Nick Gillespie and Matt Welch on Cato's Podcast: "Rise of the Independents"

Click above to
listen to a rollicking hour-long conversation with Matt Welch, me,
and Trevor Burrus and Jason Kuznicki of
Cato’s website

Here’s the writeup:

Matt Welch and Nick Gillespie join Trevor Burrus and Jason
Kuznicki for a freewheeling discussion about the modern political
scene in America. Welch and Gillespie have noted an emerging group
of people who, having been accustomed to a panoply of choice in
every other aspect of their lives, are abandoning America’s
two-party system in droves.

Is this growing movement of independents a cause for optimism
among libertarians? Are we in for a better, more libertarian era
than ever before? Or should we be skeptical of this kind of
optimism, given the growth of the federal government in recent

Together Matt and Nick are the authors of the 2011
book, “The Declaration of Independents: How Libertarian
Politics can Fix What’s Wrong with America.”

Downloads and more

It’s a wide-ranging, fun, and often-intense conversation
covering everything from the rise of Rand Paul and other
libertarian-leaning Republicans, the failures of liberaltarianism,
and the annoying inability of the left to understand the first
thing about free-market economics. Take a listen!

from Hit & Run

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