Should We End The Fed?

With the market ebullient at the prospect of more “miracles” from Yellen, we thought it worth dusting off the following brief clip discussing what it would mean to “end the Fed.” In order to answer this question, we examine countries throughout history that did not have an established central bank. So who performs the functions of a central bank in these countries? Professor White cites private institutions, including clearing house systems, banks, and financial companies, as the main actors in the monetary systems of countries without a central bank. Ultimately, he concludes that the Federal Reserve is not necessary. Evidence shows that nations can survive without a central bank. What the Federal Reserve does well can be done even better by private institutions, and the institution is capable of serious errors.



via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

6 Things To Ponder This Weekend

Submitted by Lance Roberts of STA Wealth Management,



via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

EPA Recommends Reducing Ethanol Demands

Expect lots of roadside corn stands to pop up suddenly.Earlier this week Ron
Bailey made note of the excellent investigation by the Associated
Press about the amount of environmental harm caused by the federal
government’s insistence on pushing forward with mandated
ethanol in gasoline

Today, the Environmental Protection Agency announced it wants to

scale back
the mandate that determines how much ethanol fuel
producers will be required to add to gasoline. Back to the
Associated Press:

The Obama administration on Friday proposed to reduce the amount
of ethanol in the nation’s fuel supply for the first time,
acknowledging that the biofuel law championed by both parties in
2007 is not working as well as expected.

While the proposal highlights the government’s struggle to ramp
up production of homegrown biofuels that are cleaner-burning than
gasoline, it is unlikely to mean much for consumers at the

The change would reduce by almost 3 billion gallons the amounts
of ethanol and other biofuels blended into gasoline in 2014 than
the law requires.

Ethanol representatives are threatening to sue, of course. The
cynic in me theorizes some backdoor federal subsidy will reimburse
them of any losses should corn prices drop due to oversupply.

Read the whole story

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from Hit & Run

Cognitive Dissonance: Sell-Side Stock Analyst "Expectations" Edition

How many more quarters of this Einsteinian insanity will it take for investors to realize the sell-side analysts’ “forecasts” are worse than useless…?


The last six quarters have on average seen analyst forecasts for growth slide from 4% of hope-driven exuberance to a dead flatline reality… quarter-after-quarter…


(h/t @Not_Jim_Cramer)


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

Cognitive Dissonance: Sell-Side Stock Analyst “Expectations” Edition

How many more quarters of this Einsteinian insanity will it take for investors to realize the sell-side analysts’ “forecasts” are worse than useless…?


The last six quarters have on average seen analyst forecasts for growth slide from 4% of hope-driven exuberance to a dead flatline reality… quarter-after-quarter…


(h/t @Not_Jim_Cramer)


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

No Inflation To See Here…

Submitted by Simon Black of Sovereign Man blog,

One of the biggest lies in finance is this perpetual deception that inflation is good.

Ben Bernanke, the current high priest of US monetary policy, recently remarked that it’s “important to prevent US inflation from falling too low.”

Well of course, we wouldn’t want that, would we? Just imagine the chaos and devastation that would ensue if the cost of living actually remained… you know… the same.

One shudders at the mere thought of price stability.

Of course I jest. Fact is, inflation benefits those who are in debt up to their eyeballs at the expense of people who have been financially responsible.

Yet economists have somehow managed to convince people that inflation is just and necessary.  We all know inflation exists. But we’ve been programmed to shrug it off as if it’s a natural part of the system.

The even greater deceit is how they report the figures.

Governments all over the world lie about inflation; they do this because inflation has such a huge impact in monetary policy.

The playbook they all use is very simple– as long as inflation is ‘low’, then central bankers can print money. So they have a big incentive to underreport it.

Quoting a report from the US Department of Labor, for example, a recent headline from Reuters stated “U.S. consumer prices rise, but underlying inflation benign”.

I’m not entirely sure how inflation can be ‘benign’ while consumer prices are simultaneously rising.

Yet this is the modern day doublethink coming from the Ministry of Truth that we are all expected to unquestioningly believe.

Inflation does exist. I’ve seen it all over the world as I travel. In India right now, the reported inflation figure just hit 10% at a time when the economy is sagging.

In Bangladesh, workers are now rioting over rising cost of living, which far exceeds the proposed wage hikes that are on the table.

In the Land of the Free, the average price of a movie ticket is $8.38 earlier this year, another record high. Walnut farmers in California are now reaping record high prices on their crop.

And of course, McDonald’s is now killing their once popular dollar menu as they can no longer afford to sell anything at that price.

There are examples everywhere. And this also goes for asset price inflation.

We can see many stock and bond markets near their all-time highs. But then there are other asset classes… like farmland in Illinois, which is now selling for $13,600 per acre.

With an average yield of 160 bushels per acre, the net financial return after paying variable costs is less than 2%. It just doesn’t make any sense.

And in the art world, a Francis Bacon triptych just sold for a record $142 million at Christie’s in New York.

Everywhere you look, there’s overwhelming evidence of bubbles and price hikes. It’s simple. There’s too much money in the system.

Not only is this destructive, it’s the height of deceit to tell people that there’s no inflation.


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

Albania Rejects US Request, Won't Host Destruction of Syria's Chemical Weapons

Albania has rejected an
American request to host the dismantling of the Assad regime’s
chemical weapons.

From the

Albania will not allow the destruction of Syrian chemical
weapons on its soil, the country’s prime minister says.

Edi Rama was responding to two days of protests in Tirana and
other cities.

The Balkan nation recently destroyed its own chemical stockpile,
and the US had requested that it host the dismantling of Syria’s

Under the deal brokered by Russia to remove Syria’s chemical
weapons, it was agreed that they should be destroyed outside the
country if possible.

Following protests in Tirana Prime Minister Edi Rama
said that
, “It is impossible for Albania to get involved in
this operation,” adding, “We lack the necessary capacities to get
involved in this operation.”

Today was the deadline for plan between the Organization for the
Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) and the Syrian government on
the destruction of the Assad regime’s chemical weapons. A source
from the OPCW told
that U.S. has alternative countries where the stockpile
could be destroyed in mind. If the next country asked rejects the
American request to host the destruction of Syria’s chemical
weapons it will be the third to do so (Norway has already
rejected a request
to host the destruction of the weapons).

Read more from on Syria here

from Hit & Run

Albania Rejects US Request, Won’t Host Destruction of Syria’s Chemical Weapons

Albania has rejected an
American request to host the dismantling of the Assad regime’s
chemical weapons.

From the

Albania will not allow the destruction of Syrian chemical
weapons on its soil, the country’s prime minister says.

Edi Rama was responding to two days of protests in Tirana and
other cities.

The Balkan nation recently destroyed its own chemical stockpile,
and the US had requested that it host the dismantling of Syria’s

Under the deal brokered by Russia to remove Syria’s chemical
weapons, it was agreed that they should be destroyed outside the
country if possible.

Following protests in Tirana Prime Minister Edi Rama
said that
, “It is impossible for Albania to get involved in
this operation,” adding, “We lack the necessary capacities to get
involved in this operation.”

Today was the deadline for plan between the Organization for the
Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) and the Syrian government on
the destruction of the Assad regime’s chemical weapons. A source
from the OPCW told
that U.S. has alternative countries where the stockpile
could be destroyed in mind. If the next country asked rejects the
American request to host the destruction of Syria’s chemical
weapons it will be the third to do so (Norway has already
rejected a request
to host the destruction of the weapons).

Read more from on Syria here

from Hit & Run

Christopher Ward VanOrden, 48

Christopher Ward VanOrden, 48, died suddenly Monday, November 11, 2013.  He was preceded in death by his parents, Peter and Jane VanOrden.

The youngest of five children, Chris is survived by his sisters, Amy (David) Tratt, Cathy and Linda VanOrden; brother, KC (Desiree) VanOrden; as well as former wife, Lori VanOrden and her daughter and her grandchildren.

read more

via The Citizen