Poll: Americans Don’t Want to Ban Trans Fats, Energy Drinks, E-Cigarettes, Online Poker, Violent Video Games or Genetic Testing Kits

The American people do not want to be nannied.

The new Reason-Rupe
 finds that Americans oppose banning a number of items
governments have been working to prohibit.

The federal government recently proposed rules that would
effectively ban trans fats, but 71 percent of Americans say they
should be allowed to buy foods with trans fats if they so choose.
Just under a quarter, 24 percent of Americans, say foods with trans
fats should not be allowed.

The Food and Drug Administration recently ordered a genetic
testing company to stop selling its DNA tests. Reason-Rupe finds 55
percent of Americans believe they should be allowed to buy genetic
testing kits that provide information about a person’s DNA, 37
percent say these should not be allowed.

Over three quarters of Americans, 76 percent, say they should be
allowed to buy high-caffeine energy drinks. Twenty-one percent
think energy drinks should be prohibited.

Several cities have moved to ban e-cigarettes in public places,
but 62 percent of Americans say electronic cigarettes should be
allowed in public spaces. Thirty-four percent favor prohibiting the
use of e-cigarettes in public.

Congress is considering a bill that would legalize online poker
and 65 percent of Americans tell Reason-Rupe that adults should be
allowed to gamble in online poker games. Thirty-two percent oppose
allowing people to play online poker.

Two-thirds of Americans, 66 percent, tell Reason-Rupe that
people should be allowed to play violent video games, while 31
percent want them banned.

The one item Reason-Rupe asked about that the public wants to
ban is printing 3D guns. Six in 10 Americans think printing working
3D guns should be prohibited, while 30 percent say it should be

Full Poll

The full poll is online here and
additional Reason-Rupe poll resources are available here.
Sign up
for notifications of new releases of the
Reason-Rupe poll here. This
is the latest in a series of Reason-Rupe public opinion surveys
dedicated to exploring what Americans really think about government
and major issues.  This Reason Foundation project is made
possible thanks to the generous support of the Arthur N. Rupe

The Reason-Rupe poll conducted live interviews with 1,011 adults
on mobile (506) and landline (505) phones from December 4-8, 2013.
The poll’s margin of error is plus or minus 3.7 percent. Princeton
Survey Research Associates International executed the nationwide
Reason-Rupe survey.

from Hit & Run http://reason.com/blog/2013/12/13/poll-americans-dont-want-to-ban-trans2

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