Video of the Day – “End the Fed” Rallies are Exploding Throughout Germany

Screen Shot 2014-06-19 at 3.14.21 PMThis is a fascinating development and one that I had no idea was happening until today. It seems that rallies are spreading throughout Germany protesting the corrupt and dying global status quo. One of the key targets of these groups is the U.S. Federal Reserve system, which as I and many others have maintained, is the core cancer infecting the entire planet.

As I tweeted earlier today:

According to the organizer of these rallies, they have now spread to up to 100 cities and have a combined attendee base of around 20,000. What is also interesting, is that the mainstream media in Germany is calling them Nazis. In Germany, if you don’t support Central Banking, this apparently means you are a Nazi. What a joke. Just more proof mainstream media everywhere is complete and total propaganda. It is also a good sign, since it shows the desperate lengths to which the power structure will go to keep their criminal ponzi alive.

Do these folks seem like Nazis to you?

In Liberty,
Michael Krieger

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Video of the Day – “End the Fed” Rallies are Exploding Throughout Germany originally appeared on Liberty Blitzkrieg on June 19, 2014.

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from Liberty Blitzkrieg

Bull vs Bear vs Right vs Wrong: And Does It Really Matter

Submitted by Mark St.Cyr,

Currently there is a great debate within the financial media on the who’s right – who’s wrong, as both sides stare at a financial market that seems to go ever higher with every morning bell.

In actuality, it’s both, and neither. While I am being somewhat cheeky, I do believe I’m not that far off the mark. However, the consequences of this dilemma is where the broader argument is getting lost on far too many.

Currently the macro economy is being expressed via circumstances resulting from a myopic view of participation. i.e., The financial markets.

If one were to step back and look at the true macro view, one can clearly see they do not support the reasoning’s lauded by so many why stock indices are once again setting all time never before seen in the history of humanity highs.

The issue at hand is many of us are forgetting what drives “economic theory” It’s just that: theory.

We can look at clues within the construct of what one would expect to take place within a given set of parameters based on hard data to support some form of conclusion. e.g., When fewer people have jobs, they have less money to spend, hence the economy will suffer or slow causing a ripple effects within the financial markets where companies sales and profits will be reduced resulting in lower stock prices and valuations.

All simple stuff. Been true as long as the markets have existed. Until now.

All of those fundamental based principles have been annexed to what one solitary person will do – then say. That person was Ben Bernanke. Now it’s been codified via the markets recent reactions to Janet Yellen.

Ms. Yellen equals more of the same: Back up the truck because everything’s on sale when you’re buying it with “free money.” And that my friends is one fact that will lay waste to centuries of market fundamentals let alone theories.

What is a Bull or Bear today? Before the financial collapse of 2008 it was pretty clear. In basic parlance Bulls stampeded their way to ever higher valuations at times turning a blind eye to basic fundamentals (i.e., valuations – shmaluations: let’s run!) as to push higher, to then find themselves running straight into the waiting claws of Bears willing and eager to remind them that fundamentals do matter. i.e., Bring on the bbq!

That scenario has basically been sidestepped. Today, with all the liquidity still sloshing around within the markets, Bulls have had a never before seen ability to negate the inevitable running off a cliff: They can now build ramps and overpasses on the fly. Paid for of course via the QE credit card. (Gives a whole new meaning to what’s in one’s wallet wouldn’t you say?)

Right vs wrong has also been thrown on its proverbial head. With the advent of such monetary manipulation it’s very hard to think rationally about what one believes should take place when fundamental principles are no longer even contemplated – let alone have relevance.

Two names come to mind that clarify why I believe the “right vs wrong” argument is also morphing into something I find rather dangerous, and for the casual observer possibly even more so. James Grant, and Mark Faber.

James Grant founder of Grant’s Interest Rate Observer® has been arguing monetary policies and its effects for decades. There isn’t a more cogent and articulate person professing what implications many of the policies taking place may have on the economy as a whole. Yet, one can make the argument he’s been wrong. However, is he?

Personally I have great respect for his work, views, and insights. I believe the timing of many of the arguments is what has been adulterated by the Federal Reserves actions. Not the eventual outcome. Although, yet again, no one knows, for the fundamentals have been wiped aside.

We could very well find ourselves living through some version of a groundhog day reenactment such as when Nixon took us off the gold standard.

Again, centuries if not millennia of fundamental sound money policies were laid bare. Everything we thought we knew or understood was turned on its head. Arguments based on fundamentals that had more in line with 1+1=2 let alone the 1+1= (whatever you like) we have today never materialized. Again I must ask: Who was right and who was wrong? Answer – we just don’t know. Yet.

We may (for many of us) never know within our lifetimes. It is a very disconcerting premise for anyone thinking about how or where one is to build or expand a business. The implications of making the wrong decision can be devastating to far more than the original risk taker. Although many can’t see past the headline (or teleprompter) of “another new record high!” So of course they all believe: “You should build it, for they will come! Just look at these markets!” I wish it worked that way – but it doesn’t.

As noted above the other person that came to my mind was Marc Faber, editor and publisher of the Gloom Boom & Doom Report™. In what is once again increasingly apparent is the sheer contempt by many of the financial television media as to portray or paint into a box anyone not doe eyed by the siren call of “Don’t fight the Fed!”

As far as they’re concerned, if you suggest anything other than buying equities, you just don’t get it. You’re some type of curmudgeon who just doesn’t understand or “believe” what they do. i.e., “The Fed’s got your back!”

In great form Mr. Faber takes issue with the ever-increasing spin as to shun fundamentally based thinking. You can argue against it if you wish, that’s always fair game. But when the so-called “smart crowd” display publicly their dismissive attitude with underlying tones of mockery: arguing right or wrong seems futile within this environment. Let alone trying to prove it.

Now (in my view) the only way to look at these markets is with an eye towards safety. And the term “safety” is going to mean many things to an even greater amount of people.

In May of 2010 when all this “new reality” took hold in earnest with then Chair Ben Bernanke’s (to some infamous) Jackson Hole speech where he basically signaled a QE4eva styled approach to monetary policies and intervention, the markets never looked back.

The real issue that brought about more reasons for concern than many will admit is both current business owners as well as future entrepreneurs began receiving more than mixed signals. Not only were some mixed but far more were indecipherable.

Indecipherable for all intents and purposes might as well mean “sit on your hands” in the business world. It’s hard to make moves in business when you don’t know or can’t tell what your cost of anything will be. Let alone if your potential customers will have the money to buy it.

Reasoning argued by many paraded across the media point to only one thing as proof why “one shouldn’t be worried” They keep pointing to the ever-increasing higher market print. I sometimes wonder if they look at the debt clock with the same doe eyed reverence, but I digress.

Owning gold as some form of insurance policy is looked upon as foolish. Arguments made that if one was to have 10, 20, 30%, or more in precious metal as compared to today’s stocks: well you’re missing out on all the gains that money could have made. So obviously, you must not be that well-informed and more.

Yet, would one of them do the same in earnest cancelling their own insurance policies of any and all types and “get in the game” with those proceeds? Hardly. They would just brush you off as “nuts” or “just crazy talk.”

However, based on today’s funimentals that’s exactly what one should do. After all, who needs insurance when ObamaCare’s got your back?

The argument is not that far removed or differing in my view. Yet, again, who is to say who’ll be right or wrong in the end in this scenario also.

We think we know, we believe we can see, but so far, arguments parallel the same results as the markets: Some are right, some are wrong.

Those who make brilliant arguments for, or against, have at times been shown correct. Those who have absolutely no understanding and make idiotic assumptions so far they too – have not been disproved. Such is this “new normal” many of us find ourselves within. Again, we’ll just have to take a seat while we wait and see. Only time is going to solve this debate.

Just to show how everything you thought you knew has changed in just these past five years, here’s something I also find a little ironic.

While all this great debating of “equal rights, equal pay” et al is going on. The media are all a buzz and focused on another woman who professes there’s some “glass ceiling,” while at the same time is debating whether or not to run for president.

All the while simultaneously, a rather innocuous looking, seemingly mild-mannered woman is more or less single handily controlling the finances of the world with the ability to lay waste another nations wealth. Or, can bring forth gardens of Eden seemingly upon command just by saying, “for a considerable period of time.”

This is real power, and quite possibly the “true” new leader of the free world.

And I don’t think she even has a book out.

via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

Obama Declares Plans for Iraq, Supreme Court Limits Idea-Based Patents, Ron Paul to Appear in Atlas Shrugged: P.M. Links

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from Hit & Run

The Most Stunning Chart From Oracle's Earnings Report

Moments ago Oracle reported that it missed on both the top line ($11.33 billion vs Exp. $11.48 billion), and the bottom line (EPS $0.92 billion, Exp. $0.95). The company didn’t blame snow, but it may as well have blamed Snowden, and yet despite the 6% tumble in the stock price, the miss in operating results was not the most surprising aspect of the company’s Q4 earnings release.

What was? The following chart breaking down Oracle’s quarterly spending on stock buybacks versus capital expenditures. It speaks for itself, and also explains very succinctly why despite all the propaganda, the stock market surge is completely fake, driven by nothing more than the Fed and companies buying back their own stock, as is the so-called “economic recovery.”

Indeed, despite ORCL buying back $2 billion of its stock in Q4, $10 billion in Fiscal 2014, and nearly $21 billion in the past two years, a massive surge compared to the company’s pre-Lehman buyback pattern, the company still missed.

Of course, our readers already knew this: it was a month ago when we presented the “Mystery, And Completely Indiscriminate, Buyer Of Stocks In The First Quarter.” Today, with a 1 month delay, the FT figured it out too.

via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

The Most Stunning Chart From Oracle’s Earnings Report

Moments ago Oracle reported that it missed on both the top line ($11.33 billion vs Exp. $11.48 billion), and the bottom line (EPS $0.92 billion, Exp. $0.95). The company didn’t blame snow, but it may as well have blamed Snowden, and yet despite the 6% tumble in the stock price, the miss in operating results was not the most surprising aspect of the company’s Q4 earnings release.

What was? The following chart breaking down Oracle’s quarterly spending on stock buybacks versus capital expenditures. It speaks for itself, and also explains very succinctly why despite all the propaganda, the stock market surge is completely fake, driven by nothing more than the Fed and companies buying back their own stock, as is the so-called “economic recovery.”

Indeed, despite ORCL buying back $2 billion of its stock in Q4, $10 billion in Fiscal 2014, and nearly $21 billion in the past two years, a massive surge compared to the company’s pre-Lehman buyback pattern, the company still missed.

Of course, our readers already knew this: it was a month ago when we presented the “Mystery, And Completely Indiscriminate, Buyer Of Stocks In The First Quarter.” Today, with a 1 month delay, the FT figured it out too.

via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

S&P Closes At New Record High As Gold Spikes Most In 9 Months

US equity markets were unable to maintain any of the kneejerk, VIX-smashing jerk higher post-FOMC momentum from yesterday and closed unch to slightly red (after some US open exuberance ran all-time-high stops once again). Equities did catch some bid late on as rumors of AAPL iWatch spread. VIX hung very stable at around 10.6 providing some support for stocks. Away from stocks flatness, Treasuries had a violent day. Early strength following Yellen yesterday began to fade as US equity markets opened and yields pushed higher, then when the 30Y TIPS auction tailed, longer-dated bonds slammed higher in yield. There was a mild pullback rally into the close but 10Y ended +4.5bps (30Y +7bps, 3Y unch). The big news of the day – given how flat USD was – is the huge spike higher in gold (+3%) and silver (+4.4%) – the biggest jump in 9 months. Gold and Silver are back at 3-month highs (breaking back above $1300 and $20 respectively). Once again JPY carry entirely decoupled from stocks but a late-day modest melt-up dragged all the major indices (except Nasdaq) just into green for the day) but leaves the S&P lagging gold and silver year-to-date again. S&P 500 closes at another all-time high.


Stocks held yesterday's gains but did not build on them… the v-shaped recovery appears to been predicated around the tail in the TIPS auction…(and after Gold flushed through the 1300 stops)


As VIX went nowehere…


Credit was reluctanat to chase stocks higher…



Bonds cracked higher in yield…


But precious metals exploded higher…


As it seems a combination of Yellen's uber inflationist chatter but more likely the unwinds of CCFDs from the Qingdao probe…


Interesting that stocks sdtarted to recover bounce on no catalyst as soon as gold broke above $1300


This move pushed Silver and gold back above the S&P 500 YTD…



Charts: Bloomberg

Bonus Chart: AAPL "Surprise" an iWatch rumor… (priced in?)


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

S&P Closes At New Record High As Gold Spikes Most In 9 Months

US equity markets were unable to maintain any of the kneejerk, VIX-smashing jerk higher post-FOMC momentum from yesterday and closed unch to slightly red (after some US open exuberance ran all-time-high stops once again). Equities did catch some bid late on as rumors of AAPL iWatch spread. VIX hung very stable at around 10.6 providing some support for stocks. Away from stocks flatness, Treasuries had a violent day. Early strength following Yellen yesterday began to fade as US equity markets opened and yields pushed higher, then when the 30Y TIPS auction tailed, longer-dated bonds slammed higher in yield. There was a mild pullback rally into the close but 10Y ended +4.5bps (30Y +7bps, 3Y unch). The big news of the day – given how flat USD was – is the huge spike higher in gold (+3%) and silver (+4.4%) – the biggest jump in 9 months. Gold and Silver are back at 3-month highs (breaking back above $1300 and $20 respectively). Once again JPY carry entirely decoupled from stocks but a late-day modest melt-up dragged all the major indices (except Nasdaq) just into green for the day) but leaves the S&P lagging gold and silver year-to-date again. S&P 500 closes at another all-time high.


Stocks held yesterday's gains but did not build on them… the v-shaped recovery appears to been predicated around the tail in the TIPS auction…(and after Gold flushed through the 1300 stops)


As VIX went nowehere…


Credit was reluctanat to chase stocks higher…



Bonds cracked higher in yield…


But precious metals exploded higher…


As it seems a combination of Yellen's uber inflationist chatter but more likely the unwinds of CCFDs from the Qingdao probe…


Interesting that stocks sdtarted to recover bounce on no catalyst as soon as gold broke above $1300


This move pushed Silver and gold back above the S&P 500 YTD…



Charts: Bloomberg

Bonus Chart: AAPL "Surprise" an iWatch rumor… (priced in?)


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

The Politics of Punk: Nirvana's Krist Novoselic on Dems, Reps, and the Glorious Future of Rock and Roll

“America is just…really…stuck,” says Krist Novoselic, the
bassist for Nirvana, chairman of FairVote, and active member of the
19th-century fraternal organization the Grange.

Novoselic sat down for a wide-ranging discussion with Nick
Gillespie to explain why he dumped the Dems, gave money to Ron
Paul, eats corporate vegetables, and still really dislikes Ronald
Reagan. The recent inductee into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
also talks about Kurt Cobain the person (as opposed to the icon),
intellectual property laws, and how he gets along with Celine Dion

Watch by clicking above. For full links, downloadable versions,
and more resources, click below.

View this article.

from Hit & Run

The Politics of Punk: Nirvana’s Krist Novoselic on Dems, Reps, and the Glorious Future of Rock and Roll

“America is just…really…stuck,” says Krist Novoselic, the
bassist for Nirvana, chairman of FairVote, and active member of the
19th-century fraternal organization the Grange.

Novoselic sat down for a wide-ranging discussion with Nick
Gillespie to explain why he dumped the Dems, gave money to Ron
Paul, eats corporate vegetables, and still really dislikes Ronald
Reagan. The recent inductee into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
also talks about Kurt Cobain the person (as opposed to the icon),
intellectual property laws, and how he gets along with Celine Dion

Watch by clicking above. For full links, downloadable versions,
and more resources, click below.

View this article.

from Hit & Run

Forget Baghdad Bob, Meet "Saad Maan" – Iraq's Military Spokesman

Saddam Hussein had Muhammad Saeed al-Shaaf, nicknamed “Baghdad Bob” or “Chemical Ali”, to explain just how great things were in Iraq (as bombs were raining down around him). With the US ‘demanding’ the removal of Maliki, we present the Iraq’s new military spokesperson, whose name we are sure will raise a few eyebrows – Saad Maan.

Meet Brigadier General Saad Maan – Iraq’s interior minister spokesman.


Blast from the past…

via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden