Are We Doomed By Millennials Inheriting Cash? J.D. Tuccille Debates ‘the largest inter-generational wealth transfer in history’ on HuffPost Live

ConvertibleThe latest pundit to warn that
millennials will doom us all is Robert Reich, who
writes at the Huffington Post
that “we’re on the cusp
of the largest inter-generational wealth transfer in history” with
those darned kids as the unworthy beneficiaries. He cautions that
“the super rich have invested in businesses, real estate, art, and
other assets,” and that this is a bad thing that needs to be
stopped lest it keep happening. Being Robert Reich, he wants to tax
the hell out of it.

debated the point
on HuffPost Live with Richard Eskow of the
Campaign for America’s Future, and the Huffington Post’s own
. I made the point that
income mobility is still strong
, and that the folks at the top
in one decade aren’t necessarily those there 20 years later, which
makes for an awfully short-lived “permanent aristocracy.” And
there’s nothing wrong with leaving your money to the kids, since
it’s not stolen from a pot that would otherwise be shared with
everybody else.

I also suggested that we clear away regulatory hurdles to
entrepreneurship and avoid discouraging investment, so that
everybody has a chance to piss off Robert Reich.

from Hit & Run

Oil Jumps As Stocks Dump-And-Pump But Close Lower

Equity prices tumbled early on – giving up all Friday's gains – before rampaging phoenix-like (thanks to an AUDJPY driven short squeeze) back to 'unch' after rumors of ceasefire discussions in Israel rolled around trading desks. Oil – it appears – was looking at the death-toll (and the fact that Hamas can only accept a deal that denies Israel's existence) and soared back towards $105 (its 2nd biggest day in over a month) notably divergent from stocks. The Russell 2000 was the laggard all day (ramped the most of the lows on the squeeze) and Trannies the leader. Since the MH17 headlines hit, the Nasdaq is the only index green, Treasury yields are -4bps, and oil up almost $4. The USD ended the day unch, 30Y Yield -2.5bps, gold, silver, and copper up modestly, and VIX up 0.5 vols at 12.7. Stocks closed on the weak side.


Friday's gains gone then regained… V-shaped recoveries everywhere… lower highs though…


Shorts triple squeezed today… but ended weak…


On the day, the morning dump was met by the AUDJPY pump…. to fill the gap… The Russell 2000 is -1.4% YTD and has crossed its 200DMA every day in the last 3 days…


Since MH17 Headlines, most indices are still red except Nasdaq of course.. why not buy the most growth-sensitive stocks at a time when geopolitical angst look sset to slow global growth (ask Germany)..


AUDJPY was in charge all day…


As an FYI – we note the selling in US equity futures started as Europe opened…


Bonds sold off (yields rose) as Obama spoke and did not unleash more sanctions hell and rumors of cease-fire discussions helped..


Credit markets remain less exuberant at what great news world war 3 is…


It appears Oil prices are continuing to reflect notably concerns about geopolitical tensions… but stocks not (not oil inverted to show 'negative' implications)


And bonds appear to reflect safe haven concerns (or growth concerns) a little more than stocks…


Since MH17 headlines hit, gold and silver are up…


Charts: Bloomberg

via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

Ron Paul: What The Press Isn’t Reporting About The MH17 Disaster

Authored by Ron Paul via The Ron Paul Institute,

Just days after the tragic crash of a Malaysian Airlines flight over eastern Ukraine, Western politicians and media joined together to gain the maximum propaganda value from the disaster. It had to be Russia; it had to be Putin, they said. President Obama held a press conference to claim – even before an investigation – that it was pro-Russian rebels in the region who were responsible. His ambassador to the UN, Samantha Power, did the same at the UN Security Council – just one day after the crash!
While western media outlets rush to repeat government propaganda on the event, there are a few things they will not report.

They will not report that the crisis in Ukraine started late last year, when EU and US-supported protesters plotted the overthrow of the elected Ukrainian president, Viktor Yanukovych. Without US-sponsored “regime change,” it is unlikely that hundreds would have been killed in the unrest that followed. Nor would the Malaysian Airlines crash have happened. 


The media has reported that the plane must have been shot down by Russian forces or Russian-backed separatists, because the missile that reportedly brought down the plane was Russian made. But they will not report that the Ukrainian government also uses the exact same Russian-made weapons.


They will not report that the post-coup government in Kiev has, according to OSCE monitors, killed 250 people in the breakaway Lugansk region since June, including 20 killed as government forces bombed the city center the day after the plane crash! Most of these are civilians and together they roughly equal the number killed in the plane crash. By contrast, Russia has killed no one in Ukraine, and the separatists have struck largely military, not civilian, targets.


They will not report that the US has strongly backed the Ukrainian government in these attacks on civilians, which a State Department spokeswoman called “measured and moderate.”


They will not report that neither Russia nor the separatists in eastern Ukraine have anything to gain but everything to lose by shooting down a passenger liner full of civilians.


They will not report that the Ukrainian government has much to gain by pinning the attack on Russia, and that the Ukrainian prime minister has already expressed his pleasure that Russia is being blamed for the attack.


They will not report that the missile that apparently shot down the plane was from a sophisticated surface-to-air missile system that requires a good deal of training that the separatists do not have.


They will not report that the separatists in eastern Ukraine have inflicted considerable losses on the Ukrainian government in the week before the plane was downed.


They will not report how similar this is to last summer’s US claim that the Assad government in Syria had used poison gas against civilians in Ghouta. Assad was also gaining the upper hand in his struggle with US-backed rebels and the US claimed that the attack came from Syrian government positions. Then, US claims led us to the brink of another war in the Middle East. At the last minute public opposition forced Obama to back down – and we have learned since then that US claims about the gas attack were false.

Of course it is entirely possible that the Obama administration and the US media has it right this time, and Russia or the separatists in eastern Ukraine either purposely or inadvertently shot down this aircraft. The real point is, it’s very difficult to get accurate information so everybody engages in propaganda. At this point it would be unwise to say the Russians did it, the Ukrainian government did it, or the rebels did it. Is it so hard to simply demand a real investigation?

via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

The New Scariest Chart In America

For the last few years, the ‘scariest’ chart for Europeans has been the unending surge in youth unemployment. However, amid all the sound and fury of mainstream US media discussions of the ‘recovery’ in America and the President’s employment track record, Constantin Gurdgiev notes another ‘scariest chart of the US recovery’ that remains in full ‘crisis mode’


The Duration of Unemployment In The US…


h/t True Economics blog

via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

Pro-Russian Rebels Returning Bodies By Train, Detroit Won’t Shut Off Water Yet, Tony Dungy Wouldn’t Have Drafted Michael Sam: P.M. Links

  • Michael SamThe pro-Russian separatists believed to be
    responsible for the crash of a Malaysian Airlines flight last week
    have agreed to
    hand over
    the bodies of the deceased and allow investigators to
    scrutinize the wreck site.
  • Detroit officials
    delayed plans
    to shut off water for thousands of citizens who
    have not paid their bills. People will have 15 more days to pay
    before the city cuts off their water.
  • Tony Dungy, an NBC sports analyst and the first black NFL coach
    to win the Super Bowl, told the Tampa Bay Tribune
    that he
    wouldn’t have drafted
    Michael Sam, the first openly gay
    national football player. “Things will happen,” he said.
  • Azamat Tazhayakov became the first person to be convicted of
    crimes related to the 2013 Boston Marathon bombings. Tazhayakov, a
    friend of bombings suspects Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev,
    attempted to dispose of evidence that
    could incriminate
    the brothers.
  • President Obama
    signed an executive order
    instituting new and vigorous
    workplace protections for LGBT employees.

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from Hit & Run

Ira Stoll on Andrew Cuomo’s Corporate Welfare

Which high-tech material will be the silicon of
the future: silicon carbide, gallium nitride, or some other
substance yet to be discovered?

No one knows for sure. But Governor Andrew Cuomo just bet $135
million of New York taxpayer dollars on backing GE’s silicon
carbide manufacturing efforts and IBM’s gallium nitride efforts.
Ira Stoll explains why Cuomo’s foray into corporate welfare and
crony capitalism is bad news for the Empire State.

View this article.

from Hit & Run

County Sheriff Ditches “Cool” Orange Jump Suit for Retro Black and White Stripes

not coolThe sheriff of Saginaw County, Michigan, is
ditching orange jumpsuits for prisoners at the county jail in favor
of black and white stripes because, he says, he’s trying to adapt
to the culture. reports

“It’s because as you see shows on television, like ‘Orange Is
The New Black,’ some people think it’s cool to look like an inmate
of the Saginaw County Jail with wearing all-orange jumpsuits out at
the mall or in public,” [William] Federspiel says, referring to the
Netflix drama. “It’s a concern because we do have our inmates out
sometimes doing work in the public, and I don’t want anyone to
confuse them or have them walk away.

“We decided that the black-and-white stripes would be the best
way to go because it signifies ‘jail inmate,’ and I don’t see
people out there wanting to wear black-and-white stripes.”

Federspiel insists he sees a trend, at least in Saginaw

“I don’t want them to not be easy to spot,” he says. “That’s
scary. With the amount of people — it’s not all across the country,
but it’s here in Saginaw. I see a lot of people wearing all orange,
and they think it’s cool. And some people even put ‘Property of the
Saginaw County Jail’ on the back of it. I’ve seen that. It’s like,
‘What are you doing? Really?'”

The new jumpsuits cost less than $12 and are being phased in
according to the sheriff.

In recent years pink jumpsuits have become popular among some
jailers. Maricopa County, Arizona, Sheriff Joe Arpaio died
prisoners’ underwear because he said they were being smuggled out
of the jail for their logos while a jail in South Carolina faced a
thrown out
, over using pink jumpsuits for prisoners who engaged
in sexual misconduct. A sheriff in Mason County, Texas, claimed in
that he reduced
the number of inmates at his local jail by 68
percent by putting them in all pink gear.

Semi-related: This WikiHow on
dealing with prison time includes both orange and black and white

from Hit & Run

U.K. May Get Raw Milk in Vending Machines

The U.K.’s Food Standards
Agency (FSA) said consumers in England, Wales and Northern Ireland
should be
given “wider access” to raw milk
and proposed allowing its sale
in vending machines. Currently raw milk can only be bought directly
from farmers, as is common in American states
where raw milk sales
are permitted. 

A briefing paper about the proposed change suggests that vending
machines would be the best way to make raw milk more
widely available, since they make it easy to tightly control
temperature. The FSA is still not recommending that raw milk sales
be permitted in supermarkets.

The FSA will vote on the proposals Wednesday; if approved, the
new rules will go into effect immediately. The changes to the rules
wouldn’t apply in Scotland, where all raw milk sales are

The agency had launched a four-month consultation on the raw
milk regulations in January, which found consumers were largely in
support of widening raw milk’s availability. “In light of
consultation responses,”
the FSA began working on a change
to its raw milk policy, it
says. Is it sad that I’m amazed to find the UK’s food policy body
so responsive to what the people it governs actually think and

from Hit & Run

Russia Touts South Stream Pipeline As Europe’s Gas Lifeline

Submitted by Andy Tully via,

Russia is mounting a major publicity campaign in Europe for its proposed South Stream gas pipeline in an apparent effort to reassure its EU customers that they can rely on Russian gas for the indefinite future.

The reason for Moscow’s public relations efforts is the continuing unrest in Ukraine. EU countries now get about 30 percent of their gas from Russia, half of it piped through Ukraine. Twice, in 2006 and 2009, that flow has been interrupted. Gas flows to Europe through Ukraine are intact today, but that status may change depending on whether relations between Russia and Ukraine improve or decline.

Meanwhile, Russia is working on an alternative that it says will satisfy everyone, except perhaps Ukraine: the South Stream pipeline, which would bypass Ukraine, instead crossing the Black Sea into Central and Southern Europe.

On July 17, a major Italian newspaper, La Repubblica, published a full-page article based on information from Russia Beyond The Headlines (RBTH), an agency of the Russian government. The article bore the headline, “South Stream On Its Way to Going Ahead.”

The article is part of a broader Russian public relations effort elsewhere in Europe promoting South Stream as a source of 63 billion cubic meters of gas to EU customers per year, meeting 15 percent of Europe’s current needs.

The article in La Repubblica said many countries have agreed to provide transit rights for the pipeline. Nevertheless, the European Commission has suspended approval of the project and urged member countries to freeze work on the pipeline until Russia and Ukraine resolve their differences.

Still, several countries in Central and Southern Europe, including Germany, Italy and Bulgaria, support South Stream as a necessary alternative to the Ukraine pipeline. And here’s where the competition arises. Greece, which not long ago faced possible expulsion from the EU, is positioning itself as part of yet another alternate route.

That’s the Southern Corridor, which would combine the Trans-Anatolian Pipeline (TANAP) and the Trans-Adriatic Pipeline (TAP).

Gas would move gas from Azerbaijan, on the Caspian Sea, through Georgia and Turkey – the TANAP – then across northern Greece and end in southern Italy – the TAP. Azeri exports would start at 16 billion cubic meters of gas per year. The project would rely in large part on Greece, which would provide the longest land route for the TAP leg of the conduit.

Athens says this alternative not only would reduce Europe’s need for Russian gas, it would tap newly discovered gas sources off the coast of the Greek island of Crete. Several international oil companies, including BP, Chevron, ExxonMobil and Shell, met recently in London and expressed interest in forging alliances with Greek energy companies.

The initial investment in Cretan oil is estimated to range from between $3.4 billion and $8.1 billion – a significant amount for a country that is just now emerging from four years of economic crisis.

via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

The Ambitious Plan to Break California into 6 States – A Model for the Future?

Screen Shot 2014-07-21 at 1.17.06 PMThe more I’ve thought about potential solutions to the gigantic mess we have found ourselves in as a species, the more I have come to believe we need to break apart into a a vast multitude of city-states. The revolutionary concept of America in the first place was this idea of “self-governance,” something we do not posses an iota of in this day and age. As was noted recently in an academic paper published by Princeton and Northwestern, these United States have mutated into nothing short of an oligarchy. In fact, the study demonstrated that the will of the people has essentially zero impact on legislation whatsoever.

continue reading

from Liberty Blitzkrieg