Three Hanjin Ships Stranded Off California Coast

Earlier today we reported that in an surprising and abrupt development, one which may lead to ripple effects on global supply-chains and worldwide “just-in-time” logistics, the biggest South Korean shipping company and the world’s 7th largest container shipper, Hanjin Shipping, filed for bankruptcy leaving its assets frozen as ports from China to Spain denied access to its vessels.


It did not take long for the fallout from this historic bankruptcy – the largest ever for a container shipper in terms of capacity –  to reach the US, because as Bloomberg reported moments ago, at least three Hanjin ships are currently stranded off the California coast.


While we await details on just how this asset “freeze” will be resolved, we wonder what is the cargo on these ships, where it was meant to be delivered to, and just how much US production will be bottlenecked as a result of missing key supply-chain components. And then, we extrapolate that to the dozens of Hanjin ships around the globe.

via Tyler Durden

Half of Corporate America losing BILLIONS in Forex for no reason

Here’s the big irony for the markets.  As we explain in Splitting Pennies book, Forex is the largest market in the world and the least understood.  Corporate America certainly doesn’t understand Forex.  Well, according to this report, about 50% do:

Forty-eight percent of nonfinancial companies listed on U.S. stock exchanges remained exposed to volatility in foreign exchange rates, commodity prices and interest rates in 2012 because they did not hedge them, according to a new study by Chatham Financial.  The interest-rate and currency risk adviser studied a sample of 1,075 companies ranging from $500 million to $20 billion in revenue. The nearly half that did not use financial instruments to hedge their exposures demurred despite the threat the risks posed to both the balance sheets and reported earnings (see chart at bottom). “That was surprising, knowing the pressure senior management teams and treasury feel around identifying ways to reduce risk to factors within their control so business can focus on other areas,”Amol Dhargalkar, managing director for corporate advisory at Chatham, says.

Many analysts have pointed to the fact that the new excuse of “Currency Headwinds” (accountant code word for “Don’t Understand Forex”) to define earnings in 2016:

Companies that do business outside of the USA have substantial forex exposure. This exposure can be an asset, if properly managed – but often it is a liability. Recently, the trend in corporate accounting has been to blame “currency headwinds” which can be a good excuse for up to $10 billion in losses. Did these executives ever hear about hedging?

So what does this data mean?  It means that half of Corporate America is speculating BIG in Forex.  Not hedging, when you have FX positions, is speculating.  For example, imagine you’re a big US multinational like McDonalds (MCD).  McDonalds (MCD) is a great example because they are one of the companies that lives off their FX hedges.  Without FX hedging, it’s questionable if MCD could survive, because more than 60% of their revenue comes from non-US Dollar (USD).  That means their revenue, without FX hedging, would be nearly an exact function of the FX markets (which is the case for these companies that don’t hedge).  Companies that lose billions of dollars due to ‘currency headwinds’ – they are losing huge in Forex.  

Here’s the irony.  Pension Funds and many institutions are reluctant to invest in Forex strategies because they are ‘risky’.  But they invest in the stock of companies that lose billions in Forex!  And that’s OK.  Well, everyone is losing, so why not us too.  Heck, I don’t want to be singled out as the one state pension fund that’s actually MAKING money for our retirees, that might cause me to get promoted, or lose my job.  

Why don’t these companies hedge you ask?  Isn’t it their fiduciary duty to their shareholders?  Here’s one perspective from PWC:

When a publicly held company engaged in a multi-billion dollar investment in an overseas location
recently, the firm considered using a hedge — or swap — contract to reduce the risk that a big currency
swing would impact costs and financial results. The plan was sound financially. Yet, management had
concerns about the reaction of investors to this approach and decided to drop the hedging plan, says
Chris Rhodes, accounting advisory services partner at PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC).  Why? Because the CFO determined that,
although the hedge would protect all the cash
spent in the foreign jurisdiction against currency
exposure, the cost of capital — in this case
borrowing in external markets — “would be
negatively impacted by the inability of some
analysts to understand the reporting issues
involved,” Rhodes explains. “The concern is that,
although many analysts would immediately grasp
the sophisticated currency-hedging procedures
that were key to the plan, others might not.”

So you see, according to this perspective, CFOs understand Forex, but they understand that others such as analysts don’t understand, and think that there’s a negative perception problem, to closing a big gaping hole in their FX exposure.

One year in the 90’s, Intel Corporation made more money on their FX positions than they did selling processors.  Not all of Corporate America is completely stupid.  There are some savvy FX managers out there, that do a great job.  But for the other half, one has to wonder if FX volatility will finally drive these unhedged companies out of business.

Here’s what you see on every street corner in Russia:

At least, some humans are prepared for potential financial catastrophe, even if it’s as simple as FX volatility.

To learn more about Forex Hedging, checkout Splitting Pennies – your pocket guide designed to make you an instant Forex Genius!  Or checkout Fortress Capital Forex Hedging.

via globalintelhub

Donald Trump’s Mexico Day Trip and Immigration Policy Nightmare

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump visited Mexico today, in a trip his campaign described as a “relationship builder,” before speaking at a rally in Phoenix in the evening, where he talked about his immigration plans, largely involving the border wall, deportations, and other police state measures. The speech was reportedly written by Stephen Bannon, formerly of, and Stephen Miller, a former aide to Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) who has taken a hard-line on immigration.

In Arizona, Trump told the crowd that immigration reform meant “amnesty, open borders, lower wages” and that the “fundamental problem with the immigration system” was that “it serves the needs of wealthy donors, political activists, and powerful, powerful politicians.” At the rally, Trump painted a grim picture about immigrants overwhelming government services and contributing to higher crime rates (not true).

Trump also noted the attention paid to his immigration plans in recent weeks and said he’d make his plans clear to the crowd. “We will build a great wall along the southern border,” Trump said to great applause and chants of build the wall, “and Mexico will pay for the wall, 100 percent.” He said the wall would be “impenetrable, physical, tall, beautiful, southern border wall.”

Trump said his ten-point plan also included an end to “catch and release” (praising Dwight Eisenhower’s Operation Wetback) , “zero tolerance for criminal aliens,” two bills named after victims, hiring 5,000 new border patrol agents (the number of border patrol agents has doubled since 2004), President Obama did), establishing a deportation task force (“maybe they’ll be able to deport” Hillary Clinton, he said), ending the acceptance of refugees from Syria and the Middle East, stricter screenings, “ideological certification,” turning off “the jobs and benefits magnet,” and a litany of other severe measures that will require an expansion of government power and government spending. Trump insisted his plan would earn a “peace dividend” that could be spent on other government programs.

Earlier in the day, at a joint news conference with Mexico President Enrique Peña Nieto, Trump claimed he and Peña Nieto discussed the border wall but that “we didn’t discuss payment of the wall.” Peña Nieto tweeted afterward that he had made clear his position that Mexico would not pay for a wall across the U.S. border. The Trump campaign said the meeting was not a negotiation, which would have been “inappropriate.”

Trump and Sessions and Rudy Giuliani, former New York City mayor, met with Mexico President Enrique Peña Nieto for about an hour before the joint press conference. In Mexico City, Trump pointed to five “shared goals” that would increase “prosperity and happiness” in both countries: stopping illegal immigration to the U.S. and to Mexico, a secure border, which he called a “sovereign right and mutually beneficial,” dismantling drug cartels and “ending the movement of illegal drugs, weapons and funds across oru border,” which would require “cooperation, intelligence and intelligence sharing, and joint operations between our two countries,” improving the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), “a 22 year old agreement that must be updated to reflect the realities of today,” and keeping “manufacturing wealth” in the Western hemisphere.

Trump called the migrant routes from Central America to the U.S. a “humanitarian disaster” that had to be solved. “It must be solved, it must be solved quickly,” Trump said, “not fair to the people anywhere worldwide you could truly say, but certainly not fair to the people of Mexico or the people of the United States.” Deportations by the United States and by Mexico have gone up in recent years, with the Obama administration ordering more deportations as recently as this spring.

Trump, of course, didn’t mention ending the war on drugs, one of the surest ways to dismantle the drug cartels, as mainstream candidates in the U.S. and in Mexico by and large still do not, although he did say he would stop the flow of drugs into the country. The drug war is yet another significant exception to whatever conceit toward “non-interventionism” some of Trump’s supporters believes he has.

On NAFTA, Trump insisted that wages had been going down in the U.S. for 18 years, a popular refrain also on the anti-trade left. “Improving pay standards and working conditions will create better results for all, and all workers in particular,” Trump said of renegotiating NAFTA, “there’s a lot of value that can be created for both countries by working beautifully together, and that I am sure will happen.” Trump’s America first anti-trade stance took a hemisphere approach in Mexico, where Trump said the two countries had to “keep manufacturing wealth” in the hemisphere. “When jobs leave Mexico, the U.S. or Central America and go overseas, it increases poverty and pressure on social services as well as pressures on cross-border migration,” Trump argued. Since the passage of NAFTA, 25 million jobs were created in the U.S. and Mexico, and the economy has improved in other ways since the deal.

Peña Nieto said he had extended invitations to Trump and to Clinton. Clinton said she’d meet with the Mexican president at the “appropriate time.”

from Hit & Run

Paul Craig Roberts Asks “Can Americans Overthrow The Evil That Rules Them?”

Authored by Paul Craig Roberts,

Paul Wolfowitz and the lies that he told in the high government positions that he held are responsible for a massive number of deaths and massive destruction in seven countries. Wolfowitz has announced his vote for Hillary Clinton. Does this make you feel reassured?

The real surprise would have been Wolfowitz’s announcement in favor of Donald Trump. So why was what was expected news?

Trump has said that he doesn’t see any future in the conflict Washington has initiated with Russia, and Trump questions the point of NATO’s continuing existence. These peaceful attitudes make Trump into a “national security risk” according to Wolfowitz. What Wolfowitz means is that a peace candidate is a threat to Wolfowitz’s doctrine of US world hegemony. In the crazed mind of Wolfowitz and the neoconservatives, America is not safe unless it rules the world.

Hillary is a warmonger, perhaps the ultimate and last one if she becomes president, as the combination of her hubris and incompetence is likely to result in World War 3. On July 3, 2015, Hillary declared: “I want the Iranians to know that if I’m president, we will attack Iran. . . . we would be able to totally obliterate them.” The crazed Hillary went on from this to declare the President of Russia to be “the new Hitler.” Little doubt she thinks she can obliterate Russia also.

Hillary is the one who brought zionist neocon Victoria Nuland into the State Department to oversee the US coup in Ukraine in order to create more propaganda against Russia and force Washington’s European vassals to impose sanctions and place military bases on Russia’s borders, thus provoking a nuclear power and raising dangerous tensions.

This fits in perfectly with Wolfowitz’s intention. As Wolfowitz is Hillary’s likely Secretary of Defense, the two together mean World War 3.

When the Soviet Union collapsed, Wolfowitz, then a high Pentagon official, penned the Wolfowitz doctrine. The doctrine states that the principal goal of US foreign policy is to prevent the rise of other countries that could serve as constraints on US unilateralism. This means Russia and China,  The combination of Hillary with Wolfowitz should scare everyone in the entire world. The prospect of nuclear weapons being in such crazed hands as those of Hillary and Wolfowitz is the most alarming though imaginable.

The question is whether Hillary can be elected in the face of her violations of national security rules, for which she received a pass from corrupt Obama, and her heavily documented self-dealings that have produced a Clinton private fortune of $120 million and $1,600 million in their foundation. It is completely clear that the Clintons use public office for their private aggrandizement. Is this what Americans want? Two people who become even more rich as the world is led into nuclear war?

But with electronic voting machines, the question will not be decided by what Amerians want, but by how the electronic machines are programmed to report the vote. The US has already had elections in which the exit polls, always a reliable indicator of the winner prior to the appearance of electronic voting machines, indicated a different winner than the electronic voting machines produced. The secrecy of how the voting machines are programmed is protected by “proprietary software.” The machines have no paper trails, precluding vote recounts.

As both political establishments are fiercely opposed to Trump, how do you think the machines will be programmed? Indeed, the media is so opposed to Trump, the question is whether there will be exit polls and if there are, will they be misreported?

Republican operatives, not Republican voters, are all in a huff over their allegations that Trump is costing the Republicans votes. How can this be when Republican voters chose Trump over other candidates? Aren’t the Republican operatives saying that they, instead of the voters, should choose the Republican candidate?

If so, they are just like the Democrats. Some years ago the Democrat establishment created “super delegates” who are not chosen by voters. Enough “super delegates” were created in order to give the Party establishment the ability to over-ride the voters choice of presidential candidate. That it was the Democrats—allegedly the party of the people—who first took the choice away from the people is astonishing. Much information indicates that Bernie Sanders actually won the Democratic presidential nomination but was denied it by vote fraud and “super delegates.”

This is politics in America—totally corrupt. Chris Hedges might be right: nothing can change without revolution.

The demonization of Trump by the presstitutes is proof that Trump, despite his wealth, is regarded by the Oligarchs who comprise the One Percent as a threat to their agendas. The Oligarchs, not Trump, own or control the media. So the presstitute demonization of Trump is complete proof that he is the candidate to elect. The oligarchs who oppress us hate Trump, so the oppressed American people should support Trump.

The presstitute demonization of Trump did not work in the Republican primaries. Is it working in the presidential election? We don’t know, because the polls are reported by the presstitutes, not by Trump.

If the demonization does not work, and the election has to be stolen from Trump by the electronic machines, the consequence will be to radicalize Americans, something long overdue. Perhaps the expectation of this development is the reason all federal agencies, even the post office and Social Security, have acquired arms and ammunition, and Cheney’s firm Halliburton was paid $385,000,000 to build detention centers in the US.

Those who control us are not going to give up their control without a world war. In the United States evil has seized power from the people, and evil will not give it back.

via Tyler Durden

Amazon, Wells Fargo Unexpectedly Terminate Student Loan Partnership Announced Just One Month Ago

Just over a month ago, on July 21, we reported that Amazon and Wells Fargo had launched a partnership which they dubbed at the time a “tremendous opportunity”, to offer college students an even greater incentive to get buried under student loans when Wells Fargo announced it would offer a discount on private student loans to members of Amazon’s “Prime Student” program.

“We are focused on innovation and meeting our customers where they are—and increasingly that is in the digital space,” John Rasmussen, a Wells Fargo executive, said in a July 21 news release. “This is a tremendous opportunity to bring together two great brands.”

As we said then, “in Amazon’s latest attempt to entice shoppers into its premium Prime program, Wells Fargo will cut half a percentage point from its interest rate on student loans to Amazon customers who pay for a “Prime Student” subscription, which provides the traditional Prime benefits such as free two-day shipping and access to movies, television shows and photo storage. The subscription-based service will cost $49 a year, half the regular Amazon Prime fee.”

Meanwhile, Wells Fargo, Buffet’s favorite US bank, would benefit by expanding the size of its student loan portfolio. The third largest U.S. bank by assets and the second-largest private student lender by origination volume, is interested in “meeting our customers where they are – and increasingly that is in the digital space,” John Rasmussen, head of Wells Fargo’s Personal Lending Group, said in a news release. The bank had $12.2 billion in student loans outstanding at the end of 2015, compared with $11.9 billion at the end of 2014.

Apparently, Wells was not interested enough, because just six weeks after revealing said “tremendous opportunity”, the two companies unexpectedly ended their partnership.

As Bloomberg recaps our previous thoughts, “the deal between the giant online retailer and the nation’s third-largest bank by assets represented Amazon’s first foray into the competitive market of lending to college students. For Wells Fargo, which has aggressively tried to build up its student loan business, the partnership was meant to help the bank reach millions of potential customers who shop on Amazon and might be enticed by the bank’s half-percentage point discount on its higher-education loans.”

There was little justification for the abrupt deal failure: Catherine B. Pulley, a Wells Fargo spokeswoman, said Wednesday that the “promotion for Prime Student members has ended.” She didn’t immediately respond to messages seeking further details. Deborah Bass of Amazon e-mailed the same statement in response to questions but did not immediately respond to a message seeking additional information.

As Bloomberg adds, as of today, Amazon no longer features Wells Fargo on its student-focused website, and the bank’s Amazon-focused site now redirects visitors to Wells Fargo’s general student loan section. The two companies had been talking about the partnership for more than a year, according to a July report in the Wall Street Journal.

While there is no information at all on what causedthe abrupt end in the relationship, consumer advocates should be delighted: they quickly assailed the partnership between the two companies after it was announced in July. Pauline Abernathy, a former official in Bill Clinton’s White House who now works for the Institute for College Access & Success, described the arrangement as “the kind of misleading private loan marketing that was rampant before the financial crisis.”She said both companies buried the otherwise high costs and inflexible repayment terms that she said are standard in private student loans and that the deal was a “cynical attempt to dupe current students.”

“We congratulate Amazon for deciding to stop promoting Wells Fargo’s costly private education loans. Private loans are one of the riskiest ways to pay for college,” Abernathy said Wednesday.

Come to think of it, she is not wrong.

Undergraduate students can borrow from the feds at a 3.76% interest rate, a loan that effectively acts as an entitlement thanks to virtually no underwriting requirements. But the government caps student borrowing, leaving many to rely on private student loans to fill the gap between college costs and federal loan limits. A review of Wells Fargo’s website shows student loans that carry interest rates as high as 10.93%.

Which explains why both Amazon and Wells Fargo had so much to gain, and nothing to lose form their partnership, and which makes the sudden, unexplained collapse of this arrangement all the more  curious and surprising.

via Tyler Durden

China Admits Facing “Great Difficulties” In Meeting Economic Targets

Based on a supply-side estimate of potential growth and projections of the main components of demand; Bloomberg's Chief Economist Tom Orlik notes that China potential growth – the rate at which the economy could expand when firing on all cylinders – will slow to 7.1% in 2016 and 7.0% in 2017 from 7.3% in 2015. The government's growth target for 2016 is 6.5-7% and – based on the 13th Five Year Plan – a minimum of 6.5% from 2016-2020.



And that is why China is starting to manage expectations as the Xinhua news agency reported on Wednesday, citing the head state planner, that China will need "arduous efforts" to meet annual economic targets, with the economy expected to be under continued pressure in the second half of the year.

As Reuters reports, the comments from Xu Shaoshi, head of the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), come as China's economy shows signs of stabilizing, but concern remains as to the sustainability of growth driven by government investment and the property market.

Xu, however, said he was confident China "could meet major annual targets in economic growth, employment, commodity prices and residents' income", according to the state news agency.

"Great difficulties remain in meeting goals for investment and trade," Xinhua quoted Xu as saying.

"Currently, the foundations for stable economic development are not solid enough and downward pressure remains large, with difficulties hard to underestimate."

Despite the weakest economic growth in 25 years, government sources have said policymakers do not see the need to reduce interest rates or bank reserves amid evidence companies and banks are hoarding cash.

The focus instead has been on structural reform and fiscal measures…

"China will continue to design and implement targeted and flexible macro-control measures, and pursue a proactive fiscal policy and a prudent monetary policy," Xu said, according to Xinhua.


On the fiscal front, finance minister Lou Jiwei said China was considering higher export rebates for some mechanical and electrical products, Xinhua reported.

Xu concluded by warning of regional polarization, difficulties with farmers' incomes and stable demand growth, and potential risks in finance and employment, as challenges facing the economy… but apart from that, everything is awesome??!!

And sure enough it was proven awesome tonight when, right on cue ahead of the weekend's G-20 gathering, Bloomberg reports that China’s official factory gauge unexpectedly rose last month to the highest level in almost two years, suggesting a weakening in July was flood-related and temporary (even though Services PMI dropped and Aussie PMI crashed)…

The manufacturing purchasing managers index rose to 50.4 in August, the statistics bureau said Thursday, up from July’s 49.9 and compared to the 49.8 median estimate of economists surveyed by Bloomberg. The non-manufacturing PMI stood at 53.5 compared with 53.9 in July. Numbers above 50 indicate improving conditions.

"The number is quite surprising, but still reasonable following the policy support in some sectors," said Zhu Qibing, chief macro economy analyst at BOCI International (China) Ltd. in Beijing."The PBOC will refrain from more easing, but won’t tighten immediately."

Measures of new orders, purchases quantity and input prices paced the PMI rebound. But the gains weren’t shared equally, with large enterprises reporting improved conditions even as medium and small firms deteriorated, the data showed.

*  *  *

So – China is fine (despite currency turmoiling) because floods across southeastern regions responsible for about a fifth of China’s economic output interrupted production in the summer… so that's good news right? Except the promise of more stimulus is now less likely… especially a broad-based stimulus. Still, Chinese stocks were the best in the world in August…

via Tyler Durden

The Brazilian Economic Collapse Reaches Unprecedented Proportions

While the mainstream media was focused on today’s primetime Brazilian spectacle, namely Dilma Rouseff’s impeachment vote in the Senate, which passed as expected with a substantial majority permanently removing Rouseff from office and assuring that her replacement, Michel Temer rules until at least 2018 (unless the unpopular politician is also impeached in the meantime), what has gotten far less press is the ongoing devastation of the Brazilian economy which has failed to see even a token pick up in recent months despite the change in the ruling administration.

Here are the latest stunning updates.

According to the most recent economic data, the labor market continues to implode: the unemployment rate surged to 11.6% with the ranks of the unemployed topping 11.8 million (up from 8.6 mn a year ago) as the following chart from Goldman Sachs shows.

The national unemployment rate printed at 11.6% in the 3-month period ending in July, up from 11.3% in June and up from 8.6% a year ago, and 6.9% two years ago. In seasonally adjusted terms the unemployment rate climbed to 11.4% in July, from 11.1% in June and 8.4% a year ago.

Formal salaried employment in the private sector shrank 3.9% yoy, while employment in the informal sector grew 0.9% yoy. Self-employment grew 2.4% (a reflection of increasingly limited salaried employment opportunities). By sector of economic activity, industrial employment shrank by a large 10.6% yoy (-1.4mn jobs).

Employment declined 1.8% yoy in the 3-month period ending in July, while the economically active labor force grew 1.5%. 

Meanwhile, as the number of working Brazilians tumbles, average real wages conttinued their unprecedented decline, sliding 3.0% yoy. The labor force participation rate rose one-tenth from a year ago: to 61.5%.

Alas, there is little hope in sight: according to Goldman, the labor market is set to deteriorate further given the forecasted weak performance of the economy, particularly of the labor-intensive services sector.

It wasn’t just the labor market that continues to flounder, however. According to today’s GDP report, in the second quarter the economy continued to contract , driven, among other things by the impact of the ongoing credit crunch and severe labor market deterioration on consumption. Specifically, real GDP dropped -0.6% qoq in Q2 sa (non-annualized) once again missing the consensus print of -0.50%.  Real GDP contracted 0.6% qoq sa in 2Q2016, adding to the large contractions averaging -1.3% qoq sa during 1Q2015-1Q2016. The 1Q2016 figure was revised to -0.43% qoq sa, down from the original -0.28% qoq sa.

In yoy terms, real GDP declined -3.8% during 1Q2016, a modest improvement from the -5.4% Q1 plunge. Private consumption declined 5.0%, and public consumption retrenched 2.2%. Finally, gross fixed capital formation declined by a large 8.8% yoy. Just like in China, which historically was a major source of Brazilian upside, aggregate investment remained low and decline again: 16.8% of GDP during 2Q2016, down from 18.4% of GDP in 2Q2015 and 20.1% of GDP in 2Q2014. The national gross savings rate was even lower (15.8% of GDP), still much lower than the 19.7% of GDP reached during 1Q2013 and 18.8% of GDP in 1Q2014.

According to an analysis by Goldman’s Alberto Ramos, the contraction of real activity during 2Q was driven by private consumption on the demand side and services on the supply side. Final domestic demand contracted again (-0.5% qoq sa); sixth consecutive decline and printed in negative territory in eight of the last nine quarters. On the supply side, the large labor intensive services sector retrenched again at the margin as noted above (-0.8% qoq sa; -3.3% yoy); sixth consecutive quarterly decline averaging -0.9% qoq sa.

As Ramos concludes, “the ongoing economic recession/depression has now lasted an extraordinarily long period of time and has been unusually deep: leading to a 9.7% cumulative decline in per-capita real GDP. By 2Q2016, real GDP was at the same level of 3Q2010. Final private sector domestic demand has declined a very large 12.4% cumulatively since 2Q2014.”

* * *

Completing the abysmal picture was the latest capital flow data, according to which Brazil’s primary fiscal deficit remained stuck at -2.5% of GDP, while gross debt now approaching a record 70% of GDP.

More details: The consolidated public sector posted a R$12.8bn primary deficit in July significantly worse than the R$4.7bn deficit recorded a year ago. The central government posted a R$11.9bn deficit, and the states and municipalities a smaller R$334mn deficit. The performance of subnational governments is expected to deteriorate further in the months ahead given tightening budgetary pressures and the recent re-profiling of debt service payments to the treasury. Finally, state-owned enterprises recorded a larger than expected R$629mn deficit.

On a 12-month trailing basis, the consolidated public sector primary fiscal deficit remained broadly unchanged from June to July at a high 2.54% of GDP (vs. 2.51% of GDP in June), but rose visibly from 1.88% of GDP in December 2015. The overall public sector fiscal deficit (primary surplus minus interest payments) is running at an extraordinarily high 9.6% of GDP (slightly down from 10.4% of GDP in December due chiefly to gains in the outstanding stock of Dollar swaps driven by the recent BRL appreciation). The 12-month net interest bill is tracking at 7.0% of GDP, compared with 8.5% of GDP in December.

According to Goldman, given the 0.9% BRL depreciation against the USD in July, the stock of Dollar swaps issued by the central bank added R$1.8bn from the overall public sector net interest bill (the difference between the DI rate and the exchange rate variation plus the “cupom cambial”). The 12-month trailing implicit interest rate on total net public debt is tracking at a very high 22.3%.

Putting all this together means that gross general government debt is now tracking at 69.5% of GDP, up from 66.5% of GDP at end-2015. Net public debt has deteriorated 5.6 percentage points of GDP since December.

Goldman’s conclusion:

A deep, permanent, large structural fiscal adjustment remains front-and-center on the policy agenda to restore both domestic and external balance. In our assessment, fiscal consolidation in Brazil will be a multi-year endeavor. Most likely, returning to primary fiscal surpluses will take no less than 2-3 years, and returning to a primary surplus level that stabilizes the debt dynamics (around 2.5% of GDP) likely 4-5 years, or perhaps longer. At the end of the fiscal consolidation process we estimate that Brazil needs to end up with a primary surplus of 3.0% to 3.5% of GDP. This would be the level of primary surplus that would put gross public debt on a clear declining trajectory, something that is required for Brazil to rebuild fiscal buffers and regain room to use fiscal policy counter-cyclically, whenever needed and appropriate. Furthermore, we believe a deep fiscal adjustment that would elevate public sector savings is needed to facilitate a permanent structural current account adjustment (rather than just a cyclical adjustment driven by the sharp contraction of domestic demand), and also to endow the central bank with extra degrees of freedom to set monetary policy at a less restrictive level.

What is most fascinating, however, is that despite the all too clear economic depression raging in Brazil, which gets progressively worse by the month, the stock market continues to rise pricing in a Phoenix-like recovery, which even Goldman now admits will take “4-5 years, or perhaps longer.” Why this unprecedented surge in asset prices? Simple: a mountain of central bank-created liquidity which finds its way into any market that offers even a modium of incremental yield, such as Brazil’s. Alas, for those asking when the record divergence shown below closes, and the Bovespa will be painfully reacquainted with gravity, we have no answer.

via Tyler Durden

The Central Banks Are Now Ready To Launch Their ‘Brave New World’

Submitted by Brandon Smith via,

The latest Federal Reserve meeting in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, is over and so far it would seem that the general investment world is not too happy about Janet Yellen’s statements as well as those of other Fed officials.  In fact, many people are looking for some simple clarity as to what the central bank is actually planning.

Most importantly, investors want to know why the Fed is suddenly so adamant about continued interest rate hikes in 2016.  Only a couple months ago, almost everyone (including alternative economic analysts) was arguing that the Fed would “never dare” to raise rates again so soon, and that there was no chance of a rate hike so close to the presidential elections.

Instead, investors have been greeted with surging rate-hike odds as Fed officials openly hint of another boost, probably in September.

As I have been saying for years, if you think the Fed’s motivation is to protect or prolong the U.S. economy, then you will never understand why they do the things that they do.  Only when people are willing to accept the reality that the Fed’s job is to undermine the U.S. economy can they grasp central bank behavior.

Here is the issue that scares mainstream markets — many day traders are greedy, but not necessarily dumb.  They KNOW full well that the only pillar holding up stocks at record highs has been central bank intervention.  A vital part of this intervention has been the use of near-zero interest rates.  That is to say, cheap and free overnight loans through the Fed have allowed banks and other corporations to remain “solvent,” and these loans have been the fuel companies have used for corporate buybacks of stocks.

Corporate buybacks have been a primary driver in the bull market rally that supposedly saved the world from the ongoing deflationary destruction of capital.  In 2015, buybacks reached historic levels and garnered one of the largest equities reversals in history.   While these buybacks do little or nothing to heal the economy on Main Street, they certainly do wonders for equities portfolios.  By buying up their own shares, corporations boost the value of remaining shares through a brand of legal trickery.  And, in the process, these corporations also boost the overall perceived value of global stock markets.

As Edward Swanson, author of a study from Texas A&M, noted on stock buybacks used to offset poor fundamentals:

“We can’t say for sure what would have happened without the repurchase, but it really looks like the stock would have kept going down because of the decline in fundamentals… these repurchases seem to hold up the stock price.”

Yes, to us he seems to be stating the obvious, but for the average American, a green stock market means a recovering economy.  There is no deeper question of why the markets are rallying, and this lack of understanding is dangerous for our country.

Even marginal hikes in borrowing costs will kill the party and, while people not involved in finance and stocks are oblivious, day traders know exactly what is going on.  This is the reason for the underlying panic felt by the investment world at any hint of a rate hike by the Fed.

As we saw with the limited audit of TARP, the Fed was pumping tens of trillions in overnight loans into distressed banks and companies, even foreign companies overseas.  I suggest that if a FULL audit of the Fed were ever conducted, we would find tens of trillions more in overnight loans since 2008.

Imagine for a moment if those loans never stopped.  Imagine that such loans have been an ongoing mainstay of our financial system and stock markets in general.  Now, ask yourself, what would happen if the companies reliant on these free loans suddenly had to pay interest on them?

Think about it; what would the interest cost be on a mere .5% to 1% of $16 trillion in overnight loans through TARP?  What would the cumulative cost be on all the loans banks and companies need to survive every quarter?   In the end, corporations would either drown in billions of dollars in exponential debt or they would have to stop accessing loans from the Fed.  Once the loans stop, the stock buybacks stop.  Once the buybacks stop, stock markets crumble.

Without free cash from the Fed, the bubble in stock markets will finally and thoroughly implode, crashing down to meet all other fundamentals.

Why would the central bank pull the plug on life support to stock markets?  There are multiple reasons, but a top reason is that this is the Federal Reserve’s modus operandi.  They consistently seem to raise rates into recessionary conditions that they also tend to create.  In essence, the Fed likes to acclimate and addict markets to low interest percentages, and then increase those percentages to agitate and elicit a chaotic reaction.

In my article Brexit Aftermath – Here’s What Will Happen Next, I stated:

“Really, the only safe measure the Fed can take from now on is to do nothing.  I highly doubt that they will do nothing.  In fact, even in the face of the Brexit I still believe the Fed will raise rates a second time before the end of the year.  Why?  This is what the Fed has always done as recession takes hold.  Historically, the Fed raises rates at the worst possible times.  As with the Brexit, I am going to have to take the contrary position to most analysts on this.”

What analysts out there need to understand, whether they are independent or mainstream, is that a great shift in central bank policy and attitude is coming. Christine Lagarde at the IMF calls it the “economic reset,” some Fed officials, like Atlanta Fed President Dennis Lockhart, state that central banks are entering a “brave new world.” These are highly loaded phrases that represent a drastic overhaul of the global financial system; an overhaul that is quite deliberate and inevitably destructive for certain nations and economies, including the U.S.

If we examine the policy pursuits and recently stated goals of central banks around the world, and those statements made after the Brexit referendum, we find that a process of complete global centralization is underway. This includes a push for all central banks to “coordinate policy” under a single directive.

Alternative analysts already know that all central banks are ALREADY covertly coordinated by the Bank for International Settlements.  So, when central bankers call for policy coordination in the mainstream press, what they really mean is, they want the existing coordination that is covert to become publicly accepted and celebrated.  They want that which is illegal to become legal.  That which is morally reprehensible to become morally relative.

Central bankers also want their position of authority over the global economy to become a public priority.  Ten years ago, when I asked average people what they knew about the Federal Reserve, most of them responded with confusion.  They had never heard of the institution, let alone what its function was.  Today, almost everyone knows about the Fed, but there is also an assumption attached that central banks, whether they are successful or not, are supposed to maintain economic stability.  Keep in mind that global stocks barely vibrate today until a central bank somewhere publishes a policy statement.  This is not how investment is supposed to function.  The jawboning of central banks should be mostly meaningless.

The brave new world of central banking is a plan to expand on this corrupt correlation.  That is to say, the general public and the mainstream should be questioning whether central banks should exist at all.  Instead, people are arguing over what policies are better for central banks to adapt.  The existence of central banks is considered an absolute.  The masses are only given the option to debate what faces and what hats central banks should wear.  If we get anything out of this deal, we only get to choose the form of our destructor.

I should point out also the growing trend in the mainstream media of criticism against the Fed.  This is a relatively new thing.  For the past several years the more effectively critical the alternative media became against the Fed, the louder MSM talking heads would cheerlead for the establishment.  With central bankers becoming more open about their global shift into something "different", a new program of stabbing at the Fed has been initiated.  This is not a coincidence.

As I have argued in various articles, the Fed itself may be just as sacrificial to the elites as the U.S. economy.  In the process of global centralization, the Fed would eventually have to take a back seat to the IMF, World Bank and the BIS.  It is not surprising to me in the slightest that the bought-and-paid-for mainstream media is changing gears and attacking the institution they once desperately defended.  Priorities are evolving.

I believe that with the advent of a second rate hike in 2016, many conditions will change.  The Dow and some emerging markets will no longer enjoy unmitigated support, and they will begin to fall going into the elections.  As I have mentioned many times in past articles, Donald Trump is the most likely candidate to take up residence in the White House.  Conservatives will be lulled into a temporary euphoria, happy just to have defeated she-demon Hillary Clinton, only to discover that an overall global implosion has entered a new stage.  This implosion will of course be blamed on those same conservative movements.

In the meantime, central banks around the world are going to start openly coordinating while the IMF will take up a “leadership role” in managing international policy.  Central banks will also be branching out and taking on new powers.  As suggested at Jackson Hole, many central bankers are arguing for “new tools” to fight future fiscal downturns, and no, this does not mean negative interest rates.  Instead, watch for central banks to change the definition of inflation on a whim, or adjust the relative value of currencies through agreements with other countries instead of allowing free markets to determine values, and watch for complete overhauls in how economic instability is calculated.

What we are heading for is a world in which many nations will suffer from reductions in living standards and where some first world nations will be reduced to third world conditions.  In order to normalize increased global poverty, you have to stop calling it poverty and start calling it a “brave new world.”  You have to convince the populace that the economic degradation is not a problem that can be solved — rather, it is a problem we must all adapt to and accept.

Be very wary when elites and international financiers mention “global reset,” or a “brave new world,” or a “new world order.”  What they are talking about is not a program that is in your best interest.  What they are talking about is the deliberate creation of chaos; a slow burning calamity that can be exploited to derive the benefits of even more centralization and even more power.

They will call it random.  They will call it coincidence or fate or even blame it all on their ideological opponents.  In the end, they will eventually call it a natural progression of events; a social and financial evolution.  They will call it inevitable.  None of this will be true.  There is nothing natural about a totalitarian framework — it is a machine that is carefully crafted piece by piece, maintained by the hands of a select few tyrants and fed with the labor, sacrifice and fear of the innocent.

The only solution is to expunge the parasites from our fiscal body.  These institutions and the people behind them should not exist.  Most if not all of our sociopolitical distress today could be cured if a “brave new world” meant wiping the slate clean and dispelling financial elites and central bankers into a bottomless pit.

via Tyler Durden

First Relevant Poll in Nearly a Month Is Very Bad News for Gary Johnson’s Debate Prospects

Since the Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD) on Aug. 15 announced the five polls that it would be averaging from in mid-September to determine whether Libertarian Party nominee Gary Johnson had passed the steep 15 percent threshold for inclusion in this fall’s debates, the Johnson campaign and other observers have been waiting on tenterhooks for new polling results. And waiting, and waiting….

In a striking coincidence, none of the five polls, until tonight, had issued a peep for the past three weeks, despite two of them (NBC News/Wall Street Journal and ABC News/Washington Post) previously averaging results every three weeks, and two others (CNN/ORC and CBS News) polling voters three times each in the admittedly convention-heavy month of July alone. Well, the fifth poll, Fox News, finally dropped tonight, and the results are terrible for Gary Johnson’s debate prospects: 41 percent for Hillary Clinton, 39 percent for Donald Trump, 9 for Johnson, and 4 for Green Party nominee Jill Stein. If the debate commission were making its calculations today, Johnson would be at 9.2 percent, nowhere remotely close to inclusion.

The news for Johnson is, if anything, worse than that.

Up until now, Fox News hadn’t included Stein in the polls, and Gary Johnson had averaged exactly 11 percent. In the absence of any broadly observed Libertarian decline in national surveys, that suggests a possible two-point Stein Effect, one that is also observable in the research from the firm Morning Consult: In four Stein-less polls conducted in July, Morning Consult recorded a Johnson average of 11 percent; in four polls since he’s been at 8.5 (with the Green candidate at 4). Since one other firm of the Big Five, CBS News, has also not polled Stein previously, and since that survey has averaged just north of percent for Johnson in four polls since June, it’s not hard to imagine the Libertarian rolling another 9-spot if and when Stein is included.

So will CBS start asking about Stein? “We don’t discuss timing or makeup of polls prior to their release,” said Director of Communications Caitlin Conant in an email. The word “timing” here key—there are only 16 days until mid-September, so if these polls are conducted at August’s slow rate, the next results may well be Johnson’s last. (None of the other polls responded to my requests about when they will ask or publish.) And the optics of starting off at 10 percent—the five-poll average three weeks ago—and then going down to 9 percent, even if explained mostly by the inclusion of Stein, do not tell a helpful story about momentum.

A campaign that has invested nearly all its energy to either get in those polls or it’s “game over” will, in the absence of drastically better news coming from one of the other four polls, soon need to refocus the effort from making that 15 percent to agitating in the court of public opinion that the standard itself is self-dealing and bogus, and needs to be changed or otherwise somehow worked around. In any case, time is clearly running out.

from Hit & Run

Donald Trump Explains His Immigration Policy – Live Feed

Following what even the mainstream media sheepishly admitted was a relatively successful trip across the border to meet with Pena Nieto this afternoon, Donald Trump is about to unveil his all-new – perhaps slightly softer on the rhetoric side – immigration policy (in an attempt to put to rest weeks of uncertainty).

So far the media's reaction can be summarized thus…


But the earlier press conference with Mexico's Pena Nieto went relatively well… (they did not scream, punch, kick, or yell at each other)

Although Pena Nieto did tweet this afterwards…

Translated: "At the beginning of the conversation with Donald Trump, I made it clear that Mexico would not pay for the wall."

*  *  *

So, as The Hill details, here are the five most important things to watch for in tonight's speech

What’s his tone?

Like other major Trump speeches, the style and rhetoric could be as important as the content. A different Trump has taken to the stump since the elevation of pollster Kellyanne Conway to campaign manager and the hiring of Breitbart News executive Steve Bannon — one that’s featured an almost constant diet of scripted remarks. As the campaign hashes out the content of the speech, the rhetorical decisions Trump and his aides make will show whether he’s prioritizing a push toward the center geared at attracting Hispanics and moderate voters or one aimed at reassuring and rallying his base. But the wildcard remains whether Trump will stick to the language approved by his campaign or if he’ll break in a way that could backfire later.


What about deportations?

The biggest question dogging Trump is whether he will still stand by his call for a “deportation force” to remove the 11 million undocumented immigrants.  That hard line helped him steamroll his GOP primary foes, but it is less helpful with a more moderate general election audience. So with polls sagging, Trump and his campaign have issued contradictory signals over whether he'd be willing to moderate, leading to even more confusion. The Trump campaign has recently focused on his call to immediately deport “criminal illegal immigrants.” But that doesn’t settle what happens to those who haven’t committed other crimes besides violating immigration laws.  One option could be a pathway to legal residency, perhaps with an immigration touch back, where those immigrants could leave the country briefly before returning to pay fines and ultimately remain in the country. Some conservative immigration activists see hope in that tactic thanks to Trump’s pronouncement from the start that he wants the “good” undocumented immigrants to come back into the country. 

Or he could stand by his primary rhetoric and call for the immediate removal of all 11 million undocumented immigrants.  There’s also the option of punting on that question too. Republicans have long argued that the immigration debate must be handled in two phases — securing the border before even dealing with those in America illegally. So Trump could fall back on that strategy to take the pressure off having to propose his own solution.


Any movement on the wall?

Trump’s “big, beautiful” wall has become the campaign’s central image, with supporters regularly breaking out into chants of “build that wall” at his rallies. But even that has come into question along with the rumors of a shift, with Rudy Giuliani describing Trump’s wall as a “technological, as well as a physical, wall.” It’s not the first time a Trump ally has cast doubt on his plans for a tangible barrier along the southern border. Former Texas Gov. Rick Perry did so in July, as did New York Rep. Chris Collins in May. But the recent speculation as Trump considers a shift in his deportation stance has prompted surrogates to reiterate their boss’s plan for a physical wall and try to pour cold water on any assertions otherwise.


Will he make direct overtures to Hispanics?

It’s no secret that Trump is falling behind with Hispanic voters at the polls — in national polls released this week, Trump trails with Hispanics by as few as 19 percentage points and as many as 49 percentage points. The new Trump management appears more focused on closing that gap, as most speeches include some call to Hispanic voters. He could make a direct appeal Wednesday by either softening his rhetoric or providing for policy concessions like a touchback. Few believe that Trump can completely flip the script with the Hispanic electorate, but he’s polled significantly better with those either born in the U.S. or who primarily speak English. A July Pew poll found Trump down 70 points with Spanish-dominant Hispanics but by just 7 points with English-dominant Hispanics. It’s a similar pattern in a Gallup poll from this week that shows Trump still trailing but performing markedly better with U.S.-born Hispanics. Trump allies contend that his tough enforcement on the border may resonate with those who have recently gone through the legal immigration process. So if he hems close to the hard line, they are hopeful that those Hispanics will stay on board.


Can he keep his base engaged?

Any step toward the center threatens to dissuade Trump’s base, including many who have been drawn to Trump by his stance on his signature issue.  Assuming Trump moderates either his policies or his language, he’ll have to keep a careful eye on his right flank. If his base views a shift as an abandonment of that key promise, it could prompt his most ardent supporters to stay home. That could be a high-stakes gamble unlikely to pay off for a candidate already behind at the polls, as few people believe that enough Hispanics will ever flock to Trump to make angering his base worth it. Trump could use policy or rhetoric to hug his base tight even if he moderates elsewhere — either with a new red meat proposal or a frame meant to direct their anger toward Democrat Hillary Clinton and hopefully keep their passion for Trump burning. It’s this dynamic that makes Wednesday’s speech such a difficult one for Trump, who sits in between two contradictory goals — keeping his base happy and expanding his tent wide enough to win in November.

Live Feed from Arizona – Trump delivers immigration speech…


via Tyler Durden