Domestic Vehicle Sales Lowest In 14 Months; Miss By Most In Over 5 Years

Oops. While Phil LeBeau was proudly crowing about how great the auto industry ‘was’ doing, the actual data of how it ‘is’ doing printed with a dismal drop from Novermber’s exuberance. Domestic Sales dropped to their lowest annualized level in 14 months with the biggest miss since Oct 2008! The story was very widespread, as SMRA notes, nearly ever automaker reported lower than expected sales… apart from:




and on the basis of cars sold per employed person… we have peaked…



Nearly every automaker has reported lower-than-expected sales for the month of December relative to our forecast and the consensus. At this time, domestic light vehicle sales are running at a disappointing low 11.3 million annualized pace, which compares with 12.6 million for November.

If taken into context, we can say that the strong selling pace in November pulled sales away from December. In September and October, domestic light vehicle sales fell under 12.0 million due to the impact of the federal government shutdown, slipping to 11.7 million for both months, as it negatively impacted on buying confidence.

In November 2013, sales recovered strongly to 12.6 million, perhaps too strongly to the detriment of December’s sales. Therefore, if we average November and December together, we get 12.0 million, which is a respectable, though not spectacular, selling pace.


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

Bossiness: It's What's For Dinner!

HamburgerOver at Fox News, Reason’s own
Baylen Linnekin lifts the lid on what politicians are stewing up in
2014, and he says it’s a nasty goulash of presumptuous dictates and
nannyish for-you-own-goodism. “Regardless of your choices,” he
writes, “your food freedom—your right to grow, raise, produce, buy,
sell, share, cook, eat, and drink the foods you want—is under

lists ten threats
to your (and my) food freedom he sees looming
this year. The bulk of them are continuations from the past, both
annoying (like ongoing efforts to dictate the size of our sodas)
and expensive (agricultural subsidies! The policy that almost
everybody agrees is asinine and destructive, but just won’t clutch
at its chest and die already.)

One new nugget involves the restaurant food labeling
requirements built into…(wait for it)…Obamacare! As if that law
didn’t intrude far enough into our lives already, it also puts the
FDA in the position of deciding just what businesses qualify as
“similar retail food establishments” and so will have to assume the
costs and hassles of calculating calorie counts and posting them
for the public.

Peruse Linnekin’s full count of busybody suckage

from Hit & Run

Bossiness: It’s What’s For Dinner!

HamburgerOver at Fox News, Reason’s own
Baylen Linnekin lifts the lid on what politicians are stewing up in
2014, and he says it’s a nasty goulash of presumptuous dictates and
nannyish for-you-own-goodism. “Regardless of your choices,” he
writes, “your food freedom—your right to grow, raise, produce, buy,
sell, share, cook, eat, and drink the foods you want—is under

lists ten threats
to your (and my) food freedom he sees looming
this year. The bulk of them are continuations from the past, both
annoying (like ongoing efforts to dictate the size of our sodas)
and expensive (agricultural subsidies! The policy that almost
everybody agrees is asinine and destructive, but just won’t clutch
at its chest and die already.)

One new nugget involves the restaurant food labeling
requirements built into…(wait for it)…Obamacare! As if that law
didn’t intrude far enough into our lives already, it also puts the
FDA in the position of deciding just what businesses qualify as
“similar retail food establishments” and so will have to assume the
costs and hassles of calculating calorie counts and posting them
for the public.

Peruse Linnekin’s full count of busybody suckage

from Hit & Run

Ship Sent To Rescue Global Warming Researchers Trapped In Antarctic, Gets Trapped In Antarctic

From ironic to ironic-er… the Chinese icebreaker ship that helped rescue the 52 Australian global warming researchers from being trapped in Antarctic ice has found itself stuck in heavy ice. As Reuters reports, The Snow Dragon had ferried the passengers from the stranded Russian ship to an Australian icebreaker late on Thursday. It now had concerns about its own ability to move through heavy ice, the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) said.



Via Chicago Tribune,

It will attempt to maneuver through the ice when tidal conditions are most suitable during the early hours of 4 January 2014,” AMSA said.

The Australian icebreaker carrying the rescued passengers, the Aurora Australis, will remain on standby in open water in the area “as a precautionary measure”, the rescue agency said.


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

Global Temperature Trend Update – 2013 Was Fourth Hottest Year

Round ThermometerEvery month University of Alabama in Huntsville
climatologists John Christy and Roy Spencer report the latest
global temperature trends from satellite data. According to
Christy, 2013 was the fourth warmest year since the satellite data
era began in 1979, trailing only 1998, 2010 and 2005. Just in time
for the launch of the annual United Nations’ climate change
conference in Warsaw in November, the World Meteorological
Organization reported that 2013 was on track to be the
seventh warmest year
since 1850.

Below are the newest satellite data updated through December

Global climate trend since Nov. 16, 1978: +0.14 C per

December temperatures (preliminary)

Global composite temp.: +0.27 C (about 0.49 degrees Fahrenheit)
above 30-year average for December.

Northern Hemisphere: +0.27 C (about 0.49 degrees Fahrenheit)
above 30-year average for December.

Southern Hemisphere: +0.26 C (about 0.47 degrees Fahrenheit)
above 30-year average for December.

Tropics: +0.06 C (about 0.11 degrees Fahrenheit) above 30-year
average for December.

Temperature Trends

Go here
to download monthly satellite temperature data since 1978.

from Hit & Run

More Congressman Open To Granting Snowden Clemency Deal To Get Him Back To US

On New Year’s day,
The New York Times
published an editorial calling for
the U.S. to offer NSA whistle-blower Edward Snowden “a plea bargain
or some form of clemency.” On the same day, the London-based
newspaper The
published an editorial arguing that Snowden
should be offered “the pardon he deserves.”

Last night, BuzzFeed reported that an increasing number of
members of Congress are coming round to the idea that the
government should work on a clemency deal that gets Snowden, who is
currently in Russia, back to the U.S.


“I’ve come to the conclusion that he’s more of a whistle-blower
than a villain,” Massachusetts Democrat Jim McGovern told BuzzFeed.
“I’ve kind of wrestled with his actions for quite some time because
part of me would like to think that in this country there is a
process in place where people can do the right thing and not get
punished for it. The more I learn about his particular case I’m not
sure there was a process in place where he could have presented
what he found out and actually changed things.”

“I’d rather have him in the U.S. than have him in Russia, and
maybe there is an opportunity to work out some sort of a deal,” he
added. “I think the outrage people in the administration have
expressed toward Edward Snowden ought to be more focused on how the
NSA broke privacy laws.”

McGovern tweeted on Thursday that the Times editorial was
“thoughtful” and that he “agreed with much of it.”

Florida Rep. Alan Grayson went further, tweeting simply “Give
him clemency,” along with a link to a story about Snowden.

Democratic Rep. Peter Welch of Vermont said the U.S. should be
“flexible” with Snowden and was sharply critical of the NSA’s

Of course, not all members of Congress believe that Snowden
should be offered clemency in order to get him back to the
U.S. Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.) denounced the
Times editorial
, saying that the newspaper is “a
‘blame America first’ rag,” and that “They go out of their way as
to be apologists for terrorists,” which is rich coming from a man
who has spoken out in support of terrorists himself, as long as
they were of the
Irish republican

Watch King’s comments below:

from Hit & Run

Steven Greenhut on California's Quiet Step Toward Gun Confiscation

Model 1911Gun
registration had always seemed like the “line in the sand” — a
proposal that would so offend the nation’s gun-rights advocates
that they would bring out their full political muscle to stop it.
Yet, points out Steven Greenhut, a California law mandating
government record-keeping for all new long-gun purchases goes into
effect on Jan. 1 and few people even seem to know about it.

View this article.

from Hit & Run

Steven Greenhut on California’s Quiet Step Toward Gun Confiscation

Model 1911Gun
registration had always seemed like the “line in the sand” — a
proposal that would so offend the nation’s gun-rights advocates
that they would bring out their full political muscle to stop it.
Yet, points out Steven Greenhut, a California law mandating
government record-keeping for all new long-gun purchases goes into
effect on Jan. 1 and few people even seem to know about it.

View this article.

from Hit & Run

Catherine E. Gertrude Hardwick, 88, of Fayetteville

Catherine E. Gertrude Hardwick, 88, of Fayetteville, passed away December 31, 2013.

She was preceded in death by her husband William “Bill” L. Hardwick, Sr.; parents William & Cleo Edmondson; grandchild Greg Parks; sisters Julia Burch, Mattie Jeff Robertson, Lucy Owen, Charlotte Griggs; and brother William “Billy” Edmondson.

read more

via The Citizen

Southern superiority

A few years ago, during October, I was attending a meeting in the great state of New York. During a break, several of us from the South (and, yes, I capitalize “South”) were discussing college football.

Lending to the discussion were men representing Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, and the Carolinas. One man, not from the South, and, in fact, from that dark domain known to Southerners as “the North,” said, “You guys from the South sure talk about college football a lot.”

“Yes, we do,” I replied.

“We don’t do that up here,” he responded.

“No,” I shared, “why would you?

read more

via The Citizen