Another Liberal Begs Ginsburg to Retire from SCOTUS

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the leader of the
Supreme Court’s liberal wing, turned 81 years old over the weekend.
How did her admirers on the American left celebrate the happy
occasion? Writing at the Los Angeles Times, Erwin
Chemerinsky, the dean of UC Irvine School of Law and an outspoken
progressive, told the elderly justice
to get lost

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg should retire from the Supreme Court
after the completion of the current term in June. She turned 81 on
Saturday and by all accounts she is healthy and physically and
mentally able to continue. But only by resigning this summer can
she ensure that a Democratic president will be able to choose a
successor who shares her views and values.

There’s plenty more in this vein, with Chemerinsky sketching out
a parade of horribles he fears will occur if Ginsburg waits too
long to step down. Nor is this the first time a prominent liberal
has told Ginsburg to take one for the team. Back in 2011, when
Ginsburg was just a sprightly 78, Harvard’s Randall Kennedy

her to retire just in case Barack Obama lost his bid for
reelection. “If Obama loses,” Kennedy wrote, Ginsburg will “have
contributed to a disaster” and “besmirched” her otherwise
“estimable” record.

Translation: Nice legacy you got there, Ginsburg. It would
be a shame if we had to tarnish it for you. Why don’t you just get
with the program?

from Hit & Run

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