It’s pretty common for females in particular to be quad dominant, so it’s recommended that for every quad exercise you do, double the hamstring exercises to correct this imbalance. I’ve been trying this out recently by easing up on the quad work (as much as possible when squatting, lunging, etc.) these past 8 weeks and focusing more on bringing up my hams (and as always, dem glutez). Basically, I’ve incorporated a ton of SL deads, reverse hypers, and more leg curl variations, and am starting to see dem gainz in da hammies. Also, I do a TON of air humping (hip thrusts). These have helped me bring up my squat and deadlift in a major way. Don’t underestimate teh power of dem magical glutez! #nofilter


It’s pretty common for females in particular to be quad dominant, so it’s recommended that for every quad exercise you do, double the hamstring exercises to correct this imbalance. I’ve been trying this out recently by easing up on the quad work (as much as possible when squatting, lunging, etc.) these past 8 weeks and focusing more on bringing up my hams (and as always, dem glutez). Basically, I’ve incorporated a ton of SL deads, reverse hypers, and more leg curl variations, and am starting to see dem gainz in da hammies. Also, I do a TON of air humping (hip thrusts). These have helped me bring up my squat and deadlift in a major way. Don’t underestimate teh power of dem magical glutez! #nofilter




from @hooper_fit – WEBSTA

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