Barack Obama Approval Rating Hits Another New Low

will it get to 24?Barack Obama’s not doing well in polling, and
while he’s spent the last year trying to raise as much money for
Democrats in 2014 as he can, his unpopularity is dragging down,
with 41 percent of respondents in a new poll saying they’d vote for
a Republican over a Democrat for Congress in 2014, the first time
the generic Republican’s come up on top for that question in
polling this year.

From the Quinnipiac Polling Institute:

President Barack Obama’s job approval among American
voters drops to a new low, a negative 38 – 57 percent, as the
outlook for Democrats running for Congress and the U.S. Senate
fades also, according to a national poll released today. He even
gets a negative 41 – 49 percent among voters 18 to 29 years old and
a lackluster 50 – 43 percent approval among Hispanic

The president’s job approval compares to a negative 39 – 54 percent
score in a November 12 survey by the independent Quinnipiac

Rest of the polling results
. Mitt Romney, meanwhile, seems to be
having fun
not being president.

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