Brew City Taxi Wars: The Fight for Transportation Freedom in Milwaukee

The Institute for Justice (IJ), the nation’s leading libertarian
law firm, sealed its victory last week in a hard-fought case
that will crack open Milwaukee’s cab industry. Twenty-two-years
ago, Brew City capped the number of cabs permitted to pick up
passengers off the street at 321, which works out to about one taxi
for every 1850 residents. (Washington, Ghaleb Ibrahim, a Milwaukee cab driver who sued the city to lift its cap on taxi permits |||D.C., by comparison, has about
one cab for every 80 residents.) These permits—which aren’t
technically medallions but function the same way—sell for about
$150,000 a piece.
Taxi magnates Joe and Mike Sanfelippo
own about half the total,
which have a combined value of more than $20 million.

In its case, IJ represented three immigrant cab drivers suing
for an opportunity to acquire their own cab permits on the grounds
that the cap violuates the equal protection clause in the Wisconsin
Constitution. Their win means the city will award 100 new
to cabbies in a lottery next month.

Taxi cartels often thwart political reform efforts, but IJ’s
victory demonstrates yet again how the fight can be won in the
courthouse. Over the years, IJ has scored wins to liberalize
transportation poilcy in Denver, Las Vegas, and
New York
. It’s currently fighting cases in Portland and Tampa.

But there’s an even more powerful tool for battling
transportation cartels: technology. On Thursday, Uber, the
high-tech car service that’s upending taxi markets in cities all
over the world,
opened for business in Milwaukee
. If the company’s service
proves as popular in Milwaukee as it has in other cities, an extra
100—or 100,000—cab permits won’t matter much.

I’m reminded of the horse-railway operators that bribed their
way into obtaining exclusive operating franchises in
nineteenth-century cities. How much are those franchises worth

Uber App |||Milwaukee’s cab
wars are just getting started. There are
rumblings that the city may sue Uber
, and the Sanfelippo
brothers are considering legal action. In a phone interview, Red
Christensen, a vice president in the Sanfelippo brothers’ taxi
company, told me that “there’s no need for additional taxicabs
in this market,” and that Uber is operating “in violation of city

“As a company that operates in the public trust,” Christensen
said, “our concern is for passengers getting into a car that
doesn’t have proper insurance, such as what happened with
a six-year-old child in San Francisco.” Christensen
was referring to Sofia Liu, who was killed by an Uber driver
on New Year’s Eve. Taxi cartels in cities all over the country are
shamelessly using this tragedy in an effort to undermine Uber and
protect their own interests. (I recently
wrote about this issiue in The Daily Beast

IJ’s Anthony Sanders, the lead attorney in the Milwaukee cab
case, hasn’t done a formal analysis of the issue, but says he
doesn’t think Uber is violating any laws because the company is
only working with drivers already licensed to operate a car service
in the city. Since Uber drivers don’t pick up passengers that hail
them on the street, they’re not required to have one of the city’s
321 cab permits.

In a statement, Uber said the service it’s providing in
Milwaukee “connects riders with commercially licensed and insured

Sanders says Uber’s entrance into the city “presents all kinds
of opportunities for entrepreneurs including my clients, and
it should be very welcome for everyone except the existing permit

Rob Montz recently covered D.C.’s Uber Wars for Reason TV:

Nick Gillespie and I covered a 2011 fight over a proposed
medallion system in the district—a story that briefly landed me in

from Hit & Run

James Turk: Erosion of Trust Will Drive Gold Higher

Submitted by Casey Research

James Turk: Erosion of Trust Will Drive Gold Higher

James Turk, founder of precious metals accumulation pioneer GoldMoney, has over 40 years’ experience in international banking, finance, and investments. He began his career at the Chase Manhattan Bank and in 1983 was appointed manager of the commodity department of the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority.

In his new book The Money Bubble: What to Do Before It Pops, James and coauthor John Rubino warn that history is about to repeat. Instead of addressing the causes of the 2008 financial crisis, the world’s governments have continued along the same path. Another—even bigger—crisis is coming, and this one, say the authors, will change everything.

One central tenet of your book is that the dollar’s international importance has peaked and is now declining. What will the implications be if the dollar loses its reserve status?

In a word, momentous. Although the dollar’s role in world trade has been declining in recent years while the euro and more recently the Chinese yuan have been gaining share, the dollar remains the world’s dominant currency. So crude oil and many other goods and services are priced in dollars. If goods and services begin being priced in other currencies, the demand for the dollar falls.

Supply and demand determine the value of everything, including money. So a declining demand for the dollar means its purchasing power will fall, assuming its supply remains unchanged. But a constant supply of dollars is an implausible assumption given that the Federal Reserve is constantly expanding the quantity of dollars through various forms of “money printing.” So as the dollar’s reserve status erodes, its purchasing power will decline too, adding to the inflationary pressures already building up within the system from the Federal Reserve’s quantitative easing program that began after the 2008 financial collapse.

Most governments of the world are fighting a currency war, trying to devalue their currencies to gain a competitive advantage over one another. You predict that China will “win” this currency war (to the extent there is a winner). What is China doing right that other countries aren’t? How would the investment world change if China did “win”?

As you say, nobody really wins a currency war. All currencies are debased when the war ends. What’s important is what happens then. Countries reestablish their currency in a sound way, and that means rebuilding on a base of gold. So the winner of a currency war is the country that ends up with the most gold.

For the past decade, gold has been flowing to China—both newly mined gold as well as from existing stocks. But that flow from West to East has accelerated over the past year, and there are unofficial estimates that China now has the world’s third-largest gold reserve.

The implications for the investment world as well as the global monetary system are profound. Why should China use dollars to pay for its imports of crude oil from the Middle East? What if Saudi Arabia and other exporters are willing to price their product and get paid in Chinese yuan? Venezuela is already doing that, so it is not a far-fetched notion that other oil exporters will too. China is a huge importer of crude oil, and its energy needs are likely to grow. So it is becoming a dominant player in global oil trading as the US imports less oil because of the surge in its own domestic fossil fuel production.

Changes in the way oil is traded represent only one potential impact on the investment world, but it indicates what may lie ahead as the value of the dollar continues to erode and gold flows from West to East. So if China ends up with the most gold, it could emerge as the dominant player in global investments and markets. It already has become the dominant player in the market for physical gold.

You draw a distinction between “financial” and “tangible” assets, noting that we go through a recurring cycle where each falls in and out of favor. Where are we in that cycle? With US stocks at all-time highs and gold down over 30% since the summer of 2011, is it possible that the cycle is rolling over?

Our monetary system suffers recurring booms and busts because of the fractional reserve practice of banks, which allows them to create money “out of thin air,” as the saying goes. During booms—all of which are caused by too much money that banks have created by expanding credit—financial assets outperform, but they eventually become overvalued relative to tangible assets. The cycle then reverses. The fractional reserve system goes into reverse and credit contracts, causing a lot of promises made during the good times to be broken. Loans don’t get repaid, unnerving bankers and investors alike. So money flees out of financial assets and the counterparty risk these assets entail, and into the safety of tangible assets, until eventually tangible assets become overvalued, and the cycle reverses again.

So for example, the boom in financial assets that ended in 1967 led to a reversal in the cycle until tangible assets became overvalued in 1981. The cycle reversed again, and financial assets boomed until the popping of the dot-com bubble in 2000. We are still in the cycle favoring tangible assets, but there is no way to predict when it will end. We know it will end when tangible assets become overvalued, but as John and I explain in The Money Bubble, we are not even close to that moment yet.

You cite the “shrinking trust horizon” as one of the long-term factors that will drive gold higher. Can you explain?

Yes, this is an important point that we make. Our economy, and indeed, our society, is based on trust. We expect the bread we buy from a baker or the gasoline we buy for our car to be reliable. We expect our money on deposit in a bank to be safe. But if we find the baker is putting sawdust in our bread and governments are using depositor money to bail out banks, as happened in Cyprus last year, trust begins to erode.

An erosion of trust means that people are less willing to accept the counterparty risk that comes with financial assets, so the erosion of trust occurs during financial busts. People as a consequence move their wealth into tangible assets, be it investments in tangible things like farmland, oil wells, or mines, or in tangible forms of money, which of course means gold.

Obviously, gold has been in a painful slump since the summer of 2011. What near-term catalysts—let’s say in 2014—could wake it from its slumber?

We have to put 2013 into perspective, because portfolio management is a marathon, not a 100-meter sprint. Gold had risen 12 years in a row prior to last year’s price decline. And even after last year, gold has appreciated 13% per annum on average, making it one of the world’s best-performing asset classes since the current financial bust began with the popping of the dot-com bubble.

Looking to the year ahead, there are many potential catalysts, but it is impossible to predict which event will be the trigger. The derivatives time bomb? Failure of a big bank? The sovereign debt crisis returns to the boil? The Japanese yen collapses? It could be any of these or something we can’t even imagine. But one thing is certain: as long as central banks continue their present money-printing ways, the price of gold will rise over time to reflect the debasement of national currencies. The gold price might not jump to its fair value immediately because of government intervention, but it will rise eventually and inevitably.

So the most important thing to keep in mind is the money printing that pretty much every central bank around the world is doing. The central bankers have given it a fancy name—”quantitative easing.” But regardless of what it is called, it is still creating money out of thin air, which debases the currency that central bankers are supposed to be prudently managing to preserve the currency’s purchasing power.

Money printing does the exact opposite; it destroys purchasing power, and the gold price in terms of that currency rises as a consequence. The gold price is a barometer of how well—or perhaps more to the point, how poorly—central bankers are doing their job.

Governments have been debasing currencies since the Roman denarius. Why do you expect the consequences of this particular era of debasement to be so severe?

Yes, they have, and to use Rome as the example, its empire collapsed when the currency was debased. Worryingly, after the collapse of the Roman Empire, the world went into the so-called Dark Ages. Countries grow and prosper on sound money. They dissipate and eventually collapse when money becomes unsound. This pattern recurs throughout history.

Rome of course did not collapse overnight. The debasement of their currency cannot be precisely measured, but it lasted over 100 years. The important point we need to recognize is that the debasement of the dollar that began with the formation of the Federal Reserve in 1913 has now lasted over 100 years too. A penny in 1913 had the same purchasing power as a dollar has today, which, interestingly, is not too different from the rate at which Rome’s denarius was debased.

After discussing how the government of Cyprus raided its citizens’ bank accounts in 2013, you suggest that it’s a near certainty that more countries will introduce capital controls and asset confiscations in the next few years. What form might those seizures take, and how can people protect their assets?

It is impossible to predict, of course, because central planners can be very creative in coming up with different forms of financial repression that prevent you from doing what you want with your money. In fact, look at the creativity they have already used.

For example, not only did bank depositors in Cyprus lose much of their money, much of what was left was given to them in the forms of shares of the banks they bailed out, forcing them to become shareholders. And the US has imposed a creative type of capital control that makes it nearly impossible for its citizens to open a bank account outside the US. Pension plans are the most vulnerable because they are easy to get at. Keep in mind that Argentina, Ireland, Spain, and Poland raided private pensions when those countries ran into financial trouble.

Protecting one’s assets in today’s environment is difficult. John and I have some suggestions in the book, such as global diversification and internationalizing oneself to become as flexible as possible.

You dedicated an entire chapter of your book to silver. Which do you think will appreciate more in the next year, gold or silver? How about in the next 10 years?

I think silver will do better for the foreseeable future. It is still very cheap compared to gold. As but one example to illustrate this point, even though gold underwent a big price correction last year, it is still trading above the record high it made in January 1980, which was the top of the bull run that began in the 1960s.

In contrast, not only has silver not yet broken above its January 1980 peak of $50 per ounce, it is still far from that price. So silver has a lot of catching up to do.

Silver is a good substitute for gold in that silver, too, can be viewed as money outside the banking system, which is an important objective to keep wealth liquid and safe today. But silver may not be for everyone, because it is volatile. This volatility can be measured with the gold/silver ratio, which is the number of ounces of silver needed to equal one ounce of gold. The ratio was 30 to 1 in 2011, and several months later jumped to 60 to 1.

So you can see how volatile silver is. But because I expect silver to do better than gold, I believe that the ratio will fall to 16 to 1 eventually, which is the same level it reached in January 1980. It is also the ratio that generally applied when national currencies used to be backed by precious metals.

Besides gold, what one secular trend would you be most comfortable betting a large portion of your nest egg on?

Own things, rather than promises. Avoid financial assets. Own tangible assets of all sorts, like farmland, timberland, oil wells, etc. Near-tangibles like the equities of companies that own tangible assets are okay too, but avoid the equities of banks, credit card companies, mortgage companies, and any other equities tied to financial assets.

What asset class are you most bearish on?

Without any doubt, it is government debt in particular and more generally, government promises. They have promised more than they can possibly deliver, so a lot of their promises are going to be broken before we see the end of this current bust that began in 2000. And that outcome of broken promises describes the huge task that we all face. There will be a day of reckoning. There always is when an economy and governments take on more debt than is prudent, and the world is far beyond that point.

So everyone needs to plan and prepare for that day of reckoning. We can’t predict when it is coming, but we know from monetary history that busts follow booms, and more to the point, that currencies collapse when governments make promises that they cannot possibly fulfill. Their central banks print the currency the government wants to spend until the currency eventually collapses, which is a key point of The Money Bubble. The world has lost sight of what money is.

What today is considered to be money is only a money substitute circulating in place of money. J.P. Morgan had it right when in testimony before the US Congress in 1912 he said: “Money is gold, nothing else.” Because we have lost sight of this wisdom, a “money bubble” has been created. And it will pop. Bubbles always do.


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

Clean Debt-Limit Increases are for Suckers or, Tomorrow We Scrimp But Tonight We Spend Like There's No Tomorrow!


Earlier in the week, the House and Senate passed a
“clean” debt-limit increase
which allows the federal government
to borrow more money without even pretending to restrain future

Last October, when talk of government shutdown was in the air, I
recorded the video above arguing the only good debt deal was a
dirty debt deal.

Click above to watch “3 Reasons We Need a Dirty Deal on
Debt Ceiling.” Here’s part of
the argument

As the Congressional Budget
Office (CBO) warns, “increased
borrowing by the federal government would eventually reduce private
investment in productive capital” while also increasing the risk of
a fiscal crisis spurred by jumpy investors worried about the
ability or willingness of the feds to pay back lenders.

None of this is controversial. Indeed, back in 2008, Candidate
Obama was pretty eloquent on the need to “break
that cycle of debt
” created by Republican government under
George W. Bush.“we’ve lived through an era of easy money,” he
crooned in one of his stump speeches, “in which we were allowed and
even encouraged to spend without limits; to borrow instead of
save.” And what was it he used to say about increasing the
debt ceiling when he was just a wet-behind-ears senator? That
raising the debt limit signaled “a failure of leadership” and
“reckless policies” that were “shifting the burden of bad
choices today onto the backs of our children and

But today, all Obama can talk about are “clean” CRs and “clean”
debt-limit increases. This is what my colleague Matt Welch calls
“junky logic,” the sort of magical thinking particularly strong
among addicts who are always “gonna
kick tomorrow
”. Really, man, this is the last time.

Read more here.

from Hit & Run

Clean Debt-Limit Increases are for Suckers or, Tomorrow We Scrimp But Tonight We Spend Like There’s No Tomorrow!


Earlier in the week, the House and Senate passed a
“clean” debt-limit increase
which allows the federal government
to borrow more money without even pretending to restrain future

Last October, when talk of government shutdown was in the air, I
recorded the video above arguing the only good debt deal was a
dirty debt deal.

Click above to watch “3 Reasons We Need a Dirty Deal on
Debt Ceiling.” Here’s part of
the argument

As the Congressional Budget
Office (CBO) warns, “increased
borrowing by the federal government would eventually reduce private
investment in productive capital” while also increasing the risk of
a fiscal crisis spurred by jumpy investors worried about the
ability or willingness of the feds to pay back lenders.

None of this is controversial. Indeed, back in 2008, Candidate
Obama was pretty eloquent on the need to “break
that cycle of debt
” created by Republican government under
George W. Bush.“we’ve lived through an era of easy money,” he
crooned in one of his stump speeches, “in which we were allowed and
even encouraged to spend without limits; to borrow instead of
save.” And what was it he used to say about increasing the
debt ceiling when he was just a wet-behind-ears senator? That
raising the debt limit signaled “a failure of leadership” and
“reckless policies” that were “shifting the burden of bad
choices today onto the backs of our children and

But today, all Obama can talk about are “clean” CRs and “clean”
debt-limit increases. This is what my colleague Matt Welch calls
“junky logic,” the sort of magical thinking particularly strong
among addicts who are always “gonna
kick tomorrow
”. Really, man, this is the last time.

Read more here.

from Hit & Run

White House: "Weather practically everywhere is being caused by climate change"


So Obama went to California to talk drought and climate change. He brought some cash with him to help the state cope with the water shortage. The Prez is right to be worried about this drought, after all, Cali is 15% of the US economy. The only question is how big the hit to CA/US GDP is going to be.

The President's new plan is have the Ag department come up with $100 million for cattle farmers. There is also $5m for communities that are literally running out of water. So it's 20 to 1 in favor of the cattlemen. Great plan…

As Obama headed west, the White House's Science Assistant, John Holdren, had this to say about the California drought:


"Weather practically everywhere is being caused by climate change"


Really? It's all climate change?


There are many forces that shape weather patterns. One of the most significant is the El Nino/ La Nina cycles. this is what NOAA has to say about the connection between El Nino and rainfall in the South West:


El Niño results in increased precipitation across California and the southern tier of states




The California drought has persisted for the past three years. It's no coincidence that there have been no El Nino conditions during this time period:






The WH has a climate agenda – this is payback for a lot of support (money). Okay, but when the chief scientist at the WH ignores the scientists who actually look at weather patterns, then one is forced to doubt everything the WH says on the topic.



Misdirection By Holdren???

U.S. President Obama gets direction from White House science adviser Holdren during event on South Lawn at White House in Washington




via Zero Hedge Bruce Krasting

White House: “Weather practically everywhere is being caused by climate change”


So Obama went to California to talk drought and climate change. He brought some cash with him to help the state cope with the water shortage. The Prez is right to be worried about this drought, after all, Cali is 15% of the US economy. The only question is how big the hit to CA/US GDP is going to be.

The President's new plan is have the Ag department come up with $100 million for cattle farmers. There is also $5m for communities that are literally running out of water. So it's 20 to 1 in favor of the cattlemen. Great plan…

As Obama headed west, the White House's Science Assistant, John Holdren, had this to say about the California drought:


"Weather practically everywhere is being caused by climate change"


Really? It's all climate change?


There are many forces that shape weather patterns. One of the most significant is the El Nino/ La Nina cycles. this is what NOAA has to say about the connection between El Nino and rainfall in the South West:


El Niño results in increased precipitation across California and the southern tier of states




The California drought has persisted for the past three years. It's no coincidence that there have been no El Nino conditions during this time period:






The WH has a climate agenda – this is payback for a lot of support (money). Okay, but when the chief scientist at the WH ignores the scientists who actually look at weather patterns, then one is forced to doubt everything the WH says on the topic.



Misdirection By Holdren???

U.S. President Obama gets direction from White House science adviser Holdren during event on South Lawn at White House in Washington




via Zero Hedge Bruce Krasting

Dollar Remains Out of Favor

The US dollar fell against all the major currencies over the past week.  Helped by speculation that the Bank of England will likely hike rates before it currently envisions, lifted sterling to its highest level since April 2011, as it tacked on almost 2% last week.  Even the Japanese yen strengthened against the dollar, despite the rise in equities and an increase in the US interest rate premium over Japan.  We had generally anticipated the weaker dollar, but did not expect the yen to have participated.


The technical indicators we use are not providing any compelling reason to try picking a top in the foreign currencies or a bottom to the US dollar, though we recognize that sterling is a bit stretched and bumping against the upper Bollinger Band.  This raises the risk of some consolidation at the start of the new week.  Yet with the March 2015 short sterling futures still falling (implying a yield of just over 100 bp compared with the current 50 bp base rate), the consolidation may be shallow and brief.  


Initial support for sterling is seen in the  $1.6680-$1.6700 area, though the bulls are unlikely to be really deterred unless the $1.66 level goes.  The RSI and MACDs are trending higher and five-day average crossed above the 20-day average on Thursday, February 13.   The 2011 high near $1.6750 is the next immediate target, but a move toward $1.70 in the coming weeks would not be surprising.  The euro has approached a key retracement objective against sterling near GBP0.8160.  A convincing break could spur a move toward GBP0.8000. 


The euro is at the upper end of its six-week trading range.   The technical indicators are positive and the five-day average crossed above the 20-day average on Tuesday, February 11.  The upper Bollinger Band is near $1.3740, which also corresponds to the late January high and the 61.8% retracement objective of the decline from the December 27 multi-year high near $1.3900.   We suspect that pullbacks toward $1.3630-50 will be seen as new buying opportunities.  


The dollar initially extended its recovery from the JPY100.75 area seen on February 4-5.  However, the momentum faltered in the JPY102.60-70 area.  In fact the dollar recorded lower highs in each of the last four sessions.   The MOF and CME data suggests at least part of the reason why:  Japanese investors have sold foreign bonds for six consecutive week.  Foreigners have sold Japanese stocks (and covered their short yen hedges) for three weeks in a row.   In the CME futures, the speculators (a proxy for momentum and trend followers) have been reducing short position for seven consecutive weekly reporting periods through February 11.  The gross position short position has been cut by more than 40% over this period. 


The technical indicators, however, are not generating clear signals at the moment.  We are more inclined to still for a weaker yen.  Rising through the previous day’s high would be the first sign that the dollar’s correction may have run its course.  The 20-day moving average provided support in November and December.  Since it was convincingly violated, the moving average has capped bounces.  It is found now near JPY102.55. 


The Australian dollar looks to have legs.  Even the disappointingly weak jobs data was not able to derail the short-covering  rally, spurred on by the shift in the RBA’s stance from its easing bias to neutrality.   The next upside target is near $0.9085,which corresponds to the 38.2% retracement of the drop from last October’s high near $0.9760 to the recent low about 11 cents below that high and the mid-January high.    A break of that could spur a move toward $0.9160, and possibly $0.9200, before the bears try to pick another top.  The $0.8930-60 area offers support.  


The Canadian dollar’s technicals are not as clean.  The RSI warns that momentum has waned, though the MACDs are still trending lower.  A bounce in the greenback could see a test on the CAD1.1020-35 area.  A break of this could spur ideas that the correction has run its course with a 2.5% USD pullback.  On the downside, we had suggested potential toward CAD1.0850. 


The Mexican peso has been frustrating.    It has lagged behind the recovery many of the other emerging market currencies over the past week, which has seen the Indonesian rupiah rally 2.8%, the South African rand almost 2% and the Turkish lira 1.7%.  The peso rose about 0.3% against the dollar over the past week.  Technical indicator are not generating strong signals.  The dollar has spent the last eight sessions between roughly MXN13.20 and MXN13.40.   We are more inclined to sell into a dollar rally than buying a further pullback, but are most comfortable on the sidelines pending better risk–reward opportunities. 


Observations from the speculative positioning in the CME currency futures: 


1.  Position adjustments were minor in the most recent reporting week that ended on February 11. There were not gross position adjustments more than 10k contract.  In fact, there were only two adjustments more than 5k contracts (gross euro longs grew by 7.4k contracts and gross short Australian dollar positions were pared by 9.6k contracts).  Eight of the 14 gross positions we track changed by less than 2k contracts.


2.  Speculators generally lightened up on gross long positions, the exceptions were the euro, which we already noted, and sterling, which added 1k long contracts.  Short positions were mostly reduced, except, ironically enough the euro and sterling, and the Swiss franc.  Yet all together these added less than 3k contracts.


3.  In terms of gross short positions, there are still some substantial positions, warning of the risk of more serious position adjustment.  Speculators remain most short the Japanese yen, with 92.5k contracts, but Canada with 86.7k gross short contracts is not far behind.  And there are 82k gross short euro contracts.  There are 57.6k gross short Australian dollar contracts.


4.  The gross long positions are highly concentrated.  There are 75k long euro contracts and 53k long sterling contracts.  Canada’s 28k contracts puts it at a distant third place.  The others have less than 15k long contracts.


via Zero Hedge Marc To Market

Baylen Linnekin on Montana's Efforts to Loosen Food and Agricultural Regulations

Farmer's marketMontana is looking to loosen some food
regulations in the state. By passing a 2013 law, HB 630, Montana
legislators required regulators there to find ways to streamline
and loosen the state’s tangled web of food regulations. How complex
are some of the state’s overlapping livestock, produce, and health
regulations? At one of the listening sessions, Joel Clairmont, the
deputy director of Montana’s Department of Agriculture, explained
how in one instance he and several existing businesses were forced
by his fellow regulators to wait more than five years to cut
through the red tape necessary to establish a dried beef business.
In short, writes Baylen Linnekin, there’s no shortage of areas of
food and agricultural regulation that Montana’s legislators can’t
work to improve.

View this article.

from Hit & Run

Baylen Linnekin on Montana’s Efforts to Loosen Food and Agricultural Regulations

Farmer's marketMontana is looking to loosen some food
regulations in the state. By passing a 2013 law, HB 630, Montana
legislators required regulators there to find ways to streamline
and loosen the state’s tangled web of food regulations. How complex
are some of the state’s overlapping livestock, produce, and health
regulations? At one of the listening sessions, Joel Clairmont, the
deputy director of Montana’s Department of Agriculture, explained
how in one instance he and several existing businesses were forced
by his fellow regulators to wait more than five years to cut
through the red tape necessary to establish a dried beef business.
In short, writes Baylen Linnekin, there’s no shortage of areas of
food and agricultural regulation that Montana’s legislators can’t
work to improve.

View this article.

from Hit & Run