Dow & S&P Close At Record Highs As 10Y Approaches 3%

VIX closed at its lowest in a month as stocks pushed on higher to new record-er highs (and Twitter hit $70). The Nasdaq underperformed today (after yesterday's outpeformance) as the Dow, S&P, and Russell all closed around 0.4% higher (and Twitter added 8.2%). Treasury bond yields rose notably all day with the 10Y at its 2nd highest closing yield of the year +5.4bps to 2.98% today (but Twitter is almost a double off its lows in 2 weeks). Commodities drifted higher all day with Gold back over $1200 (and that so-called fat finger in copper leaving it up large still on the day). The USD ended unch with slight weakness in JPY. From the Taper lows, the S&P is up 3.7% (but Twitter is up 30% in that period).

Stocks rose today – as good news seems like good news (if you choose to ignore the massive seasonal adjustments)…


In case you missed it…


Bonds sold off notably – pressing 10Y up near the high yields of the year…


Commodities pushed higher with Copper's fat finger not retracing much…


Charts: Bloomberg

Bonus Chart: Spot The Bubble…


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

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