Massachusetts, Model for Obamacare, Struggles to Comply With Obamacare's Requirements

The health care overhaul passed
in Massachusetts under Gov. Mitt Romney was a state-level model for
the federal reform plan that became Obamacare.

But Massachusetts has had an exceedingly tough time upgrading
its own system to comply with the federal law.
Via The Boston Globe
, the state’s new exchange
technology is still broken:

Connector executive director Jean Yang said Thursday that the
manual systems created to bypass the malfunctioning website are
complicated. The agency has been working to identify stalled
enrollments, so that a crisis management team can address them.

The team was working on between 40 and 50 cases Thursday, Yang
said, though she could not say how many were related to premium
payments that were not properly processed. She said the Connector
is planning to improve customer service with better training.

The fixes have not “happened as fast as we would have liked,”
Yang said. “We won’t stop until it’s all taken care of.”

The Connector website was developed by CGI, the same firm that
created the federal website that got off to a rocky

But, while the federal site is largely fixed, major components
of the state site still do not work, including those that process
payments, determine whether people are eligible for subsidies, and
transfer information automatically to health insurers.

At Forbes, meanwhile, Josh Archambault
that by some measures Massachusetts has the worst
performing exchange in the nation: The state has enrolled just
5,428 people—0.2% of its first year goal of 250,000. (In response,
the state has lowered its year-one goal to 200,000.) At this point,
the state has failed to enroll a single person through its online
exchange. Every enrollment so far has been via a manual

At least two other states gung-ho about health reform—Maryland
and Oregon
—continue to struggle with their exchanges as

from Hit & Run

Massachusetts, Model for Obamacare, Struggles to Comply With Obamacare’s Requirements

The health care overhaul passed
in Massachusetts under Gov. Mitt Romney was a state-level model for
the federal reform plan that became Obamacare.

But Massachusetts has had an exceedingly tough time upgrading
its own system to comply with the federal law.
Via The Boston Globe
, the state’s new exchange
technology is still broken:

Connector executive director Jean Yang said Thursday that the
manual systems created to bypass the malfunctioning website are
complicated. The agency has been working to identify stalled
enrollments, so that a crisis management team can address them.

The team was working on between 40 and 50 cases Thursday, Yang
said, though she could not say how many were related to premium
payments that were not properly processed. She said the Connector
is planning to improve customer service with better training.

The fixes have not “happened as fast as we would have liked,”
Yang said. “We won’t stop until it’s all taken care of.”

The Connector website was developed by CGI, the same firm that
created the federal website that got off to a rocky

But, while the federal site is largely fixed, major components
of the state site still do not work, including those that process
payments, determine whether people are eligible for subsidies, and
transfer information automatically to health insurers.

At Forbes, meanwhile, Josh Archambault
that by some measures Massachusetts has the worst
performing exchange in the nation: The state has enrolled just
5,428 people—0.2% of its first year goal of 250,000. (In response,
the state has lowered its year-one goal to 200,000.) At this point,
the state has failed to enroll a single person through its online
exchange. Every enrollment so far has been via a manual

At least two other states gung-ho about health reform—Maryland
and Oregon
—continue to struggle with their exchanges as

from Hit & Run

A Not So Subtle Hint That Argentina May Be Un-Fixed

The Argentinian 2015 Boden are getting destroyed!!

They were trading near Par at year-end!!


With the IMF frantically scrambling to cover its forecast errors and model-breakdowns amid an emerging market turmoil that no one could have seen coming, the contagion is beginning to spread. With all eyes fixed on Turkey (unfixed again) or Ukraine (never fixed), Argentina’s troubles are exploding. The last few days have seen yields on their 2017 bonds scream higher from 11% to 19%… and 2015 Boden prices collapse.

This is the worst in emerging market bonds and the price/yield is back at the lows/highs since October 2012. With the peso’s dramatic 15% devaluation last week stabilized in the official rate around 8/USD, the blue-dollar rate is back at its worst around 12.80 implying more pain to come.

5Y CDS are trading 2700bps = +1000bps in 2014

These are 3-year maturity bonds!



As Bloomberg notes,

Argentina is losing foreign currency reserves at the fastest pace in more than a decade as estimated 28 percent inflation and currency controls spur capital flight. The funds, which the country relies on to pay debt and finance energy imports, dropped to a seven-year low of $28.3 billion. The government devalued the peso 15 percent last week and raised benchmark interest rates as much as 6 percentage points. The moves, coupled with less risk appetite for emerging market assets, haven’t settled investor concerns.


There is fear and panic about the emerging markets and the news has not been good out of Argentina with reserves dropping $250 million yesterday,” said Russell Dallen, the head trader at Caracas Capital.

Charts: Bloomberg


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

Watch the Brits Stupidly Force a Newspaper to Destroy Computers Because of Snowden

Your monitor is now tainted. Please destroy after viewing this image.There have been a number of low
points in the tone-deaf responses from government officials in the
wake of Edward Snowden’s whistleblowing. It’s hard to pick the
worst – though the failure to fire Director of National
Intelligence James Clapper for lying to the Senate and anonymous
intelligence officials expressing their desire to
murder Snowden
would certainly be up there (down there?).

Over in Britain, probably one of the stupidest responses to this
mass surveillance scandal so far happened last summer, when the
country’s spy agency went over to the offices of The
, the newspaper where journalist Glenn Greenwald first
broke the story, and ordered them to physically destroy computers
that were tainted – so to speak – with the documents Snowden

That Greenwald was not in England and the destruction of the
computers would not stop the flow of Snowden’s data didn’t seem to
matter. Today The Guardian released video showing the
destruction of the computers, along with more details about the
newspapers’ interactions with the government, which was threating
shut them down

The government’s response to the leak was initially slow – then
increasingly strident. [Guardian Editor Alan] Rusbridger told
government officials that destruction of the Snowden files would
not stop the flow of intelligence-related stories since the
documents existed in several jurisdictions. He explained that Glenn
Greenwald, the Guardian US columnist who met Snowden in Hong Kong,
had leaked material in Rio de Janeiro. There were further copies in
America, he said.

Days later Oliver Robbins, the prime minister’s deputy national
security adviser, renewed the threat of legal action. “If you won’t
return it [the Snowden material] we will have to talk to ‘other
people’ this evening.” Asked if Downing Street really intended to
close down the Guardian if it did not comply, Robbins confirmed:
“I’m saying this.” He told the deputy editor, Paul Johnson, the
government wanted the material in order to conduct “forensics”.
This would establish how Snowden had carried out his leak,
strengthening the legal case against the Guardian’s source. It
would also reveal which reporters had examined which files.

With the threat of punitive legal action ever present, the only
way of protecting the Guardian’s team – and of carrying on
reporting from another jurisdiction – was for the paper to destroy
its own computers. GCHQ officials wanted to inspect the material
before destruction, carry out the operation themselves and take the
remnants away. The Guardian refused.

You can watch the video
. As is obvious by now (and was obvious to everybody at the
time) the destruction did not stop the flow of information from
Snowden to the public.

from Hit & Run

Centre has a variety of programs this season

The Centre for Performing and Visual Arts in Newnan continues its 10th anniversary year with several community performances in the coming months.
Located at 1523 Lower Fayetteville Road in Newnan, the Centre for Performing and Visual Arts is the Coweta County School System’s premier arts facility, and was constructed by the Coweta County Board of Education in 2004 through the community-supported Education Special Purpose Local Sales Tax (ESPLOST).

read more

via The Citizen


As far as snows go, the recent snow wasn’t much. Where I live, in Coweta County, Ga., the accumulation amounted to 2.5 inches. In northeastern Tennessee, where I grew up, the snow was 5 inches.

Compared to what the folks in the North experience on a regular basis, our local blizzard was a mere dusting. In Colorado, where I used to live, I actually got caught driving a Ford Escort in a blizzard over the Rocky Mountains between Denver and Grand Junction. That snowfall was measured in feet.

read more

via The Citizen

Theft Is Deflationary – Especially The Crony-Capitalist/State Kind

Submitted by Charles Hugh-Smith of OfTwoMinds blog,

Monopoly power in all its forms–in our system, crony capitalism and its partner, the neofeudal state–enables theft on a systemic scale.

If a monopoly forces its customers to pay more for low-quality goods and services because they have no choice, how is that not theft?

If the Mafia raises the price of "protection" on small businesses (another case of monopoly and no other choice), how is that extortion not theft?

When a local government raises junk fees to fund its cronies' excessive (i.e. non-market-rate) salaries and pensions, how is that monopoly power to extort more money from those with no other choice any different from Mafia extortion/theft?

If a pharmaceutical company extends a patent on a costly medication by changing the dosage slightly, how is that not theft via regulatory capture? If a government contractor charges the Pentagon $1,000 for a hammer (all those overhead charges, tsk-tsk–lobbying corrupt politicos costs a lot, you know), how is that not theft of taxpayers' money?

When the Federal Reserve drops the yield on savings to near-zero to funnel all that stolen wealth to its cronies on Wall Street, how is that not theft?

Monopoly power in all its forms–in our system, crony capitalism and its partner, the neofeudal state–enables theft on a systemic scale. When crony capitalism and the state are essentially one system, the propaganda organs of the state and mainstream corporate media combine to persuade the stripmined populace that their theft is not theft, it's "capitalism and democracy at work." This is known as The Big Lie. What we have is systemic theft, predation and exploitation.

Calling things what they really are would upset the apple cart of systemic exploitation. Let's Call Things What They Really Are in 2014 (January 15, 2014)

Correspondent Jeff W. explains that all this systemic theft is inherently deflationary:

ll forms of stealing are deflationary. Stealing cuts into the average citizen’s disposable income, it reduces how much he can buy. Because there are now fewer dollars chasing more goods, deflation is the inevitable result. Stealing is actually worse than a zero-sum game. Society loses more than the thief takes. In addition to losses from theft, a victim often has to spend more on security measures. Theft also has a chilling effect on capital investment and commerce in general.

Consider how many different kinds of theft the American citizen is exposed to: street crime, sickcare industry ripoffs, legal system ripoffs including huge fines for traffic violations, high taxes, interest earnings on his savings that amount to ZIRP, a corporatist state determined to suppress his wages by any means necessary, unending victimization at the hands of predators enabled and protected by the state. If he owns a small business, he has to deal with a corrupt regulatory state, higher taxes, and an enlarged menagerie of predators. Today there are thieves everywhere.


So one big deflation trend is theft. As theft increases, deflation increases. As society collapses and thieves start roaming freely all over the landscape, a deflationary collapse can be expected—absent a determined and persistent campaign of money printing.


Exhibit A for the case that stealing is deflationary is the Dark Ages. Stealing was rampant in the Dark Ages. How did people react to that? By “going medieval.” They wore clothing that made them look poor so as to avoid attracting the attention of thieves. Their dwellings looked poor for the same reason. If they had cash, they would bury it in the ground; no one could be trusted. Unless one was an insider who could get protection from the state, no one’s property was safe.


Capital investments were much too risky, and out of the question. What were the price characteristics of the Dark Ages? Wages were low. Real estate valuations low. Prices of manufactured items (such as they were) were low. Only food was expensive. People can cut back on clothing and shelter, but there is a limit to how much they can cut back on food. In the Dark Ages, people really hunkered down and just focused on basic survival.


Exhibit B is Detroit. Detroit for many years has been a high crime area, i.e. it had lots of thieves running around. What are the price characteristics of Detroit? Wages low. Real estate valuations low. There is very little manufacturing being done inside the city limits today because of high property taxes and crime. There is also very little capital investment for the same reasons.


There is a vicious circle at work here.


1) Thieves control the government;

2) Which results in increased stealing;

3) Deflation results from that;

4) Which gives the thieves a reason to print money and give it to themselves;

5) Which enriches the thieves some more;

6) Which gives them more resources they can use to consolidate their control of the government;

7) Back to step 1.


Many people seem confused about how there could be deflation in the paper (or digital) money era. If they would recognize how much stealing is going on, and if they understood the powerful deflationary effect of stealing, then perhaps they would not be so surprised to observe price decreases, particularly in wages and the prices of manufactured products.

Thank you, Jeff, for explaining the causal connection between systemic theft and deflation. To all those terrified of deflation (for example, central bankers and their cronies holding trillions of dollars in phantom assets and illusory collateral), the solution is obvious: get rid of systemic theft. But since those terrified of deflation are at the top of the monopoly-power thievery pyramid, that is asking the impossible: for the thieves to relinquish their power to steal.


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

Ronald Bailey Says Obama's 'Opportunity' Makes Everybody Less Well Off

Obama 2014 SOTUAt a speech in December to celebrate the
10th anniversary of the left-leaning Center for American
Progress, President Barack Obama declared, “The combined trends of
increased inequality and decreasing mobility pose a fundamental
threat to the American Dream.” Earlier this week, the president
dropped the claim that income mobility was increasing and just said
that it had “stalled.” The president pointed out that it was easier
for people in our rich country cohort to rise from the lowest
income quintile to the highest. Reason Science
Correspondent Ronald Bailey points out that that is true, but it’s
largely because people living in Denmark, France, and Germay have
much shorter income ladders to scale due to massive income

View this article.

from Hit & Run

Ronald Bailey Says Obama’s ‘Opportunity’ Makes Everybody Less Well Off

Obama 2014 SOTUAt a speech in December to celebrate the
10th anniversary of the left-leaning Center for American
Progress, President Barack Obama declared, “The combined trends of
increased inequality and decreasing mobility pose a fundamental
threat to the American Dream.” Earlier this week, the president
dropped the claim that income mobility was increasing and just said
that it had “stalled.” The president pointed out that it was easier
for people in our rich country cohort to rise from the lowest
income quintile to the highest. Reason Science
Correspondent Ronald Bailey points out that that is true, but it’s
largely because people living in Denmark, France, and Germay have
much shorter income ladders to scale due to massive income

View this article.

from Hit & Run