Trump and Sanders Take New Hampshire, Social Justice Activist Kills Himself Outside Ohio Statehouse, FBI Can’t Unlock San Bernardino Shooters’ Phones: A.M. Links

  • Donald Trump and Sen. Bernie Sanders were the big winners in New Hampshire last night, taking 35 percent and 60 percent of the Republican and Democrat vote, respectively. Rounding out the top five GOP candidates were Ohio Gov. John Kasich with nearly 16 percent of the vote, Sen. Ted Cruz with 11.6 percent, Jeb Bush with 11.1 percent, and Sen. Marco Rubio with 10.6 percent. 
  • The Supreme Court temporarily blocked the Obama administration’s regulations on emissions from coal-fired power plants.
  • A 23-year-old Black Lives Matter and anti-hunger activist who was honored at the NAACP Image Awards in Los Angeles last week shot himself in the head on the steps of the Ohio Statehouse Monday.
  • California pregnancy-testing and counseling centers are fighting a rule that would require them to post a sign about state abortion, contraception, and prenatal care programs for low-income women.
  • A former federal judge is asking President Obama to pardon a man he sent to prison for 55 years after making three marijuana sales to a police informant.
  • The FBI has been unable to unlock the phones of the couple responsible for the December mass shooting in San Bernardino, California, because it’s encrypted—fueling government demands for a “backdoor” into encrypted phones.
  • The Ferguson City Council is asking the Justice Department for changes to a proposed consent decree meant to address local law enforcement practices. 
  • Shorter Hillary Clinton: Citizens United was a bad decision because it allows Republicans to criticize her. 
  • In San Francisco, 77 percent of security cameras on BART trains are fake or don’t work

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