Welcome to Reason’s 2013 Webathon! Please Make a Tax-Deductible Gift Today!

It’s that time of year
again – time for Reason’s annual webathon! This year, we’re hoping
to raise $100,000 over the next eight days from readers who dig
what we do at the country’s (and planet’s) only website devoted to
exploring, analyzing, and promoting “Free Minds and Free

Reason.com – along with Reason magazine and Reason TV – are
published by the nonprofit Reason Foundation, a 501(c)3 outfit,
which means your contributions are tax-deductible to the fullest
extent of the law.

This year’s swag levels
include the following:

  • If you give $100, you’ll get a subscription to Reason (11
    action-packed issues, in dead-tree or digital format) and a classic
    black Reason T-shirt.
  • For $250, you get all that, plus a subscription you can gift to
    your bestest friend or worstest enemy, plus a copy of Paul Feine
    and Alex Manning’s award-winning documentary about drug
    prohibition, America’s Longest War.
  • For $500, you get all that, plus a chance to ask Matt Welch and
    me a question in our “Ask a Libertarian” video series.
  • For $1,000, you get all that, plus a private lunch with Matt
    and me in Washington, D.C.
  • For $2,500, you get all that, plus two VIP tickets to Reason’s
    annual media awards, held in the fall in New York City (includes
    pre-event reception)

Go here now
to make your donation of whatever amount you’d like.
any giving level, you’ll have the option of streaming your name in
our “thanks banner” up top of the site.


Your (TAX-DEDUCTIBLE!) contributions help us do what we do –

such as breaking the story
that Obamacare poster boy Chad
Henderson hadn’t actually signed up for anything,
duking it out
with Rachel Maddow on the Bill Maher show, and
The Libertarian Era
 that bubbling up all around us.

We thank you for support – in the past and in the future.

And while you’re looking around for your credit card, PayPal
password, or Bitcoin key, check out last year’s Ask a Libertarian

from Hit & Run http://reason.com/blog/2013/12/04/welcome-to-reasons-2013-webathon-please

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