in the world). What’s more, as Bloomberg notes, there would be enough money left over after selling Apple and buying Russia to purchase over 190 million contract-free 64Gb iPhone6 Pluses (enough for every Russian).



As Bloomberg adds,

If you owned Apple Inc., and sold it, you could purchase the entire stock market of Russia, and still have enough change to buy every Russian an iPhone 6 Plus.



Russia, the 20th largest among the world’s major markets, is not the only one Apple has surpassed. The company, which forecasts a record holiday-sales quarter and has $155 billion in cash, is also bigger than 17th-ranked Singapore and 18th-ranked Italy.

*  *  *

via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

This is the only vote that counts

Choose freedom vote This is the only vote that counts

November 14, 2014
Santiago, Chile

What’s the biggest lure of elections? That people have the ability to change things by voting someone else in power. At least in theory.

I try not to get too caught up in US politics these days, because that’s one of my favorite parts about going international—I don’t have to get sucked into it all on a regular basis.

US politics tends to affect you wherever you go, so more often than I’d like to I do end up check in on what’s happening.

If you’ve been following the election, I’m sure you know that the Republicans won a majority of the Senate and Obama responded by saying, “I hear you”, but now I’m just going to use Executive Orders to get things done.

That seems a bit anti-climactic wouldn’t you say? All that time and money spent campaigning, all those people interrupting their normal days to go vote—just to be in the same situation as before? For ‘change’ to be hollow?

People in Hong Kong have been asking themselves: is it democracy if the Chinese Communist Party chooses all the candidates?

Along the same lines, in the US when the opposition party takes control of the legislature and the president responds by saying that’s nice, but I’m going to go ahead with whatever I want to do anyway—is that democracy?

To me, this is the kind of thing you’d expect in a volatile third-world country that is pretending to be a democracy in order to receive international support.

It’s not real. Putting your vote in there doesn’t make a difference.

In fact, more than that, voting for politicians demonstrates that you accept the system. You might have your gripes with it, but you still have faith that it is fair and that it works.

It’s like coming home every night to an abusive spouse. You can say, it’s a good system at heart. I can make it change.

But in reality, that’s not going to happen. And by sticking around, you will just go down with it.

In the same way people are duped in every election cycle—“If we can just get the right guy in power…”

It doesn’t matter. The new guy just turns into the last guy. Because the whole system is broken.

As we said earlier this week, the US government debt has increased from $2.8 trillion to $18 trillion in 25 years. The Federal Reserve’s balance sheet has expanded from $285 billion to $4.5 trillion in the same time.

The US is borrowing money just to pay interest on the money it has already borrowed. This is the point of no return. It is arithmetically impossible for the US to ever repay its gigantic debt, since it just keeps adding on to it year after year.

To even start considering it, the US would first have to live within its means by balancing the budget—which would mean eliminating expenses for the military, Social Security and Medicare, which already consume more than 100% of the government’s tax revenue.

Of course, no politician is ever going to do that. So it really doesn’t matter who is in power.

Therefore a far more powerful way to vote is with your life actions.

Vote with your money by trading your dollars for productive assets, land, and precious metals. By doing that, you’re consciously deciding not to be involved in this corrupt debt-based system.

An even larger vote is by deciding to leave. By voting with your feet.

Opting out means that you no longer endorse the system, and that you are establishing your preferences by selecting one that is better. One that treats its citizens better and has more to offer you.

Demonstrating your opinion through your actions is far more powerful than expressing it on a piece of paper.

Is a single vote enough to make a difference?

In the electoral system definitely not. You’ve seen that yourself just this past week.

However, when it comes to voting with your money and your feet by leaving the country, you definitely can make a difference—first of all for yourself.

At once, you can gain greater freedom, richer experiences, and multitudes of opportunity. A better life and positive change? That’s what the point of voting is, isn’t it?