The “Independent” Mainstream Media Does It Again

A month ago, none other than Conan O’Brien exposed the un-independent PR-sponsored propaganda-fest that is the local news mainstream media in America. Well, it’s happened again… this time proclaiming “Don’t worry… be Happy.”


As Liberty Blitzkrieg’s Mike Krieger reminds, we all know the mainstream media is a joke but sometimes its inherent idiocy can be best highlighted with a little humor…



Of course this was all prophesied many years ago:

Under a dictatorship the Big Business, made possible by advancing technology and the consequent ruin of Little Business, is controlled by the State – that is to say, by a small group of party leaders and the soldiers, policemen and civil servants who carry out their orders. In a capitalist democracy such as the United States, it is controlled by what Professor C. Wright Mills has called the Power Elite.


This Power Elite directly employs several millions of the country’s working force in its factories, offices and stores, controls many millions more by lending them the money to but its products, and, through its ownership of the media of mass communications, influences the thoughts, the feelings and the actions of virtually everybody.

– Aldous Huxley, Brave New World Revisited 1958


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

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