Win a Free Copy of The United States of Paranoia

Kirby Ferguson, director of the excellent Web series Everything
is a Remix
, has launched a new serialized documentary
called This is
Not a Conspiracy Theory
. You’ll have to subscribe if you want
to watch the whole thing as it appears, but the first installment
has been posted online for all to see:

Ferguson is now doing a promotion that involves giving away
three copies of my book
The United States of Paranoia
. You can watch this video
for the details—the part about the contest starts at 2:46—but the
short version is that he’s going to be posting a Q&A soon, and
if he picks one of your questions to answer you might win. So if
you’ve got a query for Kirby, send it to
with a note that you’d like to be entered in the giveaway too;
there may be a book in it for you. And either way, check out
episode one of the series, which looks like it’s going to be very
well-done. The contest ends on March 1.

from Hit & Run

Federal Court Says ‘Good Cause’ Requirement for Conceal-Carry Permits Violates the Second Amendment

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit handed gun rights
advocates a major victory today by invalidating San Diego,
California’s requirement that conceal-carry permits only be issued
to those gun owners who have a “good cause” to carry a concealed
gun in public. According to local officials, “one’s personal safety
is not considered good cause.” In his opinion for a divided
three-judge panel of the 9th Circuit, Judge Diarmuid F. O’Scannlain
rejected the local government’s approach as an unconstitutional
infringement on the Second Amendment.

“In California,” the ruling observes, “the only way that the
typical responsible, law-abiding citizen can carry a weapon in
public for the lawful purpose of self-defense is with a
concealed-carry permit. And, in San Diego County, that option has
been taken off the table.”

As Brian Doherty
on Tuesday, the U.S. Supreme Court is currently
considering whether it will take up two other cases that also
center on the Second Amendment’s reach outside of the home. This
new ruling from the 9th Circuit makes it all the more likely that
the question of gun rights in public will soon be addressed by the
Supreme Court.

Today’s ruling by the 9th Circuit in Peruta v. County of San
is available here.

from Hit & Run

Is Russia Like Nazi Germany? No, Russia Is Like America

Is a 15-year-old figure skater
like a Nazi war criminal? For posing such a question, one Russian
journalist is under heavy fire from both politicians and the media
in his country, who consider such an analogy incredibly offensive.
While it’s a
 in American media to compare contemporary Russia to
Nazi Germany, in this case a more apt comparison would be between
Russia and the U.S., since both use the banner of political
correctness to curtail free speech.

In a meditation on the Sochi Olympics and the political dangers
of nationalistic fervor, Viktor Shenderovich compared
Russia’s revelry in Yulia
, the youngest gold medalist in the history of
Olympic ladies’ singles figure skating, to Nazi Germany’s
celebration of the “young, smiling, handsome” Hans Welke, an
Olympic shot put champion who later became a war criminal. described Shenderovich’s
statement as “unethical.” Parliamentary members from across party
lines have demanded an apology from him and the publisher for the
hurtful article. A high ranking official
Shenderovich stop sullying the nation’s language and
history. At least one member of Putin’s United Russia party member

the the journalist of being a “fascist.” Even the
Moscow Bureau for Human Rights called
Shenderovich’s comparison inaccurate and insulting.

The journalist and the publisher initially refused to
apologize, lest they lend credence to the claims that they are
unethical fascists. But, the pressure was too great and
Shenderovich caved yesterday. He isn’t going to the gulags, but he
is effectively ostracized. 

How different is this from the way the U.S. handles taboo

Take the controversy around Duck Dynasty‘s Phil
Robertson. After saying things that many Americans find offensive
and inaccurate, people called him a bigot and demanded he be
removed from TV. At the time, Reason contributor Cathy
that “while censuring unpopular speech through social
ostracism and economic boycott may not be un-libertarian, it’s
deeply illiberal and contrary to the spirit of tolerance that makes
society flourish.”

Many censorship advocates in America and other western nations
assure they only want to dissuade speech that is offensive,

harmful to children
(doesn’t that
eerily like a Russian cop-out?)
, and

Another Reason contributor, Jonathan Rauch,
previously noted that
when “indirect, bureaucratic prohibitions” on speech are codified,
they are usually “fuzzy” about what counts as a federal crime.

These days, the U.S. isn’t exactly winning gold medals for
upholding First Amendment rights. It just
dropped another 13 places
in the World Press Freedom Index.

Free speech has consequences, usually limited to the speaker.
Bullying and marginalizing people over unpopular-yet-harmless
statements has consequences, too. These consequences are not
limited to the speaker nor are the tactics exclusive to foreign

from Hit & Run

Despite "Absolute Calm" Claim, Venezuela Appears Just A Little Out Of Control

President Maduro and his ministers have stated (fully supported by Argentina):


However, between armed groups reportedly firing shots (see clip below) into the Students Assembly and the disappearance of the protest leader, the protests appear to be anything but “calm.”


Stunning collage of clips from the last two days…


and some additional images…


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

Despite “Absolute Calm” Claim, Venezuela Appears Just A Little Out Of Control

President Maduro and his ministers have stated (fully supported by Argentina):


However, between armed groups reportedly firing shots (see clip below) into the Students Assembly and the disappearance of the protest leader, the protests appear to be anything but “calm.”


Stunning collage of clips from the last two days…


and some additional images…


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

US Taxpayer "Bailed Out" BNP Paribas Probed By DoJ & Fed On Sudan, Iran, Libya Deals

TARP Recipient BNP Paribas got $4.9bn of bailouts from the U.S. Taxpayer – Today, as the WSJ reports we learn BNP Paribas has been funding transactions in Iran, Syria and other countries subject to U.S. Sanctions since 2002. The bank set aside $1.1 billion to settle investigations by the Department of Justice and the Federal Reserve but as the NY Times reports, investigations are playing out on multiple fronts – centering on whether the firm did "a significant amount" of business in "blacklisted" countires (and routed the deals through the US financial system).

Via WSJ,

“…an internal probe conducted over the past few years "a significant volume of transactions" between 2002 and 2009 that could be "considered impermissible under U.S. laws and regulations...” “involving entities that were doing business in U.S.-sanctioned countries, such as Iran, Cuba, Sudan and Libya during the 2002 to 2009 period.


BNP Paribas SA on Thursday became the latest bank to disclose the extent of its litigation problems in the U.S., saying it has set aside $1.1 billion against potential penalties related to transactions in countries under sanctions...


 In most cases, BNP provided dollar-denominated financing to companies, both French and non-French…


BNP is a major provider of export financing for the oil and mining industry…


The transactions didn't necessarily get routed through BNP units in the U.S. Yet, the U.S. is asserting jurisdiction simply by claiming that its currency was involved…”

Via NY Times,

The problem could worsen, as the American authorities might ultimately assess fines higher than $1.1 billion. The bank said that there had not yet been any discussions about the size or timing of any penalties, so the $1.1 billion provision essentially amounted to a guess.


“The actual amount,” the bank acknowledged, “could thus be different, possibly very different, from the amount of the provision.”


The bank, based in Paris, also acknowledged that it had “identified a significant volume of transactions that could be considered impermissible.” The final penalties would be linked to the number of illicit transfers.



The case is the latest sanctions investigation to buffet a major global bank (e.g. HSBC). Several major banks have been caught and penalized by United States authorities for violating international sanctions on financial transaction with countries like Cuba, Iran, Myanmar and Sudan.


We are sure no actual human beings were involved in these decisions and thus no actual human being will see any jail time.. .but when you can borrow (for practically free) almost $5bn from the US taxpayer (for their own good) to fund your shady dealings, then a $1 or $2 billion fine is simply "cost of doing business"…


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

US Taxpayer “Bailed Out” BNP Paribas Probed By DoJ & Fed On Sudan, Iran, Libya Deals

TARP Recipient BNP Paribas got $4.9bn of bailouts from the U.S. Taxpayer – Today, as the WSJ reports we learn BNP Paribas has been funding transactions in Iran, Syria and other countries subject to U.S. Sanctions since 2002. The bank set aside $1.1 billion to settle investigations by the Department of Justice and the Federal Reserve but as the NY Times reports, investigations are playing out on multiple fronts – centering on whether the firm did "a significant amount" of business in "blacklisted" countires (and routed the deals through the US financial system).

Via WSJ,

“…an internal probe conducted over the past few years "a significant volume of transactions" between 2002 and 2009 that could be "considered impermissible under U.S. laws and regulations...” “involving entities that were doing business in U.S.-sanctioned countries, such as Iran, Cuba, Sudan and Libya during the 2002 to 2009 period.


BNP Paribas SA on Thursday became the latest bank to disclose the extent of its litigation problems in the U.S., saying it has set aside $1.1 billion against potential penalties related to transactions in countries under sanctions...


 In most cases, BNP provided dollar-denominated financing to companies, both French and non-French…


BNP is a major provider of export financing for the oil and mining industry…


The transactions didn't necessarily get routed through BNP units in the U.S. Yet, the U.S. is asserting jurisdiction simply by claiming that its currency was involved…”

Via NY Times,

The problem could worsen, as the American authorities might ultimately assess fines higher than $1.1 billion. The bank said that there had not yet been any discussions about the size or timing of any penalties, so the $1.1 billion provision essentially amounted to a guess.


“The actual amount,” the bank acknowledged, “could thus be different, possibly very different, from the amount of the provision.”


The bank, based in Paris, also acknowledged that it had “identified a significant volume of transactions that could be considered impermissible.” The final penalties would be linked to the number of illicit transfers.



The case is the latest sanctions investigation to buffet a major global bank (e.g. HSBC). Several major banks have been caught and penalized by United States authorities for violating international sanctions on financial transaction with countries like Cuba, Iran, Myanmar and Sudan.


We are sure no actual human beings were involved in these decisions and thus no actual human being will see any jail time.. .but when you can borrow (for practically free) almost $5bn from the US taxpayer (for their own good) to fund your shady dealings, then a $1 or $2 billion fine is simply "cost of doing business"…


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

Sliding Bid To Cover Leaves No Bad Aftertaste On Mixed 30 Year Auction

In a deja vu of yesterday’s 10 Year auction, which saw a slide in the Bid To Cover even as the closing yield was well through the When Issued, so today’s 30 Year saw a slide in the Bid to Cover (from 2.57 to 2.27, and well below the 2.46 TTM average) even as the closing yield of 3.69% priced through the When Issued by a whopping 1 bp. However, here the comparisons ends, because while in both the 3 and 10 year auctions from earlier this week, there was a surge in the Indirects, this time around the Indirects were more or less in line, rising to 46.0% from 45.3%, if above the 39.4% TTM average, while Dealers took down 40.8%, above the 38.1% in January. Directs ended up holding 13.9%. So a mixed auction overall, as if the market expect the Fed to continue buying the long end on one hand, even as tapering means the 30 Years will be the most convex instrument should tapering indeed mean the monetization of duration ends some time in the summer.


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden




BANZAI7 NEWS–Still reeling from the aftermath of Snow Jam 2014, Atlanta Police put aside winter weather preparation this morning, shifting gears to what is now being referred to as “Snowcockalypse,” or “Dong Jam 2014.” The APD put out an all call for a criminal they are calling “The Penis Ben-dit,” whose alleged activities have put him on the top of their priority list.

Known in the Spanish-speaking areas of town as El Penis Ben-didto, the vandal trawled our white-laced city drawing what APD Major Richard Wanker described as “large, phallic images on snow-covered cars.”

One man whose car was vandalized described the images as “big ole Keynesian dicks on my car, yo!”

While there is no description of the bandit, the Atlanta Police said to be on the lookout for a specific type of person and to call 911 if you see him, or suspect you might have a lead. But the APD also warns not against approaching this individual, as they could be armed, economically delusional, or worse…attempt to draw a penis on you.

The vandal or vandals will meet the following description:

Walks outside
Likely wears some sort of mask or makeshift neck warmer (scarf) ­
Has 15 fingers
Draws dicks on cars
Looks like a dick
Chronically maladjusted Keynesian



via Zero Hedge williambanzai7

Ron Paul Launches Snowden Clemency Petition

Today, it
was reported
that former Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) launched a
calling for NSA whistle-blower Edward Snowden to be
granted clemency.

On the page on the Ron Paul Channel’s website where visitors can
sign the petition, the former congressman says,

Edward Snowden sacrificed his livelihood, citizenship, and
freedom by exposing the disturbing scope of the NSA’s worldwide
spying program. Thanks to one man’s courageous actions, Americans
know about the truly egregious ways their government is spying on

The news of Paul’s petition comes on the same day
it was reported
that the European Parliament had voted against
calling for  Snowden to be granted asylum.

The New York Times and The Guardian
urged U.S. officials to grant Snowden clemency last

According to the Ron Paul Channel, Snowden’s temporary asylum in
Russia will expire at the end of July.

Yesterday, Intelligence Squared hosted a debate on the motion
“Snowden was Justified.” Speaking for the motion were legal adviser
to Edward Snowden and ACLU attorney Ben Wizner and Pentagon Papers
whistle-blower Daniel Ellsberg. Speaking against the motion were
former CIA Director James Woolsey and former federal prosecutor and
contributing editor to National Review Andrew

Wizner said Snowden was justified “because he provided to
journalists and through them to us information that we had a right
to know and that we had a need to know. The government had not just
concealed this information, it had lied to us about it.”

Woolsey claimed that Snowden had released information to
“Hezbollah, Al Qaeda, Hamas, Pyongyang, Tehran, and so on.”
Thankfully, Ellsberg pointed out that Snowden released information
to journalists who have since reported on the documents.

Before the debate began 29 percent were for the motion, 29
percent were against the motion, and 43 percent were undecided.
After the debate, 54 percent were for the motion, 35 percent were
against the motion, and 11 percent were undecided.

Watch the debate below:


from Hit & Run