Peter Suderman on Breaking Bad

Breaking BadAMC’s
much-lauded series Breaking Bad, which concluded in
September, chronicled the rise and fall of a high school chemistry
teacher who becomes a meth kingpin after he is diagnosed with
cancer. As Reason senior editor Peter Suderman notes, in addition
to the personal story of a family man succumbing to his dark side
through hubris, it painted a striking picture of big-time meth
production on America’s southern border.

View this article.

from Hit & Run

Venezuela Government “Occupies” Electronics Retail Chain, Enforces “Fair” Prices

The socialist paradise that is Venezuela has already shown the Federal Reserve just how the world’s greatest “wealth effect” can be achieved courtesy of the Caracas stock market returning over a mindblowing 475% in 2013. Of course, while the US inflation is still slightly delayed (if only for non-core items and those that can’t be purchased on leverage) Venezuela’s own 50%+ increase in annual prices is only part of the tradeoff to this unprecedented “enrichment” of society, or at least 0.001% of it – after all, it’s all about the égalité. More problematic may be the fact that in addition to a pervasive toilet paper shortage, a collapse in the currency, a creeping mothballing of the local energy industry due to nationalization fears, and a virtual halt of international trade as the country’s FX reserves evaporate, Venezuela’s relatively new government had adopted arguably the best and brightest socialist policy wielded by both Hollande and Obama, namely the “fairness doctrine.”

However, in this case it is not about what is a “fair” tax for the wealthy (as taxes in the Venezuela socialist paradise will hardly do much to build up much needed foreign currency reserves), but what is a “fair” price for electronic appliances like flat screen TVs, toasters, and ACs. The result is that Maduro’s government now determines what equilibrium pricing should be.

The reason for this latest socialist victory over the tyranny of supply and demand is that overnight Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro ordered the “occupation” of a chain of electronic goods stores in a crackdown on what the socialist government views as price-gouging hobbling the country’s economy. Various managers of the five-store, 500-employee Daka chain have been arrested, and the company will now be forced to sell products at “fair prices,” Maduro said late on Friday.

In essence Maduro is simply going now where Abe soon, and Mr. Chairwoman will go eventually, and in an attempt to offset inflation (at last check Y/Y inflation was over 50%) has effectively “nationalized” prices by forcing retail managers to ignore such trivial things as import prices, and to see well below cost, or at what the government has determined is a “fair” price. Maduro has stopped short of more outright nationalizations, in
this case saying authorities would instead force Daka to sell at
state-fixed prices. Needless to say outright nationalizations are the next step.

That this is the absolute idiocy of any socialist regime in its final, pre-hyperinflation dying throes is well-known to anyone who had the privilege of visiting Eastern Europe just after the collapse of the USSR. However, for the Millennial generation it should serve as a harbinger of things to come to every socialist country that thinks it can rule by central-planning ordain, through a monetary politburo, and is absolutely certain can contain inflation in “15 minutes” or less.

From Reuters:

State media showed soldiers in one Daka shop checking the price tags on large flat-screen TVs. And hundreds of bargain-hunters flocked to Daka stores on Saturday morning to take advantage of the new, cheaper prices.


“We’re doing this for the good of the nation,” said Maduro, 50, who accuses wealthy businessmen and right-wing political opponents backed by the United States of waging an economic “war” against him.


“I’ve ordered the immediate occupation of this chain to offer its products to the people at fair prices, everything. Let nothing remain in stock … We’re going to comb the whole nation in the next few days. This robbery of the people has to stop.”


The measure, which comes after weeks of warnings from the government of a pre-Christmas push against private businesses to keep prices down, recalled the sweeping takeovers during the 14-year rule of Maduro’s predecessor Hugo Chavez.

Venezuela’s people obviously are delighted:

“Inflation’s killing us. I’m not sure if this was the right way, but something had to be done. I think it’s right to make people sell things at fair prices,” said Carlos Rangel, 37, among about 500 people queuing outside a Daka store in Caracas.


Rangel had waited overnight, with various relatives, to be at the front of the queue and was hoping to find a cheap TV and air-conditioning unit.


Soldiers stood on guard outside the store before it opened.

But how is that possible: is the wealth effect from a 475% YTD return in the Caracas stock market not enough to make everyone perpetually happy and content?

Or did the uberwealth of the 0.001% not trickle down just yet? No worries: it will only take another executive decree to strip the wealthy of their assets, just like it took one order to determine what is “fair pricing” on 50 inch plasma TV, and to enforce “trickle down” economics in this utopia gone bad.

As for what is left of the remaining retail sector, they have gotten the message:

Opponents also blame excessive government controls and persecution of the private sector for shortages of basic goods ranging from flour to toilet paper, and for price distortions and corruption caused by a black-market currency rate nearly 10 times higher the official price.


This ridiculous show they’ve mounted with Daka is a not-very-subtle warning to us all,” said a Venezuelan businessman who imports electronic goods and is an opposition supporter.


Under price controls set up a decade ago, the state sells a limited amount of dollars at 6.3 bolivars, but given the short supply, some importers complain they are forced into a black market where the price is nearly ten-fold higher.


Maduro showed astonishment at a fridge on sale in Daka for 196,000
bolivars ($31,111 at the official rate), and said an air-conditioning
unit that goes for 7,000 bolivars ($1,111) in state stores was marked up
36,000 bolivars ($5,714) by Daka.


“Because they don’t allow me to buy dollars at the official rate of 6.3, I have to buy goods with black market dollars at about 60 bolivars, so how can I be expected to sell things at a loss? Can my children eat with that?” added the businessman, who asked not to be named.

Who expects your children to eat, citizen? After all they didn’t build that negative profit margin. Just eat your peas, be replete of hopium, sell for a “fair price”, be happy you don’t have to sign up for under gunpoint, and don’t forget to sing the praises of a socialist central-planning utopia. And always remember: BTFATH!


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

Venezuela Government "Occupies" Electronics Retail Chain, Enforces "Fair" Prices

The socialist paradise that is Venezuela has already shown the Federal Reserve just how the world’s greatest “wealth effect” can be achieved courtesy of the Caracas stock market returning over a mindblowing 475% in 2013. Of course, while the US inflation is still slightly delayed (if only for non-core items and those that can’t be purchased on leverage) Venezuela’s own 50%+ increase in annual prices is only part of the tradeoff to this unprecedented “enrichment” of society, or at least 0.001% of it – after all, it’s all about the égalité. More problematic may be the fact that in addition to a pervasive toilet paper shortage, a collapse in the currency, a creeping mothballing of the local energy industry due to nationalization fears, and a virtual halt of international trade as the country’s FX reserves evaporate, Venezuela’s relatively new government had adopted arguably the best and brightest socialist policy wielded by both Hollande and Obama, namely the “fairness doctrine.”

However, in this case it is not about what is a “fair” tax for the wealthy (as taxes in the Venezuela socialist paradise will hardly do much to build up much needed foreign currency reserves), but what is a “fair” price for electronic appliances like flat screen TVs, toasters, and ACs. The result is that Maduro’s government now determines what equilibrium pricing should be.

The reason for this latest socialist victory over the tyranny of supply and demand is that overnight Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro ordered the “occupation” of a chain of electronic goods stores in a crackdown on what the socialist government views as price-gouging hobbling the country’s economy. Various managers of the five-store, 500-employee Daka chain have been arrested, and the company will now be forced to sell products at “fair prices,” Maduro said late on Friday.

In essence Maduro is simply going now where Abe soon, and Mr. Chairwoman will go eventually, and in an attempt to offset inflation (at last check Y/Y inflation was over 50%) has effectively “nationalized” prices by forcing retail managers to ignore such trivial things as import prices, and to see well below cost, or at what the government has determined is a “fair” price. Maduro has stopped short of more outright nationalizations, in
this case saying authorities would instead force Daka to sell at
state-fixed prices. Needless to say outright nationalizations are the next step.

That this is the absolute idiocy of any socialist regime in its final, pre-hyperinflation dying throes is well-known to anyone who had the privilege of visiting Eastern Europe just after the collapse of the USSR. However, for the Millennial generation it should serve as a harbinger of things to come to every socialist country that thinks it can rule by central-planning ordain, through a monetary politburo, and is absolutely certain can contain inflation in “15 minutes” or less.

From Reuters:

State media showed soldiers in one Daka shop checking the price tags on large flat-screen TVs. And hundreds of bargain-hunters flocked to Daka stores on Saturday morning to take advantage of the new, cheaper prices.


“We’re doing this for the good of the nation,” said Maduro, 50, who accuses wealthy businessmen and right-wing political opponents backed by the United States of waging an economic “war” against him.


“I’ve ordered the immediate occupation of this chain to offer its products to the people at fair prices, everything. Let nothing remain in stock … We’re going to comb the whole nation in the next few days. This robbery of the people has to stop.”


The measure, which comes after weeks of warnings from the government of a pre-Christmas push against private businesses to keep prices down, recalled the sweeping takeovers during the 14-year rule of Maduro’s predecessor Hugo Chavez.

Venezuela’s people obviously are delighted:

“Inflation’s killing us. I’m not sure if this was the right way, but something had to be done. I think it’s right to make people sell things at fair prices,” said Carlos Rangel, 37, among about 500 people queuing outside a Daka store in Caracas.


Rangel had waited overnight, with various relatives, to be at the front of the queue and was hoping to find a cheap TV and air-conditioning unit.


Soldiers stood on guard outside the store before it opened.

But how is that possible: is the wealth effect from a 475% YTD return in the Caracas stock market not enough to make everyone perpetually happy and content?

Or did the uberwealth of the 0.001% not trickle down just yet? No worries: it will only take another executive decree to strip the wealthy of their assets, just like it took one order to determine what is “fair pricing” on 50 inch plasma TV, and to enforce “trickle down” economics in this utopia gone bad.

As for what is left of the remaining retail sector, they have gotten the message:

Opponents also blame excessive government controls and persecution of the private sector for shortages of basic goods ranging from flour to toilet paper, and for price distortions and corruption caused by a black-market currency rate nearly 10 times higher the official price.


This ridiculous show they’ve mounted with Daka is a not-very-subtle warning to us all,” said a Venezuelan businessman who imports electronic goods and is an opposition supporter.


Under price controls set up a decade ago, the state sells a limited amount of dollars at 6.3 bolivars, but given the short supply, some importers complain they are forced into a black market where the price is nearly ten-fold higher.


Maduro showed astonishment at a fridge on sale in Daka for 196,000
bolivars ($31,111 at the official rate), and said an air-conditioning
unit that goes for 7,000 bolivars ($1,111) in state stores was marked up
36,000 bolivars ($5,714) by Daka.


“Because they don’t allow me to buy dollars at the official rate of 6.3, I have to buy goods with black market dollars at about 60 bolivars, so how can I be expected to sell things at a loss? Can my children eat with that?” added the businessman, who asked not to be named.

Who expects your children to eat, citizen? After all they didn’t build that negative profit margin. Just eat your peas, be replete of hopium, sell for a “fair price”, be happy you don’t have to sign up for under gunpoint, and don’t forget to sing the praises of a socialist central-planning utopia. And always remember: BTFATH!


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

On The Labor Force Participation Rate


I was blown out by the Labor Force Participation Rate (LFPR) data released Friday. Down 4 tics to 62.8%. That sounds like no big deal, but it is. Either there is something out of whack with the data, and it will be revised, or there will have to be some serious rethinking by the folks who develop long-term economic models, and also at the Federal Reserve.

Consider the short term consequences. The Fed has hung its monetary hat on an unemployment rate of 6.5%. We have been told, time and again, that if the magic number of 6.5% unemployment is reached, the madness of US monetary policy will be relaxed. Should the LFPR continue to drop, the hurdle rate for changes to Fed policy will come sooner than is anticipated.

The Atlanta Fed has an interactive tool that looks at this (Link). It takes into consideration the variables of the unemployment picture and produces a report of how many jobs are needed per month over a given period, to achieve the 6.5% level. A few examples:






As you can see, the Fed's target can be reached in the next 12 months if the LFPR falls a bit further. I'm quite certain that should things unfold like this the new head of the Fed, Janet Yellen, will change the 'rules' and ignore the 6.5% target and continue along with ZIRP and QE. But if she does that, it will be at her (and our) risk.


Then you have the long-term side of declining LFPR. A low LFPR means that there are less workers earning taxable income. That translates into less government revenue. Payroll taxes (Social Security and Medicare) total 15% of wages. For an average worker making $40,000 a year that comes to $6,000. When the LFPR drops by 0.1% it means that there will be 180,000 less workers filling the tax bucket. The .1% drop translates into $1Bn less in tax revenue. The .4% drop in October therefore means $4Bn in lost revenue. It adds up quick.

All of the models used to forecast future federal deficits rely on a much higher LFPR assumption than today's reality. The Congressional Budget Office did a long term forecast of LFPR. The CBO hung its hat on a LFPR that is higher than 62.8%, meaning the forecasts of future tax receipts (and subsequent deficits) were wrong.




The 64.4% assumption the CBO used versus the 62.8% that exists today translates into 4m less workers contributing to the system, and those 4m workers (and their employers) will not pay $25B in payroll taxes. A 1/4 trillion adjustment over ten-years just due to a revision of the LFPR. That's real money.

I've looked at long-term forecasts for LFPR from CBO and BLS. They all have the participation rate dropping over time, but they do not have the drop occurring in the present. What if the 'New Normal' is a participation rate that hangs in the low 60% level for the next decade? It translates into much larger deficits at the Federal and State levels. It means that there will be less consumption as there will be fewer paychecks, and that means a much lower rate of growth of GDP.

So either the LFPR turns around and starts headed higher very soon (and stays higher for another decade), or the USA is in for a prolonged period of sub par growth and very high annual deficits.

Consider this chart of LFPR. The drop is accelerating. What are the odds that the long-term trend towards lower participation is going to turn around soon? I would say, "Not high".



Note: This analysis only looks at the consequences to payroll taxes from a drop in LFPR. There is is also lost revenue from State and Federal income taxes, and there is the broader drop in consumption to add into the mix. All in, the drop in participation is a very big deal.





via Zero Hedge Bruce Krasting

“We’re Stuck In An Escher Economy Until The Existing Structure Collapses And Is Rebuilt On Stronger Principles”

Submitted by F.F. Wiley of Cyniconomics

M.C. Escher And The Impossibility Of The Establishment Economic View

It’s easy to show that public institutions such as the Federal Reserve and Congressional Budget Office (CBO) are routinely blindsided by economic developments. You only need to compare their past predictions to real events to see these organizations’ deficiencies.

More importantly, we can demonstrate that their struggles are all but certain to continue. This may sound like a difficult task, but we’ll argue that it’s easier than you think. Using historical data and basic economic concepts, we’ll explain not only why the establishment view is wrong but that the underlying principles are fundamentally flawed. The implication is that existing policies are destined to fail.

To make our case, we’ll start with the CBO’s current forecasts for real per capita GDP (economic growth net of inflation and population growth):

Our regular readers already know that the CBO is abnormally bullish on near-term growth, based on its long-standing assumption that the gap between actual and potential output will swiftly close. But this won’t be our focus here. In fact, we’ll assume the CBO gets this part of its outlook right. We’ll be shocked if it does, but let’s pretend.

We’ll then examine the forecasted path for interest rates:

The interest rate outlook is an offshoot of the policy establishment’s overall approach. Monetary stimulus is expected to be removed as it guides the labor market toward full employment, allowing interest rates to return to normal levels.  At that point, natural economic forces are believed to be strong enough to preserve a normal, healthy economy. Establishment economists have near complete faith that this is a sound and reliable process.

But closer examination reveals a few cracks. Consider that the chart above shows quite a jump in interest rates, which begs the question: How will the economy weather such a development?

We’ll look to history for possible answers. We calculated the change in rates on three month Treasury bills for every eight quarter period since 1953, which breaks down like this:

We then reviewed past economic outcomes conditioned on the rate buckets above. Note that the forecasted 2015 to 2017 rate change of 3.2% (the leap from 0.2% to 3.4% in Chart 2) falls in the final bucket. Therefore, this bucket is especially relevant to the economy’s likely performance in the next rate cycle. We circled it in the charts below:

While the results speak for themselves, I’d be remiss if I didn’t add qualifiers. For one, the sample sizes fall as you move from left to right across the charts. Moreover, history doesn’t always foretell the future; this time could be different.

But the thing is: the data makes perfect sense. Higher interest rates have obvious effects on risk taking and debt service costs. It stands to reason that the economy won’t just sail through the large rate hikes needed to restore historic norms.

If anything, the charts likely understate the future effects of rising rates, because today’s debt levels are far higher than average historic levels. Any normalization must also include a wind-down of unconventional measures such as quantitative easing, which presents additional challenges.

Yet, the official outlook calls for steady improvement both through and beyond the rate jump. As shown in Chart 1, the CBO predicts that per capita GDP growth will accelerate to over 3% before settling back to a trend rate of 1.2%.  Forecasts for 2018 and 2019 average a healthy 1.5%, despite the figures in Chart 5 showing virtually no growth after large interest rate increases in the past.

Here’s the corresponding outlook for employment, followed by two more reasons to expect forecasts to fail:


(See here for background on the corporate leverage multiples and here for more on the stock valuation figures.)

In a word, the CBO’s projections are preposterous. They ignore effects that are clear in the data and obvious in real life. But the charts reveal more than just forecasting flaws at a single governmental institution. More broadly, the assumption of a smooth and lasting return to normality is standard practice for mainstream economists, particularly those at the Fed.

Essentially, economists are hardwired to focus on the near-term effects of policy stimulus, while dismissing long-term effects that are often far more important. Standard models fail to account for either natural cyclicality or the payback seen in Charts 4 to 6. Although establishment economists often speak about sustainable growth, they really mean any growth that restores GDP to where they believe it should be. They don’t seriously contemplate the unsustainable growth that occurs when the economy is over-stimulated through credit and financial asset channels. And the charts above demonstrate these deficiencies.

Worse still, this analysis doesn’t tell the whole story. We could have easily tripled the chart sequence with other indicators of Fed-fueled credit and asset market froth – from record margin debt to lax loan covenants to soaring public debt – that also show heightened risks of another bust.

We suggest giving some thought to the data shown above and considering its message for the future. Send it to the smartest people you know and get their opinions. In the meantime, here are our conclusions:

1: Even if the economy returns to full employment under existing policies, it won’t remain there after (and if) interest rates normalize.

2: Based on today’s debt and valuation levels (charts 8-9, for example), rising interest rates will have an even harsher effect than suggested by the 60 year history (charts 4-6).

3: Contrary to the establishment’s “sustainable recovery” narrative, the most plausible outcomes are: 1) interest rates normalize but this triggers another bust, or 2) interest rates remain abnormally low until we eventually experience the mother of all debt/currency crises.

Conclusion 3 restated: We’re stuck in an Escher economy (see below), thanks to the impossibility of the establishment economic view, and this will remain the case until the existing structure collapses and is rebuilt on stronger policy principles.


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

"We're Stuck In An Escher Economy Until The Existing Structure Collapses And Is Rebuilt On Stronger Principles"

Submitted by F.F. Wiley of Cyniconomics

M.C. Escher And The Impossibility Of The Establishment Economic View

It’s easy to show that public institutions such as the Federal Reserve and Congressional Budget Office (CBO) are routinely blindsided by economic developments. You only need to compare their past predictions to real events to see these organizations’ deficiencies.

More importantly, we can demonstrate that their struggles are all but certain to continue. This may sound like a difficult task, but we’ll argue that it’s easier than you think. Using historical data and basic economic concepts, we’ll explain not only why the establishment view is wrong but that the underlying principles are fundamentally flawed. The implication is that existing policies are destined to fail.

To make our case, we’ll start with the CBO’s current forecasts for real per capita GDP (economic growth net of inflation and population growth):

Our regular readers already know that the CBO is abnormally bullish on near-term growth, based on its long-standing assumption that the gap between actual and potential output will swiftly close. But this won’t be our focus here. In fact, we’ll assume the CBO gets this part of its outlook right. We’ll be shocked if it does, but let’s pretend.

We’ll then examine the forecasted path for interest rates:

The interest rate outlook is an offshoot of the policy establishment’s overall approach. Monetary stimulus is expected to be removed as it guides the labor market toward full employment, allowing interest rates to return to normal levels.  At that point, natural economic forces are believed to be strong enough to preserve a normal, healthy economy. Establishment economists have near complete faith that this is a sound and reliable process.

But closer examination reveals a few cracks. Consider that the chart above shows quite a jump in interest rates, which begs the question: How will the economy weather such a development?

We’ll look to history for possible answers. We calculated the change in rates on three month Treasury bills for every eight quarter period since 1953, which breaks down like this:

We then reviewed past economic outcomes conditioned on the rate buckets above. Note that the forecasted 2015 to 2017 rate change of 3.2% (the leap from 0.2% to 3.4% in Chart 2) falls in the final bucket. Therefore, this bucket is especially relevant to the economy’s likely performance in the next rate cycle. We circled it in the charts below:

While the results speak for themselves, I’d be remiss if I didn’t add qualifiers. For one, the sample sizes fall as you move from left to right across the charts. Moreover, history doesn’t always foretell the future; this time could be different.

But the thing is: the data makes perfect sense. Higher interest rates have obvious effects on risk taking and debt service costs. It stands to reason that the economy won’t just sail through the large rate hikes needed to restore historic norms.

If anything, the charts likely understate the future effects of rising rates, because today’s debt levels are far higher than average historic levels. Any normalization must also include a wind-down of unconventional measures such as quantitative easing, which presents additional challenges.

Yet, the official outlook calls for steady improvement both through and beyond the rate jump. As shown in Chart 1, the CBO predicts that per capita GDP growth will accelerate to over 3% before settling back to a trend rate of 1.2%.  Forecasts for 2018 and 2019 average a healthy 1.5%, despite the figures in Chart 5 showing virtually no growth after large interest rate increases in the past.

Here’s the corresponding outlook for employment, followed by two more reasons to expect forecasts to fail:


(See here for background on the corporate leverage multiples and here for more on the stock valuation figures.)

In a word, the CBO’s projections are preposterous. They ignore effects that are clear in the data and obvious in real life. But the charts reveal more than just forecasting flaws at a single governmental institution. More broadly, the assumption of a smooth and lasting return to normality is standard practice for mainstream economists, particularly those at the Fed.

Essentially, economists are hardwired to focus on the near-term effects of policy stimulus, while dismissing long-term effects that are often far more important. Standard models fail to account for either natural cyclicality or the payback seen in Charts 4 to 6. Although establishment economists often speak about sustainable growth, they really mean any growth that restores GDP to where they believe it should be. They don’t seriously contemplate the unsustainable growth that occurs when the economy is over-stimulated through credit and financial asset channels. And the charts above demonstrate these deficiencies.

Worse still, this analysis doesn’t tell the whole story. We could have easily tripled the chart sequence with other indicators of Fed-fueled credit and asset market froth – from record margin debt to lax loan covenants to soaring public debt – that also show heightened risks of another bust.

We suggest giving some thought to the data shown abo
ve and considering its message for the future. Send it to the smartest people you know and get their opinions. In the meantime, here are our conclusions:

1: Even if the economy returns to full employment under existing policies, it won’t remain there after (and if) interest rates normalize.

2: Based on today’s debt and valuation levels (charts 8-9, for example), rising interest rates will have an even harsher effect than suggested by the 60 year history (charts 4-6).

3: Contrary to the establishment’s “sustainable recovery” narrative, the most plausible outcomes are: 1) interest rates normalize but this triggers another bust, or 2) interest rates remain abnormally low until we eventually experience the mother of all debt/currency crises.

Conclusion 3 restated: We’re stuck in an Escher economy (see below), thanks to the impossibility of the establishment economic view, and this will remain the case until the existing structure collapses and is rebuilt on stronger policy principles.


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

Baylen Linnekin on the FDA’s Proposed Trans Fat Ban

Thursday the FDA made the surprise announcement that it would move
to ban artificial trans fats, which are found in foods containing
partially hydrogenated vegetable oils. The ban would not apply to
naturally occurring trans fats, such as those found in meat and
dairy products. Adoption of the proposal, which is open to public
comment until Jan. 7, 2014, would mean that food producers who want
to use partially hydrogenated oils would first have to prove to the
FDA the safety of the ingredient. Considering that the FDA’s
announcement this week declared preemptively “that there is no safe
level of consumption of artificial trans fat,” notes Baylen
Linnekin, the burden of proof for future trans fat use would appear
to be quite high.

View this article.

from Hit & Run

Baylen Linnekin on the FDA's Proposed Trans Fat Ban

Thursday the FDA made the surprise announcement that it would move
to ban artificial trans fats, which are found in foods containing
partially hydrogenated vegetable oils. The ban would not apply to
naturally occurring trans fats, such as those found in meat and
dairy products. Adoption of the proposal, which is open to public
comment until Jan. 7, 2014, would mean that food producers who want
to use partially hydrogenated oils would first have to prove to the
FDA the safety of the ingredient. Considering that the FDA’s
announcement this week declared preemptively “that there is no safe
level of consumption of artificial trans fat,” notes Baylen
Linnekin, the burden of proof for future trans fat use would appear
to be quite high.

View this article.

from Hit & Run

Dollar Firm, but Look for Near-Term Pullback

With the help of the unexpected ECB rate cut and better than expected US economic data, the US dollar showed the kind of strength the technical reading suggested was likely last week.  However, the market appears to have run ahead of itself and the immediate risk is for a setback in the dollar.


The fundamental drivers may have been exaggerated.  The ECB’s refi rate cut is largely symbolic in nature as the interbank rate trades closer to the zero deposit rate and is largely unchanged from where it was prior to the ECB’s surprise move.  The implied yield of the December 2014 Euribor futures contract was three basis points lower on the week.  


Similarly, the 14 bp jump in the US 10-year Treasury yield in response to the stronger than expected establishment survey exaggerates the likelihood of the introduction of tapering at the December FOMC meeting.   What looks like improvement is really noise around a signal of steady but gradual improvement in the labor market.  The 3-month average of private sector payroll growth is just below 190k.  The 6-month average is 175k, while the 12-month average stands at 196k.  


Moreover, price pressures, as shown by the core PCE deflator of 1.2%, are still threatening deflation and was recognized as such by none other than Bernanke himself, when he was a Governor on the Federal Reserve in the early 2000s.   Without inflation moving back toward the Fed’s target, there is no urgency to taper.  


Euro:  Convincingly violated the July-September up trend line and the 5-day moving average has crossed below the 20-day average.  The US jobs data failed to drive the euro below the ECB-spurred lows, which correspond to a (50%) retracement of the rally since July (~$1.3290).  The euro traded below its 100-day moving for the first time in two months, though was unable to close the North American session below there.  The euro is also flirting with the lower of its Bollinger Bands set at two standard deviations below the 20-day moving average.    Technical indicators allow scope for further euro losses, but they may prove limited before a bounce.  Resistance is now seen in the $1.3450-80 area.  


Yen:   Remains well within a consolidative range that has been carved out over the past six-months. The US Treasury premium (10-year) over JGBs has widened by about 25 bp over the past week or so to reach a new two-month high above 215 bp.  At the same time, the Nikkei appears to have found support near 14000.  While these developments should underpin the greenback and the technical readings are constructive,  it is not clear that the upside has much to offer.   The dollar has not enjoyed two consecutive closes above JPY100 in four-months.  


Sterling:  Appears to be continuing to carve out a top of some importance.  Sterling spent last week within the range established the previous week and the upticks were capped be a (61.8%) retracement objective of the pullback since recording what we suspect is the second of a double top near $1.6260. The neckline, seen near $1.5900 contained sterling downticks at the start of the week and the soft close ahead of the weekend warns of a potential retest.  However, like we suggested with the euro, those downticks are likely to be short-lived.  


Swiss franc:  Shed a little more than 4% against the US dollar since October 24.  The greenback is trading at two-month highs against the franc.  It was kept in check at the end of last week by the (38.2%) retracement of the slide since May (~CHF0.9250) and coincides with the 100-day moving average.   While we anticipate additional gains (~CHF0.9350-CHF0.9475), we are more inclined to buy dollar pullbacks than chase this rally.  


Canadian dollar: Slipped to its lowest level in two-months before the weekend.  The US dollar hit down trend line drawn off the mid-July, late-August and early-September highs a little above CAD1.05.   Technical indicators and the cross-over of the 5- and 20-day averages are constructive.  A move above the trend line would target CAD1.0560 initially, with stiffer resistance near CAD1.06.   Support is seen ahead of CAD1.04.  


Australian dollar:  Encouraged by a dovish monetary policy statement by the Reserve Bank of Australia, the Aussie was pushed convincingly below $0.9400 for the first time in a month.  The down draft halted near the (50%) retracement of the advance off the August 30 low, which was found near $0.9325.   Scope for corrective upticks extends toward $0.9400-25.   The New Zealand dollar is particularly interesting from a technical perspective.  The US dollar has carved out a potential head and shoulders pattern.  A convincing break of the  $0.8200 neckline would suggest potential toward $0.7850.


Mexican peso:  After approaching the Oct high near MXN13.3450, the dollar revered course before the weekend.   However, the pullback failed to violate the greenback’s uptrend.  Support is seen around MXN13.10 and the upper end of the multi-month trading range is near MXN13.45.  



Observations of speculative positioning in the CME currency futures:  


1.  There were two significant position adjustments.  The gross long euro positions were slashed by 32.7k contracts.  Gross short yen positions grew by 12.6k contracts.    Ten of the remaining 12 gross positions we monitor were changed by less than 5k contracts.  


2.  All the currency futures, but the Australian dollar, saw gross short positions increase.  The gross short Australian dollar position was reduced by less than 1k contracts.    Gross long currency futures positions were mostly trimmed, with the exception of  yen and Mexican peso.  


3.  The modest decrease in gross long sterling positions and a modest increase in gross shorts was sufficient to swing the net position back in favor of the shorts for the first time since late September.  


4.  The Commitment of Traders report shows that speculators were reducing their short dollar position ahead of the ECB meeting, where a surprise rate cut was delivered, and stronger than expected US jobs data.  It ought not be surprising to see these trends continue into the next CFTC report.


via Zero Hedge Marc To Market

Friday night football roundup

ELCA 35, Landmark 0: It was expected by many to be a down-to-the-wire fight for the Region 5-A crown. Indeed, up to a week ago, it was projected to be a matchup of unbeaten teams.

But after losing by one point last week to Holy Innocents, the Landmark War Eagles hosted the top-ranked Chargers of Eagle’s Landing Christian Academy, and the defending state champions lived up to their billing.

Racing to a 21-0 lead before the end of the first quarter and never looking back, the Chargers cruised to victory and finished the regular season with a 10-0 record. Landmark fell to 8-2.

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via The Citizen