I can only say: I’m sorry, America. As a former Federal Reserve official, I was responsible for executing the centerpiece program of the Fed’s first plunge into the bond-buying experiment known as quantitative easing. The central bank continues to spin QE as a tool for helping Main Street. But I’ve come to recognize the program for what it really is: the greatest backdoor Wall Street bailout of all time.

Andrew Huszar




via Zero Hedge http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/zerohedge/feed/~3/04Tm4ZTimMw/story01.htm williambanzai7

Government Enron: Add Obamacare To Your Shopping Cart? Consider Yourself Enrolled

With the numbers of ‘real’ enrollees in Obamacare looking dismal relative to government expectations, and the deadline for the first official details of the health law’s enrollment figures due later this week, the administration has decided – in an oh so US Government-esque move – to change the rules. An enrollee is now defined as people who have purchased a plan (normal health insurance plan protocol) as well as those who have a plan sitting in their online shopping cart but have not yet paid. As The Washington Post notes, the disparity in the numbers is likely to further inflame the political fight especially in light of the fact that – for context – the average e-commerce shopping cart abandonment rate is 67%.


Via The Washington Post,

The fight over how to define the new health law’s success is coming down to one question: Who counts as an Obamacare enrollee?


Health insurance plans only count subscribers as enrolled in a health plan once they’ve submited a payment. That is when the carrier sends out a member card and begins paying doctor bills.


When the Obama administration releases health law enrollment figures later this week, though, it will use a more expansive definition. It will count people who have purchased a plan as well as  those who have a plan sitting in their online shopping cart but have not yet paid.


“In the data that will be released this week, ‘enrollment’ will measure people who have filled out an application and selected a qualified health plan in the marketplace,” said an administration official, who requested anonymity to frankly describe the methodology.


The disparity in the numbers is likely to further inflame the political fight over the Affordable Care Act. Each side could choose a number to make the case that the health law is making progress or failing miserably.


read more here

So, yet again, the baffle em with bullshit propaganda machine that was once beholden only to the Chinese is now ubiquitous with political factions ‘picking’ – or manufacturing – the numbers that suit them – as opposed to ever facing up to the reality of unintended consequences and the end of the free lunch…


via Zero Hedge http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/zerohedge/feed/~3/4obsaZGcwk8/story01.htm Tyler Durden

Most Americans Favor Raising the Minimum Wage, Unless it Costs Something

Gallup finds
that three-fourths of Americans favor raising the
federal minimum wage to $9 an hour, whereas 22 percent oppose such
a proposal. This is similar to what the Reason-Rupe poll
earlier this year; however, support flips and 56 percent
oppose if it caused employers to lay off workers. All policies come
with a price and polling questions constantly phrased as
benefits-only propositions will continue to overestimate support.
Instead, questions should measure what Americans would be willing
to give up in order to raise the federal minimum wage.

This month New Jersey voters
raising their state’s minimum wage from $7.25 to $8.25
an hour by a margin of 61% to 39%. Two-thirds of the California
legislature also voted
to increase the state’s minimum wage to
$10 an hour by 2016. In light of these numbers, Gallup’s results
suggest that national popular support is even higher.

However, simply asking if Americans favor or oppose a minimum
wage increase suggest to survey respondents there are no costs
associated with such a proposal. For those who haven’t thought much
about the issue, it’s like asking if they want people to be paid
more or less—not surprisingly they say more.

Instead, a Reason-Rupe
delved deeper to understand how Americans make trade offs.
First, it found a similar number to Gallup, that roughly 7 in 10
Americans support raising the minimum wage to $9 an hour assuming
no costs. But a follow up question reveals that support plummets to
37 percent if doing so caused “some employers to lay off workers,”
and opposition raises to 56 percent.

The key is determining whether Americans actually believe
raising the minimum wage will shrink the number of jobs in the
economy. Reason-Rupe found 42 percent believe raising the minimum
wage will reduce the number of jobs and 41 percent say it will have
no impact. Thirteen percent actually thought it would increase the
number of jobs.

Looking at the data’s crosstabs, 58 percent of Americans who
believe raising the minimum wage will lead to fewer jobs in the
economy oppose the proposal. In contrast 88 percent of
Americans who believe raising the minimum wage to $9 would have no
impact on jobs favor raising the federal minimum
wage. In other words, Americans who don’t associate job costs with
raising the minimum wage find little reason to oppose the proposal;
those who expect a trade-off are less supportive.

These data suggest Americans’ support for increasing the minimum
wage is in large part contingent upon whether such a proposal would
in fact actually impact jobs in the economy.  

Moreover, rather than poll questions essentially asking
respondents if they favor or oppose their fellow Americans making
more money, questions should be designed to measure what Americans
would be willing to give up to raise minimum wage floors.

from Hit & Run http://reason.com/blog/2013/11/12/most-americans-favor-raising-the-minimum

A.M. Links: Military Suicides Down 22 Percent, Gonzaga to Review Anti-Gun Policy, Atlanta Cops Shoot Dog While Responding to Accidental 911 Call

  • liveSuicides are
    22 percent across the military this year; defense
    officials are reticent to attribute the decline to new prevention
    programs or to the drawdowns in Iraq and Afghanistan, since many
    suicides have been of military personnel who have served in neither
    theater and the causes are still poorly understood.
  • One Senate Democrat is
    signatures from other senators for a letter
    requesting an investigation of the Obamacare website roll out. Kay
    Hagan voted for Obamacare and is up for re-election in North
    Carolina, a state Obama won in 2008 but lost in 2012, next
  • She’s no Charles Curtis but Elizabeth Warren may run
    for the 2016 Democrat nomination for president.
  • Gonzaga University will
    its anti-gun policy; two students are facing probation
    and other disciplinary measures after using a legally registered
    firearm in off-campus university housing to deter a would-be home
  • Police in Atlanta
    a dog in the head while responding to a 911 call placed
  • North Korea
    a round of public executions earlier this month for
    offenses including watching American films and reading the
  • Less than a week after being cleared of graft charges,
    hardliner Avigdor Lieberman was
    foreign minister of Israel.

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Twitter, and like us on Facebook.
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from Hit & Run http://reason.com/blog/2013/11/12/am-links-military-suicides-down-22-perce

Guest Post: The Big Lie: Lunch (and Debt) Are Free

Submitted by Charles Hugh-Smith of OfTwoMinds blog,

Actions create consequences, and not necessarily the consequences that were planned or expected.

A central tenet of propaganda is that the Big Lie repeated often enough is accepted with greater ease than small lies. Thus it is no surprise that the leadership and propaganda organs of the Fed, Federal government and the Keynesian cargo Cult of fellow travelers all repeat our era's Big Lie: There is a free lunch after all.

The common-sense saying that "there's no free lunch" has been refuted, according to the Fed and our political "leadership" (if you call bought-and-paid-for toadies, lackeys and apparatchiks for the monied classes "leaders").

There are two free lunches, according to our financial and political leaders: free money, in the form of money created out of thin air by the Fed, and almost-free money borrowed into existence by the Federal government.
With the Fed's free lunch, trillions of dollars are created and distributed to banks and those who can borrow this free money for next to nothing.

In the Federal government's almost free lunch (it is almost free as a result of the Fed's financial repression of interest rates to zero, the infamous ZIRP – zero interest rate policy), the central state borrows and blows essentially limitless sums on favored cartels and constituencies: sickcare, global empire, bridges to nowhere, etc.

We are constantly reassured that the Fed can print (and distribute to its banker buddies) $1 trillion a year with nothing but positive consequences for the bottom 99.9%. On the fiscal side, the Federal government borrowing and squandering $1+ trillion a year is heralded as equally positive for everyone–especially the 49% of the populace drawing a direct cash benefit from the Federal government: Census: 49% of Americans Get Gov’t Benefits; 82M in Households on Medicaid.

Possible blowback? None, or so we're told. If anything, the Keynesian parrots squawk, we need to borrow and blow $2 trillion a year rather than a paltry $1+ trillion. (We're running out of cartels, quasi-monopolies, foreign wars, spy agencies and other ratholes to pour trillions down; yikes, what a problem for Krugman et al. Maybe the Martians can supply us with some more rapacious cartels or a planetary war.)

These two charts raise doubts about the sustainability of the Fed and government's free lunch. The first is the monetary base, which just hit $3.5 trillion.

The second one is Federal external debt, i.e. the Federal debt not including "intergovernmental holdings," what is "owed" to the fictitious Social Security Trust Funds. Total national debt is $17 trillion, debt we actually have to roll over is $12 trillion and rising by $1 trillion a year. Debt to the Penny (U.S. Treasury site).

At the start of 2008, before the global financial meltdown gathered momentum, debt owed to the public was $5.1 trillion. Now it is $12.2 trillion, an increase of $7 trillion in less than six years. According to the Big Lie, this is no problem, and entirely sustainable: here's your Free Lunch, America, enjoy!

Big Lie, meet unintended consequences. The problem with Big Lies is reality has not been disappeared; it still exists. Actions create consequences, and not necessarily the consequences that were planned or expected.


via Zero Hedge http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/zerohedge/feed/~3/n4FUS296uUM/story01.htm Tyler Durden

“Medicaid is Health Overhaul’s Early Success Story” & Other Awful Obamacare Outcomes

As President Obama’s
signature legislative accomplishment (read: debacle bigger than
stimulus, debt, TARP, kill lists, etc.
) continues to founder,
expect more misinformed stories such as this one from the AP:

Medicaid is health overhaul’s early success story

The underdog of government health care programs is emerging as
the rare early success story of President Barack Obama’s
technologically challenged health overhaul.

Often dismissed, Medicaid has signed up 444,000 people in 10
states in the six weeks since open enrollment began, according to
Avalere Health, a market analysis firm that compiled data from
those states. Twenty-five states are expanding their Medicaid
programs, but data for all of them was not available….

Read the article here

This is not good news either for recipients of Medicaid or for
taxpayers footing the bill for the program’s expansion.

It can’t be said enough that there is little evidence that
Medicaid improves health

There’s little evidence that Medicaid coverage improves the
health and longevity of beneficiaries. For instance, a major 2010
University of Virginia study found
that for patients undergoing major surgical procedures, those on
Medicaid were 93 percent more likely to die than patients with
private insurance, while the uninsured were just 74 percent more
likely to die. Such
awful outcomes
 for Medicaid patients are found in a
variety of studies looking at cancer, heart problems, and other

Evidence from the widely respected Oregon Health Insurance
Experiment, which compared the health of Medicaid recipients to a
control group, found “that
Medicaid coverage generated no significant improvements in measured
physical health outcomes in the first 2 years.” Such results are
broadly consistent with findings that insurance status has little
or no impact on longevity. In 2009, for instance, Columbia
economist Frank Lichtenburg published a study looking at longevity
in states between 1991 and 2004 and concluded that
“growth in life expectancy was uncorrelated across states with
health insurance coverage and education.”

If it’s not clear
that Medicaid helps people get and stay healthy, one thing is for
sure: The program, which is already either the single-biggest or
second-biggest annual budget item for every state in the country,
spends huge amounts of money and that will only

Medicaid has for a long time posted year-over-year spending
increases. Between 2000 and 2011 (PDF),
the average increase was 6.8 percent and total expenditures on the
program came to $432 billion in 2011 (PDF).
The Department of Health and Human Services estimates that annual
increases will average about 6.4 percent until 2021, when the
federal government and states will spend $795 billion on the

Read more here.

You got that? “The rare early success story” of Obamacare is
that a massively expensive program that doesn’t actually accomplish
its core objective has jacked up the number of people enrolled in
it. The one benefit of Medicaid is that it reduces the likelihood
of medically induced bankruptcy for some recipients.
There’s an easier and more effective way
to accomplish

So break out the champagne because Medicaid is booming? We
really can’t afford to do that now and will be even less likely in
a few years.

from Hit & Run http://reason.com/blog/2013/11/12/medicaid-is-health-overhauls-early-succe

"Medicaid is Health Overhaul's Early Success Story" & Other Awful Obamacare Outcomes

As President Obama’s
signature legislative accomplishment (read: debacle bigger than
stimulus, debt, TARP, kill lists, etc.
) continues to founder,
expect more misinformed stories such as this one from the AP:

Medicaid is health overhaul’s early success story

The underdog of government health care programs is emerging as
the rare early success story of President Barack Obama’s
technologically challenged health overhaul.

Often dismissed, Medicaid has signed up 444,000 people in 10
states in the six weeks since open enrollment began, according to
Avalere Health, a market analysis firm that compiled data from
those states. Twenty-five states are expanding their Medicaid
programs, but data for all of them was not available….

Read the article here

This is not good news either for recipients of Medicaid or for
taxpayers footing the bill for the program’s expansion.

It can’t be said enough that there is little evidence that
Medicaid improves health

There’s little evidence that Medicaid coverage improves the
health and longevity of beneficiaries. For instance, a major 2010
University of Virginia study found
that for patients undergoing major surgical procedures, those on
Medicaid were 93 percent more likely to die than patients with
private insurance, while the uninsured were just 74 percent more
likely to die. Such
awful outcomes
 for Medicaid patients are found in a
variety of studies looking at cancer, heart problems, and other

Evidence from the widely respected Oregon Health Insurance
Experiment, which compared the health of Medicaid recipients to a
control group, found “that
Medicaid coverage generated no significant improvements in measured
physical health outcomes in the first 2 years.” Such results are
broadly consistent with findings that insurance status has little
or no impact on longevity. In 2009, for instance, Columbia
economist Frank Lichtenburg published a study looking at longevity
in states between 1991 and 2004 and concluded that
“growth in life expectancy was uncorrelated across states with
health insurance coverage and education.”

If it’s not clear
that Medicaid helps people get and stay healthy, one thing is for
sure: The program, which is already either the single-biggest or
second-biggest annual budget item for every state in the country,
spends huge amounts of money and that will only

Medicaid has for a long time posted year-over-year spending
increases. Between 2000 and 2011 (PDF),
the average increase was 6.8 percent and total expenditures on the
program came to $432 billion in 2011 (PDF).
The Department of Health and Human Services estimates that annual
increases will average about 6.4 percent until 2021, when the
federal government and states will spend $795 billion on the

Read more here.

You got that? “The rare early success story” of Obamacare is
that a massively expensive program that doesn’t actually accomplish
its core objective has jacked up the number of people enrolled in
it. The one benefit of Medicaid is that it reduces the likelihood
of medically induced bankruptcy for some recipients.
There’s an easier and more effective way
to accomplish

So break out the champagne because Medicaid is booming? We
really can’t afford to do that now and will be even less likely in
a few years.

from Hit & Run http://reason.com/blog/2013/11/12/medicaid-is-health-overhauls-early-succe

China’s Third Plenum Concludes Big On Promises, Hollow On Actions

A few hours ago, the “historic” and “most important ever” (just like ever payrolls report) Chinese plenum concluded. And like everything out of China, it was big on promises and scant on details. Among the numerous assurances of reform, the plenum promised: to deepen reform of the medical system and in the education sector, to speed up free trade zone development, to clear barrier in markets, to deepen national defense and military reform, to reform the income distribution system, reiterated the main role of public ownership and said there would be reform of government-market relations. And all of this would yield results by 2020. Essentially, words so hollow one can’t help but doubt this was merely the latest smokescreen to justify the perpetuation of the status quo, investment-based economy which as the BBG Brief chart below shows, instead of becoming more consumption driven which is what China has been feverishly attempting to achieve, has instead become ever more reliant on consumption.

Perhaps the most notable (and we use the term loosely) result from the plenum, was a shift in language, when the Communist Party acknowledged the market’s “decisive” role in allocating resources, as opposed to just “basic” according to a communique issued after its key session about reform. Xinhua has more:

China will deepen its economic reform to ensure that the market will play a “decisive” role in allocating resources, according to the communique after the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, which closed here Tuesday.


The market had been often defined as a “basic” role in allocating resources since the country decided to build a socialist market economy in 1992.


While following its basic economic system and improving it, the country will work to improve the modern market system, macro-regulatory system and an open economy, the document said.


To let the market decide the allocation of resources, the primary task is to build an open and unified market with orderly competition, according to the document.  Land in cities and the countryside, which can be used for construction, will be pooled in one market, it said.


Under a modern market system, businesses should be allowed to operate independently and compete fairly while consumers should be free to choose and spend. Also, merchandise can be traded freely and equally, the document said.


In the document, the CPC pledged to clear barriers in the market and improve the efficiency and fairness in the allocation of resources. It will also create fair, open and transparent market rules and improve the market price mechanism.

So does this mean that China is now officially more capitalist than the US, whose market has devolved to having a very basic, centrally-planned, and manipulated role of preserving the wealth effect, and the illusion that the US economy is now cratering with each passing day?

Alas, no. This is merely more jawboning to give the impression that China is serious about market reform. Why? Because with the various local stock markets having not increased their depth in the past 5 years, all the excess liquidity ends up in the housing sector and makes housing inflation a huge issue for the CPC. What China would prefer is to have its stock market act like that of the US, and provide the liquidity buffer that absorbs all those trillions in annual liquidity injections by central banks. Good luck with that.

As for everything else, Reuters explains why the Plenum was nothing but another dud on China’s path to non-reform.

The party did not issue any bold reform plans for the country’s state-owned enterprises (SOEs), saying that while both state firms and the private sector were important and it would encourage private enterprise, the dominance of the “public sector” in the economy would be maintained.


While the statement was short on details, it is expected to kick off specific measures by state agencies over the coming years to reduce the role of the state in the economy.


Historically, such third plenary sessions of a newly installed Central Committee have acted as a springboard for key economic reforms, and this one will also serve as a first test of the new leadership’s commitment to reform.


Among the issues singled out for reform, the party said it would work to deepen fiscal and tax reform, establish a unified land market in cities and the countryside, set up a sustainable social security system, and give farmers more property rights – all seen as necessary for putting the world’s second-largest economy on a more sustainable footing.


President Xi Jinping and Premier Li Keqiang must unleash new growth drivers as the economy, after three decades of breakneck expansion, begins to sputter, burdened by industrial overcapacity, piles of debt and eroding competitiveness.


Out of a long list of areas that the meeting was expected to tackle, most analysts have singled out a push towards a greater role of markets in the financial sector and reforms to public finances as those most likely to get immediate attention.


As part of that, Beijing is expected to push forward with capital account convertibility, and the 2020 target date for making significant strides on reform could set off expectations that the government will be looking to achieve breakthroughs on freeing up the closely managed yuan by then.


Few China watchers had expected Xi and Li to take on powerful state monopolies, judging that the political costs of doing so were just too high. Many economists argue that other reforms will have only limited success if the big state-owned firms’ stranglehold on key markets and financing is not tackled.

Bottom line: as former Fed bond market manipulated Andrew Huszar admitted, no government will ever engage in difficult, voluntary reforms (which by definition will infuriate the population), until they have no choice but to do so. Which means only after central banks lose control of risk assets, and Mr. Chairmen around the world are no longer able “to get to work” and make the politicians’ lives easier. Until then, it is just smoke and mirrors.


via Zero Hedge http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/zerohedge/feed/~3/-NCwqa9YIkU/story01.htm Tyler Durden

China's Third Plenum Concludes Big On Promises, Hollow On Actions

A few hours ago, the “historic” and “most important ever” (just like ever payrolls report) Chinese plenum concluded. And like everything out of China, it was big on promises and scant on details. Among the numerous assurances of reform, the plenum promised: to deepen reform of the medical system and in the education sector, to speed up free trade zone development, to clear barrier in markets, to deepen national defense and military reform, to reform the income distribution system, reiterated the main role of public ownership and said there would be reform of government-market relations. And all of this would yield results by 2020. Essentially, words so hollow one can’t help but doubt this was merely the latest smokescreen to justify the perpetuation of the status quo, investment-based economy which as the BBG Brief chart below shows, instead of becoming more consumption driven which is what China has been feverishly attempting to achieve, has instead become ever more reliant on consumption.

Perhaps the most notable (and we use the term loosely) result from the plenum, was a shift in language, when the Communist Party acknowledged the market’s “decisive” role in allocating resources, as opposed to just “basic” according to a communique issued after its key session about reform. Xinhua has more:

China will deepen its economic reform to ensure that the market will play a “decisive” role in allocating resources, according to the communique after the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, which closed here Tuesday.


The market had been often defined as a “basic” role in allocating resources since the country decided to build a socialist market economy in 1992.


While following its basic economic system and improving it, the country will work to improve the modern market system, macro-regulatory system and an open economy, the document said.


To let the market decide the allocation of resources, the primary task is to build an open and unified market with orderly competition, according to the document.  Land in cities and the countryside, which can be used for construction, will be pooled in one market, it said.


Under a modern market system, businesses should be allowed to operate independently and compete fairly while consumers should be free to choose and spend. Also, merchandise can be traded freely and equally, the document said.


In the document, the CPC pledged to clear barriers in the market and improve the efficiency and fairness in the allocation of resources. It will also create fair, open and transparent market rules and improve the market price mechanism.

So does this mean that China is now officially more capitalist than the US, whose market has devolved to having a very basic, centrally-planned, and manipulated role of preserving the wealth effect, and the illusion that the US economy is now cratering with each passing day?

Alas, no. This is merely more jawboning to give the impression that China is serious about market reform. Why? Because with the various local stock markets having not increased their depth in the past 5 years, all the excess liquidity ends up in the housing sector and makes housing inflation a huge issue for the CPC. What China would prefer is to have its stock market act like that of the US, and provide the liquidity buffer that absorbs all those trillions in annual liquidity injections by central banks. Good luck with that.

As for everything else, Reuters explains why the Plenum was nothing but another dud on China’s path to non-reform.

The party did not issue any bold reform plans for the country’s state-owned enterprises (SOEs), saying that while both state firms and the private sector were important and it would encourage private enterprise, the dominance of the “public sector” in the economy would be maintained.


While the statement was short on details, it is expected to kick off specific measures by state agencies over the coming years to reduce the role of the state in the economy.


Historically, such third plenary sessions of a newly installed Central Committee have acted as a springboard for key economic reforms, and this one will also serve as a first test of the new leadership’s commitment to reform.


Among the issues singled out for reform, the party said it would work to deepen fiscal and tax reform, establish a unified land market in cities and the countryside, set up a sustainable social security system, and give farmers more property rights – all seen as necessary for putting the world’s second-largest economy on a more sustainable footing.


President Xi Jinping and Premier Li Keqiang must unleash new growth drivers as the economy, after three decades of breakneck expansion, begins to sputter, burdened by industrial overcapacity, piles of debt and eroding competitiveness.


Out of a long list of areas that the meeting was expected to tackle, most analysts have singled out a push towards a greater role of markets in the financial sector and reforms to public finances as those most likely to get immediate attention.


As part of that, Beijing is expected to push forward with capital account convertibility, and the 2020 target date for making significant strides on reform could set off expectations that the government will be looking to achieve breakthroughs on freeing up the closely managed yuan by then.


Few China watchers had expected Xi and Li to take on powerful state monopolies, judging that the political costs of doing so were just too high. Many economists argue that other reforms will have only limited success if the big state-owned firms’ stranglehold on key markets and financing is not tackled.

Bottom line: as former Fed bond market manipulated Andrew Huszar admitted, no government will ever engage in difficult, voluntary reforms (which by definition will infuriate the population), until they have no choice but to do so. Which means only after central banks lose control of risk assets, and Mr. Chairmen around the world are no longer able “to get to work” and make the politicians’ lives easier. Until then, it is just smoke and mirrors.


via Zero Hedge http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/zerohedge/feed/~3/-NCwqa9YIkU/story01.htm Tyler Durden

Cost of Living Not High Enough in EU

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The EU may have many worries and woes that are slapping it around its face right now (and it could be said for a number of years), but there is one thing that is worrying economists more than the sovereign-debt crisis and that’s the fact that prices are not increasing enough. Economists at the European Central Bank have been demanding an increase in prices and for the ECB to react. If only they would ask the people what they actually thought, it would be certain that Europeans might well answer that the rise in prices is the last thing they need.

While Europeans have trouble finding enough money to pay the bills and eking out your salary is the order of the day for most people these days (and not just in Athens), it seems just a little far-fetched to ask for a rise in prices that is quicker today. As France gets a drop in the ratings by Standard and Poor’s and falls to AA (with a stable outlook).

The result for France was an increase in 10-year borrowing costs and bond yields that increased to 2.389% at the end of last week. Standard and Poor’s stated: “We believe the French government’s reforms to taxation, as well as to product, services and labor markets, will not substantially raise France’s medium-term growth prospects”. The statement went on to say: “ongoing high unemployment is weakening support for further significant fiscal and structural policy measures. Moreover, we see France’s fiscal flexibility as constrained by successive governments’ moves to increase already-high tax levels, and what we see as the government’s inability to significantly reduce total government spending.”

EU Trouble with Deflation

EU Trouble with Deflation

Prices in France for example rose in September by just 0.9%. Admittedly, inflation is bad, but no inflation is just as bad. Why get your savings out of the bank when the prices will probably drop in the future anyhow? Borrowing money is hardly going to be on the agenda since in times of normal inflationary pressure, the repayments would decrease over time as a percentage of the income. In times of deflation the repayments remain considerably higher than they should be.

But, who in the EU believes that they have enough money to put up with another increase in prices? Perhaps if they hadn’t played about with the prices so much when they brought in the euro, they wouldn’t be in the mess they are in now. According to the ECB and Eurostat, while they admit that prices for everyday products rose considerably (without actually stating by how much), they have stated that prices rose on average only by 0.3% when the euro was introduced in 2002, which was added on to the inflation that year of 2%.

  • The annual average increase in prices was just 0.7% for the Eurozone according to economists by the end of October 2013.
  • Spain had an annual average increase in prices calculated at 0.5% in September and -1% in Greece.
  • Ireland was at 0%.

What is true is that countries with high levels of debt will have greater difficulty seeing that burden decrease over time if there is no inflation. Greece has a debt of 169.1% of GDP and Italy has a public debt of 133.3% of its GDP.

Feeling that prices increased in the EU?

How many Europeans actually felt only an average price increase of ‘0.3% above normal’? Statistics can tell any old story we like really.

The Cost of Living

The Cost of Living Index for 2013, which is updated every year in Q1, uses New York City as the relative comparison and the base figure of 100%. All countries are shown as comparisons to that base figure.

  • The Groceries Index provides a comparison of grocery prices for daily products. The US as a whole has a weighting of 80.74%, which means that the cost of groceries over the entire country are nearly 20% cheaper than in NYC.
  • The UK has a weighting of 93.06%
  • France stands at 97.75%.
  • Germany comes in at 80.74%.
  • The most expensive country in the world for groceries is Switzerland, standing at 153.05%.

Local Purchasing Power

Local Purchasing Power in the Index of the Cost of Living shows the relative purchasing power and the ability to purchase goods or services with the average wage of that country.

  • Again NYC is the base rate of 100% with all other countries being compared to that.
  • The United States has an overall country-wide local purchasing power of 136.5% this year, meaning that the US as a whole can purchase on average wages of the country 36.5% more than New Yorkers can.
  • Everything is relative however, since the average wage can be largely bought into question.
  • Figures for the UK stand at 89.07%.
  • That means that the British can buy just under 11% less than New Yorkers.
  • France is at 98.11% and therefore stands on par with those in New York.
  • Germany stands at 117.58%, meaning that Germans make their euros go further than the dollar in New York, but way under what the average for the US is able to get for their money.

Average Wages in the World

The average monthly wage was published last year by the United Nations’ International Labour Organization and it averaged out to $1, 480 per month. It was the first time that such a figure had been published by the UN (2012 for 72 countries). Firstly, the figure is largely open to criticism because it is an average and secondly because it is for 72 countries in the world and therefore cannot be representative. Surely, at least the median wage would be a better starting point if we were going to compare anything. Averages are bad simply because they don’t take into account the excessively high or low income in some countries.

  • The average wage in the US is supposedly meant to be $3, 263.
  • In the UK (which is just one place behind the US in the listing, in 5th position) stands at an average wage of $3, 065 per month.
  • France has an average monthly salary of $2, 886.
  • Germany has an average monthly wage of $2, 720.

Maybe you can compare your own salaries to those averages and either see where you are or whether you believe it or not. We can do anything we like with statistics, it has to be admitted.

The ECB decided that their answer to deflation in the EU was to decrease interest rates to record lows.  ECB benchmark interest rates were decreased last week to 0.25%, from 0.5%. The euro fell against the dollar immediately by 1% and that may help the Eurozone become a better buy in the months to come.

In the meantime however, whatever good it may do to the Eurozone, the people there are hardly going to be happy that they have to have another increase in their prices yet again.


Originally posted: Cost of Living Not High Enough in EU


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