Italian Bad Loans Hit Record High – Up 23% YoY

With all eyes gloating over Ireland’s recent ability to issue debt in the capital markets once again (and now with 10Y trading only 40bps above US Treasuries), Europe’s game of distraction continues. However, while spreads (and yields) tumble in all the PIIGS, with Italian yields at almost 7-year lows, it is perhaps surprising to some that Italian bad loan rates are at their highest on record. Having risen at a stunning 23% year-over-year – its fastest in 2 years, Italian gross non-performing loans (EUR149.6 billion) as a proportion of total lending rose to 7.8% in November (up from 6.1% a year earlier). As the Italian Banking Association admits in a statement today, deposits are declining (-1.9% YoY) and bonds sold to clients (-9.4% YoY) as Italy’s bank clients with bad loans have more than doubled since 2008.


Italian bad loans continue to soar – entirely ignored by the nation’s bond market particpants (why worry!?)


and if that chart does not make you rub your chin in utter delerium…

Ireland or US?


Charts: Bloomberg


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

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