Matthew Feeney Discusses America’s Fiscal Nightmare on the Alan Nathan Show at 5:50pm ET

Earlier today I spoke with Jane Silk on the Alan Nathan
show about the state of the American economy, welfare, and American
attitudes on spending. 

Listen live here at
5:50pm ET, the segments lasts about 10 minutes.  

Read more from on welfare and government spending
here and here

from Hit & Run

Matthew Feeney Discusses America's Fiscal Nightmare on the Alan Nathan Show at 5:50pm ET

Earlier today I spoke with Jane Silk on the Alan Nathan
show about the state of the American economy, welfare, and American
attitudes on spending. 

Listen live here at
5:50pm ET, the segments lasts about 10 minutes.  

Read more from on welfare and government spending
here and here

from Hit & Run

Video: Meet the Winners of the 2013 Reason Video Awards and Watch Their Work!

Last week
, Reason TV announced the winners of its first-ever
Reason Video Awards, giving out $10,000 in prize money to makers of
“short-form video, film, and moving pictures that explore,
investigate, and enrich our appreciation of libertarian beliefs in
individual rights, limited government, and especially human

Watch the presentation of the video awards by clicking above or
click the link below for a look at all the finalists’s videos and
to learn more about the other awards given out that

View this article.

from Hit & Run

Voters in Portland, Maine Expect Police to Comply on Marijuana Legalization Ordinance, Says City Councilor

mountain won't come to youLast week, Portland, Maine was

one of several municipalities
in the country to vote
overwhelmingly in favor of ordinances purporting to decriminalize
or legalize the possession and recreational use of certain amounts
of marijuana. Police pushed back. In Portland, where the ordinance

eliminated local penalties
, police
pointed to state laws
they would continue to issue citations
under, saying they had no problem with the vote because it didn’t
change anything.

Supporters of the ordinance aren’t having it.
Via the Bangor Daily News:

In a statement Friday, Tom MacMillan, chairman of the
Portland Green Independent Committee, which campaigned for the
ordinance, said, “The vote on Tuesday was a clear indication that
Portland residents want our police force to stop punishing adult
marijuana users. The police have the discretion to do so while
still enforcing city, state and federal rules for public use, use
under 21 and possession over 2.5 ounces. Portland officials must be
accountable to the will of the people.”

“It is very encouraging that marijuana possession citations have
decreased by 26 percent over a period of a year,” City Councilor
David Marshall said in the release. “The voters expect the public
and the police to comply with the ordinance when it goes into
effect. The election results are a mandate that supports the
discretion police are using in regards to adult marijuana

Compliance: for police too.

from Hit & Run

WTF Chart Of The Day: Russell 2000 Edition

Many have likened the ETF structure of today to the CDO structure of the last bubble as the potential catalyst for accelerating moves in risk markets. If that is the case, then the collapse in the shares outstanding of the massively popular and liquid Russell 2000 ETF IWM will likley make some ask WTF?



This is the largest 2-week plunge in IWM shares outstanding since August 2010 – which marked a 13% collapse in stocks that was saved only by Bernanke’s Jackson Hole ‘hint’ that QE2 was coming…


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

Off to Edisto

She got here. The flight was right on time, and she even got to sleep for a little while. One good night’s sleep and she was feeling good, except for some pain in her shoulder from a nasty fall in Düsseldorf.
Having had a bit of experience removing sutures when I worked for a medical practice, I didn’t doubt for a moment that I could get the tiny thread her physician’s assistant left in.
“Tiny thread”? How about “microscopic”?

read more

via The Citizen

From The Geniuses Who Brought You Brosurance, Here Comes Obamacare… For Sluts?

Obamacare – it’s not just for college-age kegstanders... now available to sluts easy women across the United States…



And lest you think the brilliant minds behind Obamacare are sexist, here is how young males were portrayed a few short weeks ago – Obamacare: the unaffordable, equally offensive to everyone, with care, act.


(h/t @sarahkliff)


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

The Fed Has Pumped the System in 90+% of Months Going Back to 2008


The markets have been extremely quiet the last few days. With the exception of the hard selling that occurred on Thursday it’s been a snooze fest.

The reason for this is that no one wants to commit heavily to a position at the moment. We’re all well aware of the negatives the market is facing, namely declining earnings, a weakening economy, the decreasingly marginal effect of Fed intervention, etc.


However, no one wants to commit heavily to shorting the markets because they’re all too afraid that the Fed or “someone” will step in to prop up the markets should any significant drop occur.


This has happened repeatedly in the last year: every time the market began to crumble and take out support, “someone” stepped in a started buying. And soon stocks were back off to the races.



At this point we all know that the “someone” is the Fed. Numerous Fed officials have pointed to the rising stock market as a sign that Fed intervention has been “successful.”


Moreover, the Fed has barely left the markets alone since 2008.


If you go back to the first announcement of QE 1 in November 2008, there have only been two periods in which the Fed wasn’t engaging in direct monetary interventions its balance sheet between the end of QE 1 and the launch of QE 2 (June 2010-November 2010) and from the end of QE 2 until the launch of Operation Twist (June 2011-September 2011).


A total of 60 months have passed since the Fed announced QE 1. The Fed was not engaged in major monetary interventions in only six months out of these 60. Put another way, the Fed has been actively intervening to the tune of billions of dollars in 90% of ALL months since it began QE 1.


Even during the brief periods in which the Fed wasn’t officially engaging in a major monetary program, it still routinely expanded its balance sheet during options expiration week every month.


If you remove those weeks from the periods in which the Fed wasn’t officially engaging in a program, you’re left with a total of just 4.5 months in which the Fed wasn’t actively pumping the markets.


That’s 4.5 months out of 60, or less than 8%.


For a FREE Special Report outlining how to protect your portfolio a market collapse, swing by:


Best Regards,


Phoenix Capital Research








via Zero Hedge Phoenix Capital Research

Will Shitty Obamacare Ads Get Young People to Buy Insurance?

…or just increase the number of victims of side-splitting

As part of something called the “Thanks Obamacare
,” a bunch of folks at various grammatically challenged
Colorado-based nonprofits have rolled out an ad campaign at
Check out all the ads at the site, or just peruse these three

Here’s one titled “Brosurance”:

Question: Is there a copay for butt-chugging accidents? I’m just
asking for a friend.

Then there’s this one, which has already been dubbed Ho-surance
by the wags on the Twitter:

More tips to save the $10 a month cost for oral contraceptives
are online at
Woman’s Health

Finally, we don’t have to put away our machetes after clearing

to look at even more ads that will make you not only think
twice about Obamacare but about the decision to let Colorado enter
the union way back when. Among the gags are jokes about drinking
(beer, shots), kid sports, Ryan Gosling (natch), kayaking, and so
much more. About the only possible meme missing is a Richard Gere
gerbil motif. But you gotta save something for the second round,

None of the ads explains why you should bother signing up for
insurance before showing up at the hospital or the doctor’s office
by the way.

from Hit & Run

Landmark takes cross country title

The Landmark War Eagles came home from Carrollton Saturday afternoon with the Georgia High School Association’s Class A Private state championship in boys’ cross-country.
It was the boys’ eighth state championship in cross-country since 1995. The team has also finished as state runner-up five times.

read more

via The Citizen