Angry French Union Workers Take Two Bosses Hostage

Workers at a tire plant in Northern France have taken two managers hostage until Goodyear (the firm that owns the plant and has been trying to shutter it for years) meets the mabor unions demands. WSJ reports, as Goodyear winds down operations with the plant almost idle, French labor law requires the company to keep all workers employed, which means many of them don't work more than a couple of hours a day while still getting full salary. The situation is why Titan International's Maurice Taylor blasted that he "would be stupid" to operate the plant on that basis.


As we noted previosuly the tire factory farce escalated a year ago

The saga of the capitalist vs the socialist goes on with Round 3, following round 1 in which the "Titan CEO Crushes Socialist "Work Ethic", Tells France "You Can Keep Your So-Called Workers" and round 2 in which "Socialist France Responds To Titan CEO, Hilarity Ensues." With the entire "developed" world now a real-time parody of itself, in which the truth about the true state of affairs is only revealed in grotesque, farcical, ad-hominem repartees between various members of the insolvent status quo plutocracy, we can only hope for many more rounds of this didactic back and forth.

Excerpted from Titan CEO Maurice Taylor's follow up letter in response to Arnaud Montebourg's letter responding to Maurice Taylor.

You letter shows the extent to which your political class is out of touch with real world problems.


You call me an extremist, but most businessmen would agree that I must be nuts to have the idea to spend millions of US dollars to buy a tyre factory in France paying some of the highest wages in the world.


Your letter did not mention why the French government has not stepped in to rescue this Goodyear tyre factory.


The extremist, Mr Minister, is your government and the lack of knowledge about how to build a business.


Your government let the wackos of the communist union destroy the highest paying jobs.


At no time did Titan ask for lower wages; we asked only if you want seven hours pay, you work at least six.


France does have beautiful women and great wine.


PS: My grandmother named my father after French entertainer Maurice Chevalier, and I inherited the name.


I have visited Normandy with my wife. I know what we did for France.


But now, Goodyear is entangled in legal proceedings with unions representing workers, led by the communist-backed CGT… and their actions have re-escalated… (via WSJ)

Workers at a Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. factory in northern France prevented two managers from leaving the facility on Monday, the latest in a string of protests by union members who were accused by a U.S. executive last year of doing little work.



Mickaël Wamen, a union representative, said the managers would be held until workers get a satisfactory response to their requests. He said the managers already have been informed that they will spend the night at the site.


Goodyear, of Akron, Ohio, has been trying to shut the plant for several years, but is entangled in legal proceedings with unions representing workers, led by the communist-backed CGT. Efforts to sell the factory to U.S. tire maker Titan International Inc. hit the headlines last year, after Titan Chief Executive Maurice Taylor blasted French labor laws and work habits.


As Goodyear winds down operations and the plant almost idle, French labor law requires the company to keep all workers employed, which means many of them don't work more than a couple of hours a day while still getting full salary.


The situation enraged Mr. Taylor, who dropped the first offer he had made for the plant and told France's industry minister that he would be "stupid" to operate in a country where workers get high wages for little work.



Tense labor relations in France were exacerbated by the financial crisis, leading to a string of so-called boss-nappings. In 2009, when industrial companies started retrenching their operations, managers at the French plants of several foreign firms, including Caterpillar Inc., Sony Corp. and 3M Co., were held captive by workers angry at being laid off.

As we warned earlier, this can and will only lead to the triple-dip recession in France as industrial production continues to slump. We strongly urge Detroit's Kevyn Orr to get a bodyguard…


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

The FBI Admits its Primary Focus is NOT Law Enforcement

Recently, the FBI made a significant change to its self-proclaimed primary focus in its fact sheet from “law enforcement” to “national security.” This change merely confirms what I and countless others have claimed to be true for quite some time. That the entire regulatory, security and intelligence apparatus of these United States has been redirected away from protecting the Constitution and the rule of law, toward a narrow focus on protecting the economic and social positions of the oligarch class at all costs under the guise of a “war on terror.” We have seen many signs of cronyism at the FBI for decades now, something most accurately pointed out in the priceless image “All My Heroes Have FBI Files.”

While this change to the FBI fact sheet is just confirmation of something we already knew, it’s still mind-boggling to see it shoved right in our faces:

Screen Shot 2014-01-06 at 2.52.09 PM

TechDirt covered this story well. Here are some excerpts:

A couple years ago, it was revealed that the FBI noted in one of its “counterterrorism training manuals” that FBI agents could “bend or suspend the law and impinge upon the freedoms of others,” which seemed kind of odd for a government agency who claimed its “primary function” was “law enforcement.” You’d think that playing by the rules would be kind of important. However, as John Hudson at Foreign Policy has noted, at some point last summer, the FBI quietly changed its fact sheet, so that it no longer says that “law enforcement” is its primary function, replacing it with “national security.”

Of course, I thought we already had a “national security” agency — known as the “National Security Agency.” Of course, while this may seem like a minor change, as the article notes, it is the reality behind the scenes. The FBI massively beefed up resources focused on “counterterrorism” and… then let all sorts of other crimes slide. Including crimes much more likely to impact Americans, like financial/white collar fraud.

continue reading

from A Lightning War for Liberty

Chart Of The Day: Greek Poverty

And now, the saddest chart of the day: Greek poverty since the crisis, and in 2013, when the so-called “Grecovery” arrived.

Here is how Greek Kathimerini describes the fact that nearly half of all Greek incomes, some 44%, had an income below the poverty line in 2013 according to estimates by the Public Policy Analysis Group of the Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB).

The poverty threshold is measured as 60 percent of the price-adjusted average income in 2009, or up to 665 euros per person per month and up to 1,397 for a couple supporting two underage children. The AUEB researchers also found that last year 14 percent of Greeks earned below the adequate living standards, compared with 2 percent of the population four years ago.

The blame, of course, was placed squarely on austerity, or the fact that Greece, whose epic socio-economic problems stem primarily from its massive overleveraging leading up to 2008, did not leverage some more to “fix” itself.

The group’s report, published last week, suggested that during the crisis instead of strengthening support to the unemployed – which is one of the most efficient methods to rekindle demand – the state was forced to reduce it.

Well, not all the blame: some was reserved for where it rightfully resides: an incompetent, corrupt, crony and quite criminal political system:

… besides the austerity policies of the last few year, the inability of the state to contain the collapse of social structures is due to the lack of targeted strategies and to the inefficient use of resources, problems that dogged Greece even before the onset of the crisis.

No mention that Greece was merely a pawn in the “political capital” invested in the failed Eurozone experiment, in which the main thing at stake is the vested interest of the legacy oligarchs and, of course, the bankers.

As for the Greece: don’t cry for it – it still has the euro – that symbol of successful European integration – so all is well.


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

Remember the "Libertarian Democrats"?

The bolo tie espouses Austrian economics.Today in Slate, Dave Weigel
 former Montana Gov. Brian Schweitzer, who’s
likely to make a run for the Democratic presidential nomination in
2016. Schweitzer was beloved by the “libertarian
” crowd back in the Bush years, when the Netroots were
looking westward for new approaches to politics. Almost a decade
later, the governor is sounding the same notes: anti-war,
pro-privacy, in favor of civil liberties, and—this is where the
libertarian leanings melt away—generally interventionist on
economics. (He does score some points hitting Obama for being a
corporatist, but he doesn’t seem very interested in anti-statist
alternatives.) The Second Amendment doesn’t come up in the
conversation, but Weigel notes in his intro that Schweitzer has a
history of
favoring gun rights
. (There are some
to that.)

Read the interview and decide for yourself whether
Schweitzer meets my old criteria for “How
to Be a Half-Decent Democrat
.” He certainly sounds better than
the frontrunner for
his party’s nomination, not that that’s a high bar to clear. Sounds
better to me, that is; among Democratic voters, he’s polling

below 2 percent

from Hit & Run

Remember the “Libertarian Democrats”?

The bolo tie espouses Austrian economics.Today in Slate, Dave Weigel
 former Montana Gov. Brian Schweitzer, who’s
likely to make a run for the Democratic presidential nomination in
2016. Schweitzer was beloved by the “libertarian
” crowd back in the Bush years, when the Netroots were
looking westward for new approaches to politics. Almost a decade
later, the governor is sounding the same notes: anti-war,
pro-privacy, in favor of civil liberties, and—this is where the
libertarian leanings melt away—generally interventionist on
economics. (He does score some points hitting Obama for being a
corporatist, but he doesn’t seem very interested in anti-statist
alternatives.) The Second Amendment doesn’t come up in the
conversation, but Weigel notes in his intro that Schweitzer has a
history of
favoring gun rights
. (There are some
to that.)

Read the interview and decide for yourself whether
Schweitzer meets my old criteria for “How
to Be a Half-Decent Democrat
.” He certainly sounds better than
the frontrunner for
his party’s nomination, not that that’s a high bar to clear. Sounds
better to me, that is; among Democratic voters, he’s polling

below 2 percent

from Hit & Run

Is Inflation Understated?

Submitted by Shane Obata-Marusic,

It’s ironic that in a day and age where Keynesian economics is the “accepted view” we still don’t pay enough attention to what Keynes said about inflation.

"By a continuing process of inflation, governments can confiscate, secretly and unobserved, an important part of the wealth of their citizens. By this method they not only confiscate, but they confiscate arbitrarily; and, while the process impoverishes many, it actually enriches some… Those to whom the system brings windfalls,…become "profiteers," who are the object of the hatred… the process of wealth-getting degenerates into a gamble and a lottery… Lenin was certainly right. There is no subtler, no surer means of overturning the existing basis of society than to debauch the currency. The process engages all the hidden forces of economic law on the side of destruction, and does it in a manner which not one man in a million is able to diagnose."

Keynes On Inflation

The problem today is that some people believe inflation is lower than it actually is.

The Consumer Price Index CPI is used to measure the cost of maintaining a certain standard of living. Now it measures the cost of maintaining a certain level of satisfaction.


In reality, the purchasing power of the consumer dollar is tanking and the prices of many goods, services, and assets are increasing in price. The end result is that the consumer is suffering. By creating incredible amounts of money, the central banks of the world are debasing the currencies that they issue. In other words, the value of all of existing dollars is reduced when new dollars are supplied.

This is translating to a lower quality of life for more Americans. When one examines real median household income – which was down to $51 ,000 in 201 2 from $56,000 in the year 2000 – this becomes evident.

Before we continue, let’s make something clear. The year over year rate of increase in inflation has been in a downtrend for some time. Therefore, it’s reasonable to conclude that disinflation is a real risk.

That said, because of the presence of the central banks, it’s unlikely that deflation will become a real problem.

The CPI affects the economy because cost of living adjustments to social security, federal civilian and military retirement, and supplemental security income are tied to it. It’s also used to index income tax parameters, TIPS, and some federal contracts.

If the CPI is so important then why does it understate inflation?

That question brings us to the government’s “inflation dilemma”. The US government has 1 of 2 choices: either it can 1 ) mislead its citizens by understating inflation or 2) release accurate inflation data thereby increasing social benefit obligations. This is a lose-lose situation because, unfortunately, both choices only serve to perpetuate an already insurmountable debt problem.

So why is it important to know that inflation is understated? Because, as Keynes said in the opening quote, inflation is essentially a means by which wealth – in the form of real assets such as real estate, businesses, stocks, and bonds – is transferred from the poor and the middle class to the rich. As asset prices inflate, the rich get richer. This allows them to purchase even more assets. At the same time, the poor and middle class become worse off because they have fewer assets and more debt.

Due to the fact that the CPI understates actual inflation, low and middle income individuals are struggling to keep up with the rising costs of living. As a result, more and more people are relying on the government for support.

Inflation is only “low” because of how it’s calculated. Since the 1980s, the US government has made many changes to how the CPI is calculated. These changes have resulted in an index that no longer accurately represents how expensive it is for people to live.

The Way The Politicians Wanted It


In the early-1990’s, political Washington moved to change the nature of the CPI. The contention was that the CPI overstated inflation (it did not allow substitution of less-expensive hamburger for more-expensive steak). Both sides of the aisle and the financial media touted the benefits of a “more-accurate” CPI, one that would allow the substitution of goods and services.


The plan was to reduce the cost of living adjustments for government payments to Social Security recipients, etc. The cuts in reported inflation were an effort to reduce the federal deficit without anyone in Congress having to do the politically impossible: to vote against Social Security. The inflation-calculation changes had the further benefit to government fiscal conditions of pushing taxpayers artificially in to the higher tax brackets, thus increasing tax revenues. The changes afoot were publicized, albeit under the cover of academic theories. Few in the public paid any attention.


Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan and Michael Boskin, then chairman of the Council of Economic Advisors, were very clear as to how changing or “correcting” the CPI calculations would help to reduce the deficit. As described at the time by Robert Hershey of the New York Times, “Speaker Newt Gringrich, Republican of Georgia, suggested this week that fixing the [CPI] index, with its implications for lower spending [Social Security, etc.] and higher revenue [tax bracket adjustments], would provide maneuvering room for budget negotiators…”


John Williams'
Shadow Governement Statistics

The Boskin Commission estimates that the cumulative effects of a 1% bias (to the upside) would have added 1 trillion dollars to national debt in between 1997-2008; clearly, this was an incentive to lower the reported state of inflation.


If the CPI understates inflation then why is it so widely used and referred to? Probably because it’s accepted as “the best measure of inflation that exists”.

In terms of measurement, the CPI has 3 main problems: 1 ) hedonics, 2) substitution, and 3) understated costs.

1 ) Hedonic Adjustments are meant to account for changes in the quality of goods and services. The concept of adjusting prices for changes in quality makes sense. That said, the process is too subjective and is far from perfect.

Some examples:

New computer features were deemed quality improvements, with downside price adjustments made in the CPI for the changes, even though a consumer may not have wanted or used the features


The consumer still had to buy those features and pay full cost out-of-pocket, irrespective of what the government determined those products were generating in purported hedonic quality benefits that the consumer was not considering or using.


John Williams'
Shadow Governement Statistics

More issues related to subjectivity:

  • where does a good stop being a variety of a given product class and become a product on its own? – ex: Toyota corollas and Toyota camrys.
  • when it comes to a good or service’s characteristics, who’s judging their utility? The consumer or the producer or both?
  • how can someone accurately determine the “quality” of novel or intangible items?
  • what if the ratio of prices does not = the ratio of qualities?


  1. if an old product is discounted and a new product is introduced at an unusually high price
  2. if an item is introduced into the market at an unreasonably low price in order to induce demand and then subsequently increases in price during a return to normal market conditions
  3. when a new item is not comparable to an old item

and one final comment on inflation:

The take away point here is not that hedonics is a bad concept but that a lot of subjectivity is involved in calculating hedonic adjustments. I t’s a conflict of interest for the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) to calculate the CPI because it’s in the government’s interest to lower social benefit payments. As a result, the BLS’s inflation data are questionable.

2) Substitution may reflect changes in consumption patterns. That said, the concept of substitution invalidates the CPI as a measure of the cost to maintain a certain standard of living. Ex: if Bob eats steak every day for a year but is then forced to switch to chicken because of rising beef costs then it’s plausible to think he’s maintained the same level of utility. That said, one cannot argue that he’s maintained the same standard of living if he’s forced to substitute steak for a lesser alternative.

BLS introduced: More frequent re-weightings of the CPI index from every ten years to every two years, which moved the CPI closer to a substitution-based index, but the change was not considered a change in methodology.


BLS introduced: On-going re-weightings of sales outlets (discount/mass-merchandisers versus Main Street shops), also moving closer to a substitution-based index and creating other constant-standard-of-living issues.

3) If the BLS was actually trying to measure the cost of home ownership then their measure of housing inflation – the Owner’s Equivalent Rent (OER) – would include property taxes, maintenance costs, and insurance. The next best option would be to use the actual price of home. The OER is even less realistic as it measures “how much someone’s house would rent for monthly, unfurnished and without utilities.

“the problem with this hypothetical approach to measuring a significant portion ofCPI is obvious at best. At worst, it’s somewhat disturbing in today’s information age where actual home price data are readily-available at the mere stroke of a key. The “corrected” CPI measure clearly failed to predict an incredible amount of home price inflation which ultimately led to the biggest housing bubble in the history of the world.”

A lower OER leads to a lower CPI . This in turn leads to lower rates which lead to an even lower rate of growth in OER; it’s a negative feedback loop. What’s more is that the OER is the single largest component of the CPI"

The CPI also fails to reflect higher costs in other areas such as energy, tuition, medical care, and food and beverages. Here is a chart that demonstrates how the CPI underestimates inflation:

Lastly, it’s important to the note that the CPI doesn’t include taxes – which have grown from 5% in 1 91 3 to over 30% in 201 3. I t doesn’t make sense that the CPI doesn’t include such a significant expense. Thus, the CPI is flawed as a measure of maintaining a certain standard of living.


The following section will examine multiple alternative measures of inflation. I t is not that any or all of these measures are perfect, it’s that the actual rate of inflation is higher than the CPI says it is. As a reminder, at its current levels, the CPI indicates that inflation is running at around 1% year over year.

1 ) Shadow Stats:

According to Shadow Stats, the CPI understates inflation by around 3% and 7% for the 1990s and 1980s based shadow stats alternatives respectively.

CPI Year-to-Year Growth The CPI -U (consumer price index) is the broadest measure of consumer price inflation for goods and services published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

While the headline number usually is the seasonally-adjusted month-to-month change, the formal CPI is reported on a not seasonally-adjusted basis, with annual inflation measured in terms of year-to-year percent change in the price index.

In the charts above we show two SGS-Alternate CPI estimates: One based on the pre-1990 official methodology for computing the CPI -U, and the other based on the methodology which was employed prior to 1980.

2) Chapwood index:

In 2012, the average inflation rate for the top 30 cities – ranked by population – was approximately 11% – or more than 3x higher than what the CPI was.

3) The EPI (Every day Price Index):

As you can see in the following chart, the CPI and EPI tracked relatively closely until the early 2000s. At that point in time, the 2 measures began to diverge. Since 1 987, the EPI and CPI have increased by approximately 1 40 and 1 1 0 percent respectively. In other words, the EPI suggests that cumulative inflation from 1 987 to the present is 30% higher than the CPI would suggest.


Inflation is higher than the CPI says that it is and most people are aware of that. I f you ask your friends and family whether or not they’ve noticed a general increase in prices then they’ll say yes. As noted above, both food and beverages and energy costs have risen in price dramatically. Why is that important? Because the majority of people are exposed to one or both of those costs on a regular basis.

You can argue the magnitude of the inflation understatement but you can’t argue that the official numbers are accurate.

Under reporting inflation has led to many predictable outcomes.

Americans are accumulating debt, reducing their spending, relying on government transfers, and searching for yield because the cost of living is going up.

A repressed CPI also has many effects on the financial markets.
1) It provides justification for artificially low interest rates and QE
2) It leads to the perception that the USD is holding its value and
3) It leads to overstated real returns in stocks and especially bonds

In conclusion, inflation is the means and a wealth transfer from poor and the middle class
to the rich is the end.

Don’t be fooled by people who claim that there’s no inflation.

Although disinflation is – at present – a real risk, cumulative inflation is still drastically reducing the consumer’s purchasing power.


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

Nearly Half of Black Men and 40 Percent of White Men Arrested By Age 23, Iraq’s PM Urges Fallujah Residents To Expel Al Qaeda-Linked Fighters, Man Loses 37 Pounds Eating Only McDonald’s: P.M. Links

  • According to a study published in
    Crime & Delinquency
    , nearly half of black men and
    40 percent of white men have been arrested by the age of 23.
  • A man who pleaded guilty to slapping a crying toddler on a
    plane has been sentenced to
    eight months in federal prison
    . Prosecutors said that the man
    also used a racial slur when referring to the baby, who is
  • Iraq’s prime minister
    has urged
    residents of Fallujah to expel Al Qaeda-linked
    fighters from the city.
  • An Iowa teacher lost
    37 pounds
    after eating a McDonald’s-only diet for three
  • The Kentucky Supreme Court has blocked a
    registered sex offender
    from taking the bar exam.
  • A state appeals court has upheld San Francisco’s
    ban on single-use plastic bags

 Follow Reason and Reason 24/7 on
Twitter, and like us on Facebook.
can also get the top stories mailed to
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from Hit & Run

Ira Stoll on How De Blasio Can End The Inequality Crisis

new mayor of New York, Bill de Blasio, has proclaimed what he
called in his inaugural address “an inequality crisis,”
pronouncing, “We are called to put an end to economic and social
inequalities that threaten to unravel the city we love.” Hillary
Clinton and President Obama have made similar statements about
inequality. Ira Stoll offers them some advice on how to cure their
real inequality woes.

View this article.

from Hit & Run

Stocks Slide To Worst Start To Year Since 2005

US equities converged down to VIX's warnings from the holiday period as for the 3rd day in a row equities dropped. This is the worst start to the year for the S&P 500 since 2005. Equities improved during the European session but top-ticked at the US open, tumbling to 10-day lows by the time Europe closed. A leak higher with a vertical ramp to VWAP in the afternoon gave way to selling in the last hour. Trannies are the worst year-to-date (-2.2% from 2013 close highs). Treasuries gained further today, with yields down 6-8bps on the year. The USD lost ground during the European session then flatlined for the rest of the day (-0.25% on the day). From Friday's close, commodities are ending almost unchanged but all had a very volatile ride today (most notably in gold and silver).


VWAP once again played a key role in S&P 500 futures trading today…(and volume was well above the average of the holiday period)…


Stocks caught down to VIX…


Performance off the 2013 Close highs has been ugly (despite the Bernanke bounce)…


Commodities all seemed to regroup back around unchanged after a majorly volatile day (most notably in the PMs)


The USD's weakness today (-0.25%) all occurred betwee the US open and EU close with it flat otherwise (as POMO started)…


But stocks tracked JPY very closely once again…


Treasuries are tending to trade one way since the start of the year… (but again – it has been a US open to EU close story there also…)


Charts: Bloomberg


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden