Oracle Misses Top & Bottom Line – But Who Knew It Early?

With ORCL no longer a bellwether – preferring Twitter or yesterday’s IPO as an indicator of the health of the world economy – we are sure investors will simply shrug at the tech firm’s top- and bottom-line miss (again):

  • *ORACLE 3Q ADJ. EPS 68C, EST. 70C
  • *ORACLE 3Q ADJ. REV. $9.32B, EST. $9.36B

But the big question is – who knew early!?



Oracle Corp on Tuesday said new software sales and Internet-based software subscriptions in its fiscal third quarter roes 4 percent from a year earlier.

The software maker had forecast that new software sales and subscriptions would be up between 2 percent and 12 percent in its third quarter, which ended in February. Investors scrutinize new software sales because they generate high-margin, long-term maintenance contracts and are an important indicator of future profit.


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

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