St. Patrick’s Day Still Not Gay, Quake Hits Los Angles, US Navy Grabs Libyan Tanker: P.M. Links

  • NOT GAY!It’s St. Patrick’s Day! That means
    , and the continued controversial exclusion of gay
    groups in them. Meanwhile,
    in actual Ireland
    , same-sex couples have civil partnership
    recognition and 75 percent of the citizens support extending full
    marriage recognition to gays.
  • There was a 4.4-magnitude
    earthquake in Los Angeles
    , which wasn’t big enough to do much
    damage, but was big enough to make sure nobody in Southern
    California talked about anything else for the rest of the day. A
    larger earthquake hit
    , but did it trend on Twitter?
  • U.S. Navy SEALs
    boarded an oil tanker
    to prevent a Libyan militia group from
    selling the crude and returned the ship back to the country.
  • U.S. Army Gen. Jeffrey Sinclair has been
    cleared of sex assault charges
    , but pleaded guilty of several
    lesser offenses that revolve around an extramarital affair with a
    junior officer.
  • Former
    Louisiana Gov. Edwin Edwards
     (D), who served eight years
    in prison for racketeering, is running for Congress.
  • A third person injured in the crash of a car last week into a
    crowd at the South by Southwest festival in Austin, Texas,
    has died today
    . The driver faces capital murder charges for the
    other two deaths.

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